Rating:  Summary: Mind Bogglingly Good Review: There are only a handful of bad reviews on this movie, but they are quite irritating to read. This movie is a masterpiece, and unlike just about EVERYTHING that comes out in the theaters these days, this kind of movie has never been done before. Your common everyday meat head movie-goer isn't going to like it because its meaning is not instantly accessible. Oh no!! You actually have to THINK about this movie for awhile after you watch it to try to form an opinion on it! Movies like this don't always go over well because the mass pop culture can be very stupid. But believe me, to write this movie off because it is "confusing" is ignorant and closed minded. Well, enough ... bashing. What about the movie itself. Casting was perfect. Nothing but good performances. The style in which this movie was filmed is just beyond description. The more you watch the movie, and the more your mind lets you see things come together, the more amazing the filming becomes. I can't say too much because I'll give things away. (Yes, there actually is a plot and a meaning. Just don't expect Vin ... Diesel to come on screen and tell you exactly what it is.) And the icing on the cake is the music. This movie was made to look and sound like it takes place in the 80's, but the whole eighties feel is very subtle. Almost as if they went to the trouble of doing things to let you know it takes place in the late eighties, even though it doesn't really matter too much. Anyway, I could go on and on. See this movie. It's one of a kind. I actually suggest buying the DVD instead of renting it, because you will most likely need to see it more than once. If you want to see a TRULY confusing movie that has no meaning or validity, go see Malibu's Most Wanted at the local theater.
Rating:  Summary: Very Different, but Very Good Review: When I first watched this movie, I really wasn't sure where it was going. But movies that make you ask questions are usually the ones that turn out to be the best. It's funny, it's sad, it's wierd, it's worth it. When I first saw this movie, it was when I bought it on DVD and I do not regret buying it. I don't want to spoil the plot so I won't get into it. As a DVD I think it is great also. They offer the video to Gary Jule's remake of Tears for Fears "Mad and World" and not only is it a great remake but a great video. The deleted scenes are very good also, though I would watch it with the commentary first then without it because when the commentary is on you can't really hear the dialogue. It also gives you a list of the actors and crews past works and gives you some ideas of other movies to see. On the back of the DVD it compares the movie to Stir of Echoes and Final Destination. It really isn't like either of those movies except for a topic or two related to Donnie Darko. Even if you don't buy it, at least go out and rent it.
Rating:  Summary: "The beginning is the end of the beginnig" Review: Ok,when I first heard of this movie, I thought it sounded kind of dumb, but I had to take a film class and this was one of the films we watched...and I love it! It took that class and a group dicussion to fully understand this film and see how deep it really is. I agree with some of the less positive reviewers that you'll either love it or hate, but it's worth watching to find out. Every time I watch this movie I see a few more hints and clues that make it more and more clear. (To those who have seen the movie...remeber "CellarDoor" and when the class watches the self help video, look where Pat Swayze touches the boy after he hugs him...) Oh, and to some of the other people that wrote reviews, said they "get it",(I don't think you do) and said that Donnie's home life was ok. (check out his parents' reaction both times after the crash (how concerned are they?) and what they say when the meet Donnie's Therapist for the 1st time. Ok, I'll shut up now..... No, WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Good but Confusing Movie Review: It would be very hard for a person to walk away from Donnie Darko thinking that there was not at least some interest in the film. It is relevant to school life and throws in the typical issues such as censorship, the American obsession with self help philosophy and dealing with mental illness in the family. However these subplots alone do not sum up the meaning behind Donnie Darko. The film is haunting and keeps you feeling like there is something deeper to peer upon hidden in the plot. Even without understanding the movie you must at least walk away feeling something about the movie. Donnie Darko is a confusing movie. After watching it for the first time I found that there was not one point in the movie that made it all fall in to place. Like other contemporary films eg. David Lynch films such as Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive it leaves you feeling extremely frustrated. It makes you feel like you have missed the point and that there was an immense philosophical truth running through the movie that is only reserved for geniuses such as Stephen Hawking. After reading different theories on the net about the meaning behind the film one is left to conclude this is yet another film that forces you to make your own conclusions about the meaning. This seems to be becoming an increasingly popular trend among modern films. I rated it 4 because I for one am becoming more and more frustrated with films whose directors feel they have the right to tease the audience (possibly because of free publicity generated by internet users posting theories about the meanings of movies). I'm not a genius and I hate the feeling that I have missed something when I watch a film, even if I watch it over and over again. Besides this I think it is a copout. A director should be able to imply enough meaning for a movie to make sense. Furthermore it can be done without spelling everything out and and it can be done without making everything obvious upon the first viewing. Apparently the DVD extra features do provide more information about the storyline but still don't explicitly give away the meaning of the film. I think the director was dealing with cliche philosophical problems such as time travel in new exciting ways which would make it a perfect film if it weren't for the frustrating lack of resolution one gets at the end of the film.
Rating:  Summary: A better review of one of my favorite films! Review: This is one of my favorite films. It has to be one of the best pieces of cinema to come out in a very long time. It is so original, captivating, well-written, and directed that there are hardly words to explain just how great it is! Everyone in the cast is perfect in their roles, and the music score is awesome too. The director was very detailed in his creation of the atmosphere and the world in which the characters live. His usage of certain eighties songs was also a huge plus. I love that this film takes place during the eighties. I thought that was pretty cool! Heres the storyline, that I'm sure you already know, but here it goes: Jake Gyllenhaal plays Donnie Darko, a teen suffering from schizophrenia. He sleepwalks, hallucinates, and has a very short temper. He is also seeing a psychiatrist, which he visits during the week to give her updates about how his life has been going, and the things that he has been seeing. His family is very supportive, although he and his sisters tend to fight quite often, but his parents try to communicate with him whenever they can and show him love. His home life isn't that bad, although sometimes, he feels totally alone in the world. Then one night, his life totally changes. He hears a voice calling for him, telling him to wake up. He gets out of bed, and walks towards the door as the voice continues to beckon him. He walks outside to see a man-sized, demonic looking rabbit standing out in the yard. The rabbit tells him that the world is going to end in twenty-eight days, six hours, fourty-two minutes, and twelve seconds. Then, out of nowhere, a plane engine falls out of the sky, and lands right on top of Donnie's house, right where his room would have been, and crashes right through it. No one knows how it got there. All they know is that had Donnie been in his room, he would have died. All of this is very strange, and from there on, the rabbit keeps coming back to Donnie. He shows him visions, makes him do things, and continuously warns him about the future and time travel. You may think I'm giving away too much, but really, I'm not. This is ONLY the beginning. There is so much to this film. It is simply amazing. You have to see it. Then you have to see it again, and again, and again. The ending is a big surprise. Everything in this film ties together perfectly. A friend got me the DVD for Christmas last year, and it is excellent. It has so many awesome special features. Listen to the actor/director commentary. It explains things, and helps to tie up loose ends. Actually, there are no loose ends in this film. Everything is there for a specific purpose. This movie is so deep. I'd reccommend visiting the website ... also. GREAT FILM! I LOVE IT! GO RENT IT, OR BETTER YET, BUY IT BECAUSE YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!
Rating:  Summary: Hmmmm.... Review: The great mystery of this film to me is how on earth people can like it.. For starters, you can completely ignore anyone who tells you that if you don't like the film it's cos you're not 'getting' it. That's the same old poor insult mechanism that over-zealous fans choose to employ over accepting that sometimes people just don't like their much loved cult movie. Provided you give it your full attention, there's not really that much to 'get' about it. For me, DD falls down cos it just plays out like a dull and drawn out exercise in poor film narrative, and audience awareness. It just didn't manage to straddle the line between something clever and challenging, and something entertaining (i.e like the 'Usual Suspsects' and 'Session 9', etc). Amongst the drama sections, and the teen high school bits Donnie Darko was just a load of juxtaposed semi-dream like sequences, which all crudely ties together at the end to leave you thinking 'ah... ok. Erm, so what?' I just felt like it was one of those hour and a half waste of time kinda films. Don't get me wrong, it's not without it's plus points (the performances are good, the music is great and it has some very funny bits), but it basically is one of those films where there will be no in between, you'll either love it or hate it, and I was in the latter half.
Rating:  Summary: What is all the fuss about? Review: I was hoping for something engaging and entertaining but that is not what I got. They should call it Donnie Dull. Sure the acting was good. The storyline was offbeat as well, but a good portion of it just did not keep me interested. I am personally getting pretty tired of movies where most of the characters are depressing. There were afew laughs but if I want laughs I will just watch the Marx Brothers. I doubt if I will recomend this to anyone. I kept looking at my watch wondering when it was going to end. It sure takes a long time to get to the point, but maybe that was the point?
Rating:  Summary: They Don't Get Much Better Than This Review: If you're into the bizarre, the unexpected, multiple twists and turns...and a good scare...see "Donnie Darko". It is a compelling, hypnotic masterpiece that had me turning my head from side to side trying to figure out the plot...better yet...the whole purpose of this film. When it all comes together in the end, you begin putting all of the pieces in place. It is unpredictable, masterfully edited and scripted, and you just can't go wrong with a cast like this. It is one of the most entertaining and though-provoking films I have ever seen. Don't rent it...BUY IT! You'll want to go back for more.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome, if confusing Review: This movie is great... extremely funny, very wierd... not at all the movie I would think it might be from looking at the box. It seems to make only slightly more sense the second time you watch it, and not much more after subsequent viewings, but that doesn't detract from its excellence. I could watch it about a million and a half times. Most of the deleted scenes are a little boring, but some of them shed some light on the film. I wish the director and actor commentary did a slightly better job of explaining some confusing points, but no matter. The movie is still worth owning.
Rating:  Summary: Its Genius----Mind-blowing Darko Intelligence Review: Anyone who loved Memento is going to fall for Darko! I consider Mr. Kelly's mind Dark, Beautiful and Brilliant. An original way to place time traveling in a disturbed boy's mind. Every detail of the movie is perfectly taken care of, In this outstanding role, Jake gave the performance of a lifetime with convincing authenticity and naturalness the role fits him perfectly! Drew Barrymore makes a real combination of a mature woman and a naïve, but responsible teacher; as well as Jena Malone as Donnie's girl was traumatic in a good way. Also, who can forget the rabbit that asks "why are we wearing this stupid man suit?" also we know that Grandma Death could use some time traveling herself but she is a key element to the psyche of the story. It is a psychological thriller with a little bit of dark comedy that everybody will love, even if you do not understand it you will be thinking about it and watching it over and over again hoping to find more clues. I personally lend this movie to some of my friends, I thought that they were not going to like it but there we were talking about Donnie, the smurf analysis and the Bunny Rabbit at some point of the day. Donnie Darko is a Tremendous Rendezvous of thoughts, ideas, feelings, and facts that almost has you questioning yourself "is this possible?"