Rating:  Summary: evil dead 2 rocks Review: i think evil dead 2 is a great movie to wach on a cold evening
Rating:  Summary: Conects well with Army of Darkness Review: This remake to Evil Dead, and predasessor to Army of Darkness is great. They're all great. But if you want to see Army of Darkness, see this one first. It shows how he got into the middle ages. You should try making this and Army into one movie. But you try adding the first one, it gets alll messed up. If you hate gore, skip the first one and go directly to here. Stay Groovy!
Rating:  Summary: "Why should I spend good money on this?" you ask? Review: Well... Bruce Campbell gets beaten up. Bruce Campbell gets splattered with blood. Zombies that dance in the moonlight. Bruce Campbell gets beaten up! Bruce Campbell is sprayed with bile and blood and mud! Bruce Campbell chases his own severed hand through the house with a double barrel shotgun! Bruce Campbell stabs giant evil demons through the eyeball with a chainsaw! Bruce Campbell gets beaten up some more! Bruce Campbell is hurled from one end of a forest to the other! Bruce Campbell turns into a demon and starts to attack other characters! Bruce Campbell hacks the limbs off a flying, hair-eating demon with an axe! Bruce Campbell gets beaten up! Bruce Campbell is chased through the woods, the front windshield of his car, into an abandoned cabin and through every single room by a strange high speed first-person POV entity! Demons! Witches! Blood! Gore! Bruce Campbell getting beaten up! Chainsaws! Shotguns! Evil trees! Devil incantations! Decapitations! BWWAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ............... And somehow.... It's all incredibly funny
Rating:  Summary: Ash is dealt another Bad Hand! A Classic Horror Film! Review: Bruce Campbell is back as Ash, the loveable, gun-toting S-mart employee turned demon killer overnight. After a slight, altered rehashing of what happened in the first Evil Dead we get to see Ash kill more demons spawned from idiots who read/listen to the Necronomicon! But wait, there's more! When Ash's hand gets "possessed" he has to take drastic measures, and that's where the true fun begins! The fight scenes involving Ash's hand have to be some of the funniest instances of pure comic genius ever put on screen. Bruce Campbell is the reigning King of Horror heroism and the Evil Dead 2 is a must for any Horror fan's collection. Any movie where someone attaches a chainsaw to his arm as a prostethic replacement needs to be watched over and over again! So if you haven't bought this movie yet do it now, who knows when you'll be in a deserted cabin fighting demons for your very soul! Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn, pure classic Horror!
Rating:  Summary: CULT CLASSIC AND FUNNY AS HELL Review: man the first time i saw this movie i damn near peep in my pants i laughed so hard,and i still cant tell if they wanted it to be really scary and failed or if they wanted funny from the get go but it is most definately the latter.there must be something here to spawn 3 films,(although the first was really bad)a video game, and action figures.if you havent seen it go RENT IT NOW OR BUY IT AND PREPARE TO PEE YOUR PANTS-later
Rating:  Summary: A mind of their own. Review: This movie is bloody, gory, and hilarious. Those are the best words I can find to describe this excellent send-up of B horror movies. It's amazing what various body parts can do to people when they are released with a mind of their own. Most people seem to notice the scene with Ash being attacked by his own hand, which is an incredible piece of physical comedic acting by Bruce Campbell, but I actually laughed harder at his being attacked by the head of his now-deceased girlfriend. Once again Bruce Campbell's acting is what makes this scene work. And, of course, there's the neat little piece of conversation consisting of one female character telling the man next to her, "You're holding my hand to tight," along with his reply: "But I'm not holding your hand." This movie is definitely not for the faint of heart, but if you like B horror movies and comedies, this is one of the best.
Rating:  Summary: bloody, gory, and funny Review: first off, i wanna tell everyone that saw the first wondering why the hell ash would go back to the evil-infested cabin in the woods, that this is a remake with a better budget. now, as for the film itself, its awesome. Campbell is not an oscar-contender, but he is perfect for this role. his possessed hand is a comedic highlight. also to all people confused, Army of Darkness is a sequel to this one, evil dead 2, because campbell cant go from screaming at a demon (end of 1) to a slave in the middle ages. i own it, and so should you.
Rating:  Summary: Classic horror with a comedic twist Review: Evil Dead 2, unlike its predisessor, manages to stimulate humor within the often shady realm of classic horror. It's charactors express overacted emmotions, the monsters are obsessively intense, and the plot-line is too short to be expressed in a complete sentence. But you know what, that's the beauty of it all. The beauty to create a movie that mocks its own gender. Yes, a horror movie with an even greater tick. The ability to raise suspense, horror, and tension to a level of, almost, playfulness. Now don't get me wrong, Evil Dead 2 is not a movie that raises even the lowest form of phylisophical issues, but it is an enjoyable masterwork of nifty cinematography and compelling suspense that is anything but classic. The acting is excellent, in which the actors and actresses seem to play their obsene roles with a sense of dignity. Some of the camera techniques in the movie are arguably the best I've ever experienced. The possessed monsters create even more tension and possibility, but not enough as to take the story really seriously. Every scene conveys an obviouse delight for cinematic adventure. More importantly, the hero Ash, a Rambo/Mad Max charactor, remains the bulk of the film. With his jerky wit (not too jerky) and ignorant macho attitude, its no wonder why this original figure holds such high standerds in the indi culture. The other charactors (and their relationships) adjust to the absurd atmosphere perfectly, with their cheesy "horror lines" and cocky reactions. The whole feature is just a heap of creative genous, nothing more. Anyone who has an urge for destructive horror with a humorous beat, will be more than satisfied to view every pixel this film has to offer. The blood level is above the charts and the action is magestically in-sinch. Sound is average, as well as the picture quality, but isn't enough to complain about. I give this movie full credit for occomplishing its purpose, however simple that task may be. See it to believe it folks; buy it to believe it again and again. (oh, and good job Sam, you're a master in my book)
Rating:  Summary: Evil Dead 2 not what you think Review: Ok, first off this is not actually a sequel to the first movie. It is more of a remake with a new twist, but nonetheless it is a great movie. Raimi and Co. could not get the stock footage from the first Evil Dead, so they decided to re-shoot the movie as a remake of sorts. I would say that ED2 is more of a black comedy than a horror movie, but it still carries enough scares to be good. The character of Ash comes into his own in this movie. It is a great movie alone or to be watched after viewing Evil Dead, but be prepared. If you are view both of them for the first time, it can be a tad confusing, but all in all I would recommend these movies to anyone.