Rating:  Summary: One of my new favorites..... Review: This movie is amazing-the acting, writing, music, cinematography. I went out and bought it immediately and watched it numerous times already.
Rating:  Summary: Overblown and poorly directed. Review: John Cameron Mitchell's stage show was infinitely better than this poorly directed version. It's self-aggrandizement to the nth degree. What do all the meaningful looks actually mean when one character sings to another? What is Andrea Martin as the Agent doing in the movie? Her character's actions make no sense. Why should we care about Hedwig? At least with the stage show you have the raw excitiment of live theatre, and you develop a rapport with Hedwig; however, here, it feels as though Mitchell just wanted to toot his own egohorn. It's just plain bad storytelling.
Rating:  Summary: Hedwig pounds the inch home Review: With material that stretches the mind, but rocks you on the way, this movie encompasses everything that prove that filmed entertainment has surpassed novels as the most important artistic form. The making of documentery is especially rewarding. This disc is not for the young or faint of heart. There are mature scenes- but little nudity, violence, and the language is relatively clean. Most of the adultness of the scenes concerns sex / gender identity- which are explicitly dealt shown and dealt with, in the context of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best I've seen Review: Hedwig and the Angry Inch is certainly one of the best films I've seen in a long time. It has great casting, an extremely good story, and good musical performances as well. I enjoyed it thoroughly time and time again.
Rating:  Summary: One of only a very few GREAT films of 2001 Review: I love Hedwig and the Angry Inch. It's one of my favorite movies. It's fun, the music is awesome (AWESOME!), it's well made and superbly acted. I can't tell you how great it is to see a seriously written film about love and sexual identity and still be this much fun! The DVD is full of great things, too. An 85 min docu, comm. by dir. and and cinematographer, and lots more. I highly recommend this movie.
Rating:  Summary: You're gonna love HEDWIG & her angry inch... Review: Probably the best movie of the year...Other reviews give the basic plot. Suffice it to say that there's a little Hedwig in all of us.... The acting is superb,as are the graphics. Kudos to the cast,writers etc. The accompaning documentary is great. Do yourself a favor& buy it. If you like Rocky or being John Malkovich (spend 15 minutes in Hedwig's head!), or Fight Club you'll like HEDWIG... it touches all emotions...Can not wait to see &(hear) John Cameron Mitchell's next...may be the further adventures of HEDWIG.... what an action figure Heddie would make:)
Rating:  Summary: Take This One Down From The Shelf! Review: Hansel is a young boy growing up in communist East Berlin.Hedwig Robinson is a divorced Army wife following her former lover turned Rock Icon, Tommy Gnosis, with her band "The Angry Inch". How Hansel becomes Hedwig, and how Hedwig becomes whole, is the story told in "Hedwig and the Angry Inch". A lot of people have drawn comparisons between "Hedwig" and "Rocky Horror Picture Show", and while both are glam rock musicals with a bit of "gender-bending" that started out as stage shows, that's about where the similarities end. Where "Rocky Horror" is a sexual farce loosely based on Frankenstein, "Hedwig" takes it's direction from Aristotle's speech (from Plato's Symposium) on the origin of love, essentially that once upon a time, humans had twice the arms, legs, and faces we have now, but were cut in two by the gods for being too proud - love comes from a desire to find the half we were seperated from. Hansel's search leads him to an American GI who asks to marry him, but with the stipulation that "in order to leave, you have to leave a little somtehing behind". Hansel adopts his mother's name and hesitantly undergoes a botched sex change (in the same fashion as a back alley abortion), which leaves him with an "angry inch" of flesh. A year later, a newly divorced woman scraping by on odd jobs and babysitting gigs, Hedwig meets and falls in love with Tommy Speck, whom she soon decides is her "other half". When Tommy decides he can't handle who (what?) she is, and runs away to become a rock star with the songs they wrote together, Hedwig takes to stalking him, shadowing his tour with a tour of her own through a chain of seafood restaurants. As an unconventional love story whose ultimate message is "love thyself", "Hedwig" is a movie with a lot of laughs and a lot of heart. in creating an over the top, in your face star who's alternately cruel and heartbroken, John Cameron Mitchell manages to give us a completely (and surprisingly) believable character that despite having little in common with, almost everyone can identify with. As if the movie weren't fabulous enough, the dvd comes with extended footage, a commentary by JCM and director of photography, some of the best menu design I've yet to see on a dvd, and best of all, a wonderful feature length documentary on the history of "Hedwig" from the first performance at Squeezebox to the present, including interviews with "Hed-Heads" (fans) discussing how much it's meant to them and how much a part of their lives it's become.
Rating:  Summary: I wasn't too anxious to see this, but I am so glad I did Review: I love movies. Especially when they're good. And when I hear from enough people that a film is good, I try to make time for it. I heard from enough people that "Hedwig" was good but I couldn't get all that anxious to see it. I'd seen the preview. It reminded me of "Priscilla," drag queen on the road, ho-hum. I just assumed I knew what I was going to see. I haven't been so wrong about a movie since I was dragged to see "Election," all the while complaining, "Who cares about a movie about a high school campaign?" Well, it turned out, I did. And very much. Same situation with this film. From the moment Hedwig lifts her wing-like cape and launches into the first song, I was wide-eyed. John Cameron Mitchell's performance would be amazing even if he hadn't written and directed the movie. Since he did, I'd say that it's one of the most astonishing triple-threat debuts since "Citizen Kane." Hold on: I'm not saying it's as good as "Citizen Kane," I'm saying it's somewhere on that list. But that's a good list to be on. I want to also point out a great performance by the actor who played Yitzak, but I fear that saying too much might spoil one of the movies better surprises (whether you caught on from the get-go or near the end, it's still a nice reversal). Yitzak rocks the house. And the songs. They're great. Infectious. Catchy. Clever. "Wig in a Box" is like a letter-perfect transmutation of a classic Billy Joel song and what the film does with it is eye-popping. "Sugar Daddy" "Angry Inch" they're just fantastic. The whole thing is like a new Ken Russell movie, except it won't make you car sick. Now if only Tenacious D and the Angry Inch could meet in a Bilgewaters somewhere out on the road... two giant forces, equally awesome and pathetic, they could seriously stop the Earth on its axis.
Rating:  Summary: six inches forward... Review: What a great movie. Really fun and what an AMAZING soundtrack reminiscent of old Bowie, Bauhaus etc. A must see/have! Definitely a must have soundtrack. What great song writting ability.
Rating:  Summary: A Pleasant Surprise Review: Regardless of your sexual orientation, this is a wonderfully told story that has excellent repeat-viewing potential. I have seen this movie three times at the movie theater, and as of this Christmas, I am now the proud owner of the DVD :). Each time I view it, I catch things that I had previously missed. The music alone is great enough, but the story is superb. There have been many comparisons of this movie to Rocky Horror, but I feel that Hedwig is much deeper emotionally and at least has a more reasonable plot. The extras on the DVD are delicious - the deleted scenes and commentary are a "must view" for any serious Hedwig fan.