Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the originals Review: I don't mind the Special Editions, but I'd prefer the originals. The only thing the REALLY bothers me is that Greedo now shoots first. That not only changes the scene (not too mention how poorly edited it was), but also dimishes Han's character as well.
Rating:  Summary: A simple solutioin Review: I give this DVD five stars on the merit of the movies alone, they are classics, but unfortunetely George Lucas isn't making the classics availiable on DVD, this desicion is welcomed by some, loathed by others, and I'm afraid I agree with those angered by it, Lucas isn't giving us the actual movies, if he likes the revamped one's better than that's good for him, but couldn't he have done what Steven Speilberg did with E.T. and release the Classic Movie and the "Special Edition" on the same disc so that we may have the option of chosing wich one we want to see? Seems to me he's just being stubborn by forcing these modernized versions down our throats.
Rating:  Summary: Boycott Lucas Review: I doubt anyone will listen, but here goes. I grew up on Star Wars. To me, this is sacred ground we're walking on here and Lucas is destroying it. I don't want to see Han shoot first, I don't want Jabba in the first movie, and I don't want CGI in the "classic" trilogy. You can't go back and repaint the mona lisa to make it better, why would you do this to such a classic piece of modern mythology. The worst part is this dvd doesn't even say SPECIAL EDITION on it. He's trying to erase all mention that an original even existed. Until Lucas wises up and releases the real version. I won't buy a single product from lucasfilm, which includes a ticket to the crapfest that Ep III is sure to be. I urge anyone who cares about classic star wars to do the same. Vote with your wallets and Lucas will have to listen.
Rating:  Summary: Tarnished Brilliance Review: To anyone who "likes" these movies, these reviews will probably not sway their decision to pick them up when their long over due release on DVD finally happens. However, for those who use the word "love" in describing their affinity with these films, that day of shopping on Amazon will be bitter sweet. The sad truth is the trilogy that is being released here in not the modern classic, not the cultural phenominon, not the childhood memory of millions of people who love them. They are doctored, unauthentic, added-to and altered, shells of the great films that these "Special Editions" owe their success to. It is a shameful reality that the original films are not being released along side these not-so-special editions. George Lucas considers these editions the "finished" movies and does not intend to release the originals any more than he would consider releasing a "rough cut" of any other film. He considers the original classics his works in progress, entirely overlooking their importance to people on a personal level, or the trilogy's contributions to film history as significant pieces of work from their original time period. If Vincent Van Gogh were to rise from the grave and decide to paint a few more Iris's into his classic painting, would the world not miss the original? It would make about as much sense as this impostor of a trilogy. Will those who love these films buy the "special editions" anyway? Yes. Would they have rather had the originals? Probably. Is a crying shame that George Lucas ignores the movie lovers to whom he owes his success? Absolutely.
Rating:  Summary: It will be both in wide screen and full screen. Review: The Star Wars Trilogy will be offered in both wide screen and full screen. If you look on many entertainemnt based web sites they have box art of both the wide screen (seen in silver) and the full screen versions (in bronze or goldish).
Rating:  Summary: SPANISH SUBTITLES !!!!!!!!!!! Review: What the hell hapen with this guys ... I mean they put spanish audio track in the trilogy but they doesn't put spanish subtitles !!! and they put english subtitles !!! what for ???what about ALL PEOPLE that want to hear the audio in english but see the subtitles in spanish ??? they simply don't care about us ??? what do they think? that the ones that are really fans of this movies still have 8 years old !!!!!! and need to hear the movie in spanish !!!!
Rating:  Summary: Who can resist? Honestly! Review: Special Editions or not, these films are the pinnacle of most people's cinema experience. Seriously, does a few minutes/seconds of changes/tweaks ruin something this special?! These movies are what DVD was made for and I for one can't wait! 'Empire' alone is worth three times the price of this timeless set! So-called 'purists' resisting this out of pride or whatever, do yourself a favor and drop your pride and your wallet in September. Your DVD player will thank you.
Rating:  Summary: A brave new world Review: I must say it is nice to see the original trilogy on DVD. I had got the set on VHS sometime back, which looks good, but is already starting to show wear and tear. The first film remains the standout picture in this series. Loosely based on Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress, it incorporates a wide variety of science fiction themes into an action-packed adventure. Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi lack the initial punch, but taken as a whole it is an immensely rewarding set. The prequels are more spectacular in terms of scope but nothing compares to the impact these movies had on the general public when they came out in the late 70's and early 80's. 2001: A Space Odyssey lavishly portrayed space but took a decidely existential approach to the subject, whereas Star Wars treated space as a wild frontier. It has spawned a slew of imitators but few have matched the vigor of this great series.
Rating:  Summary: Whats up with all this widescreen Review: I mean it dosen't make sense at all for us lovers of full screen..First of all Attack of the clones came out with both options either wide screen or full screen which is how it should now be adopted.Most movies now have the full screen version on one side and the wide screen version on the other, perfect,This accomodates everyone.What totaly perplexes me is George lucas (The True King of the film indutry) released the Attack of the Clones along with all of the Indiana Jone's trilogy as optional wide screen format/or full screen.But now I here the original Star Wars trilogy is offered only in wide screen.Whats up with this. Is this a technical thing.If someone from either Amazon/Fox or lucas film could exsplain to me why we are not offered the specific version we want (full/wide)It would be gratfully appreciated and end alot of debate I have had with others. Thanks p.s please excuse me if the original trilogy is optional re:full/wide formats John M, (...)
Rating:  Summary: Try to understand the meaning of 'classic' cinema Review: (...) Yes, the effects are crappy in places. Yes the matte lines are visible. Yes the miniatures move jerkily because they were hand-animated, and yes, the originals look more like old 70s era Sci Fi than the 'Special Editions'. But that's the point - these movies ARE 70's era SciFi. I'll go one further - if Lucas ever manages to get his head out of a very dark place & announce a release of the originals, I'll bet a sizeable number of people wouldn't even want much 'restoration' work done. We want to see it as it WAS not as it 'IS' (to paraphrase G.Lucas). Matte lines, jerky animation, the lot. Ray Harryhausen was the King of monster movies; his animation & creatures graced numerous popular genre movies like 'Clash of the Titans'. If the studios decided to replace his animation with superior CGI in all existing prints would the end product be 'better'? YES! But that, once again, is NOT THE POINT. Ringo Starr wasn't the worlds best drummer, by a wide margin. Suppose we go back and replace his part with a better drummer. Would it still be the Beatles? The authentic Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi are the originals, simply because they came first. They have a place in Cinema history. If you claim that the Special Editions are 'better' and to hell with the rest of us, you can't possibly love either Cinema or Star Wars itself, since these three movies in their original form are the purest distillation of the 'Star Wars' magic as no amount of CGI can replace. As Southpark recently pointed out (great episode!) (...)