Rating:  Summary: Another "Best" Star Wars Movie Ever! Review: . Scoring:5 stars: Star Wars Fans - MUST SEE! 1 star: Non-Star Wars Fans - Don't Bother! 0 stars: Younger Children - Mom's be careful, too scary! 4 stars: Stuck-in-the-Middle Star Wars Viewers Summary: Simply, another great hit for star wars fans! Filled with great movie technologies, great action, good script-writing, good acting, very good directing, and all those symbolic and instructive details that requires you to watch the movie 20 times to catch the story's subtle underlying themes. Truly another Star Wars movie that changes Hollywood and its technology! Review: While darker than Episode I, it continues to fill in the questions that are left in our minds, including how someone with the promise to do so much good (Anakin Skywalker - Hayden Christensen) can become trapped by evil. (How many times do we fall prey to these same issues?) One aspect of Lucas' genius is that we have waited almost 25 years to learn many of the underlying story drivers from the first movie. Our curiosity drags us back searching for little details of the "force", Skywalker's beginning, Yoda, Jedi Knight' motives, Lucas's digital film making and THX are dramatic, eye catching, enthralling, and bring the movie to new levels of entertainment. (Where would Hollywood be today without George Lucas and his technology?) The script has been attacked by many critics, but is a sure winner with the fans! Story: Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader-to-be (Hayden Christiansen) is sent investigate attacks and protect Senator Padmé Amidala's (Natalie Portman) who struggles against the creation of an army by the Galactic Republic. The Anakin's relationship with Amidala blossoms while it sours with his domineering Master Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGreggor). Negatives: Ok, there are some dialogue weaknesses within Skywalker and Padmé Amidala's (Portman) love story. And, the movie is darker than some movie goers probably want. Scare Factor: Don't bring your younger children to this one: Episode I was made for younger children, this one is darker and therefore more fierce-some for the little ones.
Rating:  Summary: One Word Explains it all: WOW!!!!!!!! Review: This movie is great! I could have wept it was so good. The action is truly and literally - non-stop. Right from the beginning when something goes wrong to when you're brought towards the end where you are able to witness the Jedi at their best as well as animation technology (by the by - Yoda truly does kick some dark guy a$$). However the lightsaber duels weren't quite as fast and intricate as TPM; Anakin doesn't appear to have an extraordinary amount of skills and powers as he is thought to have (although he is a clever dude). While the romance is a little clichéd and Anakin sucks up to Padmé way too much, it is still quite captivating. They look cute together, but their personalities obviously collide - perhaps this is intentional? Padme's outfits were absolutely GORGEOUS! In my opinion, she doesn't wear each one enough for us to truly take in their beauty. So the romance bit is a little dissappointing, but the end TOTALLY makes up for it! The sound effects are also excellent! When the ships pass by the characters, you can feel the engines roaring, the lightsabers power, and the moment's intensity. In this movie we also get a good and close look into Coruscant, the Galactic Republic's Capital with its awesome cultures and mystery. A MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I admit that I was a little worried when entering into the theatre, but I was blown off of my feet! Thanks for taking the time to read this review. -Julia
Rating:  Summary: Silly Review: 'Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones' is a really silly movie. Since there is no interesting story, Lucas spends so much time on silly car chases and light saber battles. Its basically like watching a blank screen for two hours. The dialogue is laughablly bad, and I've seen better acting on soap operas. I'm not kiddding. The charactes may be the same from the originals, but they do not bring the passion or excitement they once did. Yoda is now just a computer-generated graphic. The mysteriousness of Darth Vader has now been destroyed too, thanks to bad acting by a child and a teenager. And thanks to some pitiful dialogue and clumsy storytelling. The "plot" is about assasinations attemps on Queen Amidila, who spends the entire movie looking pretty and saying cornball dialogue. After some political babble about the Republic, which really doesn't go anywhere, Obi-won-Konobi goes out on a hunt to find who is behind the scheme. He finds out it was Jango Fett, father of Boba Fett. Then he finds out a planet is making a army of clones. On the other side of the story, Annakin and Amidila are falling in love. Annakin then tries to find his mother. His mother is killed and he then kills an entire village of people. He is slowly going into the "dark" side. I would have cared if the acting wasn't so bad and the screenplay wasn't so wooden. There is no heart in the story. It looked like it was put together without any effort or passion. It is slightly better than 'Episode I', but nowhere near as good as the originals. I fear these three movie will destroy the legend of one of the most famous villians in screen history...If it hasn't done that already.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Review: I saw this movie on Thursday, and I had mixed feelings about it. First I will give you the bad. The acting was horrible. I do not know what it is with being Anakin Skywalker (kid from Episode one was even worse), but Hayden Christenson was awful. He had his moments, but they did not come very often. Natalie Portman was also pretty bad, but she looked hot. So, for me, that made up for it. Even Samuel Jackson, when not fighting, wasn't very good. The horrible acting probably has to do with the horrible dialogue. The love scenes were like watching a Michael Bay directed movie(Pearl Harbor's and Armageddon's love scenes were cheesy) George Lucas should probably just write an outline for the moive and have someone else write the script. But I do not remember the other movies in the series being known for having stellar acting (aside from the original obi won kenobi) or great writing. So I do not know if the real stars wars fans care. The good. The special effects were amazing. Ewan McGregor was good. The thing that really made the movie, and the reason I gave the movie an extra star was Yoda. The last minutes with Yoda were amazing. If you haven't seen Spider-Man yet, see it. Then see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: An uneven film with few highs, many lows Review: While most seem to feel that this was an improvement over The Phantom Menace, I found AOTC to be much more flawed overall. Granted, there were some real highs, what I call "fanboy moments" such as the visuals, the battles, Yoda, the Fetts, and Ewan's much-improved performance as Obi-Wan. Unfortunately, the movie is filled with terrible dialogue, uneven pacing, unforgiveably bad edits, and a horribly hacked edit of a wonderful music score (make that two, since they re-used so much music from TPM). The romance element is unconvincing, almost creepy, due to inept performances by Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen. I can only assume that the director himself is to blame, considering that both performers have done so much better in other films, and Christensen as Anakin does have one brief shining moment late in the film. Of course, one doesn't come to Star Wars looking for fine art. But even as a "summer blockbuster" and "come to be entertained" kind of film, sitting through the bad bits makes it hard to enjoy the great bits when they come. Nothing in the original trilogy was this bad, and even the vilified "Phantom Menace" had a fraction of the clunkers to be found in "Clones". Although there are classic moments that rank amongst the highest in the Star Wars series in AOTC, the uneven elements ultimately make it the most disappointing entry in the series.
Rating:  Summary: A thrilling, if overly special-effected movie Review: From the beginning in Episode One, I thought that there were no outstanding, extraordinary actors in it. All of them did decently, but the outstanding part came in Episode Two in the form of Hayden Christensen. The entire plot revolves around him; his character is the perfect blend of talent and immaturity. He is frank and very teenagery, but I will admit that a boy wouldn't be quite as swept away with his overly romantic language. His transition to evil made me want to be evil, and Hayden Christensen is one of the most amazing actors I've ever seen. (Background: and I'm not a girl who calls Ben Affleck or Josh Hartnett amazing because they look good) The best scenes, in my opinion, are on Tatooine, where his pain is almost tangible from his eyebrows to his actions. One of the best parts of this movie besides the outstanding actor was the way he and Padmè Amidala both had teenager flaws or characteristics. Last movie, Anakin was a cutesy little kid who was forced to give some dialogue insinuating an attraction to Padmè for purposes of later movies. Padmè was a political leader forced to drop her character to baby a little boy. This movie, each projects a hard, adult front but are still possessed by some teenage tendencies that make the characters more than one-diminsional. C-3PO is very punny (oh haha) and R2-D2 seems to want his own action movie (Superdroid? Batrobot?) with his lift-off rockets. Obi-Wan's character is slightly annoying but at least he doesn't seem to be reading off a script in a school play anymore. I loved Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge, but he and Obi-Wan have some issues. He claims the worst line in this movie because of which I (blushes) burst out in laughter: "Good call, my young Padowan!" Then there are the lines that would-be ironic but are really just planned: Obi Wan--"You'll be the death of me, Anakin." Call me crazy, I can't wait for Anakin to be bad. One of the most powerful scenes was the scene in which he's mourning his mother and talking about power. The dictatorship scene and that scene both are incredibly acted and amazing. He will be a wonderful villain and I loved each and every dark scene, including the Anakin/Palpatine scenes, better than any others. The death star is also introduced in this movie, but it seems forced in rather than naturally flowing with it. I saw this movie two times in a row and I'm glad I did. I will see it again. It is mainly for those with passion and feeling; if you are overly responsible or organized, this movie won't do anything for you. It is romantic, dark, funny at times, and thrilling. It is Star Wars.
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Clones - the Best Yet Review: Spectacular is a word that comes to mind after seeing Attack of the Clones. Superb, brillant and best yet are others. George Lucas takes the audience on a maginificent ride through Jedi Councils, the Senate, across the Galaxy, a beautiful romance and the building of a clone army. We begin to see that Annakin, although a talented and powerful young Jedi, has some traits that will one day turn him to the dark side of the Force. However for now Annakin and the stunning Amildada are destined for each other. Their relationship is complicated by Annakin being a Jedi and Amildada a Senator but love does conquer all. The scenery, costumes and characters are in my opinion, the best yet out of all the Star Wars series, actually I would say this is one of the best films I have ever seen. Yoda is an all time personal favourite of mine and I was delighted to see his presence throughout the film. He truly is, and always will be, the grand Master of all Jedis...
Rating:  Summary: One of the best star Wars films yet. Review: Episode 1 [wasn't bad]. Jar Jar Binks [was really bad]. The kid who played anakin [was really bad]. But the rest of the movie was still pretty enjoyable. It wasn't the best in the series, but it had to set up five movies, so it's difficult to do that and make it good. Attack of the Clones, the next chapter in the Star Wars saga, tells the tale of Anakin as he's older, now learning to be a jedi. He falls in love with Padme Amidala, now a senator for the plante Naboo. Now, the love story isn't great, but it's not terrible. The romance between Leia and Han was much more interesting in Empire Strikes Back, which is the best of the series. Still, Hayden Christenson, who portrays Anakin in this film, really pulls it off. He's fantastic. There is a scene where you can look into his eyes, see all the hatred, and you know this man will become Darth Vader. That scene gave me chills. This film also has Jedi's coming out the wazzoo. We get to see them in full swing, using force powers and swinging those lightsabers around. The best scene in the whole movie, as you've probably heard, is when yoda gets his game face on. Him and Count Dooku go at it with the force and later with lightsabers. Thsi scene made the entire audience erupt with cheers. that's all I'm gonna say aobut the story, but I can guarantee if you disliked Episode 1, you will love this one alot. It feels alot more like the other films in the series, with better writing and better action scenes, this movie just all out kicks... Go see it now.
Rating:  Summary: All I can say is WOW! Review: I'm sure everyone has heard how critics hated this movie. I'm sure you've all heard how weak the acting is, how under developed the romance is, and how lame the story is. This couldn't be further from the truth. The acting is solid. Contrary to critcs, I feel that Hayden Christianson performs very admirably as Anakin Skywalker, a well-meaning but obsessive Jedi who has trouble controlling his impulses. The rest of the cast also very good. The romance is much more believable than Han and Leia's romance of the original trilogy. While some of the dialogue during these scenes is admittedly cheesy, it is no worse lines from other films like "You complete me" (Jerry Mcquire)or "I'll never let go" (Titanic). And those films won best picture! The storyline is very entertaining and intriguing. While Anakin and Padme are discovering their feelings, Obi-Wan Kenobi is tracking down a bounty hunter. These coexisting storylines allow director George Lucas to do a much better job of pacing the film than he did in the previous installment (The Phantom Menace). He also does a masterful job of bringing the story together at the end (very similar in style to the end of Empire). Attack of the Clones may not be better than the original Star Wars or its sequel The Empire Strikes Back, but it is definitely their equal. So sit back, relax, and enjoy Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Great fun for the whole family!
Rating:  Summary: Good Action, Intriguing Story, I wish someone could act Review: The movie is a step-up from the Phantom Menace. The action is excellent, the special effects sweet and the full story begins to come together. But could someone please help Mr. Lucas when directing actors. Annakin is stiff and distant. The dialogue is weak and almost forced at times in the movie. The CGI characters in the movie actualy had better lines and warmth than the humans. Halfway through the movie I found myself rolling my eyes every time they cut to the "love story". But thank goodness I don't go to a Star Wars film for that.