Rating:  Summary: Prepare to be scared to death Review: Tobe Hooper whipped up this classic on a shoestring budget in the mid seventies. The result is a truly terrifying experience.When some party goers pick up a hitchhiker....all Hell totally breaks loose as the "guest" they pick up turns out to be a demented psycho whose family gives a new meaning to carnivores. Loosely based on killer Ed Gein, the horrendous acts that follow after the hitchhiker is pleasantly removed from their van, could not possibly equal what real life offers. Upon arrival in a small Texas town, the entourage finds many graves have been defiled and corpses are missing. Much to their dismay...they find out later that those responsible are a stone's throw from where they intend to stay. What follows is the most horrific scenes ever filmed. Suffice it to say, upon first viewing, this film leaves a very profound mark on the mind. Few films have this affect and this one pulls it off in spades. The original production of this is a bit...blurry, if you will and the DVD of this still has some dark scenes in it, but, maybe that is what Tobe Hooper wanted, as more light would make the horror all that more real. Not for the sqeamish, and not to be missed either. Thousands of films have come along to copy what this film did and have failed. If you truly want to be scared out of your wits...just watch this one...the sequel with Dennis Hopper is a piece of work too. Psychology students should take note....this is a fodder for the most criminal insane mind.
Rating:  Summary: a horror experiance of a lifetime Review: when I first saw the chainsaw massacre I was 13. And let me say that part where leatherface wacks kurk over the head with a mallet then he stars going into shock and shackes from brain trauma really scared the #@$% outta me. it's one of my alltime favorite horror movies.
Rating:  Summary: a disturbing masterpiece Review: one of the greatest movies ever fans and critics alike loved this disturbing entertainingmovie is amazing true terror great acting very creepy music letherface and the psycho family are disturbing and disguisting
Rating:  Summary: Call it what you want but don't act like it wasn't a classic Review: As of this last month, I've realized they are creating a re-make of this classic, as if part 4 wasn't a truly bad example already, and who wants to go walk down mid 80's lane and see the bad, bad part 2 again...part 3 is the only decent, semi-creepy, kind of suspensful attempt to a sequel that isn't too sick like part 4, yet just disturbing enough to grip your barfbag just in case...anyway, part 1 is classic, scary, semi-disturbing and incredibly influential. This mid 70's post Halloween phase movie has great influence on later classics like FRIDAY THE 13TH, HALLOWEEN and JEEPERS CREEPERS...See it...it's the one that started it all, and catch the new re-make of the 30-year-old classic coming this fall.
Rating:  Summary: classic horror movie Review: this is just a great movie. i dont know to call it music or just wird sounds but its great. this movie is intense beautifully shot. i sometimes find the campiness of some of these types of films annoying sometimes its needed for enjoyment but this movie isnt campy and doesnt need it. not that gory or violent but still great. also this is a very good dvd. the deleted scenes r good the picture is real good bu the only rel bad ting for this movie is the price. it is very expensive but i would say its worth it just to have it in ur horror collection
Rating:  Summary: Great Cinema Review: Now i was pretty new to the classic horror scen until a few weeks ago so coming into this i had pretty high expectations. I had heard nothing but good things about this film and never read a bad review for it and im not going to be the person to do this..Now the performances by the kill fodder are pretty good but Gunner Hansen steals the show as the silent Leatherface.. Early into the movie Leatherface seems to be a sociopathic freak who takes every pleasure in killing another person.. However when his father comes home he cowers at him. Leatherface was killing for fear of being beaten by him..So he actually kills out of fear. Thats why the other half of the movie i was fealing sympathy for poor ol' leatherface.
Rating:  Summary: I just watched this last night and...... Review: I just watched this last night because I hadnt seen it, and I love horror movies so I figured I would have to. I didnt see the dvd though so this is refering to the movie itself. It takes place in the south, when five teenagers are going to a house down there. And guess what happens next? They start to disapear. I'm not going to say anything else that way it wont ruin any of the movie but I did enjoy it. I felt that they offed the kids way to fast though, I mean it could be a good thing, like people say its a roller coaste ryou dont get a break till its over, but theres got to be some time. I mean three of them die within five minutes. Their are some cool deaths in this movie though, I did decide I wanted the dvd while I wa sin the middle of watching it. Only one person dies by a chainsaw though so I wouldnt really say it was a massacre. I would say everyone should see this movie, its not that bloody. I have yet to see the sequel. Dont pick up hitchhikers either!
Rating:  Summary: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Review: Tobe Hopper's debut film the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best classic horror film's to watch. We begin with 4 young teen's going to visit a family grave plot after news of grave robbing was annouced, after discovering that everything was fine the group continues on their way to a farm owned by one of their uncles, but this is where they encounter a strange hitchiker who they give a ride to on the way to their uncles farm, on the way the hitchiker flips out and they manage to kick him out of the van, after ther encounter with the deranged hitchiker they make tao their uncles cabin, this is the point in the movie where their luck begins to go bad. one by one each teen is dispatched either by "blows to the head with a hammer" or "having a chainsaw driven into them" but don't for one second think that this movie is a blood-bath, no, yes there is dried blood on the wall it is implied what is going to happen. For instance in one scene a girl hangs by a meat hook, and the camera pans down, there sits a pan for catching liquid of some kind, so yes it is implied but not shown. None of that takes away from the picture at all, Tobe Hopper's classic remains just that a classic example of a horror movie.The movie has many different things that it portrays, one such thing is family values (if you see it, or have seen it you might already know why i say this), Really what else can you say about one of the best horror/explotion films off all time, oh ya, ENJOY
Rating:  Summary: One of the Scariest Flicks Ever! Review: When police found Mrs. Worden, she was naked and slung from a meat hook in the basement. She had been gutted and dressed like a deer in hunting season. On further investigation police discovered preserved body parts, human skulls and skeletons. They even found furniture fashioned from the remnants of once-interred corpses. They couldn't have known at the time, but Wisconsin police, searching the home of Ed Gein in 1957, were unraveling the definitive American nightmare. Mild-mannered Gein had been a busy man by all accounts ' raiding graves and skinning the bodies to make a female body suit, as well as for food and furniture. The fact that he killed only one person is irrelevant. His real crimes were more unimaginable to the public consciousness. He precedes Dahmer by at least 35 years, and yet he is the single foundation on which so many of America's nightmares have been built ' in cinematic terms it's 'Psycho' (1960) 'Deranged' (1974), and 'Silence of the Lambs' (1988) One youngster haunted by stories of Gein's exploits, was Tobe Hooper, who would marry the memories of these stories and accounts of the Vietnam war to produce possibly the single most important American film in years ' 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. Given the current climate of war and devastation, I think that TCM is more important a film than ever (discounting for the moment the inexplicable decision to remake the film in 2003). It tells the story of a group of teenagers, packed in a green 'Scooby Doo Mystery Machine' van, on a day trip most of them will not remember. A series of events leads them into the clutches of a Texas cannibalistic family, which does not take kindly to their presence in the house. It's 'Family Ties' done the way Jeffrey Dahmer would have liked ' it's barbarism and wholesale slaughter, with a pinch of situation comedy. At first glance the film is throw-away drive in fodder, but you can't escape the barbaric undertones that are all too familiar to anyone with a passing acquaintance with CNN or Sky News. As far as violence goes, Gein has a lot to answer for ' he brought the idea to the fore that (in singer/songwriter Morrissey's words) 'Barbarism Begins at Home'. Extended to include the issue of war ' gone was the idea that governments are there to serve us, it's more of a case of governments being there to serve us up. This is a truly scary and disturbing flick, so I'd recomend seeing it alone in the dark.
Rating:  Summary: Magnificently Macabre Review: Once upon a time in the genre of horror, the audience actually rooted for the victims and wished a most unsavory death on the villians. Nowadays the reverse seems to be the trend making horror more of a graphic gross out fest rather than an honest attempt to strike the fear into bowels of the audience. This movie is definitely aimed at doing the latter. What the movie lacks in hacked off limbs, exploding eyeballs, and blood soaked entrails, it more than makes up with crazy demented villains, grotesque scenery, and eerie overall feel of the cinematography. By paying more attention to the characters than to the special effects, the makers of this film successfully force the audience to fear for the victims' lives and to hate the murderers. That being said, it is difficult to down a steak dinner after watching the film and if you don't have a dark sense of humor, you won't appreciate some of the sick attempts at making a funny. The extras on the DVD are good. The actor who played Leatherface, the Director, and Cinematographer offer commentary over the film. The commentary was interesting at times but often annoying. The Leatherface actor makes some ugly remarks about one of his co-stars and admits to intentionally cutting an actress during the filming of the movie. He seems quite cavalier about the incident and makes you wonder about his sanity. Other extras include some...bloopers and deleted scenes. I've seen better transfers from Film to DVD but this transfer is decent all things considered.