Rating:  Summary: Best Series ever made Review: I was born in 1977, the same year Star Wars first hit the theatres, while I was in the theatre when it was first released, I of course do not remember any of the movie. The first time I actually remember seeing the movie was in 1982. Since then I have been hooked. As far as this DVD package is concerned, I probally will wait until Lucas releases a box set with all episodes 1 - 6. There is really no need to rush and get this since this package does not contain the original movies that alot of us remember from the 80's (or even 70's for the older folks :-)). I don't think the original movies can be purchased anymore, and the only way I would purchase this set when it is released in September is if Lucas decided to put the original movies on the DVD as well as the "remastered" ones. As it stands though, I will wait for all 6 to be released before I purchase. With that out the way, I think it goes without saying that episodes IV - VI comprise the best trilogy ever to make it to the big screen.
Rating:  Summary: It's about time.... Review: I have been waiting for this for years. Any self respecting movie fan knows these movies and how good they are. Our fan would know how much they have influence the movie industry and the fantasy/adventure genre in general. This fan would also know the advantages to having them on DVD. I won't go into the long description other reviews have. Needless to say, you HAVE to own this as part of a complete DVD collection. These films are timeless! Without this triology, Lord of the Rings might not have been done. Buy it, but wait around for a good deal. You've waited so long already, a little longer won't kill you. "May the force be with you....."
Rating:  Summary: IF IT AINT BROKE, DONT FIX IT! Review: There aren't any real words that I can say that can explain just how much the original Star Wars movies mean to me. Being able to see Star Wars in the theaters in 1977 as a 6-year old was one of the greatest and happiest times in my life. I am not one of the types that attend conventions or wait in lines to see the latest Star Wars films, but it made an impact on me, and I cherish the original Trilogy. With that being said, I am saddened that the original format of the Star Wars trilogy will not be released with the "special" editions that we will be getting. This is why I am only giving 4 stars. Why not? I wasn't that impressed with the special editions. So they cleaned up the screen and added some new effects and explosions. That's where the tinkering should have ended. The scene in the "Special Edition" of Star Wars where Han Solo shoots Greedo under the table in the Cantina was changed to where Greedo shoots first. Why? That was one of the funniest scenes in the original. It also looks TERRIBLE! It didn't add to the story at all. I went to each Special Edition back in 1997, and I did enjoy seeing Star Wars on the big screen again. It was fun. But as nitpicky as I might be, there is something about the originals that shouldn't be messed with. So what if there wasn't any computer animation? That's one of the best things about it. Good old fashioned models and puppets. At the time, it was state-of-the-art. When Ted Turner bought the rights to old black and white movie classics back in the 80's, he colorized them. That looked terrible, and there was no reason to do it. There are some things that do not require changing. I know that I will still buy the DVD trilogy coming out, and its not as if the original stories aren't still in place. But I just wish that we had the ability to CHOOSE what we want to see. Hopefully they will make a last minute decision and add the treasures we saw so long ago in their original versions.
Rating:  Summary: Let's put this "Special Edition" stuff in perspective Review: First off, I would prefer that the original theatrical release versions of these 3 films be available on DVD. End of story. But it's not up to me, so there you have it. Secondly, it is FABULOUS that we are getting a DVD release at all! When you add up all the minutes of altered, added, or enhanced footage in the 1997 Special Editions, it amounts to just a few minutes per film. The overwhelming majority of each film is still intact. So we can probably all learn to live with it, no? So let's have some perspective. It is probably better to get Lucas' new versions (with even MORE changes) than to not have them at all. Never say never - he may change his mind and release the originals some day. But MOST CERTAINLY not until he has bled every buck he can out of his newer versions. That would just be bad business. If Lucas' intent is for us to see his films as he wish he could have shot them originally, few die-hard fans with the choice between buying the originals or the modified versions will opt for the latter. Thirdly, I agree with many fans who say that it is in bad taste and disrespectful to the millions of devoted fans who shelled out major bucks over the years ("It may be your Empire, George, but the fans paid for it", (...)) for Lucas to so crudely dismiss the original trilogy in favor of the doctored versions. Truly great films succeed despite any minor flaws, and that was certainly the case with Episodes 4-6. If Lucas wants to re-do his earlier films, then by all means let him. But he should be careful about doing it in such a way that he "erases" the history that means so much to so many. I love my children, flaws and all, but I'm not gonna trade them in for newer, better models just because I can (or to prove to the world that I could have produced "better" kids if only I'd had the time and money back in the day). And if my youngest child plays the piano well but not as well as I'd like him to, I'm not gonna make him undergo surgery to add a sixth finger to each hand so he can do more with his hands. ***That is my analogy of what Lucas has done/is doing****
Rating:  Summary: Still Waiting Review: Though the original trilogy would be an excellent addition to any DVD collection, I personally am waiting for the inevitable 6 disk set with Episodes I - VI all in one.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest sci fi epics of all time Review: I will say it right out. I love these movies and I think that they have many things going for them that make them a must own. However, I should point out a few things about this set. A)It's widescreen so if you are looking for the full screen edition dont get fooled buying this set, the full screen has an orange and black cover B) These are the special editions with some tweaks made to them so they will be very similar to the films that came out in 97. Some people enjoyed those films, others thought they were pointless and added nothing, either way, that's what's on these dvd's. Aside from that this is a great set and contains a lot of special interviews and bonuses. And, the audio and video have all been beefed up since 97 meaning this will be the best looking and best sounding Star Wars to date. Also, there is a fourth disc which is said to be the longest documentary on Star Wars ever made. The Star Wars movies are some of the best ever with a wonderful story, incredible music, and wonderful characters. This set is not to be missed by any fan!
Rating:  Summary: currently, the number one selling DVD on Amazon... Review: won't be available until Tuesday, 12:00 am, September 21, 2004 and will probably be the number one selling DVD of all time and it won't even be the original theatrical release its going to be the revised 'crappy' Special Edition with the 'inserted' new scenes and special effects (...) I wonder how many nuts are going to wait in line Monday night to buy the DVD. (I wonder how many of you are going to wait in line. Don't deny it. We know who you are.)
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars DVD Box Set (2004) Review: I won't buy this for two reasons: 1) Fox is probably ripping us off again. After two Alien box sets, three versions of X-men, and many other examples where they released two versions; there is no way I'm going to fall for it again. I know that if I buy this box set, in four or five years Fox will release a better seven disc version, with both versions of the films and loaded with extras. Which leads to the other reason I won't buy this. 2) I want the original versions of these movies. I don't want to see Greedo awkwardly shooting the wall before Han fires. I don't want to see Boba Fett looking into the camera as he walks by. I don't want to hear the Storm Trooper say "oomph" as he bumps into the door. I don't want to see Han walk over jaba's tail. I don't want to watch the terrible re-edit of the end of Empire. I don't want to have Luke say "You're lucky to be alive" rather than "You're lucky you don't taste very good." Worst of all, I don't want Luke to make that goofy scream as he's falling at the end of empire. None of these things were in the original versions of the films. They are "special" additions. They wasted time putting in all those lame things, yet didn't fix the red boxes around the tie fighters and asteroids. George Lucas, who fought against the colorization of Black and White movies, ruined his own films by adding unnecessary baggage. I won't buy a Star Wars movie until I can purchase the original theatrical versions.
Rating:  Summary: HELLO?!?! Review: I think Lucas has lost touch with his fan base. There needs to be a choice between "Original" or "Special" included in this release. Like Speilberg did with E.T. - include BOTH versions. DUH!
Rating:  Summary: The 'Farce' is With Us Review: Don't get me wrong. I'm one of the original dyed-in-the-wool Star Wars fanatics. I was eight years old when I saw Star Wars in the theater for the first time, and, like millions of other people, became an overnight lifelong fan. Bought all the action figures and toys-had the posters on my walls-the whole nine yards. Looked at another way, I'm part of the considerable fan base that elevated George Lucas to the lofty position he's in today as the head of Lucasfilm Ltd. A position that affords him complete control over these releases. That said, I won't be buying these DVD's. Yes, Star Wars is one of the greatest trilogies of all time. Yes, it's one of the most important cinematic milestones in the history of the medium in terms of its box office success and its influence. So, why am I calling 'no joy?' I see no need to lay down my money for what are, arguably, remakes of the classic movies I fell in love with as a child. Not that I mind the new special effects additions. I can understand why Lucas might want to pump up the FX to make these films more visually appealing to newer generations of moviegoers who are far more jaded than I was in the late 70's. But these so-called enhanced versions aren't the versions I care about. What adds to the disappointment is the fact that the DVD medium is capable of containing both the 'enhanced' versions and the classic versions, allowing viewers to choose whichever they want. But do we get that luxury? No. Instead, we're asked to placate ourselves with the remade versions now and then spend even more money down the road to buy the classic versions in some Ultimate Edition-the version these DVD's should have contained from the very beginning. (At least I'm assuming the classic versions will be released at a later date. I don't know that for sure.) People-even devout fans-don't like being jerked around that way. Lucas has already made his fans wait a 'long, long time...' for this DVD release. I'm very disappointed to see that the thanks we get for our patience is to be told he expects us to buy this on DVD not once but twice(?). Sorry, but no. I own these movies on VHS, and will continue to watch them in that format for an equally long time to come. Lessons to Lucas and the rest of Hollywood: 1) Don't mess with a cultural icon. 2) If you can't follow lesson 1, at least don't deny true fans the classic version of a film.