Rating:  Summary: Forget the Special Editions. Review: Don't give any more money to this man. Buy the used digitally mastered VHS version of the original trilogy. It looks and sounds great and doesn't have any of those added on special effects.
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the GOLD COLLECTORS CRITERION EDITION Review: The original was great but take my advice and wait for the final revision of this box set. I should come out 2-3 years after this one is released(ala Sept '06). It should also contain another interview with George Lucas in which he proclaims himself god. How can someone so successful be so insecure?
Rating:  Summary: Logically Both Additions Should Be Released Review: Logically Both Additions Should Be ReleasedWhat’s the loss in releasing both additions I ask? I personally would prefer the originals along with the 58,000 odd people who have joined in the petition at the Originaltrilogy website. Any sane businessperson would see 50 thousand anxious customers willing to purchase a $70 trilogy DVD set a worthy investment. As it seems though using simple logic (whether that concerns Business, Casting, Scripting, or Acting) has long since deserted the Star Wars franchise. Sadly the greatness of the original stories of Long Ago, in a Galaxy Far Far Away will forever remain a memory to the imaginative few (58,437 and counting)… ~`Andrew: Star Wars fan since age 6’~
Rating:  Summary: sigh of relief ... Review: While opinions about the special editions run deep, I am greatly relieved that these films have been transferred to durable media. Many fans don't realize how short the shelf life of a print is. I recall in production readings on the special editions that large portions of the original prints had deteriorated beyond recovery. George had to go all the way back to carefully saved original elements and dust off ILM's retired optical printer to recompose lost footage ... disk space then was still too scarce for him to digitize everything--we look at 5 Terabytes so casually these days. As a student of the art form, I am looking forward to having these ground breaking studies in story telling and visual effects (spanning analog to digital) on DVD in my film library.
Rating:  Summary: We waited 26 years for THIS? Review: I have now lost all respect for Georgy boy. IV, V and VI were great on they're own, why mess with that? As my father allways said, if it aint broke don't fix it.(watching the "enhanced" versions, i wanted to break somethin, thats for sure). looks as though the "special" olympic effects were done in a weekend. There can be only one reason for the way in which Lucas has handled this, the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, and for that he has bastardised one the greatest trilogies of all time. I refused to buy the revamped versions on VHS, waiting and waiting, saying "I'll wait till the originals came out on DVD - and now I get THIS? Don't plunk down your hard earned 50 bucks for this pile of CRAP. May George Lucas never make a good movie again.
Rating:  Summary: "To Be, Or Not To Be...That Is The Question".... Review: Shall this newly improved, special enhanced, deluxe edition, ultimate for the first time ever release to DVD, be hailed as the neatest thing since slice bread? Probably not. I too like so many others before me, lamented for the day when Lucas would finally bring to life his "Classic" cinematic masterpieces to DVD. DVD came to market about the same time George decided to release ep 4, 5, & 6 in a 'New & Improved" digitally enhanced version to the big screen. Many new and eager customers who were willing to fork out the $500+ price tag for a DVD player rejoiced at this new technology and hoped Lucas would follow up his Theatrical release's, with a soon to DVD release thereafter. Many speculated that Ol' George was going to release his original visions first, and then shortly to be followed by these new editions. Alas that never came to be. Fast forward to the present. Here we are now knowing that indeed Georgie has decided to finally release these suckers to DVD. Not two verions to accomidate loyal fans of the old and new, but just one. I probably will be one of those idiot's to buy the new version, only to have it replaced with the original version if Luke baby ever decides to release it on DVD. It's like when he released ep 1 on tape even, though DVD's where outselling VHS tapes 5-1 at the time. I went out and bought the "Special" Widescreen version, only to replace it less than a year later when Wacky "G" decided to release it to DVD. Who knows, if we wait long enough maybe Mr Skywalker ranch himself will release the original in DVD format within the next 20 years? Can ya wait that long?... I didn't think so.... I might be dead by then.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best science fiction trilogies ever Review: If you haven't seen Star Wars Episode 4,5 and 6 then you should seriously consider watching these movies because they are some of the greatest science fiction movies ever created. In the 1980s, the original trilogy on VHS was considered the best science fiction trilogy ever. It still is, but the Star Wars Trilogy has been modified to make the movies look like they were released yesterday. Some people hate the modified version of the Star Wars Trilogy, but the modifications make this film enjoyable to watch on a GOOD home theater set up. The picture and sound quality of the VHS version of the original Star Wars trilogy is HORRIBLE. Anyway, the 1997 enhanced special effects make the environments and action more realistic than the 1977 special effects. This is a must have for any Star Wars fan.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Trilogy of All Time Review: All three original Star Wars movies are all classics special edition or not. And on the debate between the originals or the special editions. I am, personally, against the special editions. One reviewer has mentioned that the movies are George Lucas' works and that the fans have no right to criticize what he's done with them. I disagree, however. Because Star Wars is so close to so many people's hearts they are, in a way, the fan's movies. I have always said, don't fix what's not broken. Lucas has tried, and that's fine, because being only 16 the first time I saw Star Wars was the special edition in the theaters, but the true crime is trying to keep the original versions virtually unobtainable unless you want an aging dilapitaded copy on VHS. Anyway, Lucas, if your changing of originals was a way to get more money, trust me, you'd get a lot more money if you would just release the originals on DVD. Everyone that doesn't buy the special editions would buy those.
Rating:  Summary: More changes by Lucas Review: I love Star Wars, the original that is. When the special editions came out, with the new scenes, I thought some were good (extended Death Star sequence, background windows in Cloud City), some were unneccessary (what was with that sequence with the band in Jabba's palace in ROTJ?) and some were just awful (Greedo shoots first ?!? Han steps on Jabba's tail?!?!) Most of these I just ignored; but know Lucas is changing even more. At the end of ROTJ when Obi-wan's, Yoda's and Anakin's ghosts sit and watch the Ewok celebration, now they are removing the actor who played Anakin in the original and replacing him with the kid from the prequels. What the heck?? What more can Lucas do to eviscerate these movies. Needless to say I won't being buying these, instead I'll burn my old VHS copies to DVD and enjoy the original series at its best.
Rating:  Summary: Hey, it's better than nothing... Review: I agree that some people are making too much of the special edition thing. Lots of movies are remastered to improve picture quality. Ewoks ruined Return anyway, so what's the big deal about a few minutes of extra CGI. Does anyone really know the total time of the added scenes? Some of the effects were good, some bad (Greedo), but to have the DVD with 5.1 or more surround sound is awesome. I can't wait to hear the effects for home theater! Digital audio will blow away the original VHS Dolby PL2. I'll buy these now, I can always sell them later on Ebay if the originals come out.