Rating:  Summary: IN DEFENSE OF GEORGE LUCAS AND THE SP EDITION Review: We are fortunate to be offered this brilliant set at all. I would like a copy of the original versions as a historical piece, but all things taken into account I feel that The Special Editions are superior visually. For instance the matte lines from the analogue age are gone. You must admit that the additions of the sunset view windows on Cloud city are stunning. These are Georges' movies and any improvements he wants to make are welcome. He is the creator and he wants to use better technology to upgrade his visuals to keep them from looking dated, and to make it closer to the vision he had for it in the first place. He does not wish to have the older versions shown to a new generation of people that would need to be told that the effects were good for their time. Accept it for what it is: A masterpiece. If we want creative control then we must first create something of our own.
Rating:  Summary: attention fanboys Review: to all the fanboys out there that dont like the special edition: stop complaining and move on.i like the special edition.why on earth do you wanna see the original movie with all the super bad effects??ok jabba looks fake,but thats about it.i dont care if greedo shoots first.if you dont like it,fine.move on and stop watching star wars.for us real fans we can still enjoy the coolest movies of all time
Rating:  Summary: The Force is with Star Wars.. Review: Finally the classic Star Wars is coming out on DVD in superior sound and picture quality. It will be the bomb. I know that this is not the Original versions from 77' but I don't care. The changes are not that bad to the Special Editions and are petty to complain about. These are still the same movies. The only change I didn't like was the famous Greedo shooting first scene, which is being rumored to be changed back anyway. These may not be nesisarily the Special Edition from 97' but "how George envisions them today" Any changes if at all will be minor and only enhance the experience. I highly reccomend you buy this set. Everyone else I know will.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS TRILOGY (WIDE SCREEN EDITION )DVD Review: Like every fan of Star Wars, I was excited to see that the original trilogy was finally coming out on DVD. At last I thought we would be able to see a box set that would have met the expectations that the orginial trilogy deserved. My God! just alone,episode IV, A New Hope, deserves better. This is the episode that made Lucas his money and fame. The features that I would have put into this set would have been the original and special edition versions, (so the fans could make their choice of what they wanted to watch), the makings of all three of the trilogies, the deleted scenes from the cutting room floor and given you the option to intergrate them back into the movie so you could see how they would have added to or detracted from the movie, screen test that you have to hunt for on the internet, all the original theatrical and special edition trailers, the original story boards artwork, etc., interviews from then and now of the cast and crew (this does not mean Lucas sitting in front of a camera for 30 minutes boasting about himself). Yes he did do a great job, but could not have done any of it without the talent and support of people you rarely ever see. I know why Lucas did not put the original version on this set. It is a marketing ploy so he can re-release the original version of the trilogy for the 30th anniversary. He is only listening to the voices in his head, instead of the creative driving forces that made it great prior to the prequels. To him it's not "may the force be with you" but "may the MONEY be with him"!!! To all the true fans such as myself, I wish he had done better for us.
Rating:  Summary: Lucas strikes (out) again! Review: What a disappointment! The original Star Wars (Episode IV) will only be released in the "special edition" version. Sheesh! Like George Lucas really improved the movies by supposedly enhancing them. As with many men who accomplish great things and make huge sums of money, it has all gone to his head.With any luck, there will be a time in the not too distant future, when the original versions of these films are released on DVD. In the meantime, I cherish my Laserdiscs.
Rating:  Summary: A REAL review of a REAL masterpiece Review: Ok, let's start with the obvious: THE CLASSIC TRILOGY ON DVD!!!! Let's not get all huffy about the fact that it is the "Special Editions" and not the "original" editions. The incredible pettiness over this issue is a true testament to the incredible works of art the Star Wars films are. Especially the pettiness over the "New Trilogy". You will see reviews that scream "WHY DOESN'T GEORGE LUCAS LISTEN TO THE FANS?!?!?!?!". The answer is quite simple; the fans are not the artist, Gerorge Lucas IS. He makes these films with the hope that we enjoy the quality and scope of his amazing space fantasy. I believe you will enjoy the quality and scope of the epic tale of Star Wars: Episodes IV-VI. This is a story that has been told and re-told for over 25 years now. Only a REAL MASTERPIECE could endure for so long. Many critics cite these movies as breakthroughs in technological advancement in film. This is true, but it often overshadows the incredible story of a farmboy turned hero. It is a story that paralells many stories throughout time. A farmboy hero (Luke Skywalker), his trusty and loyal side-kicks (R2-D2 and C3PO), and old and wise wizard (Obi-wan Kenobi), a pirate (Han Solo) and his first mate (Chewbacca), a princess (Leia Organa), an evil henchman (Darth Vader), and of course the evil castle (The Death Star). It is a common formula for a storyteller's masterpiece, yet it holds a certain uniqueness because of the backdrop of a galaxy far, far away that it is painted on.
Rating:  Summary: It's Only a Movie. A Great Movie. Review: I was 13 years old when Star Wars IV was released. It blew me away. This was the first movie I saw more than once at the movies, 10 times to be exact. I couldn't get enough of it, but the more I saw it, the more flaws I noticed with the special effects. But that didn't bother me because the movie itself had a sound structure where the effects flaws could be over looked. Then it was on Cable TV, then the flaws were more prominent and annoying more than anything but still, the structure was as sound as solid as a rock. When I heard Lucas was going to digitally tweak the film I was a bit perturbed. Why would you fool with a perfect film? But it's only a movie I thought. The buzz around this new version was high and my curiosity was aroused where I had to see what he had done. Again, I was blown away. I felt that the "special edition" of Star Wars IV had somehow become more perfect. I felt like the 13 year old kid again seeing this masterpiece for the first time. The new effects didn't take anything away from the "original version" in fact it added much more. Believe it or not I wasn't much of a fan of The Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi because they didn't capture the originality of the first one. I think it's because Lucas didn't direct them, I'm still not sure why.
Rating:  Summary: where am i? Review: first off, i never even really liked the star wars trilogy (4-6). sure i enjoy them now, but that's b/c i like the newer ones (yeah yeah... i know you all think they stink)... but after reading some of your posts, i just couldn't help myself... i mean, what world are you people living in to think that these movies are YOURS? honestly? sure lucas can do whatever he wants to do with them because they are HIS movies. man, i'm sorry your lives are so empty and that the only substance you seem to have is due to these movies. did they really change your lives? people!? folks!?... calm down! there's more to this world than lucas bashing websites and star wars conventions (which is pretty hypocritical if you think about it... you guys hate lucas for what he's done yet you still support him. i don't get it. probably never will... i'm not into RPG games or magic cards... and i have a girlfriend). look... just try to enjoy them as movies; that's all they are. if you guys want to whine about something, at least make sure it's about something of substance... otherwise just stop... put down the ho-ho's, the light saber toys and for god's sake, take off that darth vader helmet! you look silly! everything will be ok, kidos. we'll work through this.... (...)
Rating:  Summary: It's about time! Review: I've been waiting so freakin' long for the Star Wars Trilogy to be released on DVD! The added scenes in the special edition don't bother me as much as they do other fans, but that's probably because the special edition was the first version I saw. I agree that both George Lucas and Speilberg have made dumb decisions about going back and changing their movies. Still, at least when Speilberg had all of those really lame and unneccessary changes made to E.T., the special edition DVD came with the new version AND the original one. To me, the problem with George Lucas is that he's so in love with the wonderful CGI shots that are in movies that he almost completely relies on them. CGI's can make movies better, but they don't make movies. All that being said, I'm glad that these movies are finally going to be released on DVD. I came onto amazon.com to search for movies that weren't out on DVD and contribute my vote to have it released. The star wars trilogy is the first thing I searched for, and I was shocked to see that it is finally being released on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Total Revamp Gets my vote Review: Hot news. George just phoned me to wish me a happy Monday, and gave me some hitherto unknown info on the new trilogy. George says he's sick of these people who have rejected all that their country once held dear in order to fixate on what was originally a children's film. He says he is going to destroy the monster he created once and for all. "It's my Frankenstein", he told me "and I'm gonna' have to be the one to bring it down". How do you intend to do that, I said. Ok, wait for it: 1. Tarzan, yes, a CGI Johnny Weismuller, will appear with the Ewoks. 2. The Daleks will actually destroy the death star out of jealousy, because they couldn't invent anything that good. 3. Han-solo will be sexually abused by the Huts. 4. A CGI of president Bush will lead the defence of the ice planet. They will capture some of the storm troopers and sexually abuse them too. Meanwhile a CGI of Tony Blair will lead the attack on the ice station reactors. Oh, and the Armoured Walkers will hop, like frogs. 5. Did I mention that Leah got sexually abused in the first film? George said it will be tastefully done, though. 6. Oh, and the sound track, that is really radical. The dance of the sugar plumb fairy, while the x-wings go into battle (only to find that the daleks have got there first) 7. When Luke takes Darth's helmet off at the end, it is a CGI of Groucho Marx, with the immortal (new) lines "Hey, YOU think this is strange: they told me I was going to play Shoeless Joe Jackson. Ovey, directors!" Hey, there's more but I don't want to upset the purists. Anyway, I says to George, I says, "Look George, you are tampering with American history here. You are destroying the fabric of a universe that people believe in. How can you do that, man?" "You think that's bad, Chris", says George, "wait till they see who's playing Obi-Wan!" I asked him to ellaborate but he simply chuckled and said, "I'd always wanted to star in a film". I'm not sure if that was a clue, but he did admit that the new Obi-wan would be more sedate. I'm looking forward to the new edition trilogy. Especially the Daleks.