Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie of 2001---Bar None Review: Beautifully grim and Brilliant! are the first words that come to mind after seeing Donnie Darko for the first time. Astonishing and Clever are the first words that come to mind after watching Donnie Darko the second time.*minor spoilers* What do you get, when your stuck inside the mind-inside the dreams-of Stephen King right as he falls alsleep whilst reading Alice in WonderLand? Answer:....Donnie Darko When in the middle of the night a jet engine falls from the sky, crashing into the bedroom of Donald Darko, Donnie has only a six foot rabbit named Frank to thank for saving his life. Frank then kindly informs Donnie that the world will end in twenty-eight days. Over the course of the next month-with armegeddon inevitable- Donnie follows the bunny (a'la Alice style) through a wormhole into a tangent universe where he sleepwalks and reeks havoc on the schools water mane; falls in love; has many more creepy encounters with Frank the bunny; theorizes the true nature and existence of Smurfette; exposes a kiddie porn publishing ring; and uncovers the principles of Time Travel. Without getting bogged down in details of the synopsis, Donnie Darko simply put is: pure feat in filmaking. Never before has a film noir been able to capture and convey such raw beauty. Never before has such a dark and grim premise been so cleverly told, through painingly-pretty blue skies, descriptive and creative random blurbs of literature, genuine and concise dialogue, and an ending that brings us back to the beginning, which we quickly learn is the beginning...of the end. One of the highlights for me was the use of music, including an awesome and refreshing alternative to the cliche' part of a movie where we meet all the characters, and a group of characters meet for the first time- exchanging dry, predictable, formal dialogue. Instead the creators chose to pan from afar, mute-out all sound, and play-from very beginning to end- the appropriately symbolic song, "Everybody wants to Rule the World." Throughout Donnie Darko the device of music is carefully and purposely implented to create a genuine feel of the late eighties era. The soundtrack is so deftly used, it sort-of becomes its own living character. It is a rare feat when a movie remains even from opening scene to the closing credits. Donnie Darko accomplishes this rarely reached goal though consistently superb cinematography, descriptive prose delivered by colourful characters, dashes of humour, splashes of romance and a huge cerebral heaping of the Philosophy of Time Travel- coupled with the fear of knowing "that every living being on this planet...dies alone." Fear<------------------>Love Cellar Door (p.s. to a previous reviewer) The song "Notorious",by Duran Duran, was released in 1986--not 1992. Which only leads me to question your dedication to Sparkle Motion!!
Rating:  Summary: An instant favorite... Review: ...Everything in this movie is well put together. First I have to speak on the cast: The acting is brilliant. Why Jake Gyllenhaal took a role in 'Bubble Boy' I'll never understand. This guy should be starring in blockbusters across the board. His family in the movie is wonderful as well. His sister, being his real life sister, obviously had that sibling chemistry come easy to her, but that doesn't mean she's not extremely talented. Holmes Osborne and Mary McDonnell make the perfect parents. Jena Malone conveys every emotion beautifully. Patrick Swayze and the school administration make the perfect antithesis to Drew Barrymore and Noah Wyle's characters. And James Duvall, the guy in the bunny costume, is creepy and disturbing as Frank. The cinematography is beautiful. The way it's shot has to be some of the greatest camera work I've seen in a movie. Watch the "Head Over Heels" scene and notice that the entire scene was done in only two camera shots travelling through the grounds of the high school. The script and dialogue is delivered with perfect emotion and feeling. Most of all the movie is incredibly powerful. It really got to me and made me think. Personally my favorite scene is the movie theater scene, featuring a cameo from another cult classic, Evil Dead. The scene is called "Halloween Frightmare" on the DVD and it's one of my favorite movie scenes of all time (the music in the background also plays over the end credits, which is one of the most gorgeous and haunting pieces I've ever heard. Unfortunately it's not on the soundtrack though). I showed this movie to every one of my friends I can think of, and they've all loved it. If you like sci-fi, horror, suspense, comedy, 80s period pieces, and social commentaries, this movie has all of those all wrapped into one. It's an amazing mix of styles and one would have trouble believing anyone could do it effectively, but Richard Kelly pulls it off brilliantly. I look forward to seeing more of his films.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Amazing - Beautifully done! Review: I just watched the film last night and I am still speechless.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful Review: This movie has become one of my favorites. I watched it because all of the mainstream movies out right now left me in need for a movie that actually required brain power to watch. Needless to say it did. The ending was amazing but leaving more questions in my mind then answers. Luckily, on the DVD you can listen to the Director's commentary and he explains every scene, and best of all the ending. Also on the DVD there is a music video for the beautiful song that plays at the end and numerous other features that make this a must-buy. I think that the deeper meanings in this movie are so worthwhile. I just wish that the kids I go to school with would give this movies and those like it a chance (as compared to watching the typical teen movie of the week).
Rating:  Summary: Ive Made A New Friend...... Review: Donnie has problems. Big problems. His classmates find him weird. He isn't too great with the ladies. A jet engine fell on his house. And a giant bunny is telling him that the world's going to end in just 28 days and change. Well, what can I say about this movie? I went into this film knowing nothing more than a couple of my friends liked it and it starred the kid from "Bubble Boy." I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found it gripping, intriguing and all the other words you can find in the thesaurus that mean the same. Richard Kelly is the man to thank for this. He is the first time director and writer behind "Darko." You just got to love those rookies that come out with a movie that makes you anxious to see the next one. The script is intelligent, very well thought out and terribly cryptic. Now, about the characters... Donnie (played by Jake Gyllenhaal, "October Sky") is an odd little lead. Not quite sure whether to embrace him and try to empathize or just distance yourself and try to find someone else to connect with. Then there's the girl, the "love interest." Gretchen (played by Jena Malone). We hardly know what this girl is all about, despite the information we're given. I'm not sure if it's a script thing or an acting thing or if that's the way it's supposed to be. We have the parents (Holmes Osborne and Mary McDonnell) that I would have loved to have seen more of. The rest of the characters seemed pretty damn two-dimensional, which actually is fine by me. This isn't a PT Anderson epic, after all. However, I do believe that Mr. Kelly is capable of producing such an epic were he to try. The film deals greatly with the subject of time travel. Basically I'm saying get ready to open your mind a little bit and start thinking. This isn't a "Back to the Future" type of film. You'll be quizzed on the material later. So, to recap: I loved the movie. I loved watching the ending and being forced to think about things. I loved learning about a new director who obviously cares about film and puts thought into his projects. I'm curious as to what he could do with something he didn't write. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. As for now, I'm going to go to sleep and hope the darkness and depression that can come from this movie doesn't consume me or give me nightmares. What a great closing line. See this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Insane in the membrane Review: I can't believe this movie was in and out of the theaters so fast that when my friends rented it, I had never heard of it. I also can't believe this movie didn't win any awards--it is unbelievably amazing--the story, the soundtrack, the acting, and the cinematography. I'll leave it to others to describe the movie further, but this really is one of those movies that stay with you for awhile. It is genuinely creepy, surreal, intelligent, original, and an Echo and the Bunnymen song opens the movie...what could be cooler than that?
Rating:  Summary: Frank the Bunny & Harvey should go on Celebrity Boxing Review: Chut up! Frank the Bunny would totally [chew] Harvey the Rabbit up. A truly dark and original film. The first since "American Beauty," "Fight Club," and "Being John Malkovich," to leave me with a sense of discovery. Like finding a diamond in the dirt at your feet. I read all the cast and crew bios expecting to find a link to the production of "American Beauty" or "PI," but there wasn't any that I could find. The feeling of "Donnie Darko" was very similar to elements of sound and cinematography of those two films. I consider myself a connoisseur of the strange, bizarre, weird, and surreal. If you are of the same ilk then this is destined to be a favorite of yours. It bacame an instant favorite of mine. I will await Richard Kelly's next work with anticipation. He is an outstanding newcomer. Let's hope he is as consistent in his quality of film making as M. Night Shyamlan. Frank the Bunny Rules!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: Donnie suffers from a sleep disorder. He often finds himself waking up in places he didn't fall asleep and his family is so accustomed to it that it's practically humorous. Troubled teen takes new meaning when a demonic rabbit appears to Donnie and sends him down a road which will change not only his life but the lives of his community. In therapy and on anti-psychotic drugs you are forced to decide whether the good Doc or drugs are helping or hindering. Good Donnie or bad Donnie? The decision shouldn't be a hard one while you waft through a parade of lifeless characters that seem to be gasping for breath only because it's second nature to keep trying. A psychological thriller to say the least with some sci-fi thrown in for good measure. A very interesting flick--not for those who dislike trying to figure it all out. The official web site makes great use of flash but you'd have to watch the movie to understand it.
Rating:  Summary: WOW - You'll either love it or not! Review: Sorry Benjamin, I don't agree. Please believe the hype. But as one reviewer already said, "You'll either love it or hate it." And I loved this movie. As the review on the box says, "It'll knock your socks off." And it knocked mine into the next stratosphere. And the actor Jake Gyllenhaal (Donnie Darko) - WOW, WOW, WOW. This guy is off the charts GREAT. Even if you don't like the movie, you'll love him - guaranteed. Some big named actors could take some lessons from him :) And I got the soundtrack to the movie which is haunting and beautiful. This one I will watch many, many times. Oh, and one other thing, this is one of those movies where if you have to take a bathroom break (or whatever), stop the movie, because you need to see everything so that you won't be lost.
Rating:  Summary: "Sometimes, I Doubt Your Commitment To Sparkle Motion!!" Review: I love this movie. Let me just get that out of the way first. I thought the casting was brilliant, thus the acting was perfect. Jake Gyllenhaal has been compared to countless, great, young actors. He shouldn't have been. He is in a class by himself. I feel the same way about Jena Malone. She will survive the transition between child star and adult actress with no problem. The rest of the cast was equally inspired. Drew Barrymore, Noah Wyle, Mary McDonnell, Holmes Osbourne, Kathrine Ross and Jake's real life sister Maggie are all exceptional. I think a lot of the criticism of this movie comes from people's need for a neat, tidy ending. This movie doesn't have one. It's totally up to the viewer to decide what they think happened.I have watched this movie several times and each time my conclusion is different. It depends on your mood I guess. I love that it isn't spelled out for me. I don't need to be spoon fed. I can think for myself, and this movie definitly allowed me to. I listened to the commentary and even the writer/ director doesn't really know how to explain it (that's aweome). It's a commentary on a lot of things: society, values, sanity, love. Take your pick, or add your own. This is a pensive film. It's not American Pie. Take some time with it. Watch it 2 or 3 times. It's worth it. And just as a side note: This movie has some of the greatest dialogue in movie history (ie. the conversation about the Smurfs is priceless).