Rating:  Summary: Sadly, a mostly misunderstood film Review: It is unfortunate the hype that surrounded this film and the blame of it for causing additional violence when this was the completely opposite intention. I was fortunate enough to attend a speaking of Oliver Stone at the University of Central Florida and I remember his thoughts on the creation of this film. He spoke of being so disgusted with the amount of violence that was sensationalized by the media, especially television at the time. He was so disturbed and sickened by this that he "threw up on film and called it Natural Born Killers." That last part IS a direct quote and one of the best lines I have ever heard.I just wanted to share this because it helped me appreciate the film even more than I did originally.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Work of All Time Review: This is the type of movie that you either hate or love. There is no middle ground. Personally, I think it is the greatest work of all time. You walk away with this feeling that cannot be rivaled and no matter how many times you see it, it fails to grow old. Powerful message and feelings throughout. Wow
Rating:  Summary: is oliver stone the best director of all time? Review: natural born killers, any version you watch of it on dvd, is a experience you will never forget.. the movie itself holds up seven years after its initial release, the commentary track by o stone is revealing and informing, the deleted scenes and alternate ending are riveting- special mention to the courtroom ashely judd scene- and the documentary is expansive and engaging.. plus the print looks great and this movie was meant to be watched loud, preferably with great surround sound, as the dvd format provides.. overall- stunning.. a must have!
Rating:  Summary: Preacher Stone Speaks Again Review: Ahem. Preacher Oliver Stone delivers another sermon on why America is such an awful place. This man has nothing good to say about American life, have you noticed? Not only does he fabricate history to suit his agenda (JFK) but he tries to avoid sanctimony through his usual didactic, heavy-handed approach to filmmaking. If you like movies which try to excuse their exploitation of violence and sex by supposedly satirizing the same, then this film is for you. Ironically, the Wayne Gale sleazy talk show host character might have best been played by Stone himself. The scenes in the prison are a joke; maximum security guards don't behave in this way. Police are shown as not much better than the killers themselves, for which Stone should be ashamed. In fact, I can't recall one sympathetic portrayal of a law enforcement officer in this film. What's more, the warden, played by Tommy Lee Jones, comes across as a psycho himself. Again, not very believable, but I guess you can excuse yourself from reality when your on some confused crusade to rescue America from itself. One thing is sure though: if I were to show this film to my Chinese students contemplating study abroad in the U.S., they'd think twice!
Rating:  Summary: A Violant movie about Love Review: After I watched the movie, love was more in my mind than the violence. When you look at each character individually, they are both physcos and therefore their love is very extraordinary. Theme of "love" is like covered with the themes of violence and rebellion. The way both of them would do anything for their love is (mixed with Stone's supremacy) makes the perfect image of pure love. A must buy if you like movies like Fight Club, you have to oversee the violence and blood to see the real beauty of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: great cinemetaghraphy but not a classic Review: Oliver Stone directs Quentin Tarantino's tale about Mickey and Mallory going on a killing spree across the country. Woody Harrelson and Julliete Lewis give stunning performances. Robert Downey Jr. is great for his wacked out selfish role. Tommy Lee Jones(in his third Oliver Stone film) is in his craziest performance ever as the country Warden. They should give Rodney Dangerfield an oscar for his outstanding performance as Mallory's drunken dad. The angled cameras,B/W,Flinto green, and Lighting add lots to the film.
Rating:  Summary: could it get any better? yes! Review: the original release of Natural Born Killers was a whirlwind of controversy. thought as too violent, a meaningless bloodbath. this is a total missconception of the real film. NBK follows the killing spree across america of mickey and mallory knox. what makes this film so special is the intence story that only tarentino could produce with the brilliant directing of oliver stone. NBK directors cut is even better than the original, adding extra footage that really should not have been edited from the original release. the only problem i found with the vhs is it lacks the court room scene. this was a great dissapointment, because after reading that section of the script, there was nothing i would have liked to see more than mickey's cross examination. overall though a brilliant film, that just keeps getting better and better.
Rating:  Summary: Natural Born Director Review: The most exciting director of our generation,Oliver Stones NBK is our generations answer to Kubricks A Clockwork Orange. Never content ,forever driven,Stones exploration of our society and its bloodthirsty vouyeristic ossession with carnage will one day be appreciated for its satire instead of being maligned by narrow minded simpletons afraid of facing reality.Enjoy the breathtaking cinematography ,frantic pacing and superior casting as Oliver once again proves he is a man with a vision .Tarentinos book comes to life in a surrealistic journey inside the mind of a psychopath woven through the eyes of a materialistic fast food tabloid saturated society. Never about less than three issues at once,NBK is sure to evoke lively debates for generations.Love it or loathe it ,Oliver can always give your mind its money worth.Me, I loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Route 666 a candylane of murder and mayhem. Review: This is probobly one of the best motion pictures I have ever seen in my entire life! Star-Studded and Action-Packed! This is the 1st Oliver Stone film I have ever seen. 2nd being THE DOORS which is good but can't compair to NATURAL BORN KILLERS in anyway. But from seeing the two I can tell that Oliver Stone must be a terrific filmaker. Now what I like about the Director's Cut is that it seems more complete, and has cut scenes to look for. Also on the VHS version there is a 2nd tape containing the Nine Inch Nails music video "Burn", Deleted scenes, and "Chaos Rising" a NATURAL BORN KILLERS documentary. The NIN music video is very cool for more reasons then 1. One of the reasons is that it contains clips from the motion picture relating to Mickey's past. Second it is a really cool song. The Deleted scenes are also very cool. I have two personal favorite deleted scenes. One of theme is "The Courtroom". This scene contains Mickey (Woody Harrelson) cross examining Ashley Judd. It is very violent and surprising. The other deleted scene that I like a lot is the "Alternate Ending". This deleted scene has content taking place after the murder of Wayne Gale (Robert Downey Jr.). Mickey, Mallory (Julliete Lewis), and Owen (Arliss Howard) are driving away in a van and Owen makes a comment about never being to Mexico. Then, MIckey tells Owen that he isn't going to because they were gonna drop him off at the next town. What happens next is surprising so I won't talk about it. One of the things that was origanally cut from the film, but was put back into the Director's Cut was the Diner Murders at the beginning of the film. The things I noticed were when Mickey kills the 1st guys after cutting off his finger they showed him stabbing the guy more times than in the original. Also when Mickey cuts off the 1st guys finger they show the stump and the finger in color. Also when Mallory kills the Dancing Guy they show more blood and more of the assault. And also they have more of Mallory's original dialouge. Also when Mickey kills the 2nd guy they show the knife in the 2nd guys back after he collapses. Other things shown were the hole in Wayne Gale's hand, Dwight Mcluscky's dismembered head on a stake, and much more content from the Riot. So that is all I can say right now about NATURAL BORN KILLERS: The Director's Cut.
Rating:  Summary: Trip movie all the way... Review: This is a movie about two brutal serial killers that are turned into international heroes by the media. It is considered one of the biggest experimental movies of all time. I highly recommend this if you are in the mood to see some people get killed.