Rating:  Summary: Just plain cool! Review: This is one of my all time favorite movies! From the cinematography to the script this movie is just plain cool! Also if your an H. P. Lovecraft fan, like myself, having it in the Necronomicon case is a great bonus. I have to go now Cthulhu is calling...
Rating:  Summary: WOW!! The packaging itself makes your flesh crawl... Review: The feel of the moulded latex box, the patterns moulded on it to mimic the book from the movie, and the ear on the back of the box just makes you shiver as you pick it up. The pages inside are recreations of the artwork in the Necronomicon in the movie, and the accompanying handbook gives a good history of the film. The DVD itself is marvelous, from the menu sequence with various undead faces appearing as if through mist, to the director's commentary track - all top rate stuff. I would recommend you all buy this collector's item as it will be well sought after in a few years.
Rating:  Summary: Scariest movie I've ever seen! Even now Review: The first time seeing "Evil Dead" changed my nightmares forever. No more wimpy "chased by a ax-wielding monster" dreams for me! Somehow this movie plugged in to far deeper reaching fears. I first saw it at a drive-in with my husband. At one of the freakiest parts (the trapdoor), I remember wondering if there was an echo in the car, since there seemed to be more than one piercing scream being emitted. Imagine my surprise to see my husband, my stoic, never scared of anything, hunting and fishing he-man, motorcycle riding husband, screaming at the top of his lungs like a little girl. Of course, he still denies this ever happened, but the truth is this movie scared him half to death.
Rating:  Summary: Who comes up with this stuff? Review: The Book of the Dead Limited Edition is as much a work of art as the movie that comes attached. You get a latex-bound book, hand-painted and fashioned into the likeness of a human face. Inside, you find all the lovely "written in blood" pages that are displayed in the Trilogy of Movies. This is one high-quality Limited Edition, and a bargain if you're getting it at release. If you even remotely like horror, you MUST buy this movie. If you even remotely like Evil Dead... you really don't have a choice in the matter - you need this edition. Don't dally, though, because this one will be worth more than the legendary Army of Darkness Limited Edition.
Rating:  Summary: Choped body parts + Glow in the dark make up jobs = Awsome! Review: After just a half an hour of watching The Evil Dead I was blown' away at what a great and notable job the collage studnts that made this groudbraker as good as they did, and scary too. As a matter of facted I think reson that The Evil Dead was created so skillfuly buy kids not much older than my 15 year old self, is reson enough to call this cult classic the best( if not one of the best) horror films ever created, just like what almost everyone ealse thinks, even though it takes bits and peaces out other classics like House on Hunted Hill, (the overly long) Night of the Dead seires and my personal favorite The Exoricist.The story begins with a five collage bubbies going up to the hills for the weaked just to have some fun, but what they get instead is the satanic Book of the Dead wich is an old book put together by human flesh and writen in blood, and it opens the doors to another world I don't anyone would like to spend much time. One by one the kids die in very, very, very bloody ways. That is the reson why even if your expecting alot of gore it might be just to much. Sam Rami shows us brains smashed up, rolling body parts and the whole nine yards as far as lots of gore gose, but I think that how gorey the sepcial effects are is reson to love this even more, because even the special effects have some how faded over the years, but we must remember it was only film studnets that made this the hit was and the hit it deseved to be. This is a great Special Edition disk in mind, but if you don't own this already you might want to wait for the other Special Edition DVD set to come out in a month or so from right now. Just in case you don't want to speand the mony on the newer edition that is soon to be released then I beilve this is this edition is worth every penny. If your a horror fan, and liked this as much as I did then you should pick up a Sepcial Edition copy of The Evil Dead 2, and Amy of Darkness, wich is the third movie from the Evil Dead seirs and is very funny.
Rating:  Summary: Evil Dead: The Book Of The Dead Review: Well this is the one that you have been waiting for. You couldn't get more in depth with the movie anywhere else. It includes two commentaries with writer and director Sam Raimi and producer Robert Tapert. A fanalysis of the films history and commentary with the one and only (Hail To The King Baby) Bruce Campbell. And still galleries from the film. And think about it, who wouldn't want their own copy of the Book of the Dead? Imagine the possibilities. Scare your neighbors. Impress your friends. Awake the dead from their ancient slumber. (WARNING.. AWAKING THE DEAD COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURIES OR POSSIBLE DEATH) If your a fan of this series you cant go on living another second without it.
Rating:  Summary: Vital Gore Review: Ah, to be young, low of budget, and inventive. Such was the predicament Sam Raimi et al found themselves in back in 1982. A head brimming with ideas for odd-angled shots, staccato editing (two Raimi devices used to great effect in one of my favourite films, "The Quick and The Dead"), and better methods for splattering gore was all that Raimi took into the Tennessee woods with him (oh, and the indispensable Bruce Campbell tagged along too). What he came out with was a film that manages to be simultaneously sophisticated, primitive, gruesome, and hilarious: "The Evil Dead". While not as blatant about its task as its more polished sequel ('polished' being a relative term), Raimi's first trip down splatterfest lane intends to mock horror movie conventions with all the glee of an omnipotent slasher. So when someone goes to check the dark cellar, or a mysterious sight up ahead in the woods ("You stay here... I'll be RIGHT BACK!"), they're gone for a longer time than usual. The audience, used to the length of such scenes, will actually get antsy that Our Hero has perished. When a hand quickly grabs the wrist of a helpless young woman, it's not always the demon of our nightmares, but the young lady's beau. During the climactic showdown between the deadites and Ash, Ash is repeatedly thrown against a wall, only to get trapped underneath a flimsy fallen bookshelf. It comically couldn't have a more inextricable grip on him than if it was a giant octopus. And for such a small, deserted cabin, it sure has a lot of doors and rooms through which evil can hide. The Labyrinth was less daedal. The one drawback here, besides the wooden acting, is the complete lack of story, character development or social message (okay, so that's three drawbacks). To sum up, five young friends go for a vacation weekend in a deserted cabin deep in the Tennessee woods, where they accidentally wake up the spirits of the dead (story). Ash dates Shelly, Scotty dates Linda, and Cheryl is Ash's sister (character development). And as for social messages, well, it could be construed as having a shrewd environmental commentary: after years of mankind raping the forests, here we have a forest raping a young woman (a deliciously shocking scene). But that's probably giving the filmmakers too much credit. Regardless, there's surely enough blood and dismemberment, of both the sincere and sidesplitting variety, to satisfy your appetite for carnage. And enough laughs, of both the intentional and unintentional variety, to keep you laughing between screams.
Rating:  Summary: Artsy and very original! Review: This is the most creative DVD I've seen and I can't wait to discover what eggs are hidden on this dvd - you know there has to be! It is also the only dvd with the actual footage of the short film that Ted Raimi, Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, and Rob Tapert made that was the very first idea of the Evil Dead. Altogether, this is the coolest DVD I've ever seen. Now if only Dead Alive would be made into a better DVD, then I'll be happy!
Rating:  Summary: SHEER LOW BUDGET GENIUS Review: At last...Anchor Bay have got hold of this title anddone it justice!100% Perfect packaging as it so deserves,in a very limited edition.I cannot say anything about the movie that has not already been said,but,this is the holy grail of the Evil dead collection,and I suggest you Deadites out there snap this baby up beforre its too late!Am I the only one who willhave all 3 anchor bay limited editions in my collection,or would other deadicated deadites outthere like to share their thoughts?Contact me at the E Mail address listed.All the best,Paul.
Rating:  Summary: Join Us... Review: The story is a simple one. Five college students venture into the wooded mountains of Tennessee to spend a weekend of fun in an isolated cabin. Is this your standard weekend of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? No...unfortunately, our heroes find the "Book of the Dead", play a tape recording of demonic incantations, and unknowingly open a portal to the netherworld. The "Book of the Dead", bound in human flesh and inked in human blood, contains the ancient rituals that cause the spirits of evil to awaken and possess, one by one, the poor innocent students. As the survivors see their friends and loved ones transformed into hideous, murdering demons, they learn that the only way to kill the possessed is to dismember their bodies. Who will be next possessed by the evil dead? Will anyone survive this night of terror? I won't tell. Buy this movie, you won't regret it!... The Greatest Horror Movie of All Time!...