Rating:  Summary: Drop-dead hilarious (and yet disturbing) look at real fans Review: The technical quality of the film isn't the best... it was more than obvious that this was filmed on 35mm or 16mm film in documentary style on a slim budget... but the content far than makes up for the technical roughness... which actually adds to the whimsical flavor of this film.It's hard to believe that the people in this film actually agreed to be filmed for this movie... they are more than eccentric and actually embrace the fact that they are the lunatic fringe. Disturbing? A little when you see adults living their lives in Starfleet Uniforms (at home and at work!), but these are not dangerous folks... they're actually endearing, although you're grateful they're not your co-workers. You will definitely have your jaw hanging open during most of the scenes and you will laugh out loud through-out. A healthy way for Trekkies to laugh at themselves and feel relieved that there are other Trekkies out there that are far weirder than they are. Fans of the old and new ST series will find this film more endearing than non-ST fans... but even neophytes to the ST universe will get a hoot looking at this sub-culture of Trek fans.
Rating:  Summary: A very disturbing documentary, but interesting for fans Review: I'm an avid fan. I've never been to a convention, but I have loved Star Trek for years. People like me cannot identify with the extremists shown in the documentary, because the ones they show are just too extreme. However, this is a must-watch for a true Star Trek fan, even though it may be a little slow and though it is disturbing that there are extremists like that on the loose. Captain Pike's mechanical chair was the best part. There is a Trekkie who made an exact replica of this chair, complete with the yes/no flashing light. It showed him driving it to and from the store. Also, the interviews with Takei, Doohan, Nimoy, and Nichols were very interesting, even though they were a small part of the documentary. I was very disappointed in the trailer. It does not represent the documentary very well. The trailer makes the movie seem like Shatner plays a prominent part-which he does not, and that the Star Trek theme music is sprinkled throughout the documentary-which it is not.
Rating:  Summary: Everyone (even those who are not fans) will love this Review: I was expecting it to be more Trek trivia and wasn't sure what to think (I love Trek but am no where near the Trekkie/Trekker stage) but it turned out to be a fabulous human documentary, and brought back to me all the reasons I've loved the show and its philosophies through the years... Totally entertaining and enlightening.
Rating:  Summary: I prefer Trekkers, but anyway... Review: Fans will especially appreciate this film. It shows the lengths some people will go to to get their hands on anything Star Trek. The scary thing is, I agreed with most of them. And no, I'm certainly not putting any of them down. Trekkers rule! This is a humorous look at life as one of them...
Rating:  Summary: Poor video quality makes VHS better buy for this flick Review: Regarding video quality, or the lack thereof, Trekkies is a bad DVD investment. The documentary consists of home video style interviews with fans (and I use that term broadly), so video imaging is questionable to begin with. But the DVD transfer is absolutely horrible. Graininess and data loss mar the entire movie. You might as well stick to VHS on this one. Now regarding the movie, itself, I couldn't help feeling a bit sorry for the avid trekkies the movie portrays. They all seem to be a few cards short of a full deck. I respect their affinity for Star Trek and the Star Trek philosophy, but one woman takes it to the extreme of wearing Starfleet garb to her job and be addressed as Commander by her co-workers. For many, Star Trek fandom is nothing more than a cult that gives their lives direction. They could do worse than adopting Starfleet as their religion, I suppose, so there is good in the Trekkie phenomenon. I wish them all to Live Long and Prosper.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting and humorous look at "trekkies" Review: This is a look at the world of serious trekkies-wear your uniform to work trekkies-an interesting and funny documentary. I was initially going to give it five stars but after reading some of the other reviews I realize that the movie failed to really capture some of the positive ideas about Star Trek. There was a book written a few years back-Everything I Needed to Know I Learned from Watching Star Trek that did a very clever job of applying Star Trek principles to everyday life. However, this is one of the rare movies you can watch with your family.
Rating:  Summary: A very watchable documentry Review: I first saw this film at the 1998 Hawaii International Film Festival. It was a solid piece that respecfully notes the lives and actions of some of the more intense trekkers. The lack of condensation, irony and pretension were both refreshing and fun. This is a film that will stay in your mind for a good deal of time. One mark of a good movie is how much of the movie that you remember a year or so after you have seen the movie. I remember most of the movie after 18 months. Although the methods become a bit tedious toward the end, this film is worth repeated watching.
Rating:  Summary: Oh please! ... Review: I am a Star Trek fan myself, but I don't think that this documentary adequately shows all the sides of the fans. It only goes for the fans who are typically made fun of, and, after watching this film, it's not hard to see why. The juror who wore the Star Trek uniform to the trial because she said,"I wear my uniform just as any other officer in the military would wear theirs," I found particulary insulting. Watching this film made me ask one question: Should I, or anyone for that matter, consider themselves any less of a fan because I don't dress up or I don't make idols out of the stars of the movies and shows or because I don't spend every dollar I have on memorabillia? However, the reason I give it three stars is because the interviews with the stars of the show are fantastic as well as the stand up comics at the end.
Rating:  Summary: It's OK, but gets boring toward the end Review: I wasn't expecting too much and was neither overly surprised nor overly disappointed with it. It's on the one had a "thank you" to the fans of the show, supplanted with tidbits and insights from the various stars; but there's also something "mean spirited" about parts of it that I found somewhat offensive; i.e., lingering too long at some points on the "fanatic" aspects of some fans, rather than on the good-spirited fun most fans have with the show and its characters. It's also far too long... I found myself fast-forwarding through the last 15 minutes or so because I was getting bored with seeing the same bad-quality, bouncing video footage over and over again. Fans of the original series will be happy to see their favorites, but Next Generation fans get sort of "ripped off" by being able to see only a select few of their favorites. (Brent Spiner is delightful, but seen far too seldom to have much of an mpact on this piece.) Bottom line: Rent it. Don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Easily the best Trek documentary Review: This film is the only Trek documentary I've ever seen that was not condescending towards those of us who call ourselves fans of the show. It depicts the fans as normal people who have a fun hobby, not freaks (well, except for a couple of people). It has great heart.