Rating:  Summary: Why wouldnt you want to own 3 of the best movies ever??? Review: People were talking about star wars 30 years ago, and will be talking about it 30 years from now.In these movies there are great lessons, amazing heroes, state of the art special effects, these are basically history.Ive seen all of these special addition movies, and if you love star wars they do have some cool notes from, george lucas, and some very very intrestng behind the scenes stuff, however, if you are a casual movie watcher, this kind of stuff wouldnt matter.These are movies you can watch again and again.
Rating:  Summary: "What a piece of junk!" Not ANOTHER re-release, George! Review: Okay folks, if you buy this piece of tripe, you're only contributing to the overly-commercialized world of Star Wars. This edition is just a downright shame, and the quality is worse than the first Special Edition release. For one thing, George Lucas should be ashamed that this was allowed to be released again, and on VHS, no less. Whoopty-do, it has flashy packaging and a "featurette" that has NO interviews with the cast and dances around things about SW2 that we ALREADY KNOW. If you just happened to miss the SE the first time, go ahead and pick it up. Otherwise, just let it rot on the shelf. George, I certainly hope, for your sake, that when you FINALLY release the DVD's of this Trilogy, you include the ORIGINAL, GOOD versions of the films. Episode I is a JOKE, and hopefully George has learned from it. He's been outta the chair too long, and ruined his own baby, as did the licensees.
Rating:  Summary: Classics in their own right! Review: The Prequel Trilogy aside, nothing gives me more quintessential George Lucas-ish entertainment than to see his original masterpiece once again. The STAR WARS TRILOGY is back and is now better than ever (STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE, THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, and RETURN OF THE JEDI), after having been re-released theatrically with Special Editions, and the films are now the way George intended them to be in the first place, but could not do it due to time and money restraints and not having the digital technology. All of these classic films include new scenes, digitally enhanced special effects, and superior sound quality to bring a wonderful viewing experience making "a galaxy far, far, away" seem that much closer.Don't be too put off by the die hard fans rating this as a terrible disappointment simply because it's not the much-awaited DVD versions. The sound and picture qualities in this version of the trilogy is by far the best yet. Oh yes, let's not forget John Williams' awe-inspiring scores for the films! These films have been my passion since childhood and always will be. May the Force Be With You, George!
Rating:  Summary: This ain't the Star Wars Trilogy. Review: I find it amazing that so few people(most of the reviewers here included) understand the depths to which George Lucas has fallen since making Star Wars back in 1977. Back then, he was an apsiring filmmaker with two great films- THX 1138 and American Graffiti- under his belt, an idea for a movie called Star Wars, and unlimited creative potential. I don't need to tell most of you anything about Star Wars- you probably know more than I do. But what I can tell you is that after Star Wars, Lucas gave up directing and just about abandoned the creative film process altogether. Of course, he returned to the director's chair with The Phantom Menace, but the resulting film made me wish he'd just stayed away - permanently. OK. Back to the point in hand. The three films in this box set are not- I repeat- NOT the Star Wars Trilogy most of us saw when we were kids and have grown to cherish and love. Lucas has succeeded in revising history by presenting the 1997 SPECIAL EDITION versions of the Star Wars Trilogy as THE- one-and-only, original- Star Wars Trilogy. This is not only wrong, but downright evil. It is not Lucas' place to change things- and we shouldn't let him. The National Film Registry certainly wouldn't agree with Lucas on this point- they have the ORIGINAL STAR WARS in their possession. I know some of you may like the SPECIAL EDITIONS better than the ORIGINALS, but don't ever forget that they aren't THE ORIGINALS. I certainly won't.
Rating:  Summary: Why do we have to suffer with another crappy VHS transfer? Review: I now own 2 versions of the trilogy on VHS and have no intention of buying this one, since I recently bought a DVD player. Let me tell you, as anyone else will, that VHS is a waste of time after having experienced DVD. So, Mr. Lucas, kindly cut the crap and get this out on DVD ASAP. We loyal fans are rapidly losing patience, and are unwilling to shell out $30 for 10 minutes worth of behind-the-scenes on Ep 2.
Rating:  Summary: This re-release for Collecting purposes. Review: The boxes in this re-release match the box style for the Episode I: Phantom Menace video release. So following in this logic, Lucas will probably continue to release VHS versions of the next two films using the same box style as these. Don't be surprised if the Star Wars movies aren't available in DVD until after 2006 when Episode III will be released on home video. I am giving this edition only a 4 Star rating because the first copy that I brought home was defective. The Episode IV tape would not play. It's like the way it was recorded, the tracking didn't match up at the normal speed. All I got was a blank "blue" screen. But it worked when hitting "Slow Motion" and "Pause" & "FF/REW". The tape counter didn't even move, but the tape did. Hopefully my replacement copy will work when I take it back tomorrow. Will submit an update if it does. BTW, there is an Episode II sneak preview at the beginning of the Episode IV tape. Although I had to watch it in FF! Oh, even the titles have been renamed, at least on the boxes that is. Star Wars is now known as Star Wars IV: A New Hope
Rating:  Summary: WHY? Review: What is the point? Why is Lucas re-re-re-re-re-releasing the same three movies in this pathetic format AGAIN? I refuse to buy these simply because of the inferior quality of VHS. Get your act together Lucas and release these on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: A must have for your video collection! Review: Here comes another re-release of the Star Wars trilogy! If you do not own this, go out and buy it. I know from personal experience what it's like after a release goes out of print. Back in 1996, I got interested in Star Wars. Although, I didn't know much about anything, and the first release of the Special Edition just came and went by. Although, after it was out of print, I really learned a lot about Star Wars, and HAD to have the movie! It is impossible to find it (although I eventually did for double the regular retail price)! If you do not own Star Wars, but this treasure now while you still can, and watch George Lucas's amazing work.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie Trilogy of All-Time Review: What else is there to say about the Star Wars Trilogy? It defined what sci-fi movies were, if that. I've been a fan of Star Wars ever since I was 4 or 5 years old, when I saw Return of the Jedi on TV. And even though The Phantom Menace may have somewhat been a fluke, you still have to admit that it's a good movie as well. But The Phantom Menace doesn't compare at all to the original trilogy. My favorite movie out of the trilogy, by far, is The Empire Strikes Back. The darker tone to it makes it much better than A New Hope and Return of the Jedi. Also, I think it's got the best acting, as well as best character developments. When the trilogy was rereleased back in 1997, my mom bought the pan and scan version when I wanted the widescreen version, but I was fine with pan and scan. After about a year, I wanted the widescreen version desperately, but it went out of print. Therefore, I was left with my crummy pan and scan. But now, thanks to the almighty God George Lucas, I can watch the original trilogy the way it was in theaters, not to mention the Episode II preview at the beginning, which I can't to watch. Even if you have 3 different copies of the trilogy, go ahead and buy this version, especially with the Ep. II intro. Thank you ever so much for making these brilliant movies, Mr. Lucas, keep it up!
Rating:  Summary: New Video release Review: I cannot say anything about the trilogy that has not been said. This review is regarding the quality of the video itself. Overall, the quality is very good. First, the widescreen version is the only way to go. I compared scenes from my special edition pan and scan version to this new widescreen version and it is amazing how much information is lost in the pan and scan version. the true star wars fan must see these movies in widescreen to see what Lucas intended. Picture quality is great for VHS. Colors are vibrant and the picture exhibits little grain. You will see occasional flaw due to the age of the original masters. This is also the best I have heard these movies sound outside of the last theater release in 1997. Using a prologic decoder, this release creates a great soundfield. Overall, the quality of this release is a five. It is far better quality than the Phantom menace widescreen release. Makes you wonder how 20+ year movies can look and sound better on video than one that was just released a year ago. My only complaint about this set is that the movies are the "special edition" versions and not the originals. For that reason I give a total rating of 4 stars. I reccomend this set highly, especially the widescreen version.