Rating:  Summary: Greatest Trilogy Of All Time Review: Like other people I want to see the original trilogy on DVD as well, but I gladly welcome the re-release of the trilogy. Star Wars fans need to add this to their collection. From the death star destruction to the celebration on Endor, it was like I was a little kid all over again. I already have mine reserved and I will also be the first in line when it comes out on DVD. Thank you Lucas!
Rating:  Summary: DVD ? Review: 3 days before x-mas someone broke into my house and among the things were stolen was my favorite film "Star Wars Special Edition Widescreen Episode IV". I ended with the other 2 episodes and no luck finding the widescreen version anywhere, not even for auction! But my thirst will be taken care soon. The thing I don't get is why not DVD? I mean come on ! Is it that George Lucas don't have any more room in his vault for more millions worth of dvd sales ? You're gonna need a bigger boat / vault! Get it? I saw that AMAZON.COM has already listed for "wanna have dvd's" the trilogy but no street date yet. Common don't tease us like that ; this isn't A NEW HOPE for dvd owners. I just can't understand why some people and companies refuses to get millions now instead of some day... just like what happened with Quantum Leap. The Lee Harvey Oswald episode is not out yet? Why? Anyway double thumbs up for the Star Wars Saga but until we brake the barrier of your VCR chewing your favorite film and not been able to get another one the dvd is like the matrix....... some people get hook and are not ready to be unplugged. The VHS release is welcome and I'll buy it but what we all really want is the DVD episodes IV, V, VI.
Rating:  Summary: Good News Review: Even though they released the Special Edition on VHS in August of 1997, it was only available for 90 days or something close to that. With the release of Episode I last year there were probably tons of people who rushed to the video store to buy a copy of the original trilogy only to find that it was out of print. Therefore, I'm sure there are people out there who are happy to see this set being made available in November. Also the added bonus of Episode II footage is sure to please anyone who purchases this set. And for everyone who is screaming for a DVD set of these fine films, don't worry, Lucasfilm has stated that it's on the way. Better later than never.
Rating:  Summary: The More Than Special Edition Review: In this version, we get to see Uranus. We get to see the "Alabama" footage of Luke and Leia scrogging before George decided to make them brother and sister. Not to mention the 5 minutes of George Lucas's spare tire neck flapping on and on about how he finally feels just a tad bit more close to his original (peyote enhanced) vision and how Next year a re-re-re-release of this with 7 extra video frames of Boba Fett peaking behind Jabba's Hutt will be released. We also, as an extra added bonus get a 2% off coupon for the next re-re-re-release of this monstrosity which will happen in 2001. Yippee!
Rating:  Summary: Save your dollars or be damned! Review: Yet again Lucasfilm play on the naiveity of their legions of fanatics by re-releasing yet another version of the old Star Wars trilogy. If you already possess the Special Edition videos and are prepared to fork out your hard-earned cash for this set, then it's time to take stock of your interest in the whole Star Wars caboodle and ask yourself if you're happy to be played a fool. If Lucas can't be bothered (yet) to release the long-awaited SW DVDs, why should you put up with second-best? Do yourself a favour and buy a few FarScape DVDs - or - for the fun-loving and more broad-minded sci-fi viewer - LEXX (Tales from the Dark Zone). Then you'll learn just how much fun Star Wars is taking away from you!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Trilogy Review: You are looking at the greatest science fiction trilogy of all time. These 3 original star wars movies started it all and I hope Episodes 2 and 3 live up to them, not like Episode 1 which failed miserably. Some of the special effects in the original films are still amazing to watch even today with movies like "The Matrix", "Blade", "Hollow Man" and many others. So if you don't yet have this trilogy I highly suggest you buy it today. Peace to ALL star wars fans.
Rating:  Summary: Nauseating Review: First of all, I am a HUGE Star Wars fan, but watching the re-released trilogy left me feeling sick to my stomach. It is my firm belief that George Lucas has become completely senile! And I'm not referring to that complete debacle known as the Phantom Menace. He has ruined the original three too! First of all, there is no redeemable features from the new versions. The new scenes look completely out of place with the antiquated effects of the original versions. Sure, some of the old effects were cheesy, like Luke's speeder, but at least the gave the movie continuity...seeing old and new affects insults me. One of my favorite parts of the first one was the scene with Greedo and Han...they ruined it. Then they insert this ridiculous scene with Jaba into the first one. Jaba looks entirely two-dimensional, especially, if you look closely, Jaba's entire mass fits between Han's arm and the front of his torso. I agree to that the scene with Luke and his old buddy was completely out of place too and only hurts the film. A major problem I also have with all three "enhanced" versions is the lasers and lightsabers...they look like Mike'n'Ike candies...they're more neon and brighter now, but still look like they just colored over the original film. The old lasers weren't great, but they didn't look like someone colored over them with a magic marker. If they wanted to improve the original, they should have fixed MISTAKES, like when you can tell Obi-Wan's lightsaber is just a wire and it sizzles. Next is the ESB. This was probably the least offensive of the SE versions. A new scene with the snow monster..and some scenes from the Cloud City that again seem completely out of place and disrupt the continuity of the movie. Then we come to the Return of the Jedi, which made me furious. This enhanced version is completely worthless. They add this really, REALLY lame digitized scene to the part where the band is playing in Jaba's throne room. The creatures all look ridiculous and very poorly done, especially the furry creature they added...which basically just embarrassed me. It looks like a cross between a cartoon and fraggle rock, and that in a room next to darkness and guys like Bobafet....need I say more? I will! The worse part of this, is I actually liked the old song by Jaba's band...this one is terrible. Then there is a new scene with the Sarlacc Pit Monster...where they actually made it so a head would come out of the pit. Totally ruined the seen. Monster looks sooo cheesy and ruins the mystery of "what is this thing?"...all it is is this thing that looks like a cross between a worm from "Tremors" and the venus flytrap from that movie with Rick Moranis. Everything is ok from here until the very ending, which they have completely changed. Gone is the scenes with the ewoks and now is scenes from Coruscant and the Cloud City of people dancing, which, again, are completely out of place. And the worse part? The song!!! The old one was kind of catchy and uplifting. Now it's just some stupid anthem with a flute that sounds worthy of Celine Dion. My final word on the SE Trilogy: Don't buy it! Go to a garage sale and buy the originals. Rent them, copy them, tape them off of USA if you have to.
Rating:  Summary: Can't Get Enough! Review: How is it possible that I have now bought the exact same (well, almost) movies on video tape for now the FOURTH TIME? Yes, I'm one of those people who own the original letterbox release, the letterbox THX release, and the letterbox Special Edition box set. Now, as soon as Mr. Lucas announces yet another marketing of the Holy Trilogy, I'm there with my credit card on Amazon.com! Heck, I don't even BUY video cassettes anymore, I have a DVD player! Why do I keep shelling out hard earned dollars for the same movies? Well, if you really need to ask that question, you're obviously not a Star Wars fan. Without a doubt, there movies have become immortal for one reason: they have ressurected the myth genre. While the Greeks and Romans had their famous mythologies, Aesop had his fables, and the Britsh had King Arthur, the last generation of the 20th Century has Star Wars. We were raised on Star Wars. Dreams of becoming a Jedi were as common as future proffessions such as doctor or policeman back at my grade school. I doubt a day went by between my fourth and tenth years of life where the accolades of Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, R2 and 3PO weren't acted out in my daily play with my friends. We didn't play "Cowboys and Indians." We played "Rebels and Imperials." We didn't have gun fights, we battled each other with whatever could substitute for a lightsaber. In retrospect, now that I'm all grwon up, I'm thankful for Lucas for what he gave me. These movies laid of a simple play of good versus evil. In the end, the quest for virtue will always triumph over the greed of evil. They also taught me that if you believe in yourself and have faith a higher power, you can accomplish anything. For this, you will see me ordering this trilogy every time it is released. Not just for the "Episode II Behind-The-Scenes" stuff, but basically to give the well-worn copies I already own a break. Thank you, Mr. Lucas. You've brought great joy into my life and helped to teach me the values I have today. Though I don't have children yet, I'm sure that when they come along, they will be living out the same fantasies I did a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... P.S. Where's the DVDs?
Rating:  Summary: Oh no, not again ... Review: I have stopped counting the number of re-releases, re-re-releases and re-re-re-releases of the trilogy - and I can't help the feeling that this is all about ripping me (the customer) off ... or should George Lucas be in some kind of financial trouble, and that's why he keeps throwing slightly altered editions on the market? I am already looking forward to the June 2001 re-release with an exclusive 3-minute interview on the planned schedule for filming Episode III ... I have always considered myself a big Star Wars fan (excluding ridiculous Episode I), but somehow I am getting fed up with this ... Thanks, George!
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST POSSIBLE FORMAT {widescreen} Review: If someone asked me what my favorite movies were, I would have to say STAR WARS, THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, RETURN OF THE JEDI. The special editions are real gems, {my favorite versions} and I am so glad that George Lucas is also releasing the trilogy in special widescreen versions, because you wouldn`t believe what your missing by not seeing the movies in widescreen. For example when Luke is observing the sand peoples bantha`s Luke says "whell there are two bantha`s down there but I dont see any... wait second there sand peoplke all right I can see one of them now." In the widescreen version you will see that sand person through Lukes binaculars, but in the non-widescreen version {pan & scan} you will not see the sand person. Not a big deal to some, but theres more although I don`t want to go into it. All I can say is if you willing to see those black bars at the top and bottom of you`r t.v buy the widescreen versions. George Lucas is always hoping that the public will hopefully see the movies in there best possible format, widescreen is the way to see them. PS If you haven`t seen the movies in widescreen I don you where you been.