Rating:  Summary: This Really Happened? Review: Based on a true story supposedly. It can't be what happened exactly because anyone there to witness it might have ended up on the table for Thanksgiving dinner. And wouldn't you think that a horror movie entitled "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" would have lots of blood in it? These 5 star reviewers seem to think the lack of it is one of its redeeming qualities. Ok, it's a show about people who chop people up with a chainsaw and eat them but hey, there isn't much blood in it. I have to admit, I saw this show at the drive-in when I was a teen and liked it but I saw it again a couple of years ago and can't figure out what I saw in it then. I guess it depends on what you're looking for in a horror picture. Maybe what so many people like about it is it's different than most. No vampires or Jasons or Freddys, just some sicko family with no human feeling, even for themselves. I was actually looking forward to Leatherface chopping up that chick so I wouldn't have to hear her scream for another half hour. This show needed some half naked babes running from Leatherface while this idiot chases them around the house. What the hell? It's all in good fun. Then, at the end some guy needs to get that chain saw away from him and chop 'ol Leatherface up. I would guess that most of the people who think this movie is so great are in their early twenties or younger and grew up watching slasher movies. This is their ultimate thrill, one ghastly horrible film that spawned so many others almost as bad.
Rating:  Summary: Waste of money... Review: This movie [is weak]! I have no problem with the twisted and grusome violence in this movie, but the movie REALLY REALLY [was weak]! First of all, the plot: There isent any, this movie is about some stupid kids running out of gas, and guess what happends! Second, the violence: No as gory or bloody as the rumor wants it, but the killer-scenes are twisted and grusome. I can imagne people walked out of the preview of this movie in the state of shock, "My God! Is it really possible to make [a weaker] movie than this?" ... DO-NOT-BUY-THIS-MOVIE!
Rating:  Summary: Daring, Original, but Lacking (spoiler) Review: "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" was disappointing. A friend of mine recommended it, saying it was the best horror film ever, so I watched it, expecting greatness. I was struck by the grainy look and bold, no-apologies-made filmmaking. Hooper almost gives the audience the camera and shows them just "what happened" (this never happened, but the movie is scarier if you pretend it did) without commenting too much. There is also no soundtrack, and this helps the movie so much. If Hooper can achieve such a sense of dread with no "jumpy" music, you know you've got a good feel and pace for the film. One problem arises in that there is no sympathy for any of the characters. Hm, an empty house with a generator outside, no one around, and strange sounds coming from the kitchen? Well, since I'm feeling spry and full of life, I think I'll go investigate. There could certainly be no overweight villian with a sledgehammer waiting to bash in my head... So, everyone dies except this last girl (I forgot her name) who just keeps screaming. Then, a few "unspeakable acts" are performed by the cannabilistic family on the screaming, tied-up female who I started to wish would just give in and die. This part of the film is its most disturbing, with her finger being cut (her finger was actually cut)to feed the grandfather of the family, and the perverse hitchiker laughing at her as the family has dinner. Then, the annoying girl escapes, still screaming and giving away her position. Eventually, she leaves in a truck, but the family goes on (except the hitchiker, who dies). "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" serves its purpose as a film that oozes dread, but if there were more sympathy for the characters I might care when they get impaled on meathooks. Still, it's better than most horror movies, so it comes with my recommendation. Sort of.
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate Review: I saw this movie at a theatre when it first came out in 1974 (it was rated X at the time). I was 18 years old then and am now 46 years old. I was blown away then, and now, 28 years later, have yet to see the equal to this film. I'll admit I am not a big fan of horror movies (maybe that viewing 28 years ago put me off them), but this flick was beyond anything I had ever seen at the time and remains so today. If you want the living ... scared out of you, watch this cinematic masterpiece on a big-screen TV with surround sound (I haven't, but I'm going to soon). This movie set the standard of the genre, and still is, as far as I'm concerned.
Rating:  Summary: What A Waste! Review: This movie is one of the worst movies I have ever seen, it was sick. There was hardly any blood and it was not scary. I recommend this to no-one. The sequels were just as bad. I almost switched the movie off after that girl was constantly screaming for about 30 minutes. 0/10
Rating:  Summary: TCM!! Review: This movie is so messed up! It's based on a true story, and is very,very,very, scary! This is totally underated, and will soon be ruined by the re-make coming out next year, wich I won't see. This is the one to watch in the dark and all alone. Definately one of the scariest movies ever made! See this movie, it's so scary and down right disturbing. With great acting, some wicked sense of humor, unrellenting scares, and a really messes up guy with a chainsaw, this is a Horror classic that can't be missed! Buy or Rent today!!!!
Rating:  Summary: SCARY! Review: This is definately one of the scariest movies ever made! Based on the crimes of Ed Gein, this film is very disturbing, and looks so real. It has amazing acting for a low budget film, and the longest chase scene ever captured on film. The terror of the victims looks to much like real life, so I'd definately recommend this film to anyone in need for a good scare that'll stick with them way after the movie ends. See this now!!
Rating:  Summary: Don't you have any pride in your home? Review: WOW! that basically can sum it up for this movie. i think what i liked the best about this movie is that i have seen so many horror movies and for some reason never got around to picking this one up. then one day at my friends house we rented it and i didnt know anything about it really so everything was such a surprise and really great. this is without a doubt the best horrow movie ever made, it totally defines American Horror. I can't believe how some people say this is horrible, one person even said that this movie wasnt scary but scream, 13 ghosts, and the 6th sense were. if u think those movies are good or in the least bit clever, im begging you to go see this movie right away. Tobe Hooper is a genius with the camera. And actually, if your thinking that this is nonstop gore, it is really the opposite. The innovative camera work leaves most of the gore up to your imagination and that is really a brilliant thing to do in a movie. your imagination can really run wild in this movie. this movie is a portrayal of cannabilism and family values. there is a part when leatherface saws through the door, and then his dad comes in screaming "dont oyu have any pride in your home boy, where are your family values?" I really love how this family can be so sick yet be so set in family values. Ok, ill give u a description for the movie: 5 teens are driving through Texas to see is one of the teens (Sally)'s grandfathers grave had been dug up because there had been reports of graverobbing in the news. after that they are driving and pull up to a gas station.They tell the owner of the gas station that they are going to Sally and her invalid brother Franklin's fathers old farmhouse. The owner of the gas station tells them how they dont want to mess around in no old house. well they really should have listened. One by one they walk back in the woods to find each other and find another farmhouse. they go to the farmhouse looking for each other and thats when they meet leatherface, a chainsaw wielding maniac. Later on, his cannibalistic family comes into play. at first i thought that the grandfather was dead, but later on in the movie i found out he was alive which was truly amazing. anyway i wont give away more of this amazing film. this is a must see for anyone of the horror genre.
Rating:  Summary: THE SAW IS FAMILY. Review: I remember when i was about ten watching this movie the one thought i couldn't get out of my mind is that this [stuff] really happend. From the moment that creepy guy jumps in there van and starts talking about how he worked in a slaughter house and then starts cuttin on his self the movie has your attention. I really dont know what else to say that hasn't allready been said so i just want to say love this DVD. 5/5.
Rating:  Summary: Scary and True Review: This is based on a true story. This is incredably scary! Scary!See it.