Rating:  Summary: Allow me to explain... Review: To everyone calling the fans of this trilogy who'd prefer the original versions over the special editions whiners and babies, trust me, you simply don't understand where we're coming from. The original versions are the ones we grew up with. The ones we basically memorized scene-for-scene. Some might tell others who are complaining about some new and enhanced footage to "get a life," but you must understand we LOVE these movies. For twenty years, we've been watching them. Suddenly, the special editions were released. COOL! A new spin on the classic saga. We went to see them, were entertained and bought the SE's on VHS to compliment our original trilogy. But now, George Lucas is saying he will never release the originals again (which might be baloney; more on that later). THESE ARE NOT THE VERSIONS WE LOVE. We don't mind the SE's, but if it's our only option, it's only natural that we get a little peeved at it's creator.If your favorite movie is, say, "Scarface" and Brian De Palma decides to add "enhanced" Colombians during the climactic shoot-out. Fine. Let him go nuts, right? But then he tells consumers that the original version will never be shown again and all copies of it are out of print. It will be the ONLY version available until the end of time. Think about how you'd respond to that. "Hey, I don't remember that Colombian flying around like Neo in the original version!" I'm glad "Star Wars" is finally being released on DVD. It's probably the last true "holy grail" of the DVD market and now, a lot of collections can be called complete. And I'd be a liar if I said I'm not going to buy it. However, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how Lucas is going to do this whole DVD thing. Episode 3 will be out in theaters next year. Episodes 1 & 2 are out of print on DVD. Alrighty. This means, in all likelihood, when Episode 3 is released on DVD, it will come complete in some sort of "Deluxe Trilogy" that will include the first three Episodes with added extras to the first two films which will render the original two-disc DVD's inferior. Another volume that will probably be released is the "Star Wars Saga" which will include all six films (all three prequels and the special editions of Episodes 4, 5 and 6). But, wait. What about the "original" versions of the trilogy that Lucas swore we'd never see again? HA! Gimme a break. Another box set will include the "Ultimate Editions" of these films with the original and special editions. This will happen despite what Lucas says. I'm just musing, and all this might never come true. But I'm sure a lot of people are thinking the same thing. It won't be the first time Lucas fiddles around with the home video market and it probably won't be the last, either. My bottom line opinion on this particular set? Lucas should have taken a lesson from Spielberg's "E.T." DVD and included both versions to satisfy all the fans. Then, we'd really have nothing to complain about. Alas, we're talking about George Lucas here. Years before this DVD set was even thought of, fans knew he'd pull this, which is why some of us aren't really suprised. Disappointed, but not suprised.
Rating:  Summary: Now It's offical: I HATE GOERGE LUCAS Review: Now it is pretty much confirmed the films will be changed/Butchured even more. When I read the statement "The Films will be released as George Sees them TODAY(not 1997)" That was the last straw. I promptly registered for EBay and found a legitiment copy of the Widescreen THX 1995 VHS Release. George Lucas thinks he can force his selfish vision down our throats, But I am going to make Back-up copies of these tapes on VCR until technology allows me to do it on DVD just as easily, which is perfectly legal for private use.
Rating:  Summary: Quit the whining! Review: Just about everyone on here is complaining about how these are the special editions and thus won't buy it. how they want the original versons. how greedy lucas is. how other directors are able to release different versions of their films on DVD. how he's trying to get people to buy the DVD set using deceptive package labelling. yada yada yada, blah blah blah, wah wah wah. oh, stop already. it's like a bottomless pit of complaining. i tried looking for one rational review about the trilogy, but it was hopeless, so why not start one on my own. Most people don't understand why lucas is doing what he's doing and thus settle for simple assumptions that he's doing it for the money on top of other reasons. if this were the case, would he not pack in both versions of each film into the dvd set and thus double the price of it? so-called "fans" these days are too quick to judge. i'm not saying that money isn't an issue at all, because it always comes into consideration, but there are also more decisive factors. The reason Lucas is not releasing the original versions is because the Special Edition versions are the films he "originally intended to make." he's said this countless times in interviews. he wasn't able to accomplish these versions during the late 70's early 80's because the technology wasn't there. that is the whole reason he created Industrial Light and Magic. somebody mentioned that da vinci didn't re-touch his paintings, but hey, da vinci had all the paint he needed, whereas Lucas didn't have all his "paint" until the mid 90's. It's been done before many times where two different versions of the same film are released on DVD. for example, Spielberg released both versions of ET on DVD and Peter Jackson released Theatrical and Extended Editions of each Lord of the Rings part, but the arguement here is that neither of those versions are "unfinished" films. the state of being "unfinished" is of course determend by the filmmaker and those directors don't apply the term to their versions. they are happy with the original versions. on the other hand, Lucas isn't content with the original versions of Episode IV-VI. they're like unfinished pieces of artwork to him. they were not as he envisioned them. he doesn't want people to see those anymore, he wants them to see his "finished" product, as most artists would agree. The reason the packaging is not labeled with the words "Special Edition" is because for some time now, this has been his only edition, his finished piece, his final cut. It is not meant to "trick" consumers, for he's mentioned this countless times years ago up until the present, that these will be the only versions of these Star Wars films. I'm defending lucas, sure, because there's reason to. don't get me wrong, i'd rejoice in the event lucas was to change his mind about not releasing the originals, but that's only something that should be wished for, not demanded. i don't even like the guy all that much... met him once and he wasn't very pleasant, but the final cut is his decision because he is the filmmaker after all, not us. now those purists who still don't understand it and continue to nag, still have their low resolution VIDEO TAPES that they can watch (until their VCRs eat them up at least). and those purists who complain, but still give in to the DVD set... one word: Hypocrites. If you liked the original versions, there's no reason that you shouldn't like the Special Editions. You may "prefer" the original versions, but that's no reason to "despise" the Special Editions because nothing Lucas added changed the movies all that much. These films are timeless masterpieces. Highly recommeneded. ...and i haven't even mentioned Bonus Material. =b
Rating:  Summary: dont understand Review: i really dont understand why anyone is dissin this...ive been waiting for the trilogy to come out on dvd for a while, i dunno maybe u geezers like it on tape, but i like the new stuff, it aint gonna get destroyed unless you drop it like an idiot and scratch it like a mad man, i mean its the 3 of the best movies ever stop dissin lucas for wanting to make money, everyone wants to make money, whats wrong with you people. why are you people dissin the new movies, i mean honestly they are makin the movies for people who are young, not old people, when i first saw it was about 6 or 7, i fell in love with it, and that was in the mid 90's, so enjoy the new movies and stop complaining, because attack of the clones, i really enjoyed watching.
Rating:  Summary: save ur money 4 the next '6 DISC SET' Review: actually im just trying to layout an alternatives for you guys. to make it clearer to you all,this is NOT G.LUCAS DEFINITIVE OR PREFERED DVD SET'.all together there're 3 version of this movies:the originals(which lucas stated wont be release at all),the special edition(the 1 in display now and at the time of their rerelease,none of the crew visualise them as a DVD format)& the deluxe/director/ultimate edition{or whatever it will call} which added more redos featuring brief footage of Hayden,Portman & etc. into these favorite movies.obviously trying to put them(these movies)on the same league with the prequels in terms of actors and quality(special effects).So for u guys who've waited so long,this SE version is really the cure. as for me,because i have a whole list of movies to buy and trying to get a lot sense of value from my money..I'll wait for the next one.trying not to buy the same thing twice(lord of the rings is a different matter,u know what i mean)and in the meantime,i just watch this series from my VCR. PS:4 stars because i love these 3 movies best.
Rating:  Summary: Great films, sleazy merchandising tactics Review: This is the Star Wars Special Editions on DVD. Unlike typical Director's Cuts, the Special Editions include many altered original scenes rather than merely additional footage. In other words, these are not the original A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, or Return of the Jedi, although this is intentionally non-obvious from the packaging and marketing. The original three Star Wars films are great. This marketing campaign is not. It is worth noting that aside from a few rare laserdiscs, Lucas has intentionally refused to release the original films in any permanent form. His attempts to pass off this DVD set as the original is vile enough, but also merely assures in a few years that he will likely release an 'original' Star Wars DVD set for another round of gouging. Be advised.
Rating:  Summary: George Lucas doesn't care about our memories Review: There's a lot of nonsense here about George Lucas's "right" to say which version we should buy, or "It's ok that the Special Editions are the only ones released because..". None of us, I'm sure, could care less that G.Lucas tinkers with his films, as long as we have the option of seeing the originals too. The anger being directed at this release is justified insofar as it is not simply because it is the SE versions, but because we are told that this will be the ONLY version he will ever release again. Had the Originals been available I would have bought both (as a Star Wars fan from day 1) but in the absence of the originals, I won't touch the SE versions ever again (I have them on Laserdisc, once is enough). The alleged 'deterioration' of the original film negatives as a defence for Lucas' claims is preposterous - 95% of the SE versions are restored from these same film elements, do you really believe that the remaining portion is the only part affected, or isn't worth saving? THX certified transfers to Laserdisc were done as recently as 1993-95, there is no fundamental problem with the original negatives. Changes were made to narrative & dialogue also, will he claim the original audio was lost too? These are NOT the versions which won the awards. These are NOT the versions that I remember seeing as a child. These are NOT the versions I & millions of others spent a significant chunk of our childhoods recreating with toys that contributed to Mr. Lucas bank balance. What George Lucas seems oblivious to, are the reasons people buy movies on home formats like DVD. Most of us have already seen a movie before we buy it on DVD - the DVD is bought so we can 're-experience' what we saw in the theatre. It's a living souvenir. I, & millions of others, saw these films from 1977-1983. I want the souvenir from that era, & so do they. By all means George, digitally alter your films. Insert Homer Simpson as the Emperor, and replace every Stormtrooper with Ewoks for all I care - but end the arrogance and the endless profiteering from your (hitherto) loyal lifelong fans and GIVE US THE ORIGINAL VERSIONS TOO.
Rating:  Summary: It's like this... Review: Picture the original trilogy as a wonderfully rich and moist, homemade chocolate cake with sweet homemade frosting; like mom used to make. (As for me, I've been moved out of the house for quite a while now, so I don't enjoy that much anymore.) Now... imagine the enhanced trilogy as a cheap off-brand cake mix. Yes it is STILL cake, and you can STILL eat it. But there's a part you(taste buds) that is left feeling unsatisfied and dissapointed because what you just experienced is definitely not what you remember or hoped for. The enhanced versions are dissapointing, yet when you look at all the crappy movies being made these days, the new trilogy still beats many of them. As for original StarWars fans, this enhanced trilogy just wont cut it. For one, the originals were perfect just the way they were. Secondly, among other misfortunes, the added animations were HORRIBLE- they looked like cartoons. ex. in A New Hope -Han walking/talking with giant 'blob-o-graphics'. Yeah, I know Lucas wanted that scene, but it was done very badly. I'll be waiting impatiently for the originals (I can dream can't I...) thanks for reading -Rob
Rating:  Summary: CHOICE, GEORGE, PLEASE! Review: Listen, I need the original trilogy. I've had it. Release both. Spielberg did it, Universal did it, why can't Lucas do it? I mean I've seen two movies on one disc. Come, on. This is bogus. Luc-*ss, I hate you. And God forbid, hire a good screenwriter and Irvin Kershner for Episode III. I guess it's too late now. I'll never again see "Star Wars" "The Empire Strikes Back" or "Return of the Jedi" the way I did in the 70's and 80's. I better kiss it good-bye, thanks to you, Luc-*ss.
Rating:  Summary: What is everyone whining about? Review: Star Wars episodes 4 through 6 are finally going to be released on DVD. Everyone is acting like little sissies becuase these are the special editions? When I watch the original versions I can't tell much difference between them and the special editions, except for a cleaner picture and a tiny bit of new music. If you don't like it then stick to your old crappy VHS movies. I've been waiting for these to come out on DVD for years and i'll be happy to buy this nice set. And anyone that doesn't like episodes 1 and 2 need to be shot. Episodes 1 and 2 were excellent movies, the best movies of any kind to come out in the last 10 years. Stop your whining little b@tches and get a life.