Rating:  Summary: could have been amazing except for one flaw... Review: up until the end, this film is fascinating, creative, and complex......and then the end hits and you're left to wonder what, out of everything in the movie, actually ends up being real. i've been surprised that so few people question what happens to the Patrick Swayze character after the end. (oh, but HUGE kudos to Swayze for taking on the role he did.) there is so much that happens in the film which the ending just literally unravels. it definitely leaves you with questions about what is reality, and what is reality worth...
Rating:  Summary: Wildly strange and entertaining, and gets your mind spinning Review: Flying in and out of theaters before anyone really even heard of it, Donnie Darko is one of those little gems that most people will never see. It's a strange, genre bending film with a knock-out ending that will lead to hours of discussion long after the final credits roll. Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) is a troubled teenager who in-between zoning out at school and regular trips to his shrink, starts being visited by a demonic rabbit named Frank. Darko is told the world is going to end, and is given orders as this story becomes more and more absurd. Is everything what it seems? What does everything mean? And when the climax is reached, just when you think you're going to get some answers, plot twists the size of Jupiter knock you down for the count and confuse you even more. After two viewings I'm still trying to figure it out. But that is what makes this film so much fun. There are many puzzle pieces throughout the film, some obvious and some you never notice until repeat viewings. And the movie is so much fun to watch that each viewing is an intense, exciting experience. A number of pieces come together to make this movie work. The cinematography is excellent. From the opening [picture] of Darko lying on the hill top road to the final image, each [scene] is disturbing, eerie and above all, beautiful. And the accompanying soundtrack fits these scenes perfectly. Most impressive is a hard hitting montage at the end to a haunting cover of a Tears for Fears song. The editing in a number of scenes is equally impressive. For example, in the first scene at Darko's school, the camera flies around switching from slow motion to fast forward, introducing all the supporting characters as they cross each other's paths. The results will have you rewinding the scene and many others over and over out of their sheer beauty. Helping the film in its disturbed nature is Gyllenhaal's characterization of Darko, sending down-right scary smirks and haunting glares all throughout the film. Despite all these successes, though, Donnie Dark does have some significant problems. Much of the A-list supporting cast, such as Drew Barrymore, Patrick Swayze and Noah Wylie, while superb in their roles, aren't given enough to do. Barrymore and Wylie especially needed more time to establish their relationship and characterizations. Also, while the film is supposed to be abstract and mind bending, it sometimes goes a little too far without offering just a little bit of explanation. Mostly just some added character motivation here and there would make a little more sense out of it. While some absurdity works and some doesn't, in the end the good in this film far outweigh its problems, and Donnie Darko shows great promise for newcomer Richard Kelly, who wrote and directed it. After all, any film that inspires hours of thought and discussion long after it ends succeeds on all accounts. You'll want to own this one for repeat viewings.
Rating:  Summary: How can I express how AMAZING this film is??? Review: I can't. There is no way for me to really express just how amazing, how thought-provoking and compulsively WATCHABLE this movie is. I've watched it three times, and know I will watch it again at least three more times. The story is incredible, and the concepts which are fully fleshed-out (but still left for the viewer to discover) are fascinating. Having been a film fanatic for the past 25 years (since I was 8), and being a HUGE fan of offbeat cinema, I expected to be let-down by this movie. Quite the opposite. It's one of those films where, once you've seen it, you begin planning when you can watch it again, and whom you can drag-along for the ride. The genius of this film is that all of the elements are IN the picture, but it's up to the audience to piece it together, and once they DO it still leaves lots of room for alternate theories. It's the kind of film that raises as many questions as it answers, and NOT in a frustrating way. The film can be re-watched many times and it's not like the previous veiwings will ruin the effect; rather, they enhance it. Knowing what follows makes the film all the deeper, the messages all the more relevant, and the different trains-of-thought about "what it all means" all the more captivating. I can't recommend this film enough. The only movie of late that knocked me off my feet this way was MULHOLLAND DRIVE. BTW, the DVD is great. The image is a bit soft (source materials?), but the audio (5.1) is AMAZING, and the bonus features are plentiful (the deleted scenes are over 1/2 an hour long, and they're NOT just throwaways). Very, very recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Donnie Darko Review: I went to watch Donnie Darko on the spur of the moment, i went up to the ticket office and asked what film was about to start, the girl said 'Donnie Darko' so i said 'ok' and bought a ticket. i had no expectations for the film and had no clue of the plot or actors appearing in it. i really enjoyed the film it was very unique(i have never seen a film like it before) and kept the audience thinking and trying to work out what exactly was going on. its main focus was on donnie and other characters were not explored in detail but i felt an attraction towards the teachers even though they said very little. There were cheesy moments when Patrick Swayzi appeared but im sure this was meant as a satire of current day american shows like jerry springer etc. i would recommend the film because it made me want to know more about the director and writer etc and no other film has done that before. it is a strange film that will stay in your mind for many days and one you will never quite, fully understand.
Rating:  Summary: mysterious, amazing and unbelievably haunting! Review: Donnie Darko is simply one of the best movies I have ever seen, it keeps you in suspense and excitement the whole time and haunts you for days afterwards. I watched it two times in a row and still I it left me wanting more. It is interesting and cool, it all just clicks: the story, the cast, the filming and the soundtrack, which is terrific b.t.w. Excellent setting the movie in 1988 it gives the film a completely different feel. Jake Gyllenhaal is also great as Donnie Darko and the character kind of reminded me of Haulden Caulfield in the catcher in the rye, the kind of kid that you'd want to sit down with and talk to for ages. The entire cast is actually very good, I loved the whole family and Beth Grant is perfect as the intolerable gym teacher: Kitty farmer, Patrick Swayze is also a very funny choice giving the movie an even better 80'feel. All in all it is just a very gripping, mysterious movie and the fact that it was filmed in only 28 days, the duration of the story it self is amazing. The words from one of the last songs in the movie stuck in my head and are still there: I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I am dying are the best I have ever had. I just want to say to everybody: WATCH DONNY DARKO THE BEST FILM EVER!
Rating:  Summary: A hypnotic masterpiece Review: Jake Gyllenhaal, star of the godforsaken film Bubble Boy, gives the performance of his young career here as title character Donnie Darko. In 1988, young Donnie is a borderline schizo who sees a grotesque man size reptilian/rabbit which he follows and obeys. One night when Donnie goes off sleepwalking, the rabbit (who is called Frank) tells Donnie that the world will end in 28 days. The next morning as Donnie stumbles home, we see his home has been decimated by a jet plane engine. It is here where Donnie begins to wonder if all this really is all in his head, or if he isn't crazy and is meant for something more. As the film rolls along he meets and falls in love with the new girl (Jena Malone), and becomes obsessed with the theories of time travel. Patrick Swayze is here as a self help guru who may or may not be who he says he is, and nearly steals the show with his great performance. Mary McDonnel is great as well as Donnie's mother, and Noah Wyle and Drew Barrymore (she also was an executive producer of the film) play husband and wife teachers. Writer/director Richard Kelly has crafted an unbelieveably moving film that scares, shocks, and plays with the mind of the viewer while having a sense of dark humor to it all. All in all, those craving a different kind of thriller should definitely give this a look. This is destined to become a cult classic, and the fact Donnie goes to see Evil Dead in a theater makes this film even more of a gem.
Rating:  Summary: A stunning film!Jake Gyllenhaal gives a fabulous performance Review: Jake Gyllenhaal shines in this film. He is funny and all though he has psycilogical problems he seems like the wierd neighbor next-door.This movie will change your life, it makes you think of the meaning of life and death. Being full of a deep subject you would think that this film would be too dark, but Richard Kelly does a great job mixing in comedy with tradgedy. The lines are witty and fun. The young stars are all up and coming, Maggie Gyllenhaal shines as the very believable sister. And Jena Malone is the caring, kind, and slightly problematic girl friend. Everyone dies alone, but no one should die not having seen this film.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie of this Quality is Truly a Rare Find Review: This movie could have easily made a huge impact if it had reached a larger audience in theaters. It is more thoughtful, complex, and thought provoking than American Beauty, though on a certain level it is a tad less realistic. I honestly don't want to spoil one second of this movie for you because it is so good. It's a story about a boy, a twisted looking rabbit, and the very concept of time and fate. It deals with issues of faith, sanity, love, fear, and destiny. Truly, it is nothing short of a masterpiece. Go watch it and you will understand, but like I said, I don't want to spoil any more of it for you.
Rating:  Summary: If "the true measure of a great work of art is... Review: ...how many time you can go back to it", then "Donnie Darko" is probably somewhere up on the list of best movies ever, because you can watch this movie literally 10, 15 times and still find yourself noticing weird little things that even tend to upset your "explanation" for it. Who cares about "understanding" it anyway? How about the fact that there's a DEMONIC RABBIT in it for God's sake? I personally think this may just be the best movie about adolescence and youthful alienation ever. As bizarre and unlikely as Donnie's story is, you feel like you can relate to it, because it simply embodies the confusion and anxiety of being a teenager in extreme form. It's a beautiful movie.
Rating:  Summary: Donnie Drako says much about life Review: Although there is a great attention drawn to the supernatural in this picture, the main character represents many ideals that go unsaid in America today. With an All-Star cast along with an appropriate Soundtrack that compliments each powerful scene, this is a must see!