Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Bad DVD Review: This DVD didn't play in my home player at all and barely played in my computer. Apparently Anchor Bay has had some issues with DVD quality. I'd suggest renting it first to make sure it plays in your machine.
Rating:  Summary: You know you love it, but be warned... Review: It took me three tries to get a copy of the new mastering of Heathers to get one that played all the way through. The first two were missing the whole section that falls between Shannon Doherty meeting Slater in the science lab and the tall Heather attempting suicide in the school restroom. Trying to shuttle with the remote caused seperate scenes to split the screen horizontally(!)It's by far the worst trouble I've ever had with a DVD. I assume they all were produced in the same place but, just the same, the one that worked for me was shipped with a case cover featuring Heather Chandler(sorry, can't remember the actress'name). I only have a two-channel stereo receiver, so cannot comment on THX mastering. Favorite moment from filmmaker's commentary track: Michael Lehmann tries to put the best spin on working with Shannon Doherty by saying she was very professional. Writer Daniel Water's reply: "Mussolini was professional too." Or, words to that effect.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Movies Ever Review: I own the VHS, Laserdisc, DVD and soon to be DVD collectors tin. This movie is current today as it was in 1989. I saw this on a double bill with Bill and Ted's excellenct adventure. I left stunned and in awe by this movie. Heathers is a classic with great original writing. This movie stands up great to repeated watching. I have see this movie more times than I can count and each time I laugh and catch something new that they placed in the movie. Like the colors each of the girls where, what Veronica's parents say each time she talks to them outside in the backyard. There is tons of great dialogue and moments in the movie. It is a black comedy and is not for everyone. Especially with all the tragedy in todays school. This movie needs to be taken in the way it was written tongue in check and with a slap back to reality on how clicky and mean school can be. BIG FUN! -
Rating:  Summary: One of the best comedy I've ever seen Review: This movie rocks! It's from 1989 but it's still cool and entertaining, surprising and original... and I think it will be the same in 50 years. This is a teen black (very very black)comedy that's made for old teenagers or adults. When I first saw it I couldn't help laughing, the second time, thrird time, fourth time... the same and even more.I knew this movie because I'm a fan of Shannen Doherty. She doesn't have the most important part but a good one and she's quite funny, just like in the first season of BH90210. So if you're a fan of her, buy it because it's her major film for the big screen. The story is quite good. A girl starts to get disgusted with her friends who are the queens of the High School, the "Heathers" (the three of them are named Heather), then she meets J.D, a mysterious guy who leads her in a world of teen rebelion and... "unwilling" murders.
Rating:  Summary: One of a kind and forever will be. Review: This movie would have never been made if it's topic had been suggested in (any date past 1991). All the school shootings that have happened since then would have made it impossiable. This is a truely great film that everyone can get something out of as long as your not one of those people who could never get past the premice. Black comedy lovers rejoice! You just struck gold. The three most popular girls in school are all named Heather (hence the title)and they love to rise to new hights of popularity by stepping on other peoples heads. They have an apperntice or more like a person they adopted by there own good nature (Ha!) to help make more popular but is doomed in their eyes not to become more popular than them because she has the fatal flaw of not being named Heather she is Veronica. they treet her like .... So when they reject her from their group because she made the mistake of saying "No" to a guy who wanted to have sex with her at a fraternity party she decides to humiliate there ringleader therefor making Heather less popular. She enlistes the help of a new outsider that just arrived at their school, J.D. He suggests that maybe his special drink that cures hangovers would be a good morning greeting for Heather. Just what is so special about this drink? Well you'll just have to look at the back of the Drain-Cleaner bottle from which it came to find out. They trick Heather into drinking the hangover remedy and to their suprise (well only Veronica's suprise) she dies. Veronica almost panics untill J.D. recomends that they make it look like a suicide. Veronica hastily writes out suicide note and they leave out the window. As a result Heather reaches new and previosly unreached hights in popularity in her death. And that is just the begining...
Rating:  Summary: Proves Why Movies Were Better In The 80's. Review: Often imitated and never duplicated, Heathers is one of those films, that with time, will become even more of a classic than it already is. Winona Ryder made her career here: she has yet to find a project that gave her some much to work with. Slater is fantastic and horrific simultaneously, and Shannen Doherty proves why she is the only 90210 member really working still... with a dead-on portrayal of a popular ... who comes into her own as she replaces "Red" Heather (and what ever happened to Red Heather? She ROCKED!) The dialogue is fantastic: too many quoteables to list. The direction is arty, yet accesible, with color and clothing guiding the movie. All in all, the best work BY FAR from all parties involved. If you love Ryder, lust Slater... and love-to-hate-Doherty (and you know you do!) See. This. Movie. You'll catch the writer, director, and the three leads WAY at the top of their craft... all the more remarkable considering THIS movie made Ryder and Slater famous, and landed Doherty at her most famous zip code. (And it kind of makes you wonder: why is Ryder still playing a teen? Why did Slater never leave the psycho image behind? Why ... is Shannen Doherty, who certainly has the acting ability, not working in quirky independent films... instead of headlining Spelling shlock, like 90210 or Charmed?) Laugh at the fashions, while you marvel at the artistry. Recall a time when young people were astute and intelligent enough to appreciate a dark teen movie about death without shooting up a school. Remember when they marketed movies to young people without Freddy Prinze Jr and Random Girl promming happily ever after. See three enduring actors (hey, they're all still working!) milk a brilliant screenplay for every last laugh... and define their respective careers. See it. Your only regret will be that other movies completely pale in comparison.
Rating:  Summary: WESTERBURG HIGH ROCKS! Review: Unlikely lovers J.D. and Veronica, clean house in this black comedy reminiscent of another cult fave "Harold and Maude". The pliable 'Heathers" keep dying...and dying. The jock counterparts don't fare well either as they are set-up as queers who kll each other. Disturbingly, this off the wall comedy seems portentous: I hate being harrassed at High School, therefore I shall kill. Sound familiar. Slater and Ryder are at their young best. Doherty is also good. She even looks great when shes dead! And much death there is! The absurdity seems to balance the indiginty. This movie is a lot of fun! It does lack ettiquette though.
Rating:  Summary: Dark, Slick and Sexy...teens you love to hate!! Review: This is one of my fave movies ever. Set in a high school, an elite of girls rule the school, especially the 3 main girls all called Heather. Veronica stands out, when she meets Sexy JD(Christian Slater) under his influences she begins to act on her hate towards them. Non Stop thrills and laughs. A dark and juicy black comedy which will keep you gripped til the end. Excellent performances from Christian Slater, Wynona Ryder and Shannen Doherty, as well as a great supporting cast. A must see movie, which is watchable again and again...go on you know you want to watch it!!
Rating:  Summary: What's your damage Heather?? Review: What do you get when you add Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, and Shannen Doherty with the most popular clic at Westerburg High school?? Death!!! and ROLL ON THE FLOOR laughter.. Veronica Sawyer(Ryder) and Jason Dean(Slater) play lovebirds whose "teen angst has a body count.." when the popular kids start to cross the paths of the star crossed Bonnie and Clyde like pair.. bullets start flying and blondes belly flop into coffee tables.. but heres the kicker.. how do you make a death look like a suicide?? easily.. especially when your girlfriend can forge the deceased handwriting.. Heathers is a must see dark cult comedy classic..