Rating:  Summary: terrific and thought-inducing Review: This film is one of the most powerful films I have seen. It is a shame most people have to assoiciate the downward spiral to drug use. This film is very abstract. I believe it is done so in a way so that the viewer can feel how estranged the character Pink becomes. Excellent Artwork, metaphorical presentation, and staging coupled with powerful music. Hate it or love it, must watch at least twice to start forming your own views.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful Review: "Pink Floyd the Wall" is what it was always supposed to be...a visual experience. The music from the original LP hit us hard enough, with such poignant tunes as "Hey You", "Vera Lynn" and "Mother", not to mention the showstoppers "Run Like Hell", "Another Brick in the Wall", and "Comfortably Numb". It was a natural progression that a movie came out, and I'm glad it did. The result is powerful. The film creates an eerie, sad, desperate and pervasive world that envelopes you, taking you in and down with the movie's anti-hero, Pink. His life is one of rebellion and loneliness, and he never quite comes to terms with himself until the end, when it's really too late. From his early experiences with bitter and sarcastic headmasters to his final drug overdose and near insanity, we get to run the gamut of experiences with him, and if it isn't always satisfying, it is certainly compelling. One of the most memorable, tragic scenes involves Pink's crew trying to get him ready for a gig, while he's whacked out on pills and whatever else is handy. As they drag him, wasted and near-comatose, to the show he must play, he hallucinates that he's literally rotting away, while the song "Comfortably Numb" drones ominously on the soundtrack. The result is frightening, and very good. Not for the squeamish, this movie has many brilliant little moments like this, and as a whole, ranks as one of the more intense dramas ever made.
Rating:  Summary: It may not be for all. Review: The Wall is a flim that lets you open your eyes, ears and mind. To the non Pink Floyd fan this is a threatening thought. To those of us who choose to understand Pink Floyd the film gives us a visual view of the abundance of talent and insight that Pink Floyd has been giving to us for years through their music. This film is not about drugs, it is about bringing the viewer in with sight, sound and emotion. Those of you who can't handle that justkeep watching your mindless multi-million dollar films that don't let you experience real entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Bob Geldof -- GREAT PERFORMANCE! Review: Over the years, I never understood why so many people would equate this movie to drug-use. To me, it is more personal and emotional for that. This movie deals with basic human emotions, needs, and hurts. And Bob Geldof pulls off an wrenching performance.
Rating:  Summary: "Pink Floyd" view of this century's evils. Review: The music here is somewhat different (and better) than the CD version. The film is about this century's evils, as seen by Pink: the wars, hitlerism, neo-nazism, half-orphanage, abuse of children in British schools, teenage rebelion, destruction of traditional values, capitalist sprawl in the US, its consequences, drugs, etc.
Rating:  Summary: See the twisted world of a talented, yet tormented musician. Review: Explore the world of Pink Floyd, a rock star who has trouble coping with the pain and torment of a traumatic childhood and a less than wonderful marriage. Completely told through music, this gripping story will have you wondering if Pink will ever recover from the drug induced funk he has thrown himself into. Although we cheer for Pink to do the right thing, his dismal existence and fatherless childhood haunt him terribly. A great movie for fans of Pink Floyd, the rock band. Non-fans don't bother. You'll just end up banging your head against The Wall.
Rating:  Summary: What Makes a Great Album Does Not Make a Great Film Review: The album is great. That doesn't mean you should make a movie of it! Roger Waters' vison, when splayed across a big screen, is really appalling. We always knew he liked the dark best but I don't think I need to see it in Panavision. Depressing and without much to offer it (outside of the fact it is associated with Pink Floyd). Skip it.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST-SEE for all Floyd fans Review: Revealingly autobiographical on Roger Waters behalf, this film depicts his early childhood through to Rock superstardom, with psychological analysis thrown in for free. The sarcasm of his lyrics will be lost to all those who do not really understand all the symbolism, but it nevertheless entertains as much as the album. The film itself became a chore for Roger Waters, as can be gleaned from the lyrics to the track Not Now John, on the group's final album with Waters at the helm : "The Final Cut". Although Waters was highly critical of the film making process, I think he feels that he achieved what he set out to when transferring from vinyl to celluloid. I saw this in the cinema when it first came out, and have since bought the video, and would highly recommend it to any Floyd fan as a must-purchase. Don't dither, just do it.
Rating:  Summary: Be prepared to be depressed Review: Although this is a great movie to drop Pink Floyd's music against, it makes it even more depressing than just listening to the music. Great songs, some great ideas in the movie, but better reserved for a night when you're not feeling to swift.
Rating:  Summary: This movie, like pink floyd, rules. Review: This is a very awesome, visual movie. The music of the CD, The Wall is in it, and it adds great effects.