Rating:  Summary: The Texas Chainsaw non Massacre Review: I saw this movie when it was first released, it was crap then and watching it now it is even worse. This is just a stupid piece of film making; everything about this movie is so dumb. 1. The plot, dumb kids bump into dumber killers. 2. Stupid kids pick up a hitchicker who looks like paedophile. 3. Dumb girl just screams throughout the movie. 4. Dumb fat wheel chair bound guy dies so unconvincingly, even worse when I look at it now. 5. Dumbest camera angles in movie history. 6. This is just plain dumb. Why do people call this a classic, I would agree this could be considered as a classic example on how not to make a movie, this is no great movie. Ok lets take into consideration the year was 1974 no body had ever seen a movie like this before, but wait, wasn't Night Of The Livingdead made before this? That was low budget but however is a masterpiece with a great story and interesting characters. Gore alone cannot save this movie because it hasn't got any.
Rating:  Summary: The Texas Chainsaw Joker Review: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is so boring. This is not a classic and isn't very effective it's just damn right boring. There's no excuse that the film was made in 1974, low budget, badly acted and terribly directed. This has to be the most bloodless movie ever made, nothing frightening and definitely not squeamish, you don't get to see any chainsaw action and Leatherface just runs around like a retard. Only the idiots give this movie good reviews, because that's what it is a movie made by an un-talented idiot for tasteless idiots. I love a good horror movie just like the next guy but this is over rated, the 28 Days Later of 1974. What's so terrifying about a man shoved on a hook? It's not even realistic. Everyone in this movie is so annoying especially the lead all she does is scream, boy is she talented. The scene were the fat guy gets it you see nothing and when that skinny runt slashes the girls back it's just laughable, even funnier that fool gets run over (great special d-effects). The end scene had me rolling on the floor dying in laughter, Leatherface buzzing the chainsaw. This was such a joke I won't even bother with the sequels. This, contrary to popular belief is the candid camera of horror movies.
Rating:  Summary: The Slasher Masterpiece! Review: This movie, contrary to popular belief is the scariest movie ever made. Yes, the Exorcist was indeed a scary film but which would you rather face, a demon possessed little girl or a maniacal, chainsaw weilding psychopath? And this movie holds up in more ways than that, this film is fast paced(where the exorcist dragged a lot)short and doesnt take its time getting to the nail bitting crescendos. If this movie isnt the scariest movie ever made, than most would agree it definitley is the most disturbing(even by today's standards)! I havent seen the remake and I dont plan to, why screw up a good thing(like most hollywood hotshots tend to do)? This movie was shot on a low budget and wasnt a hyped up multi million dollar flick and all this worked out just fine for the grainy look it produced. Hooper was excellent behind the camera, catching all the murder and mayhem with great angles and lighting. The few actors in the flick are sufficient with the little bits they have(before they are killed off)and Marilyn Burns exhibits her great set of lungs, sceaming almost the entire film as she is pursued by the backwoods serial killers. And is it just me or does the hitchhiker have a striking resembelance to Charles Manson? Maybe its just me but everytime I see him I think of Manson, maybe Hooper possessed more genius than we have given him credit for. Another myth surronding this film is the gore factor. In all reality this movie has very little gore and all the hype must have come from what many people thought they saw. Another accomplishment this flick has is the ability to make you think your seeing more disturbing things than you actually are(another nod to Hooper)and most people simply stated it contains loads of gore but if you sit down and actually look at the blood spilled you'll find that its a very small amount. One item I thought the movie could benefit from though was even though I loved the fast pace I think their should have been a longer, more explained end. Anyways if you enjoy horror and especially slasher flicks than this is the holy grail of it all! Highly Reccomended!
Rating:  Summary: Just Curious. Review: I just learned that this was available here and I'm curious, this isn't just ANOTHER so-called special edtion of Tobe Hooper's classic is it? I mean, I heard the Special Edition, the one that was released before this one, was EXACTLY the same as the Pioneer DVD I ordered and received a long time ago. Are there any new X-tras, is there any editional footage or gore in the movie itself? What I really want to know is the image cleaner? In the DVD version I saw, some scenes were a little bit too dark. If anyone can tell me the answers to these questons, I'd sure like ta' hear 'bout it!
Rating:  Summary: Sick, twisted, disturbing... All in good low-budget filming! Review: One of the BEST slashers ever made to hit horror cinema would have to by the 1974 cult classic, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". It's the TRUE story based off the actual murders of the serial killer, Ed Gein about five youths who decide to take a normal afternoon summer drive that becomes a nightmare! After picking up a psychotic hitchhiker, they lose the menace eventually and continue... But it doesn't end there! The bloodthirsty Leatherface (the main villain who wields one helluva chainsaw)hunts them all down one by one, torturing them with mallets, hooks, & ice-cold freezers! This is indeed the most shocking film of it's time ever made & is still very scary even by todays standards. Therefore it is NOT for everyone. (if you are easily squeamish or a meat lover you should steer clear!) But if you're looking for a good horrifying masterpiece by Tobe Hooper (the creator who brought you "Poltergeist" & "Salem's Lot") then this is the movie to see! Very gross which turns out to prove that low-budget is sometimes the best!!!!
Rating:  Summary: lives up to the hype Review: In my experience any movie that has gotten rave reviews or been deemed a classic has sucked (citizen kane, 28 days later). This movie however does not. It's horribly dated (just by looking at the characters you can tell its in the 70's) but you can't really hold that against the film, especially since it takes place then. Franklin, the wheelchair bound character, annoyed the heck out of me and sadly he was the last to die. Even when they tried to portray him as the nice guy he came off as whiny. Everything else about this film though was great. The hitchhiker was creepy and leatherface actually runs!! unlike michael or jason who just kind of walk after their intended victims. Not to denounce those films, I enjoyed halloween and have never seen any jason movies but i do know that they are kinda lazy and take thier time. Leatherface, on the other hand chases. When I first saw this i was unsure of the ending. After an hour only one character remained and she was already being chased. I actually laughed at that scene only because it was just her and leatherface running for like 10 mins. It worked though, and after that it just gets creepier. All in all a great flick.
Rating:  Summary: All the remakes and imitators are just swimming in its wake Review: With the recent box-office success achieved by the latest remake of 1974's "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre," it's worth looking back at Tobe Hooper's original horror classic. The movie tells a fairly simple tale at heart. A group of five teenagers driving through rural Texas happen upon a deranged, cannibalistic family. Psychological terror and chainsaws ensue. Yet despite this simplicity, what is it about "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" that continues to succeed so with its audience? Outside of one memorial scene involving a meet hook; the movie is not particularly gory by today's standards. The film's characters and actual scares are not that remarkable. The power of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" lies in its atmosphere and in what H.P. Lovecraft called "the oldest and strongest kind of fear": the fear of the unknown. The later of these two staples of great horror is often cast aside in modern horror movies-especially in those churned out by the great Hollywood engine. Instead, every mystery must be explained away, every mask ultimately pulled from a monster's face, and not a moment of exposition is spared. It is interesting to note that the filmmakers behind the latest "Chainsaw" film chose to implement all three of these stylistic vices in their remake. In the original, the feeling of dread and mounting paranoia creeps over the viewer in slow but steady waves. The first scene in the film depicts a desecrated grave with a voiceover of radio newscast, immediately followed by an opening credits sequence set against a backdrop of roaring solar flares. This, along with some idle astrological chatter on the part of one of the teenagers early on, leads to a feeling of cosmic disarray in the lonely Texas hills they traverse. Questions about the villain's mask or the field of cars under camouflage netting are left for the viewer to answer on his or her own. At worst, in the loss of any acceptable answer, they are forced to ponder that terrible and limitless gulf of the imagination: the unknown. In it's later stages, the film becomes a cacophonous world of throat-peeling screaming, blood-shot eyes, laughter, and grinding machinery. One is forced to recall the solar flares in the film's opening credits. In the climax of famous dinner scene, there is a feeling of cosmic forces pressing in on reality and warping it into some crude mockery of order, as if the world were but a TV or radio signal distorted into madness by flares on the surface of the sun. In the 29 years since "The Texas chainsaw Massacre" hit theaters, there have been countless imitators and four additional films in the franchise, three of them remakes. Yet as loved and influential as the original classic has been, many who would seek to emulate its vision seem to overlook its true strengths.
Rating:  Summary: Nice one "McDougal" Review: I just happened to notice something funny. This reviewer here named "McDougal" bashed this great film a month ago... then someone commented on his review saying he has no idea what he's talking about... now... a month later... "McDougal" has written a new review for the movie, praising it to high hell. Sorry... that was just funny to me.
Rating:  Summary: Disturbing Review: I thought this movie was going to suck. With almost everyone dying in the first hour, I thought this movie was going to go downhill, but the disturbing part after Sally is captured is the best part ofthe film. Though the movies falls into some traps on horror film, it's still good.
Rating:  Summary: Changes My Whole Opinion on this movie!!! Review: Ok, I went out last night and bought this movie, because I found it slightly enjoyable. SO I was not expecting much, but when I saw down and popped it into my DVD player, it was amazed. The picture quality is so much better than anything I have ever seen of this movie! It's so clear and crisp. And the sound has been inhanced and it is extremely more enjoyable than the first time I had seen this. PLUS* It's loaded with extra features to take you further in the horrorific mind of Tobe Hooper and his cast. This was not one of my favorite movies, but now it is up there high for me. And something I had noticed is that it is unlike a lot of other horror movies. Frequent topics in standard horror is to put in sexual activity, nudity, and drug use and reference. Tobe Hooper focused on just scaring the heck out of his audience. And he successfully did so, too bad it took me this long to realize it!!!! IF you are a fan of this movie or just like being scared out of your mind..I highly reccommend this DVD/MOVIE