Rating:  Summary: Difficult to describe! Review: This film stands alone in the world of horror. I first saw Phantasm on a blind date back in the late 70's. I loved it, my date hated it! Needless to say ... a second date was not forthcoming. Being a fan of comic books, this movie could have had the dialog displayed as word balloons over the actor's heads, it's just that non-linear. On the surface, it's a weird horror movie filled with creepy characters and unique visuals. At a deeper level it's about dealing with the sudden loss of loved ones and the desperate need to hold on to the remains of sanity.The DVD is a great transfer and the extras are outstanding. After all these years, the film still holds up as a creative leap and a lesson to all the 100 million dollar directors who seem to have forgotten that its the story ... not the money spent that makes a classic movie! This movie will make a fine addition to any film buff's library and will continue to disturb it's viewer for many years to come.
Rating:  Summary: Different to me now than when I was a kid. Review: I don't know what it is, but this film has captivated me since I bought it on DVD. I don't remember it being so deep when I was a kid. I remember my uncle (10 yrs my senior) ranting and raving about what a badass movie it was when I was 10, but its pretty deep also. I went right out and rented the three sequels and I'm in the process of watching them now. Phantasm 2 was decent. I really hope Coscarelli gets the cash to get #5 made. Its really a shame he hasn't been able to get into the stream and pump out some bigger budget films as I think he's a good solid director. I have a lot more respect for him now after watching all the extras on this dvd. See it again if its been a long time. See it if you haven't. Thats really all I have to say.
Rating:  Summary: It's cheesy,it's campy, it's confusing as hell..and its cool Review: I'm sitting here trying to find a way to effectively summarize the plot of Don Coscarelli's cult horror classic...and I can't. What I will say is this: don't expect Alien/Halloween style horror. This one works on a completely different level. The plot holes, the gaps in common sense, and the surreality of the world in which _Phantasm_ occurs are what is "frightening". Don't expect too much in the way of endearing characters; they're flat as a board with plastic lines and even more plastic acting, but that doesn't really get in the way of the movie's enjoyment all too much; it's the environment, the profound sense of place that Coscarelli has(by the end of the movie, you'll know the layout of Morningside Cemetery, the Funeral Parlor/Mausoleum, and Jody's house as if you had actually lived in these structures,) as well as his wonderful cinematography; every shot is absolutely gorgeous and takes full advantage of the distortion/fuzz quality that film possessed in 1979. The music is superb, fitting the slightly ridiculous, euphoric feel of the photography and story perfectly, tinkling, vintage synths and gothic chorus put through a kind of vo-coder-esque electronic filter. Some cult movies truly do not deserve their cult status, this I will admit, but _Phantasm_ does. It is imminently watchable despite its flaws, over and over again somehow fascinating; you're always discovering something new or having a new revelation to pertain the "what the hell was that?" that was running through your mind during your last viewing. And...who can't love Angus Scrimm's ominous presence as the ubiquitous and ever short-spoken Tall Man? Though I have no intention of giving the twist ending(s)(there are two, technically) away, I will say that you may feel a tad disappointed with their sudden execution the first time you see it, but in retrospect and especially in consecutive viewings, the twist ending lends a bit of sense to the otherwise non-sensical flow of the plot. Note: Okay, I lied, I'm going to spoil the ending below. The notion the entire film is an adolescent boy's fantastical nightmare lends some artistic credibility to Coscarelli's admittedly convoluted science fiction/horror storyline, the things that don't make sense(e.g. the blackout after which all of the characters are inexplicably transported to different sections of the cemetery and funeral parlor, and Jody's moving of the boulders that are way too heavy for any human being to even budge) suddenly are put in a context that, while admittedly a tad cop-outesque, saves the movie on the whole. Art film, horror film, fantasy film? Hell if I know, really. Just see it...you'll like it.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, off-beat horror flick! Review: There are very few movies I've seen more than once in the theatre. 'Phantasm' is one of those. I saw it on the Big Screen in 1980 or so, was SEVERELY creeped out by it. Then I went to see it again the next night. To this day, it remains one of my favourite horror movies. The story revolves around Mike, a kid who discovers something odd is happening at the local funeral home. He does some investigating and is soon swept up into a vortex of nightmares swirling around the mysterious undertaker known as the Tall Man. His older brother and the brother's best friend Reggie are also caught up in the unfolding events which become more and more like a nightmare. Even twenty years later, I am amazed at how frightning things that I might well laugh at in other flicks seems in 'Phantasm.' The slow-motion shot of the Tall Man walking past Reggie working at his ice cream truck; the chittering robed servents of the Tall Man; the flying, skull-puncturing silver ball of death; the transforming severed body-parts... all of these still seem scary, even from my now-jaded perspective. Much of the film's power comes from its simple yet well-crafted electronic score and a masterful use of sound effects. The final moment of the film STILL makes me jump, even though I now it's coming, and much of the shock comes from the audio rather than the visual.
Rating:  Summary: A Cult Classic Review: I first saw this movie in the theater, shortly after it's release in 1979. The tag line for the film was, "If this one doesn't scare you, you're already dead". I walked out of the theater saying "What a stinker! Except for the very scary, and totally unexpected, ending, and the terrific score, that was a terrible flick!" Talk about your low budgets, the acting is not very good, the dialogue is stilted, the storyline is hokey and the copious amounts of mustard and red-colored water, that bears absolutely no resemblence to blood, are hilarious. But years later, I realized what a cult classic was, because this movie really stuck in my mind and I realized what a truly great film it really was. I absolutely had to have it on video and I've probably watched it a dozen times. There are about three scenes, including the ending, that are truly scary. The contrast of these scenes with the low-budget hokiness of the rest of the film is what really makes this movie great. The bad acting and dialogue only add to the overall effect. Angus Scrimm, as the tall man, has very few lines, but his creepy "BOYYY!" is unforgettable. Also unforgettable is the theme music that runs throughout the movie. Buy this video, settle back with a few friends and a bowl of popcorn, and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: A surreal, scary nightmare... Review: Phantasm is one of the creepies movies ever made, and watching this DVD version only enhances that statement.The film revolves around two brothers who discover some sinister secrets in their town mortuary. Phantasm essentially plays like one of the worst nightmares you've ever had. It's loud, surreal and at times, very nonsensical. Angus Scrimm's excellent performance as the Tall Man is one character you'll never forget, and his flying spheres have become infamous with moviegoers for the past 20 years. Director Don Coscarelli must be given a ton of credit for this film. In the hands of almost any other filmmaker, this could've ended up very, very awful, but here, under Coscarelli, it plays out brilliantly. It makes sense, but not perfectly, that's what distinguishes this film as a horror film from many sci-fi films with some similar themes. A film like Phantasm doesn't have to fit perfectly together, it jangles your nerves, creeps you out and and makes you want more. It's a good thing too, Phantasm II, Phantasm III and Phantasm Oblivion followed in '88, '93 and '98 respectively.For maximum effect of this superb disc, watch it alone, with the lights out with the 5.1 Dolby Digital adio cranked way up....guaranteed nightmares! BOYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Rating:  Summary: POWERFUL CLASSIC HORROR Review: Phantasm (1979) Phantasm is a cult classic worldwide that spawned three sequels and has many "Phans". The story is highly creative and original.13-year old Michael Pearson (Michael Baldwin) spies on a funeral and notices a creepy tall mortician known as "The Tall Man" (Angus Scrimm) lift up a casket all by himself and load it into a hearse. Mike does some investigating and along the way meets plenty of nasty baddies.Hooded midget monks,the now infamous flying silver killer spheres,and "The Tall Man" himself. The film has a lot of defintions of horror,and very powerful ones at that.The music score is absolutely brilliant and fits in perfectly.Angus Scrimm does a wonderful job as "The Tall Man" and the special effects are actually very good.The sphere scene is unforgettable,the car chases are splendid,and the gore effects are superb. This film is also extremely frightening,and will surely give you nightmares if your very young or sensitive.Out of all four Phantasm films,this ties with Phantasm II as the best of the series.Buy this and Phantasm II.The other two entries in the series,Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead and Phantasm: OblIVion, are watchable and very well done,but just can't hold a torch to this and the epic sequel. REAL horror fans HAVE to have this in their collection,along with Phantasm II.
Rating:  Summary: GRAT MOVIE BOOOOYYYY! Review: I agree 100% with the other reviewers that this is one great and awsome movie it is strange scary unusal and suspencefull and at times makes you jump. I feel that this is what puts horror in horror movies and what a horror movie is supposed to be like. Angus Scrimm fits the part of the TALL MAN and is down right scary, man I wouldn't want to meet him in a cementary. I have the first one and have seen all the rest and I can't wait to for next one to come out plus I'm going to buy the rest and add them to my collection of horror movies I recommened you see this movie and watch with the lights out BOOOOOYYYY!
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant on DVD Review: This movie is seriously awesome.I saw the DVD transfer at my friends house and it rules.The picture is unbelieveably clear,the sound incredible,the extras are superb.You get extremely rare behind the scenes footage, interviews with the cast and crew,cut scenes and loads more.Buy this DVD NOW! PS:I wrote another review above that I accidently made anonymous.
Rating:  Summary: His Balls Are Bigger Than Yours Review: Phantasm, which has gained a loyal and rocksteady cult following of "Phans" over its long span in film history, can only be described in a few words: the one true surreal nightmare. Guaranteed that anyone who has not seen this film previously will be confused but certainly not disappointed. Confusion is what this Phanflick runs on and its pure, unadulterated fun. You will be compelled by the mysterious happenings (which range from yellow blood to dwarf beings and gruesome killing spheres to the legendarily eerie Tall Man. You will find yourself viewing this masterful artwork over and over, discovering a new possibilty and aspect each time you do so that helps you make a spectacular puzzle out of the films very intentional incoherence. For those of you out there that are now as confused by my review as you will by this astounding flick, don't worry explanations follow. Coscarelli's film centers around a malicious tall man, a mortician no less, that has come to town. In his wake he leaves the dead risen from the grave anew in the form of strange short creatures. But to protect his secret from the intrusions of a boy who has seen too much he has killer sphere's that are as deadly as they are strange. The boy is relentless though and further ventures into the Tall Man's world, dragging his brother and their friend, Reggie, into the mix. The result? a strange film that you are not bound to forget in a long time. And what is most perplexing is the realization that it may all be illusion. This film is followed by three sequels, each of which clarifies the story even more for the Phantasm-hungry viewers. This dvd presentation of Phantasm is the best i have seen in a long time, the picture is crisp, the sound is in full theater pounding glory and it is packed with so many features that can only feed our hunger for more knowledge on the making of such a massive achievement. Definately a sure addition (along with its sequels, which are only available on video, with the exception of part four) to your collection. Buy it and revel in its glory.