Rating:  Summary: Not the origionals Review: I hate to be repetitive, but this really does need to be stressed. The Star Wars trilogy is awesome, and these are good DVDs. However, these DVDs do NOT contain the proper Star Wars movies.The Good: -New special effects (X-Wings look better then ever) -Enhanced battles (yes, the death star battles look better) -Random and often useless new material... but it does look cool... The Horribly bad: -I only need to mention one. And this needs to be spoiled. Trust me. There is a scene where a bounter hunter (Greedo) and space cowboy Han Solo face off. This scene was my absolutely favorite in the origional movies. Greedo fires his blaster at Solo- who is so fast that he dodges the blast and returns fire. An absolutely awesome moment. But you won't see that in these discs- the scene has been edited so that Solo fires first. It seems trivial, but lots of scenes are changed in these subtle but horrible ways (this is just the canonical example). If you've never seen the movies before and don't care about details, these discs are excellent. But if you do care, or if you've seen the origionals, accept no substitute. Lucas is shooting himself in the foot by not releasing the origional movies. I will never buy the special editions because (most of) the changes ruin the movies. Bring on the origionals!
Rating:  Summary: All that is good in the world of cinema Review: Realistically, there is really no need for any sort of review on these films. The Star Wars franchise has long since crossed the line seperating "movies" from "cultural phenomena." Basically, if you are not at least passingly familiar with these films, then you probably are so completely out of touch with mainstream society that you don't own a computer, and are thus incapable of even reading this in the first place. That being said, I'll throw in my two cents, on the off chance that they'll actually matter to anyone. First of all, I am absolutely euphoric regarding the long-anticipated DVD release of the trilogy. Having one of history's most influencial and beloved films on a technologically superior (and more durable) format is simply wonderful. I don't particularly mind the delay - I concede that Lucasfilm probably wanted to make sure that the DVD format would "stick" in the popular market (especially after getting burned with the old Laserdisc release of the trilogy), and I for one am happy that they took their time to make sure that the DVD release was executed well. A number of films suffered (and many more were simply not helped in any way) from DVD conversion in the initial spate of DVD releases, and I personally would hate to see the same happen to some of my favortie movies of all time. And I remain optimistc that this delay time is being well-spent; I expect the Star Wars DVDs to be similar in quality and format to the recently-released Indiana Jones boxed set (i.e., the highest qulaity in an effective format). Besides, we all thought that we were going to have to wait until the conclusion of the prequel trilogy before we got the originals on DVD. As for the inclusion of the Special Editions rather than the original releases, I can't really complain there either. George Lucas considers the SE's to be the definitive versions of the films now. Who am I to second-guess what Mr. Lucas does with his own work? For better or for worse, the public is coming to regard the SE relaeses as the definitive versions of the film as well - to the point that people attribute additions to the Special Editions to original material that was removed (a la Luke's screaming in the Cloud City core - a sound effect only found in the Special Edition). Besides, what can visual effects, a sound effect here and there, and Greedo shooting first take away from the movies as a whole? All of the concepts, stories, settings, and characters that made us fall in love with these movies in the first place are all still there, and that's what really matters. So, if you'd rather shroud yourself in the nostalgia of bygone days, just sit in your room with the shades drawn, watching your copies of the orginal releases on VHS, Betamax, Laserdisc, whatever until they wear out. The rest of us will be watching the SAME MOVIES (with some MINOR amendments) in a better-supported and higher-quality format. Everyone's happy.
Rating:  Summary: The Real Star Wars Review: No offense Mr. Lucas, but the new episodes just don't come anywhere near the quality of the origional three. The origional trilogy is an exceptional piece of work. If you haven't seen it yet then you are really missing something. You don't have to be an uber geek to enjoy then either.
Rating:  Summary: Greedo shoots first!? Review: Those three words will forever vanquish this DVD to less than 5 stars. C'mon George -- this is NOT the move we have all grown to love, this is your remake (much akin to Ted Turner's colorization) of a classic. Greedo shooting, the rough Jaba scene, and Luke screaming like a girl as he falls -- are all intersting, and great examples of digital manipulation, but they do not belong in this movie. Last, of all the edits you made, why not bring us the movie in DTS!? That would have been a worthwhile revision, as opposed to obvious CGI cartoon inserts. These are great flicks (I was born in 1971, so Star Wars was my life!), and I will buy the DVD, but I anticipate shelling out another 100 bucks in a couple of years when you issue the super expanded version which contains the directors edit as well as the original theatrical version (ala "Aliens")
Rating:  Summary: Not the Original Movies I love. Review: I miss Star Wars. I miss Han shooting Greedo first, I miss Luke not screaming in fear as he falls, I miss the lack of crappy Jabba SFX's. I miss that as bad as the dialog was the actors where charismatic enough to pull it off, with no Jake Lloyds, Hayden Christensons or Jar Jar Binks to ruin it. I miss Muppets as characters and stop motions effects. The Original Star Wars movies had an energy and life that George Lucas has killed with his reworked "Special" Editions. The fact that he has declared that the original versions are dead and to never be released on DVD reveals his true spite and hatred for the fans that have built his empire. So I for one am BOYCOTTING these DVD's. I am a life long fan of Star Wars, and as such am staying loyal to the one true vision of it I know. No Special Editions, No prequels. I can only hope others do the same. I Love Star Wars, and to see it so plainly evident that George Lucas does not brings a great saddness to my heart. At least he didn't replace the Storm Trooper's blasters with walkie talkies.
Rating:  Summary: Not-So- Special Editions Review: This has to be by far the worst decision ever made by a director concerning the dvd release of their film. How can George Lucas or anyone else seriously think that the butchered "Special Edition" versions of these films are actual improvements on the originals? All the new scenes look like cartoons blended into real surroundings. The Jabba scene in A New Hope is especially horrific, it looks nothing like the disturbingly real Jabba from Return of the Jedi, who would have vaporized Han in an instant if he stepped on his tail. Also, the musical scene from Jabba's palace is now ruined, the creatures and the music were much better in the original. I think this is Lucas' way of getting revenge on the fans who hate his horrible new trilogy that is thankfully almost completed. What a way to thank your original fan base who provided you with the means to make a new trilogy in the first place. Thanks alot, George. Oh, by the way, I don't know what the people who actually like these Special Editions are on, but please don't give me any.
Rating:  Summary: My own opinion: Review: This was the most orginal and beautifully made film of all time in 1977. Nothing (with the exception of 2001: A Space Odyssey) had ever been made quite like it, and despite no DTS mix this DVD should be enough for any lonely, sci-fi geek who lives in his room. Oh, and pretty please, with sugar on top, forget about the Greedo crap. Who really cares? This is still one of the greatest movies of all time. Don't bash it because of one little editing alteration.
Rating:  Summary: please borrow a life!! Review: I'm reviewer number 567th odd of this dvd boxset which is still months away from release. That really say's something for people's passion about this great series of movies. When I was 7 years old, in 1977, my parents took me down to the local cinema in the small New Zealand town where I grew up to see a relatively unknown film called "Star Wars." From the moment Darth Vader appeared on the screen I was hooked. Never before had I seen such a spectacle of entertainment. Over the next few months I saw the movie over and over again, I saw it like 23 times or something at the cinema. The same went for Empire and Jedi. I could not tell you how excited I was when those movies came out. I have loved this and the sequels for over 25 years. When the special edition came out, I rushed to see it at the cinema again and was blown away by the enhanced special effects and sound. One of my prize possessions is my THX enhanced widescreen video set of the trilogy. I've taken the day off work both in 1999 and 2002 so I could see the new films when they came out. I saw both of them at least 5 times at the movies, bought phantom menace on video when it came out and then on dvd and love it as well as attack of the clones. I even did not mind Jar Jar, in fact I bought a lovely glass with his picture on it to drink out of. To be honest, although I'd seen this Star Wars probably 200 times by then, I never noticed that Greedo shot first in this one, the only way I found that out was the internet people told me, you know, the guy's who spend countless hours hating George Lucas for robbing them of their childhood! I have a message for you people, IT"S ONLY A MOVIE!! Yes, it's one of the greatest movies ever but it's still only a movie. I didn't notice how annoying Jar Jar was until I read countless hate filled emails and posts against him. I've been a big fan of George Lucas most of my life. As the creator of this series, he has every right to change it any way he wants, it's his movie folks! I for one will be lay-bying this sucker so that come September I'll be taking home my very own copy on dvd of the greatest sci-fi adventure films ever made. These dvd's will contain the definative special editions as well as an extra disc of special features, it's a star wars fans dream. You need to get rid of the bitterness people and remember how these films made you feel when you first saw them. Don't let internet hatred poison your minds and fill you with hate and rage. Be set free! And may the force be with you. Thanks for reading.
Rating:  Summary: George Lucas does not care about his fans Review: Ok, here's the deal. Everyone has a different opinion of the Special Edition Trilogy. I, for one, think it's absolute crap. Each scene that has new or adulterated footage looks awful and sticks out like a sore thumb. None of it blends with the campy low budget feel of the orginal footage. Furthermore, the new scenes add nothing to the story, they just add pointless exposition and synthetic spectacle. However, this is just my opinion, and I'm sure some people liked the Special Edition. However I'm not going to buy it, and there are others on this site that seem to feel the same way. People are saying that the Special Edition is the version of the films Lucas intended to make, and that since this is his trilogy, it's his decision, not ours. I agree completely, I have no problem with him releasing the Special Edition version. But by refusing to release the original trilogy on DVD, he is ignoring his fans. People are saying that the originals are destroyed or in bad condition. I'm not sure if any of these rumors are true, I doubt it, but I'd rather watch a gritty version of the originals than a crisp version of the Special Edition. I hope this is what it looks like, a marketing ploy to get people to spend money on the less desirable Special Edition. We'll see how principled Lucas is a few years from now when demand for the original version increases.
Rating:  Summary: Greedo shooting first should be removed. Review: Having Greedo shott first completely changes the character of Han Solo; before, he was essentially a rough around the edges mercenary along with his transporting, and his personality was shown through when he had zero issues with killing Greedo, and then flipping the barkeep a coin for the 'mess', as if he's just spilled his drink. And should we believe that a bounty hunter like Greedo could even miss at that range, by that much? If we had all seen Greedo shoot first, we would have had a different, unfortunately softer, view of Han. That, dear Amazon reviewer, is why we care if Greedo shoots first.