Rating:  Summary: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Review: Simply put, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is one of the most horrifying, intimidating, and ground-breaking horror films ever made. A group of young adults travel to an old family home to make sure that their deceased grandparents' graves have not been tampered with. Unfortunately for them, they encounter a cannabalistic family deep in the woods who shred their victims with chainsaws, sledgehammers, or any other weapons they can find. This film introduces the infamous Leatherface, a saw-wielding murderer who actually has a mask of human flesh. Director Tobe Hooper does a masterful job of using what little budget he was given (which actually adds to the effect of the film) and uses his own gut-wrenching musical score to add a nice sinister touch. Absolutely riveting for its time and still extremely intense today, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" will leave viewers breathless and covered with goosebumps. Director: Tobe Hooper. Cast: Marilyn Burns, Gunnar Hansen, Edwin Neal. Rated R for extreme violence, gore, and profanity. 83 minutes.
Rating:  Summary: On My List Of Favorite Overlooked Films Review: May 2, 2002Okay, admittedly the appeal of this film is limited. What's more, its virtues are very, very hard to uncover. But I can recommend it for one reason: Somehow, someway, whether by design or simply by fluke, via the curious process that is amateur filmmaking, 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' is the closest a film has ever come to duplicating the experience of REM-ing your way through a nightmare. The rub is you have to sit through it until the end. You have to sit through all of the bad acting, poor production, and slow build up--the net effect of which can be quite embarrassing. But, if you get to the end, you might see what I'm talking about: that point in the film that Tobe Hooper finishes stepping over the line of good taste and a peculiarly warped but familiar logic comes into play. Nightmare logic. But you must have that taste for grade-Z filmmaking.
Rating:  Summary: Literally A Cutting-Edge Horror Movie Review: Despite its reputation for being an exploitational film with severed body parts and gallons of blood, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE is the horror classic that it is because it in fact leaves everything up to the viewer's vivid imagination. It just seems a great deal gorier than it really is. Without a doubt, however, it is an intense, grim, claustrophobic, and darkly comic shocker in which unwitting teenagers stuck in the Texas hinterland go into a deserted house looking for gasoline to put in their van. In that house, however, there is a notorious family of ghoulish cannibals, including the thoroughly deranged Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen), whose weapon of choice is not a hatchet or a knife, but a loud and whirring McCulloch chainsaw. Of the teens, only Sally (Marilyn Burns) will survive her horrific ordeal, and even then not with much of her sanity left. Based on the Ed Geinn story that also provided the inspiration for Hitchcock's PSYCHO, and perhaps even THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE is quite obviously a low-budget outing, made for something less than $300,000. But what he lacks in fiscal funding, director Tobe Hooper, who later went on to helm the 1982 thriller POLTERGEIST, more than makes up in sheer energy and almost unbearable, nightmarish suspense and tension. Often classified as a "meat movie" along the lines of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD or THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, CHAINSAW actually seems like a much more ghoulish version of the equally brilliant 1972 shocker DELIVERANCE. Hooper's vivid camera work and the use of plastic props in place of severed arms and blood gives CHAINSAW its weird and throughly unsettling feel. The only really gory scene in this whole film involves Leatherface attaching one of the dead teens to a meathook. And except for the obvious amateurish acting of the teens, CHAINSAW distinguishes itself from most of the low budget horrors to come in its wake, including the much-debated 1999 flick THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. A "monstrous" hit when originally released in October 1974, thanks to all the attendant controversy it spawned, CHAINSAW is one of the most intense horror films around. The 'R' rating is there for a reason; the film is extremely disturbing and has explicit adult themes, so viewer discretion is strongly advised. But for those willing to take the chance, CHAINSAW is still literally a "cutting edge" horror classic.
Rating:  Summary: A Mediation on Depravity, a Descent into Hell Review: This is the most depraved film I ever have seen. It is sick, gripping, claustrophobic, and.......one heck of a horror film. This is the best horror picture ever (and my all-time favorite). Nothing compares to it. It is a hellish nightmare. Madness. Insanity. Excellent. The DVD extras are really good. The commentary is excellent and it is fun to hear "Leatherface" himself comment upon the film. The art direction highlight has a "tour" of the farm house with all of the bones everywhere (quite freaky). Buy this film, crank up the volume, and descend into darkness. Be forwarned: you may temporarily lose your mind........
Rating:  Summary: you gonna eat that? Review: The Texas Chainsaw massacre for those who haven't seen it is about a group of kids who stumble upon a clan of backwoods cannibals. I believe this is Tobe Hooper's first feature as director and he does a great job keeping the suspense and chills going. But the real star of the show is leatherface,boy does that guy have alot of stamina weilding around that heavy chainsaw with his apron on. There's not real gore in the normal sense but there is alot of blood. Don't let the kids see this one I personally didn't care too much for this film but the acting was great,the film is a little grainy & dark but what the hell that was 1973 so if you like chainsaws this is one too see
Rating:  Summary: One of the Scarist movies I have Ever seen. Review: Have you ever noticed that alot of todays horror movies are nothing new? I wounder if it is possible to create a horror movie that is different from all the rest. "The Texas Chainsaw Massacare" is testament to the facted that it is possable to make a very scary movie that has a mind of its own. There are no evil spirts(even though my favorite horror movie is the Exorcist) or aleins or lab experiments gone sour or anything like that. Just a bunch of poor kids who are at the wrong place at the wrong time. The movie is all the more real when you find out this movie was based on some true events back in the 60's. This classic has just been given the DVD treatment it deserves and every horror fan should buy this! Watch it in the dark.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies ever made! Review: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a masterpiece. Surprisingly, this movie is not predictable at all. The ending still blows my mind away. This movie is very believable and is based on the crimes of real life killer Ed Gein. Unfortunately, the DVD doesn't seem to have as much contrast as the VHS edition. The features are great but they would be better if they included some interviews. Anyway, I still recommend buying this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Review: This movie is truly horrifying! It still has effects on people after 28 years! That one girl must have had some serious therapy after the filming of this film, because of the torture she suffered, even if its just acting! This movie doesnt show a lot of gore on screen, but gets scares out of the viewers, for the tense, suspenseful scenes. If you havent seen this movie you must! This is a movie everyone has to buy! This is claimed to be a true story, although some people just say its a fiction story, but is sorta like based on the true Ed Gein story. So I don't know. But I have heard more people saying it was true! Anyways just buy this movie for your collection!
Rating:  Summary: Scared stiff... Review: This has to be the best Horror movie ever. Most in the genre lack the purity, the guts and the macabre glory of this one. This film pulls no punches, AND is actually engrossing. It IS a complete gorefest, but it's NOT stupid, and won't leave you cold. And Marilyn Burns is exactly what horror girls should be. Beautiful, sexy, good, but not innocent. I have to stop trying to do this movie justice, my words aren't good enough. Just see it, if you dare.
Rating:  Summary: Creepy, Gorey, and Disturbing. A TRUE CLASSIC!! Review: I have to say when I first heard of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre I didn't know what to think. I heard so many people talk about how disturbing it was. So, being a huge fan of horror movies, I had to see what the hype was about. I was not disappointed. Like The Exorcist The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is not really scary as in jumping out of your seat and screaming, but is eerie and just plain creepy. These movies scare me most of all. Maybe it's the fact that the story is based on the true crimes of Ed Gein or maybe it's fact that this could actually happen almost anywhere in the world. The movie spills plenty of teenage blood and has multiple disturbing images that you won't soon forget. Tobe Hooper did a great job with this film on a low budget. Even though you can tell they didn't spend millions of dollars on special effects it takes nothing away from the movie itself and shows how far a great director can go. If you want a movie that will shock, scare and disturb you, you have to see The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.