Rating:  Summary: Not a Halloween Imitator! Review: What in the world was that guy thinking. Shoving aside this classic horror flick as one of those "would be" Halloweens. Get this through your thick head, this is in no way shape or form trying to imitate Halloween. The only thing remotely similar is that the killers use big knives. If this is a Halloween imitator, then Halloween is imitating Psycho.
Rating:  Summary: Dated but good Review: Twenty-three years later, Friday the 13th, in my opinion is a classic. Although the film is somewhat dated (teenagers wearing Speedo's), I believe newcomers to this genre will enjoy the film.
Rating:  Summary: Best of the worst Review: I remember seeing F13 (and its sequels) when I was very young. It scared me to death (no pun intended). Now that I am old enough to legally see this movie, I can't believe that this was once scary to me. This movie is no masterpiece, since it's basically a Halloween imitator. However, it has Halloween beat as far as the kills are concerned. (My favorites being an axe to the face, and Kevin Bacon getting an arrow through the neck) Sure, we don't see Jason, with hockey mask, doing his thing, but the film is still decent. The original F13 is the best in the series, since it established the basic formula used in its sequels. I don't find the movie as scary as the first time I watched it, years ago. However, it's still fun to watch(especially with a crowd), if only for the gruesome, and creative murder sequences. I also can't forget about the T & A, although I can say that some of the later installments have more in that department. To me, F13 is a softcore porn flick with a homicidal maniac. It doesn't deserve to be compared with the likes of Citizen Kane and Casablanca, that's not the point. It's just entertainment and a good way to spend time. It still works as a guilty pleasure most of the time. Kind of like "real" porn.
Rating:  Summary: Splatter fans unite! Review: Do I really need to examine the plot? "Friday the 13th" is the film that basically started it all as far as the early eighties gore craze is concerned.Savini's effects are awesome, the pacing is good and the ending is unexpected.
Rating:  Summary: Not cheezy, but it is lumped into that catagory... Review: and it shouldn't be. Shure most of the sequels [were bad], but don't go bashing a good one just because critics want you to believe that it is just another slasher or that it is a Halloween imitator, cuz it's not! Watch this one alone in the dark.
Rating:  Summary: The best and classic in the horror film industry Review: There are tons of masked murderers in different horror films, such as Mike Myers, Freddy Kreguer, blah blabadee hooblah I can go on and on, but theres only one that made me think twice about going camping after seeing the F13 movies. JASON VORHEES! Even though Jason isn't in the first one, his mother creeped me out and I didn't want to spend a weekend in the woods with my family because of these films. Everything is cool about the F13 series. The story, the characters, the style of killings, and the music (In the first 4 films only for the music). Friday the 13th is all about revenge. A boy named Jason Vorhees went to Camp Crystal Lake. One day, as Jason was swimming in the lake, he started to drown and none of the councelors saved him. Years later, a group of teens go to Camp Crystal Lake for a little fun. But, unbeknownst to them, Jason's mother is lurking around in the woods, watching their every move and soon killing them off. Friday the 13th parts 1-4 are the only good ones in the series. Everything after that is ridiculous and old and not scary at all. Well, none of them are really scary, except for this one. If you want to see an excellent classic and ultra cool horror movie, then pick up the first 4 F13 movies and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Hey everybody, happy Friday the 13th! Review: Well it's Friday the 13th, and what better way to spend a night alone in the dark then watching the first 4 Friday the 13th films. Now we all know this is the best, but recommend seeing only the first 4. Watch them alone in the dark.
Rating:  Summary: Part 1 Review: Friday the 13th is awesome. Spoilers. It begins with 2 camp counslers in 1958 being killed. Then It skips about 20 years later (late 70s)Steve Christy(Peter Brower) is re-opening Camp Crystle Lake. With 6 counslers Alice(Adrienne King)Bill(Harry Crosby)Brenda(Laurie Bartram)Marcie(Jeannine Taylor)Jack(Kevin Bacon) and Ned(Mark Nelson). Annie(Robbi Morgan) tries to get to camp by hitchhiking but hitches a ride with the wrong person the killer! The killer slits her throat. Then the killer heads to the camp while Steve is at a diner.Alice encounters a snake in her room followed by a man called Crazy Ralph(Walt Gorney) he says that camp crystle lake has a death curse.Later Ned goes into a cabin and never comes out.Then it starts to rain. Jack and Marcie seek shelter in a cabin where they later get close in a bunk bed while the others play strip monopoly. Marcie goes to the bathroom while Jack gets an arrow throug his neck. Then the killer swings an axe at Marcie in the bathroom. Then Brenda is killed offscreen followed by Steve(Stabbed)and Bill(arrowed to door). Then Alice is left to face the killer Mrs.Voorhees(Betsy Palmer)Jasons Mad Mom.They get tooth and nails Mrs. Voorhees smacks Alice a lot. Until Alice decapatates Her with a machete. Then there is a suprise ending with Alice in a canoe. Acting Betsy Palmeras as Mrs. Voorhees A Adrienne King as Alice A+ Harry Crosby as Bill B Jeannine Taylor as Marcie A Laurie Bartram as Brenda A Kevin Bacon as Jack A Mark Nelson as Ned B+ Robbi Morgan as Annie B+ Walt Gorney as Crazy Ralph A+ All in all this is a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Horror Classic In Some Ways Review: Back In 1980, Friday The 13th made it's debut to the bigscreen. Till this day it is one of the best original horror movies out there. It is clearly the best movie in the whole entire series. Ofcourse at this point there are a total of ten Friday the 13th movies. After all, this is the one that started it all. It had a simple story of counselers at crystal lake getting killed twenty years before it reopened only to see more deaths. As we all should know the killer in this movie was Mrs. Vorhees as she was getting revenge on horny teens who were too busy making love while her son Jason was drownining twenty years back. This time she shows her rage against teens killing one by one. At the end she tries to kill one last teenager but fails to due so ,and gets her head chopped off at the end of the movie. This then sets up Part II whwere Jason ofcourse saw his mother's death while in the lake. The movie had a creepy atmosphere where teens were alone in the middle of the woods, it got dark, it was raining and there car would not start. The movie is clearly entertaing but it makes me ask would the whole friday the 13th series exist without John Carpenter's Halloween Classic in 1978. I don't mean to dissapoint all Jason fans but I truely belive the answer is no. No Horror movie could beat Halloween. That was the movie that started the whole slasher genre. Michael Myers was the first slasher icon to the bigscreen making Halloween the most influential horror movie ever. After Michael Audrey Myers in Halloween, we all learned about Jason Vorhees, Freddy Krueger, Pinhead, and Chucky,etc. It can be said series wise that Fiday the 13th is the best as a whole series. Part II was a respectable follow up from part one as we oficially saw Jason Vorhees but not with the hockey mask, but a potatoe sack. In Part III we see Jason with the Hockey mask which was also was a respectable sequel as well as part four, the final chapter involving Tommy Jarvis's encounter with Jason. In some ways I feel Part four which was called the final chapter really should have been the end to the never ending series. After part 4, the terrible part five came which ofcourse had a copycat killer. Part 6 was pointless as a lighting bolt wakes up jason and he kills teens once more. With That Being said, part 6 was still the best seuquel with part four not too far behind. part VII was kind of dumb where jason fights with a girl with pyschic powers. Part 8 was also pretty dumb and pointless as jason comes to the big apple. Part 9 which again was supposed to be last was not scary and disapoiting. As for latest installment, Jason was disgusting and totally pointless. I really thought the whole franchise went somewhat downhill after part Four. Part 2,3,4 were respectable because they had people in the middle of the woods geting stalked by jason. However, the first four movies were all he same old thing with teens having sex in the woods and then getting killed. Here's the overall analysis, Best movie in Series: Part 1, Best Sequel: Part 6 (With part 4 right on it's tail), most underated: Part II, most overated: Part 9, worst of series: part 5( With part 8 right behind). As for part 7,it is better than Part 5,8 and 9 but not the rest. If you want to get intersted in the Friday the 13th series the original is the one see as it won't dissapoint. Anyone who would like to see the sequels certainly could if they would like that is. In the history of horror movies, Friday the 13th is one of the best ever. Sean Cunningham directed was creppy in some ways. Steve Miner who produced part 1 and directed Part 2 and 3 also put a little punch to series. Ofcourse Miner is the one who decided to go with the hockey mask. As far as freddey vs. Jason coming up in August 2003, I think the winner should go to Haddonfiled and find Michael Myers if they can, and give Myers a piece of the pie because if it weren't for Myers those two would not be created. As I said before Friday the 13th is a true horror classic along with some of the other's like The Shining(1980), The Excorcist(1973), Texas Chain saw Massacre(1974), Physcho(1960), Nightmare On Elmstreet(1984), Hellraiser(1987), Child's Play(1988) and Halloween (1978). If you want really want to get into horror movies, Friday The 13th is a not a bad chioce to start, but for the ultimate thrill ride, no horror movie can beat John Carpenter's Hallowen.