Rating:  Summary: What are you waiting for? BUY IT! Review: The FILM: Many people consider this sequel to be at least equal to the first film and I have to agree. Ok, the freshness of the first part is gone to some extent, but the inventiveness of the filmmakers is still there in full effect and the film benefits greatly from a slightly different approach: Less gritty gore, more laughs. Bruce Campbell finally defines his charakter Ash and it is easy to understand why he is (still) so popular: It is nearly impossible not to like this mixture of a cool hero and a stupid geek that is thrown in the most hillarious situations anyone could come up with. Normally, I do not like to point out single scenes, this is boring for people who haven't seen the film and I believe that normally, the sum is greater than its parts, but in the case of EVIL DEAD II, I have to make an exception, because this scene is worth buying the disc alone: I'm talking about the "laughing furniture"-scene. What a wonderful piece of moviemaking and sound design, eerie, haunting, impressive, demented - and very funny. The DISC: What could I say? The THX-certificate shows in a wonderful image (you can even choose between widescreen and full-screen) and sound mix, a great making of-featurette (not your usual "hyping of" with actors explaining the plot and everyone congratulating everyone) and a very informative and very funny audio commentary. Just listen to Bruce Campbell commenting on the decision of the British censors to cut the scene where he's kicked while lying unconscious on the floor: "Yeah, you're not supposed to hit an unconsicous man, but chopping of heads and limps is no problem!". After all those years watching inferior video-copies of this film it is a great pleasure to watch this film in such a pristine conditon, anything less than five starts would be unfair, so DON'T MISS IT!
Rating:  Summary: Evil Dead + DVD + Loads of extras = Shotgun toting fun! Review: I had heard lots of things about the evil dead trilogy. my closest friends, who are, although not to my extent, film buffs, said they weren't worth the money. but i thought: "they sound like my kinda film, ill read up about em" so i did, and boy was i glad i did! I then went ahead and bought all three on DVD, including this Limited Edition version of Evil Dead 2. Wow. The film, pure cheese. But you can see that so much effort has gone into it you can't help but love it. Its twisted plot and visual humour make it an unstoppable tour de force, especially after a boozy night on the town! This edition is excellent not only for the film, but due to the hard work that has gone into creating it.The picture and sound quality is astounding, very crisp and clear at all times. There is even a THX optimode test for those of us who like messing with the telly to get the best picture and sound. But its the special features that make this DVD a must. The Gore the merrier!" featurette is both informative and fun to watch, and the extra booklet is highly interesting. The whole groovy package is wrapped up in a special edition numbered tin. okay, so it sticks out like a sore thumb amoung the other dvds in my collection, being a good 1-2 inches taller, but it helps make it more eye-catching. All in all a must buy! Groovy film, groovy overall package, groovy quality on all counts, and at an even groovier price. Later deadheads! Predator the deadite slayer
Rating:  Summary: Evil Dead 2 finally gets the DVD edition it deserves Review: A rather funny and quite grusome sequel that begins straight after the first Evil Dead that features Ash (Bruce Campbell) battling possesive demon spirits in a lonely cabin out in the woods. This movie caused a great deal of confussion when it was released. The audience never knew if it was supposed to be a sequel or a remake. The answer is that it is a 'sequel'. The first Evil Dead movie ended with a close-up shoot of Bruce Campbell screaming at the camera (the impression was that he was being attacked by an evil spirit). But the second Evil Dead movie starts off with new footage of Ash going to a cabin with his girlfriend and the whole thing starts all over again. They were originally going to use the footage from the first Evil Dead to use in the beginning of Evil Dead 2 to explain the story, but they were unable to get the rights for the footage so they had to re-film the footage to use in the beginning of Evil Dead 2. The DVD edition is definately a must have for the fans of the series. To start it off it is THX mastered so the picture quality is a big improvement and it features a great 5.1 Dolby track. It also comes with a really cool featurette that is very informative and very funny to watch. The video game preview is also very cool with its superb graphics, the theatrical trailer is just like any theatrical trailer and it comes with two commentary tracks. You don't have to be an Evil Dead fan to enjoy this edition, it can appeal to anyone who appreciates thrilling action, horror, comedy or just really cool DVDs.
Rating:  Summary: Dead By Dawn is the best in the Evil Dead Trilogy Review: The first Evil Dead film was just like any other 1980's horror movie, except it was enormously popular. But the sequel, Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn is easily the best of the series. The film starts out with a recap of the original Evil Dead, then things get moving. Worth buying. Rated R for violence, profanity and gore.
Rating:  Summary: Hail to the king baby Review: First off, the movie will stand the test of time as far as cult classics are concerned. Yeah it's full of gore but the blood is green and black and bright red, so it's different then the slasher films you see in the multiplex these days. Yeah the budget is not Matrix level, but it's still a better film then movies with huge budgets. But I want to talk about is the extra stuff. On the disc is a halfhour making of which is beautiful. It has clips from camcorders showing the cast and staff having fun, as well as how they did the makeup for Henrietta and all the gore. Also a homemovie made be the FX guys about a dead baby come back to life. The videogame preview is the worst part about the whole thing, and that's just because it shows the cabin and that's about it. The commentary is the main reason you should buy this, much better then the first one because Bruce and Sam are talking together showing how long and good their frienship is. All in all it's the reason they make DVD Players.
Rating:  Summary: Classic Horror/Comedy Movie! Review: When I first saw this movie I was expecting a scary horror movie. And after I stopped laughing , I realized this movie was one of the funniest movies I had ever seen! Just go up there and click "Buy" right now! From the 'Hand Scene' to all the one-liners , this movie is the best. And the commentary is almost as funny as the actual movie! Hurry up and buy this Limited Edition , only 50,000 copies will be made!
Rating:  Summary: Who's laughing now! Review: So mutters the immortal words of Ash, one of the most memorable Anti-heroes of all time. The movie starts out as just like the first one, Ash brings girlfriend to cabin, she gets possessed, Ash has to kill her. Basically the same old, same old, but in about 5 minutes after that the movie takes a turn and becomes one of the most inventive horror movies of all time. If you have seen the first one you might be timid about this installment, but It is totally different then the first one, and about twice as good. The last 10 minutes are the best part. Started a revolution in horror.
Rating:  Summary: DVD LIMITED EDITION REVIEW Review: It comes in a groovy little tin with the European poster style on the top and inside has the booklet, a little ad for the video game and the dvd itself. The booklet claims to have "rare photos", but it's just pictures from scenes throughout the movie that we've seen before- nothing special, but has some good insights from the special effects guys and Bruce. Now for the DVD I was really pleased with the extras- the commentary was a lot of fun- I enjoyed it more than the first Evil Dead special edition because Sam Raimi actually throws in a lot more tidbits with Bruce and friends to back him up. There were no long pauses, everyone had something interesting to say and it's just a lot of fun listening to them mock the dialogue and point out the mistakes. Plus, there's only four people on the commentary so no one is overwhelmed and we can hear everyone talking- I think too many people on commentaries can be frustrating. Also find out what Kurt Russel's fav. line is from "Evil Dead 2" in a quite hilarious memory Bruce brings up. "The Gore The Merrier" featurette was very cool- it's lengthy too so we get to see a lot of the cool effects being made and used in the final product. We also see Raimi, Campbell and the rest of the crew clowning around and also a ridiculous/funny little skit that the special effects team came up with- about a baby that comes back from the dead for revenge. The documentary was shot with a crappy camera, but back in '86'87- home video cameras sucked anyway so I wasn't surprised- it's fine though- just a little grainy. The theatrical trailer was edited very well- I hadn't seen it before and I was pretty impressed how spooky they made it. The video game preview is awesome- like a teaser trailer, but it's really neat- gotta see it for yourself. The bios only consist of Bruce and Raimi, but they're better than most bios you find on dvds. Photos- no big deal- some candid shots. Widescreen and full screen formats- sweet. Love it when they have both. And...sound is great. Overall, nearly poi-fect dvd- I just would've liked some out-takes- cuz we know there was a lot of laughing going on from the reminiscing we hear on the commentary. Buy it- definately worth it- great menu too, pretty much everything is worth mentioning!
Rating:  Summary: It was okay. Review: I dont know what people see in this movie,but i admit it has these in the film,good action,jump scenes at times,really classic(just the way i like it,well..sometimes!),but i mean the blood looked like red juice and the green blood looked like thick green puke(youll have to watch the excorcist to know what im talkin about)i mean even i could do better than that shooting eyeball into the mouth scene!and this was in the late 80,s now i expected zombies munching on people and ash trying to defend the world,now that would be good.this text refers to the VHS edition.
Rating:  Summary: Funny and gory! Review: Evil Dead 2 - Dead by Dawn VHS~ Bruce Campbell is an awesome sequel. The camera work and the acting is terrible. However, the movie is making fun of other horror pictures at the same time; they come to a desserted cabin, read the book of the dead and then summon evil spirits. My favorite part of the movie is when Cambell's hand comes alive and starts attacking him. This is imply hillarious. I must say that I was very surprised to see that this movie,i.e., Evil Dead 2 was made in 1987 since I was convinced that it was an early 80's flick. All in all , it is a funny movie with poor acting and no exsistent script.