Rating:  Summary: The movie that started it all... Review: Steve Christie is trying to re-open a cursed camp to the public. He hires several counselors to help him prepare the camp for re-opening. Unbeknownst to them, a killer--it's not who you think it is--lurks.Among the cast in this film, look for Kevin Bacon. This was his second film in his acting career. Out of all the death scenes, I liked Kevin's scene the best--too bad there was a scene cut out in this R-rated cut. The special effects by Tom Savini are great--the murder scenes are very graphic and very well done. A good horror flick, but it gets boring at times. I pefer "Friday the 13th, Part 2".
Rating:  Summary: ThErE iS nO dAy LiKe FrIdAy ThE 13TH Review: pretty good acting...cool death scenes(Kevin Bacons throat getting impaled by a spear!!!!!!!!)...awesome ...setting(the woods at nighttime)...and a psycho mother out for revenge against innocent camp counselors...pretty good movie If you liked Halloween(Micheal Myers...the best horror movie), try Friday the 13th, you won't be disappointed
Rating:  Summary: The best scary movie Review: The reason I rated this 4 stars instead of 5, is because there were no deleted scenes. This film had loads and loads of scenes not included in the movie, or a making of this film. These are especially important to me for the mere reason that I work at the camp this was filmed in, and would love to see the scenery back then. Imagine how much fun we had when we played this to a bunch of cub scouts on Friday the 13th in Price Lodge(the ax scene). Many changes how occured to this camp in Blairstown, NJ since the filming. Also, you maybe interested in knowing that the sequence of the worker trying to get to camp was filmed on the oldest paved road in the country. This is a must see thriller.
Rating:  Summary: not bad Review: In the wake of the extraordinary success of John Carpenter's Halloween (1978) it was inevitable that imitations and rip-offs would follow. Of these perhaps the most successful was Friday the 13th (1980). This is possibly the ultimate stalk and slash movie. It may be a rip-off of Halloween, but it fairly good. Friday the 13 was critically loathed, unlike Halloween (1978), but it made loads of money. It starts in 1958 with a group of councillors singing around a fire. A couple sneak off to make love, but before they can get very far they get attacked and killed. There attacker was never found. The film then flashes forward to the Friday the 13th in the present (1980) and shows us the councillors who are attempting to re-open the camp. The action takes place over one day and night. We see the councillors preparing the camp for the onslaught of kiddies, but when night falls and with it a thunder storm the killer moves in to overdrive. The killer dispatches his victims rapidly, but none of the them match the murders in Halloween. They do however out do the murders in the gore stakes. The ending is fairly surprising if you don't know who the killer is and the film generates a relentless atmosphere. This would be lost in the following films. The ending is possibly the only time which the audience jumps out of it seats with it being a rip-off of Carrie (1976). Saying that thought it does work at least for the first time. It was extremely successful making millions. Followed by sequel: Friday the 13th Part Two (1981).
Rating:  Summary: Slash e'm, dice e'm, cut up movie Review: Friday the 13th is one of the oldest slasher classics ever (up with Halloween).The film over the years has been more enjoyable than the first time I've seen it. With the excellent make-up effects by Tom Savini and direction by the great Sean S. Cunningham. The movie is pritty much a no-brainer ,but it doesn't fail to lose its suspense. It's a lot of fun. For die hard fans....look for the Uncut version including unseen footage and extended death scenes. Worth looking for than the regular Paramount edition.
Rating:  Summary: The breakthrough in 80's horror Review: This movie is a breakthrough in modern horror movies (minus Jason's debut in #2) that started the entire seemingly endless sequels to "Friday the 13th" generation. This movie has gore and spawned more sequels due to the bloodthirst of that generation today who still find this movie an "oldie but a goldie". I have seen this movie twice and in the process of buying all nine flicks for my own personal viewing. I find that movies like this make a man like me go insane and watch all the sequels like it or not. I call this an obsessed horror buffs mania if you ask me. LOL!!! If you like a simple plot with murders and a whodunit in the middle of the flick, please watch this, this is for you!!!
Rating:  Summary: A good slasher classic Review: - The first movie in a serie is always the best. F13 part 1 is a awesome slasher classic, alltough not my personal favourite in the serie. A good buy if you enjoy horror/slashers.
Rating:  Summary: Everybody Knows His Name Review: I have to say if you've seen one you've seen them all. However, all sequels must start with an original. Friday the 13th is probably the most well known horror movie in existence (but definatley not the best). No matter how old you are I'm sure you've heard of Jason Voorhees. As a child, Jason drowned in the ever famous Camp Crystal Lake when camp counselors decided to take care of their own needs instead of Jason's. Now, still haunted by the memory of her son's death is Jason's mother. She'll see to it that she gets her revenge. The original Friday the 13th is unique from the rest of it's nine sequels in that Jason is not the one doing the killing. We don't see Jason until the very end of the movie. The story is good enough to keep you interested, but everyone knows why they watch Friday the 13th and that is for the bloodshed. If your a horror fan, like myself, Friday the 13th is a must in any horror collection.
Rating:  Summary: a review of entire series(so far) Review: part 1 was as creepy as they get....in fact,part 1 might be the creepiest of the series.granted,im all for blood and guts,HOWEVER,if its going to be cartoonish,then whats the point.the mood,setting,acting,directing,almost everything was on point here....now for my summary.jason is the prototypical unstoppable maniac.he has great technique and lots of victims.but some questions still bug me.why does drowning give him super human strength?...
Rating:  Summary: A great horror film from the 80's Review: This is one film that started all the other flicks to come like the overrated scream, I know what you did last summer, valentine, etc. People that say that this movie is not suspenseful or creepy , have watched too many modern horror flicks. Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Nightmare on Elmstreet are the only classics worth owning on dvd. It would have got a 5 star, but with the dvd not being unrated with no bonus material, it looses a star. Paramount really needs to redo the series in a nice ultimate edition box.