Rating:  Summary: Equilibrium is off-balance Review: You've got to give this movie credit-- it does the best it can with a low budget. The special effects run hot and cold (the cityscape is amazing, but the darkly-lit interiors practically scream "No Budget"); the performances are fine; and the direction more than competent. Unfortunately, the screenplay needed work-- a lot of work. What can you say about a movie where violence has supposedly been eliminated, but everyone is packin', and there's a gun battle about every fifteen minutes? And why eliminate *all* art? I can understand destroying rap CDs or slasher movies, but the Mona Lisa??? Seems kind of counter-productive to me. The gun battles were the most interesting part of this too-bleak movie, but even that reached the height of silliness when Bale-- with his two pistols-- wipes out some fifty gunmen with automatic weapons (who, incidentally, are all lined up like ducks in a row).The director's commentary is interesting mainly in recounting the numerous problems he had in filming this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic sci-fi/action film! Highly recommended. Review: I went into this not expecting much from the movie. I was drawn to it because I like Christian Bale and Sean Bean and I do enjoy films like "The Matrix." This film is actually surprisingly fun! If you are a fan of "The Matrix" movies then you will definitely enjoy the cool effects and action sequences. Having read George Orwell's "1984" in college, it is easy to recognize the dominant theme of this idealized society based on the 'big brother is watching you' theory. But all this aside, i enjoyed it because of the fantastic cast, impressive action sequences and involving plot. Christian Bale shines as the main hero, John Preston, and Taye Diggs as his ambitious partner. Sadly, Sean Bean has a minor albeit vital role as Preston's former partner, Partridge. John Preston in this film is like Neo Anderson is to "The Matrix." Both characters have impressive physical prowess and convictions but they must go through a journey of self-discovery along the way. As such, the final 'showdown' in Equilibrium is an exciting and thrilling ride. All that aside, I highly recommend this film to sci-fi fans everywhere. It didn't smash any records in the box office but it finally is getting the attention it deserves on DVD. People are discovering this addicting and enjoyable film and I'm glad to have discovered it myself. In fact, after renting this film at my local video store, I turned around and bought a copy for myself!
Rating:  Summary: the fight scenes are SO RIDICULOUS LOL Review: hello there! the story of this movie is great! ppl with no emotions! a perfect world! I remembered demolition man when I noticed the concept of the movie! the actors are not bad at all and the movie is good! not a problem with that.. but the FIGHT SCENES ARE SIMPLY RIDICULOUS! lolol what a matrix rip off!! swords and bullets everywhere lol simple stupidity! I guess 12 year olds will love it! lol when are they gonna make some movie that's 1% good as pulp fiction, 8 mm or shawshank redemption.....
Rating:  Summary: Awsome movie Review: i first heard bout this movie when i was watching tv i saw a comerical for it once i tried to go see it in the theaters but by the tim i was able to go when i got the free time it was gone but i bought this on dvd and its simply amazing and it shows that u can make a amazing scifi movie without with out they heavy budget all the actors did a fantastic job i liked christan bale alot i heard he got the go ahead to be the next batman wich i think will be great anway buy this movie ull be hooked
Rating:  Summary: The Accidental Fan Review: My nephew brought the DVD to my house one day. It was recommended to him on the grounds of "People who liked That, also liked This." As he described it I was reminded of a book I had read years ago, "This Perfect Day", by Ira Levin, the author of Rosemary's Baby, the premise being a world that controls its human emotions is a world of peace. So we gave it a shot and I am not kidding, it is my new favorite movie. We watched it again so we could "look at it" on the second go-around. If you appreciate camera work, editing, lighting, set design, costuming, and all that cinema stuff, you know what I mean by "look at" vs "watch." Other reviewers have made comparisons to The Matrix and rightly so, but Equilibrium is in its own way better because of its use of classical cinemagraphic techniques, not to mention the superb acting. The special effects never got too bossy. The action scenes are as original as I have seen, with a minimum of "Yeah-right, I'm just sure, (yawn)." and a maximum of "How cool was that!" I'm nearly fifty years old and I have seen plenty of guys running with two machine guns, doing horizonal leaps into doors and through windows, and I've seen hours of swordplay...but until Equilibrium I had never seen swordplay with handguns. The last time I saw moves so original was "The Long Kiss Goodnight" with Geena Davis. Equilibrium's Grammaton Cleric reloads his weapons with even more panache than Lara Croft. And speaking of Christian Bale, he creeped me out in American Psycho, but has redeemed himself with Equilibrium. Henceforth, I'll watch anything he is in...no questions asked. I have one word of advice for the producers of this film...sequel. Gotta run, gonna go buy it now.
Rating:  Summary: Forget the first "Matrix" film, "Equilibrium" is way better! Review: When "Equilibrium" came to theaters on a limited release status on December of last year, I knew that I had to see it, but I never had the time, and it was gone before I even had a chance to see it. Now, fast forward to May 13, 2003. "Equilibrium" was released on DVD that day. I went out and bought it and when I got back home, I put the movie in my DVD player, and I sat back and watched what was to be expected in this film, and man, I was not disappointed at all! "Equilibrium" is, hands down, the best sci-fi action thriller ever made (even if it was on a limited budget) since "The Matrix" back in 1999! The direction by Kurt Wimmer (writer for "The Recruit") was top-notch and unforgettable! The performances by Christian Bale ("Reign of Fire"), Taye Diggs ("Basic"), Emily Watson ("Red Dragon"), Angus MacFadyen ("Warriors of Virtue"), Sean Pertwee ("Soldier"), William Fichtner ("Black Hawk Down"), and Sean Bean ("The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring") were outstanding and flawless! "Equilibrium" takes place in a future which has gone through a third World War. When the war happened, people from all around the world joined together to create Libria, a society that outlawed emotions, simply because emotions are what caused the war in the first place, and that they have let emotion and feeling control them for way too long. In order for people to not experience any emotions whatsoever, they take a day-in, day-out daily dose of an emotion-altering drug called Prozium. Anyone who triggers an emotion within themselves (they are called "sense offenders"), had to be confronted with extreme prejudice. In order to keep the peace in Libria, these sense offenders are monitored and eradicated by a special breed of law enforcement called the Tetragrammaton Clerics. The main character of the film is John Preston (Bale), the nation's highest-ranking Cleric whose sole purpose is to seek out and destroy all those who refuse to submit to the will of Libria. Preston is the prodigal child of Libria's system of unfeeling. Since childhood, he has been trained in the ways of the gun-martial arts that has made him a tool of destruction. Where he goes, death is never far behind. During the film, Preston finds out that his own partner, Partridge (Bean), has been secretly reading books which, on the other hand, triggered an emotion inside of him. So, Preston dealt with Partridge with the only way of justice for Libria...death. After Partridge's death, Preston is assigned a new partner named Brandt (Diggs), a fellow Cleric who is looking to make a career for himself with Preston, etc. During the film, Preston becomes intrigued of both his way of life and of his victims (not to mention that his own wife was a sense offender). So, one day, Preston decides to skip one of his daily Prozium doses and he begins to see clearly that all is not right with the world as it is, especially when he falls for a fellow sense offender named Mary O'Brien (Watson). Before anyone realized that Preston was "off the interval" (stopped taking his drugs and could feel again), he was chosen for a mission of total importance, to seek out and destroy a movement called the Underground, led by its leader, Jurgen (Fichtner), which is the only organized opposition to the State rule. When they are destroyed, Libria will finally be victorious. But what happens next is a personal struggle that will make us all think a little on what makes us human. As the story goes, the audience is witness to a spectacular form of martial arts called "Gun-Kata" that is as entertaining as it is violent, and you'll see what I mean when you watch this movie! The DVD of "Equilibrium" features two commentaries, one by director Kurt Wimmer and the other by Wimmer and producer Lucas Foster, as well as "Finding Equilibrium", a behind-the-scenes documentary, and some sneak peek trailers. In conclusion, "Equilibrium" is a DVD must-have for your action collection. If you did not have a chance to see "Equilibrium" in theaters, then you must pick up this killer DVD, it will blow you away! I haven't liked an action film this much since "The Matrix", and with "Equilibrium"'s powerful storyline and high-energy action, it will keep you entertained from start to finish! If you love action, suspense, Matrix-like special effects, or just an all-out, rockin' good time, then look no further than "Equilibrium"!!
Rating:  Summary: yo!, this was 'aight Review: this was a cool action flick. I wouldnt of watched it if Christian Bale wasnt in it. I watched him in this and it looked like he was gonna blow up with all that Matrix like fighting. Taye Diggs is "aight also. I recomend this if you are atrue action fan and if you want to see MAtrixripoffmoves, which are 'aight also. a cool groove of a movie
Rating:  Summary: WOW!!! Review: If for no other reason, get this movie for the fight scenes and gun battles. Simply amazing.
Rating:  Summary: OMG WORDS CAN'T EXPLAIN IT! Review: This movie is my favorite movie of all time. Now you are probably wondering that I am crazy but I am not. This movie is a must see movie. When the matrix came out I was soo syked about seeing it but after I seen this movie I dont want to go see the 3rd matrix. This movie is crazy with the fighting scenes and the story plot are a deadly combination. Though at a point the story gets slow, but it actually helps because it makes you understand whats all that is going on. The fighting scenes are new and different but to be honest when people think its a matrix copy I get offended because its not! its one of those high-low budget films that never came out in theaters but its one of the best movies. And if you think you wont watch it because its on the high-low budget film dont let that fool you I highly recommend this movie to own and to view! Plus Christian Bale is one of the sweetest actors. Basically overall say bye bye to Keanu Reeves say hello to Christian Bale u Rock!
Rating:  Summary: I didn't really "feel" either way about this movie. Review: I have to say I was a little pretentious going into this to say the least out of my love for the book 1984, and the fact that this movie is pretty much that with an added dash of the Matrix. The basic premise is that in a society of tomorrow, where all forms of emotion are illegal, the highest ranking officer of the top line in "emotion enforcement" starts to "feel" I guess you could say, and joins with the resistance force to try and bring down this totalitarian nightmare of a society. Now in actuality, this society is less Orwellian and more the perfunctory concoction of an obsessive NIN fan with a bad heroin withdrawal *no offense to NIN fans, I bear you no ill will as I'm one myself* Now I'm not going to get into the specifics of just how much of a monumental failure the way the movie makers set up the society's cog-work from both an anthropological and sociological point of view. But with a concept as all-encompassing as this one, they sure do an awfully poor job of conveying any sort of believability in the script, the acting and the overall work itself. But when I start nit-picking a movie's logical meanderings, then it's usually not a good sign of my opinion of the work in it's entirety. Then there's gun-kata, the movie's own special martial arts discipline with guns as the weapon. Now I'd like to take this own section to express that I was actually offended by the use of martial arts and gunplay together. These two things do not work when combined and is absurd to say the least, or is that just me? Needless to say, and completely off topic, I think that conflict is what compels me to see The Last Samurai. But all my pessimism aside, the movie is not without redeeming qualities. The visuals and cinematography is very effective in conveying the setting, but I think they could benefit from a longer run in the conceptual art department, and under the direction of somebody who knows a little about anthropology. My final word on this is, flawed but at least worth watching for genre fans, it's no 1984, but I think it's the closest thing this generation's seen. Props to the makers for including scenes inspired directly from 1984. I'd definitely advise renting it first, well that and reading 1984.