Rating:  Summary: Definately the Best Horror movie i have seen in years. Review: This is Amazing, It has some widly hilarious slapstik, but other then that the movie is quite frightening. some people say this is a remake, it isnt, it sums up the first movie with about 20 minutes but the rest is all new. this is the best movie in the trilogy and i usually watch it every 2 weeks or so, this movie is a must for any cult/horror fans!
Rating:  Summary: A Classic SEQUEL (not remake) Review: This movie just plain kicked arse. It's not really horror, and it's not really a comedy. The only way to really categorize it is with the term Bruce Campbell himself invented: "splatstick." Evil Dead 2 is the perfect mix between horror and comedy (though it focuses mainly on the laughs). It was drop dead hilarious, and was jammed pack with so much classic material that it's been ripped off ever since (case in point: Idle Hands is a 2 hour rip off of 15 minutes of this movie). This movie's awesome, and it gets better every time I see it, so enlighten yourself and buy it. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that when you watch it, you have to do so with a lighthearted attitude; don't expect everything to make sense, just enjoy it.Just wanted to clear up one thing, this movie is NOT, despite many claims otherwise, a remake. It's a sequel. To those who think it's a remake: the reason the beginning seems like the first one is because the people who made it couldn't get a hold of footage from the first one (some kind of legal problem) to do a recap, so they had to condense and re-film the events of the first picture. If you watch closely, about 5 minutes through you see the last shot of the first film, ending the recap and therefore starting the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Groovy! Review: EDII is a wacked out horror-comedy, and definitely not for all tastes. In fact, the first time I saw it many years ago, I thought it was stupid. I was into "serious" horror films at the time and didn't appreciate the humor in it. It's almost a satire of the horror genre, even of the original Evil Dead. Years later I was able to appreciate it for what it is. If you approach it with this in mind, it's a scream of a good time. The original Evil Dead film was scarier, but the only humor in it was unintentional, ie: incredibly bad acting, super cheesy FX. In EDII, we get better acting and better FX, still cheesy but they fit the tone of the film. The gore is so over the top it's hilarious! What really makes the film is Sam Raimi's camera work and Bruce Campbell's crazed acting and brilliant physical comedy. The bit with the evil hand is just classic. Folks who gripe about plot holes and the like: loosen up, it's just a cheesy horror movie. You're taking it way too seriously. It's really a marvelous piece of work for a relatively low budget film, and there's a reason why it's earned such a cult following and is held in such high esteem by many in the business: it's full of creativity. I think it can also be argued that EDII spawned first person shooter computer games like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. (Doom has a chainsaw for a weapon, and Duke Nukem spouts one-liners lifted right out of EDII and "Army Of Darkness"..) There's been a lot of controversy over the story not matching up with the first film. Here's my take on it: It's not really a sequel. Ash didn't go back to the cabin. The events at the first of EDII are a recap of what happened in the first ED film, for people who didn't see it, but EDII is meant to stand on it's own. "Army of Darkness" is the sequel to EDII, so there are really only two films in the 'series', not three. I think the original Evil Dead is just a 'demo' if you will, of what Raimi really had in mind. Personally, I'm glad he increased the humor and decreased the hard core gore a bit, makes it more entertaining. The last time I tried to watch the original Evil Dead, I could barely finish, it was so bad. Of the three Evil Dead films, this one is hands down my favorite. The DVD of this is great, especially the commentary, one of the best I've heard. Buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not great Review: This movie is a good movie. It isn't scarry but is hilarious(in some parts). This is my least favorite of the Evil Dead Series. It just doesn't make any sense! Watch the greatest horror film ever, Evil Dead, then watch Evil Dead 2 and tell me I'm not right! The special effects were better, but the story was not near as good as ED 1. The possesions weren't near as scarry. But you should still see this movie. Also, check out Army of Darkness.
Rating:  Summary: This cult classic gets an excellent DVD treatment! Review: Reviewer: Benjamin D from Canada Evil Dead 2 is just one of those movies that every human being on the earth needs to see (Big Trouble In Little China being the another) the slapstick, overdone approach to horror works so well, and even if you're not into the cheesy acting or cheesier special effects, you gotta love this film for it delivers; fun. This special edition DVD provides all the extras one needs for this film. The video quality is excellent, with barely any scratches or specks. The THX treatment really improves the sound, especially for those with surround sound. You're given a choice of either wide-screen or fullscreen, but this classic definately needs to be seen in full anamorphic goodness. The extras include the requisite trailer, awesome commentary by all the principles involved with the film (director Sam Raimi and the man, Bruce Campbell most notably) and a hilarious 30 minute documentary detailing all the hard work that went into the film. A great DVD by all standards. Even if you own every version of this film on video, buy this and treat your DVD player to some Evil Dead!
Rating:  Summary: My Favorite Movie Review: If you like horror films, slapstick humor, and out of this world camera work, this is the perfect film! I absolutely loved this one...even more than the first Evil Dead film. Though it isn't as gory as the first one, the simple plot and the very funny sight gags make this one of the most memorable cult films ever. Bruce Campbell is such a great "B" movie actor. He beats the crap out of himself in the movie, and is able to pull off the serious yet silly character perfectly. Unlike Army Of Darkness, where he was really more of a goof, he plays a great lead role and hero in this film. Before I ramble for too long, get this film. You won't be disappointed!
Rating:  Summary: Warning Contains Spoilers Review: In many ways Evil Dead 2 is better than the first but it doesn't make sense from where Evil Dead left off and where this one begins.In the first evil dead it ends with ash burning the necromomekon AKA the book of the dead and the possessed friends explode.Ash walks out of the cabin only to be possessed.Evil Dead 2 begins with Ash and his girlfriend Linda (same girl from the first one) returning to the cabin then Ash sees the tape recorder and turns it on like he forget the recorder from the last time.Linda gets possessed and Ash cuts her head off with a shovel just like in the first one.Now I know this movie was ment to be a remake but they could have made that more clear by not calling it Evil Dead 2.But besides the beginning this movie is excellent it has better gore effects it has humour something the first didn't have at all.I think it would have been better if they continued it like Army of Darkness and have ash tell you what happend last and cut out the beginning and begin with ash getting possessed.All in all I really like this movie but they should have told us ash worked at S mark like in the third one.
Rating:  Summary: Skip the first one and see this Review: As many have said, this film is really more of a remake than a sequel. Although Raimi intended the first five minutes to summarize the first movie and the rest of this one to be the actual sequel, there are enough changes that effectively this becomes a remake. What is interesting is how, even with relatively minor plot differences, they are very different films. It's not often that you see a genre shift within the same series of movies (ALIEN and ALIENS comes to mind). The first EVIL DEAD was an all-out B-movie horror flick, a genuine attempt to scare and gross out its viewers, on a miniscule budget. The second is a more self-consciously ironic parody of that genre, with a bigger (but still very small) budget. Its primary goal is laughs, not thrills -- though it has those too. I'm surprised that Leonard Maltin says the second movie is "almost on par" with the first. To me, the second one is orders of magnitude superior to the first. But I acknowledge that this is a personal opinion which makes sense when you consider that I have always considered even "serious" B-movie horror flicks to be laughable and not remotely scary. All the cliches (of dialogue, plot, cinematography, music, and gory FX) just lend themselves too easily to self-parody. How can such a movie possibly take itself seriously? I think Raimi and Campbell came to the same conclusion before making the second film. If you have a similar perspective, or if you have seen ARMY OF DARKNESS and are wondering which EVIL DEAD to watch, see this one, EVIL DEAD II. It is the true predecessor (in plot and style) to ARMY, and it is the movie that the first one wished it could be.
Rating:  Summary: IT IS A SEQUEL, NOT A REMAKE Review: Contrary to popular belife, EVIL DEAD 2 IS A SEQUEL NOT A REMAKE. Read up on it, it just goes to show you that some people are dumb. oh yeah the movie is good, not cheaply made, well it is but whatchagonnado?
Rating:  Summary: Buy it Review: Ok, I think the Amazon reivew got it a little wrong. the special effects are not mind blowing, at least not by today's standards. This movie is excellent, in the same way that all cult films are excellent. this film knows where its at, and it is proud of being a silly horror movie. Also, I don't think that any of teh characters in the film are "teens" as the Amazon review states (Ash would not get carded, especially not with that chainsaw on his arm). Anyways, this DVD makes the package all the better, cuz you get the director and actor's commentary (on the same track) and you get the making of video. Very fun, slightly creepy.