Rating:  Summary: The classic. undisputed but ruined to death by the sequels. Review: I think this is a great film, in fact I dare say it's the best of the series, I can't ignore it, whenever I go to the video store I look for it but I happened to see it on DVD, it's just fun to watch with the lights out and forget about everything and watch the story unravel. The deaths, the plot, Mrs. Voorhees, the acting(?), well the acting isn't that great but Mrs. voorhees is extremely convincing when it comes to playing a complete psychopath. I really think this and part 2 are the best of the series, it's as if like after part 1 and 2 the series started to lose its edge, much like Jaws and Halloween where the plot got too old and the movies weren't as frightening to watch. This movie is very dated, but it reigns as the classic slasher... The DVD quality is alright.. the sound isn't bad but I really think it's nice to have a version of the film on DVD because having the movie digital cleans up a lot of the problems with the vhs version of the movie, I just wish their were more extras, but overall the movie is amazing, completely suspensful, "we didn't find any boy.."
Rating:  Summary: Great Stalk/Slash Movie Review: I heard a lot about this movie from my friends, so I finally got a copy and checked it out. Overall it's a great stalk/slash movie which has basically no plot, but very original deaths. Keep in mind that stalk/slash movies are to be watched for the blood, gore, and T&A, not the plot. Some parts in this movie are very scary, escpecially the end. Too bad no one makes this type of movie anymore. This movie, however, does contain some bad acting as do many other 80's horror movies, which pushes it back to B-Movie Cinema. Positives - Very Bloody and Orginal deaths, Good scares, Overall great stalk/slash movie. Negatives - Bad acting
Rating:  Summary: BEST IN THE SERIES Review: In the year 1957 at a Campsite buried in the woods a young boy drowns in the camp lake. The two councillors who were supposed to be watching him were making love at the time. One year later these two councillors are followed into the camp barn by an unseen assasin. They are both murdered. It is now twelve years later and the camp is being reopened by Steve Christie who has hired seven new councillors. The date is Friday 13th June. The locals are shocked that 'Camp Blood' is being reopened and warn the councillors to quit. None of the luckless teenagers listen to the warnings about Camp Crystal Lake and roam the campsite carefree. Unknown to them there is an unwelcome presence in the camp. A presence that is watching the councillors at every turn. One by one they fall prey to an unseen killer and when the killer is finally revealed it comes as a bit of a shock. The film is absolutely fantastic and it is the one that started it all. If you're going to watch this film don't decide that there's no plot and switch it off. Watch the whole thing, the plot is explained very clearly when the killer is revealed. There are some great makeup effects when the councillors are killed eg the axe through the head. In this film watch out for a seventeen year old Kevin Bacon! This was probably one of his first big parts. I would recommend this film to anyone who loves horror and likes being scared. 10/10
Rating:  Summary: How the Slasher Genre Got Kick-started Review: I suppose it's true when some person recently said that when thinking of this movie, it's nice to imagine a time before there was a hockey masked Jason Voorhees, and before a time when Paramount began to milk the film dry with it's numerous sequels (having varying degrees of success). There was a time when there was just this film. A film about a psycho mother out to seek revenge for the accidental death of her son. It's the first installment that I tend to like the most. Granted, it does seem a bit dated compared to slasher films that have come out since, but it more than makes up for it with Betsy Palmers performance towards the end. This film did help progress slasher films to the popularity that the genre experienced for the next ten years. I seriously doubt that slasher films would have had the same impact if this film wasn't there to give the genre the kick start it needed. Harry Manfredini's score was excellent here. Too bad the scores (at least to my knowledge) were never officially released. The acting is pretty good, along with Tom Savini's special makeup effects, considering the modest budget that the film was made with. Many years from now, I'm sure this film will still be on a collection list of most future slasher film enthusiasts.
Rating:  Summary: you just have to.... Review: Ok, you just have to see this...because it's a classic...Like Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween, Friday the 13th was one of the ones to start the whole eighties slasher flick thing. True, I think after nine sequels, it's pretty much been beat to death, but this WAS the original...and there's something to be said for that...and the ending was creative. the reason behind the three star rating...personally there are very few movies I've seen taht are worth a five star rating, and it could have had a LITTLE more gore in it (think the Evil Dead...with help of plenty of Oatmeal and corn syrup.) It was actaully one of the better of the series, although I still think Final Chapter was the best.
Rating:  Summary: "KILL HER, MOMMY...KILL HER!" Review: On a lazy sunlit day in 1957, a little boy drowns in woodsy Camp Crystal Lake because the two counselors on duty are making love instead of doing their job. A year later, these two counselors are savagely murdered. The camp is closed down and that of course is that.... Fast forward to 1980. Steve Christy is doing his best to reopen Camp Crystal Lake, having hired six nubile counselors who are all on their way to help with the preparations on Friday the 13th, which just happens to be the birthday of the little boy who drowned. One by one these counselors are systematically slaughtered by someone who doesn't want the camp reopened. Annie is a perky young lass hitchhiking up to camp; unfortunately she accepts a ride from a stranger and realizes her mistake too late. "Hey, wasn't that the road to Camp Crystal Lake back there?" The jeep merely accelerates. "Please stop! Please stop!" Annie finally catapults herself out of the speeding vehicle into a ditch. Her leg sprained, she manages to get to her feet just as the jeep backs up toward her and stops. She flees into the woods, while the black-trousered killer follows swiftly. Annie limps through the forest to a tree and leans back...only to see, to her horror, that her fate is sealed: a dagger is ripped across her throat, slicing it open. Night falls and Marcie, a panty-clad lithe counselor, is alone in the restroom washing her hands when she hears a noise. "Ollie-ollie-in-free!" she giggles, yanking back the shower curtains. Then a shadow appears. Marcie cowers in the shower stall as an axe guillotines downward in a scintillating arc, splitting her head open like a ripe melon. The remaining counselors are dispatched methodically by spear and by bow -and-arrow, leaving only Goody Two Shoes Alice (Adrienne King), a Doris Day clone who looks like she couldn't swat a fly. She's panicked that all the other counselors have vanished; when she discovers a bloodied corpse fastened to the door, her panic turns quickly to full-blown terror. Alice locks herself inside one of the other cabins, then is relieved to see headlights flashing through a window as a vehicle pulls in. She runs out gratefully and is relieved to see that it's alright, it's only kindly Mrs. Voorhees, who used to work at Camp Crystal Lake when she was young. But why is Mrs. Voorhees (Betsy Palmer) so unafraid when Alice cries out that all her friends are dead? The fiftyish, puffy-cheeked, bug-eyed, grey-sweatered, black-trousered woman with the curly blonde hairdo seems utterly unaffected and perpetually smiling. What in the world is going on here? Watch FRIDAY THE 13th and find out. Betsy Palmer gives a decidedly bravura performance at the end, and what the movie lacks in suspense it makes up for in gore. One thing you might be wondering: where is the famous Jason? Why, he's the little boy who drowned in the lake back in 1957. Don't ask, just watch. You'll love it.
Rating:  Summary: Not a great plot, but chilling nonetheless. Review: This was one of those fairly classic horror movies with the cheap budget and the silly music. Unfortunately, murder seemed to be the only real event in the film. Personally I like movies with a deeper plot. Still, some of the scenes are wildly gory, like the one where the character Jack (played by Bacon) gets impaled from behind in the neck. (BTW, as usual Kevin Bacon gets to be the male sex symbol, although this was not yet a pattern at the time this was filmed. Here he (Jack) even gets to have sex on camera! Yum...) Don't expect your brain to be on full force here. Besides, everything here is so old that the modern mind may not register it as horror. It was a decent effort though.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic... Review: One of the first slasher flicks of the 1980's. A Group of councelors get spliced and diced, one by one, at Crystal Lake by some psychotic killer. The DVD version suprpasses the old LaserDisc edition, the colors & sound quality are much better. Tom Savini's make-up effects are the highlights, not much of a plot. Recommended for all horror buffs.
Rating:  Summary: "Look what you did to him, look what you did"!!! Review: His name was Jason. Jason should have been wathched. He, he wasn't a very good swimmer. We can go now. THat's what you think, I tried to forget about this but could not. It may be a little dated but still worth a watch.
Rating:  Summary: Here'sss MOMMY! Review: . ...This film was pretty scarey the first time around. Simple story maniacal killer going around killing off teenage camp counselors. Ok movie but all the stupid sequels are ridiculous