Rating:  Summary: True Horror Review: This isn't the one that started the slasher formula, the ones that ripped it off did. The first one was original, but then was turned into a joke by the mindless sequels. The only GOOD ones in the series are parts 1,2,and3. Skip the rest. I really enjoyed this film, but in order to get scared in it, you do have to take it seriously. Watch this one alone in the dark for the best atmosphere. Horror classic! NOT A HALLOWEEN RIP-OFF!!!
Rating:  Summary: "KILL HER MOMMY" Review: This is the best in the entire Friday the 13th series. I love the whole series, but this is the scariest one. This movie has some pretty good acting, great atmosphere, some good gore, and it is very scary. You have to take this movie seriously to get scared in it though. Watch it alone in the dark.
Rating:  Summary: I can't believe the critics don't like this! Review: They liked Scream, and that [was bad]. This is far superior than Scream, and contrary to what Halloween buffs say, Jason didn't rip off Michael, Michael rippped-off Jason. This is Scary, funny, and a little bloody. It has a wonderful atmosphere, and an interesting story. Everyone I've talked to thinks this movie is scary, and so do I.
Rating:  Summary: Great Horror Classic Review: Friday the 13th is my favorite horror movie series ever. Although the series has gone in a wierd direction due to its latest film "Jason X", I really did love this first one and alot of the others that came. The whole franchise pretty much expresses the creepiness that could happen to u when your all alone in the woods. Anyway here is the plot. Back in 1958 at Camp Chrystal Lake, two camp counselors who were probobly on the verge of having sex were interrupted and killed. Many yrs later the camp has reopened but it seems that the CCL (Camp Chrystal Lake) has gotten a name for itself "Camp Blood". It also seems that the murder of the 2 counselors wasn't just the only thing that has happened to that place. Only a year before the counselors' murder a little boy had drowned in a lake, and not only that other attempts to reopen the camp were cancelled due to forest fire and the lake being poluted. Not only that, the guy who did reopen the camp had fix up the place for a whole year just so it can be suitable for people to stay at. The main point of the story is that the new counselors at CCL are being stalked by psycho and killing them off one by one. The movie is sort of like a spinn off of Halloween except it takes place in the woods and it is more gory. This movie brought to us some of the best special effect scenes ever like a young Kevin Bacon having an arrow bulge out of his throat. I'm probobly one of the few people who enjoyed this movie moe then Hallowwen and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Although it is wierd that the killer wasn't at all who you would expect- A women probobly in her 50's. It is still fun to watch. This definetly the perfect film to watch at night. I highly recommend this and parts 2,3,IV,VI,VII and for the hell of it Jason X cuz I thought it was good although it is entirely a very different movie compared to this one.
Rating:  Summary: The Scariest Friday the 13th Review: I'm a big fan of the first three, bu by part 4 it gets old. The first three have a good atmosphere, exceptional acting for a low-budget film, and while not as scary as Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, this still is a great movie, and it tries not to take itself too seriously. The rest are just entertaining, but this is the one that started it all, and I wish people would stop giving these films such a hard time. WATCH IT ALONE IN THE DARK, and have a wonderful time.
Rating:  Summary: I love it! Review: Hey today is Jason's birthday! Go out and get this movie! Not as good as Halloween, but today is Friday the 13th.
Rating:  Summary: "A BOY DROWNED HERE, HIS NAME WAS JASON" Review: This is one of the most bashed films ever created! I don't know why, it's actually scary. In order to actually get scared in this, and any other horror movie you have to be willing to get scared by the movie, you have to TAKE IT SERIOUSLY, and WATCH IT ALONE IN THE DARK!!! This is actually original when it came out, but was constantly ripped-off, and everyone thinks that this is the stinker. Actually the FACT of the matter is the only "good" slashers are Halloween, Friday the the 13th (part 1), Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street, Suspiria, The Ugly, and The Boogeyman. That may seem like a long list, but with so many slashers out there, this is actually a small amount. This did not rip-off Halloween like some morons said it did. If this ripped-off Halloween, then Halloween ripped-off Psycho! This movie is scary, but you do have to take it seriously (as hard as that my be with what society is telling you to believe about these films) and I'm sure you'll enjoy this film.
Rating:  Summary: WHY ARE PEOPLE SO CRUEL TO THESE FLICKS!!! Review: There is nothing wrong with this movie. It's scary, it doesn't rip-off Carrie or Halloween (although some viewers think that), and it is scary and somewhat disturbing. Some acting is a little hokey, and seeing Kevin Bacon in a Speedo will disturb anyone, but this had amazing atmosphere and used terror of the unseen to scare you. It also plays with your head in some parts were you think that the character is going to get killed, but then it is just a false alarm. To get scared in this flick, you do have to take it seriously, and that's not hard to do. Before numerous rip-offs, and countless sequels, this was original. Don't blame this film or Halloween for starting the slasher craze, blame Psycho for the start of all the slashers! This doesn't have cliches in it! It doesn't follow a formula, the countless rip-offs did and this film is taking all the blame and criticism for the slashers that came after it. The critics loved this movie when it came out, but the started giving it poor reviews when parent groups started protesting against this movie. As I recall people were very scared in this film and some have to leave the theatre! No this isn't as scary as Halloween, but it's not that bad people. So stop ridiculing this film for something the rip-offs did! Also recommended is Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Boogeyman, Psycho (of course), Halloween, The Ugly, and Suspiria. WATCH IT ALONE IN THE DARK AND TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!
Rating:  Summary: Where the saga of one misunderstood boy began Review: The always enchanting saga of Jason Voorhees begins here. Following the success of 1978's Halloween, Paramount decided they could one up that fil by releasing they're own slasher, thus Friday the 13th. The minimal storyline (then again Halloween really didn;t have much of a story either but it more than worked) is a group of horny teenagers (are there any other types of teens?) decide to stay at Crystal Lake, a camp closed twenty years earlier due to the deaths of two counselors. One by one the teens get picked off by a slashing murderer until finally only one is left. If you've never seen any Friday the 13th movie, then start here. Look for a young Kevin Bacon as the jock of the group who ends up getting killed in one of the most creative ways in any slasher film.
Rating:  Summary: A Terrible Movie... Review: ...and a terrible disc that totally defeats the purpose of DVD. The film is semi-uncut so it's not really worth buying until a more definitive version is released. You all the know the story of this dull stalk 'n' slash horror so I'll spare you the details. What I will say though is that every scare and jump is so telegraphed and expected you only squirm at the succeeding gore. Which is what this movie is about basically. It stole so much from Halloween but forgot that Halloween used character development and pioneering horror techniques in it's favor. Friday the 13th however thinks it can be just as good by showing you gore. Which is lazy, naive and unimaginative thinking. This proves the film was only made for the profitable drive-in market. And the series has never gained the respect of the Elm Street movies or even the lesser Halloween sequels. The only reason people are familiar with Friday the 13th is not because it's a great movie but because it spawed 7 (official) sequels, with only the last Parts 3 and 6-8 being any good. The DVD is in utterly terrible mono (why! ) with an annoying and distracting hiss throughout and the anamorphic picture is undermatted at 1.78:1 instead of the theatrical 1.85:1