Rating:  Summary: WOW!!!!! Review: I love this movie. It has everything. There's tons of gore, knockout gut- wrenching zombie mutilatiation, demonic- evil sprit possesion material to go around and come back for seconds. I watched it twice when I rented it. I advise you DON"T LISTEN TO THE RATING AMAZON.COM GAVE THIS MOVIE> IT IS NOT NC-17! IT"S NOT EVEN RATED. Movies like this shouldn't be rated because they are so outrageously violent and gory that in the end, it doesn't matter what it's rated because it's just a horror movie and succeeds as just that. It was released in 1981, but don't be fooled. You'd never guess it was made 20+ years ago. It is a classic in the horror world. The filming is great. If you watch this and THE SIXTH SENSE and you'll see some strong resemblences between the two and the way they were filmed. The fact that this movie doesn't have much of a plot doesn't affect the quality of the movie. This movie is awesome. Rent it or buy it today if you are true to the horror genre.(This movie contains strong gore violence, brief breast exposure(nudity), and very mild language. Not suitable for those under the age of twelve.)
Rating:  Summary: man this movie sucks Review: i have seen all the evil dead movies, but this has to be the worest horror movie i have ever seen. i mean bruce c. does not even do any thing plus this is the worest have ever seen. i mean it is so freakn stupid. start off with
Rating:  Summary: An Avant-Gardist Film Review: Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell.This team made the best horror film in 80's.But this film's effect still to smear.When this film was starting to show in theatres,two juror died to afraid. In 80's film technology hasnt devoloped enough.And he knew this.But Sam Raimi wanted to make a good film and he managed to. In this film there r a lots of tension,frightening and gore scenes.In this respect film is excellent and satisfy.Other way make ups r so cool and belivable.Cast's r very good and the places r so fascinating.This film is a real horror film.And this film is an Avant-Gardist in horror film's sector. I have seen all Evil Dead series but i have never feel the horror like the first one.I think the best horror film in the 80's and 90's.
Rating:  Summary: Beware The Deadites! Review: Note: May contain spoilers. This is one cool and gory movie! The Evil Dead is definitely a great choice for any horror movie fan! It has everything you could possibly ever want in a horror movie. Great settings, spooky and dark atmosphere, cool cast, and gore galore! The story is about five friends who visit a cabin in the woods on the mountains. They go into the cellar and find a tape recorder and a very weird book. They play the tape and it raises Hell. Trees come to life, Humans transform into Monsters, and the red stuff flies. A lot of the red stuff at that. If your a gorehound, you've found just what your looking for. Eyeballs are gouged out, heads blown off, bodies melt, and much more. This movie definitely set the standard in gruesomeness. The special F/X are surprisingly very good for a movie that was shot on such a low budget (the budget was around ........ or so). Bruce Campbell also makes a great horror movie Hero and is definitely the coolest! And believe me, this movie WILL scare you. Watch this late at night in the dark all alone and scare yourself silly! No horror fan should miss this gore-drenched classic! Buy it! It's an all-time favorite.
Rating:  Summary: an overrated horror misfire Review: I must be the only person in the world who doesn't like "The Evil Dead." For the record, I don't HATE it, I just think it's disappointing considering the effort and talent involved. A bunch of twentysomethings go up to a remote mountain cabin for the weekend, only to find forces of evil conspiring against them in the woods. Eventually, demons start taking over the bodies of everyone in sight until only one survivor (Bruce Campbell) is left standing. That's the plot, no nutshell. There is a lot of cartoonish gore thrown in to keep our interest. Director Sam Raimi gives the proceedings a tongue-in-cheek tone and sets up many elaborate moments of over-the-top physical humor that simply don't pay off due to bad timing. The overall craftsmanship of "The Evil Dead" is better than anything else in the movie, helped by some really excellent stop-motion effects at the climax. Fans of Raimi's style of horror will no doubt love this, but as a "horror classic" this definitely comes up short.
Rating:  Summary: WHO EVER WANTS TO SEE ANY OF THE EVIL DEAD MOVIES READ THIS Review: Hello everyone, I had just written a very long review about this movie but then my computer froze and it got erased and...BUT ANYWAY!!! Look, what I am going to do is write a review on each Evil Dead movie. I already did this for the Hellraiser and Nightmare on Elm Street Movies, and I am going to do it for the friday the 13th movies, the Halloween movies, and the horrible after the first one it went so downhill its not funny SCREAM movies. And many more in the near future. I am going to rate each movie by 5 stars, 1 being the worst, and 5 of cousre being the best. Evil Dead (5 stars) Before seeing this movie I had heard a lot about it. Not from my stupid friends who would rather see Lethal Weapon Part XXVI but real Horror Movie Goers. After seeing this movie I basically wanted to be Bruce Campbell. Of course my brother beat me up for it(lol) but hey, it was fun while it lasted. Like Sam R. said after making this movie was how he wanted to make this movie more of a "Scary movie", he basically wanted to frighten the crowd with every scary moment. This movie can be said by all to of course be the scariest of the bunch. When seeing this movie it freaked me out like the part when they were playing cards and when Linda was possesed. The gore in this movie is amazing for some, but for most Horror fans its mild compared to movies like Dead Alive. Overall this movie is and always will be on my list for greatest movies ever. This movie will also remain the best low-budget movie ever. (made for only 350,000) Evil Dead II:Dead By Dawn(4 stars) Before veiwing this movie I wasn't expecting much, I was expected a normal stinker Sequal!But more and more before the release date of the movie, I kept getting more and more high hopes. I was thinking this movie could not possibly be bad because of the first one being so good. After seeing this movie I thought it was AWESOME! But...not as good as the first. The thing that I didnt like was how no parts where really scary expect for when Lindas face was up against the window, and when the mom was in the cellar and he saw her for the first time. Even though this movie lacking in scaryness this movie was still visually awesome. After this movie was finished Sam said how when making this he was trying to give the crowd more of a Special Effects treat, instead of being a scary movie. Of course with this ending there would be one more sequal. Army Of Darkness(4 Stars) Of course before seeing this movie I didnt think it was going to be scary. I expected a action type horror movie and that is what you get. I love this movie for its a nice get you into the movie plot and Bruce Campbell's one liners! Oh man are they awesome. I went around for about a week just saying them to my brother (Of course getting beat up once again, and also once again...hey! it was fun while it lasted)One thing I hated about this was how Sam was trying to make this a comedy, not anything of a horror movie. The GraveYard scene is just stupid with the fingers in his eyes and the stupid sound effects but still. This movie was awesome. Also another thing is the ending. There was an Alternate ending and can be found on the Anchor Bay Version (as an extra). But still instead of the sleeping till end of time ending I prefer the S-Mart ending much much more. This movie would still be good if all the sound was taken out and Bruce's one liners where just left in. Well that is it thank you and goodbye and I hope you didnt fall asleep already.
Rating:  Summary: One hell of a horror movie (The Best I've Seen) Review: When I saw "Evil Dead", I was like, "That was a hell of a movie." It has got everything, blood,guts,gore,horror,comedy. If you like late 70's and early 80's horror movies, this is the one for ya. BRANDON2050
Rating:  Summary: EVIL DEAD: THE ULTIMATE EXPIERIENCE IN GRUELING TERROR! Review: In 1981 on a vacation, 5 friends rent a small cabin in the Tennessee woods for a weekend of fun! Ash and Scotty explore the cellar where they find an old shotgun, a tape recorder, an ancient looking scepter, and "Necronomicon Ex Mortus", roughly translated, "Book Of The Dead"! They listen to the tape which is the voice of Professor Raymond Knowby translating the words from the book. Unwittingly, the sound of his voice awakens an evil force in the woods which turns each one of them into demons, one by one until one remains.... His name's Ash...... from S-mart's housewares! Can he survive the possesed corpses of his friends and destroy this force known as the Evil Dead? Buy the movie and find out! Be sure to see the sequels: "Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn" and "Army Of Darkness: The Medievil Dead"
Rating:  Summary: When demons attack Review: A group of college kids are vacationing in the Tennessee woods, having rented a run down cabin for the weekend. Once there, they accidentally release a host of Kandarian demons. Then the stuff hits the fan. I have several reasons for liking this movie. The main reason is Bruce Campell. His charactor, Ash, isn't the hero type he turns out to be in Evil Dead 2 or Army of Darkness. He is much more sensitive and eaisily frightend, spending the first half of the movie letting Stevie take care of most of the dirty work. Ash is reluctent to kill or even bury those that were once his friends, no matter what they have done to him. Ash even cries. He is the hero only because he isn't as brave as some others. Not until later, anyway. The second reason I love this film is the pure fright value of it. From the first five minutes the eerieness of the movie comes through. The special FX are generally top notch, as is the makeup (see for your self how creepy Linda looks with just a little touch up). The end scene is one of the best FX sequences I have ever seen, and the "chased by the evil" effect is pretty spiffy. For those of you who, like myself, prefer a good splatter every now and again, there is plenty, both from monsters and from the cabin its self. For those that prefer to be scared silly, again like myself, Sam Raimi does a wonderful job of building suspense. The evil in the woods spends more time toying with the kids than actually killing them. There are quite a few "jump" moments as well. Even if you know the film, some of the scenes make you jump every time. Adding to the fright are the feeling you get for the characters. When something happens to them you find yourself going "oh no, not him/her. that can't happen to them". Be warned, though, ED lacks the director's signature humor in favor of scares. For those of you looking for that, i highly recomend checking out the other two fims in this series. For anybody who is a fan of downright horror, independent film, Bruce Campell, Sam Raimi, or movies in general, Evil Dead is an essential part of your collection. In my humble opinion, it ties Night of the Living Dead for the greatest horror movie and cult classic ever made. Trust me.
Rating:  Summary: THE EVIL DEAD Rock! Review: THE EVIL DEAD is one of the most infamous cult classic horror movies to be made (and it spawned two successful sequels, too). The plot is isn't that hard to understand: four college kids rent a cabin deep in the woods of Tennesse for the weekend. They find an old tape recorder in the cabin's basement and decide to listen to it, not knowing that it contains chanting words that will summon the dead spirits of the underworld to rise up and possess the living. They play the the tape and all hell, literally breaks lose. The only one who remains unpossessed is Ash, and now he must arm himself with shotgun and chainsaw and wage battle against his demon-possessed friends in order to survive the night. This movie is definitley not for those who have weak stomachs because it is graphically violent and very intense. I liked enough, though, to recommend it to horror fans everywhere!