Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie, and the SE DVD extras are great Review: The Evil Dead has become something of a classic horror film over the years. Though low on budget, the excellent makeup effects and fantasic mood created more than compensate for big-money special effects. The Special Edition DVD's extras are great as well, featuring 2 audio commentaries (the commentary by star Bruce Campbell alone is worth the price of the disc,) several minutes of raw footage, a still photo gallery (fans of the film will have seen many of these photos before,) and of course the original trailer. Horror film fans who haven't seen this: See it! For those who are already fans, the SE DVD is well worth the price.
Rating:  Summary: Join us! Review: The Evil Dead is a very good movie. It is about 5 friends who decide to take a weekend at a deserted mountain cabin and awake something in the woods. One by one they become possesed by evil in the woods. This film I think tries to be too serious when it doesn't have to be. There is a very interesting rape scene in which a girl gets raped by the woods themselves. Sam Raimi is a genious at stuff like this!
Rating:  Summary: Top Class Film Review: With out a doubt,this would still have to go down as one of the all time greats.Bruce Campbell as ASH,you could not find any one better.With how old the film is and the budget they had for the film with out a doubt 11/10.To see it on DVD is the only way to see it.If you are an EVIL DEAD fan like my self only see it on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: On hell of a movie! Review: Now this is classic, a very dark nasty horror film that actually was scary upon first viewing.Bruce Campell is an excellent actor who should be a major star by now. 2 brilliant sequels followed and a 4th is rumoured. But this original is a film that cannot be ignored. see this film, you won't be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: Materpiece of "Cheesy" Horror Flicks! Review: this movie is amazing! I loved it the first time I saw it (several years ago)and am very proud to own the DVD. Any horror fan must add this to their collection. My only negative comment is that it isn't in Widescreen. It always makes me wonder if I'm missing something that was "cut" to make it fit my TV. Other than that, it was perfect. I already own Army Of Darkness and am going to buy Evil Dead:2 very soon. Go buy this now!
Rating:  Summary: Don't play with tape recorders that don't belong to you Review: A group of friends vacationing in a woodland cabin off in the middle of nowhere find a tape recorder that releases an evil spell, turning them into zombies. Wow, where did they put the plot? Better than the average effects driven low budgeter featuring ugly people trying to kill one another. Periodically followed by rip off immitators who don't come close enough to topping this. Though, the modern hype does make inicial viewing of this a disappointment, it leaves you with the desire to see it again soon after seeing it once.
Rating:  Summary: Evil Dead-Best Movie Ever! Review: Evil Dead is the coolest, goriest, creepiest movie ever! It's about 5 teenage friends who go into the woods to this creepy cabin that they are going to stay in. The two guys,Ash (the hero) and Scotty find the Book of the Dead and a tape recorder, which translates the book and the words rise up the Evil Force. The force posesses one of the cabineers and she turns into a killer zombie. All the kids turn into zombies except Ash, who must fend them off with an axe, a chainsaw, and a shotgun to save his life. rent or buy this movie and you'll never regret it!
Rating:  Summary: Gore Galore Review: A group of city kids that go up into a cabin for the weekend start chopping each other to pieces after they get posessed by evil spirits. One of the most goriest and violent movies I have ever seen. The hardcore horror fans will love it.
Rating:  Summary: THE cheese classic on a great dvd! Review: bruce campbell and sam raimi even denounce how bad the acting and special effects are on the commentary track of this DVD which is hilarious as sam and rob tapert constantly put down bruce and the acting of everyone while telling intresting stories, i swear you will never look at this film the same again after hearing this commentary track. bruce campbell's commentary track is gold, instead of telling behind the scenes stories he's doing more of a Mystery Science Theater 3000 mock of the film which will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. the extra 20 minutes of footage is intresting, wish they could have found every bit and piece of film with bloopers and fiddling with the camera but this is all they could find. its intresting to see the attitudes of everyone on the set change as the shooting got more unconfortable and intense and its very funny stuff. the only thing this dvd is missing is Within The Woods(you evil dead heads know what i'm talking about) the movie made to raise money for this based on the same thing. this movie is a classic, and i'm very glad to see sam,rob,and bruce know its horrible film making, yes it amatuerish but hey, it was made by amatuers. get this DVD, its everything you could want from this film. then see part 2, coolest film since A Better Tomorrow and Taxi Driver.
Rating:  Summary: . Review: Very amateurish, but highly amusing, kinetic, and imaginative gore-fest. The only thing that prevents me from giving it a higher rating is that the film is extremely redundant, and I begin to get weary and crave a change of pace before the first hour is even up -- and that never happens. Still, this is generally good fun, and it has a place in my personal collection. : )