Rating:  Summary: Get that head away from there! Review: Some may call it campy, and some may call it a waste of time. I call it absolutely brilliant!Re-animator is possibly the best horror/comedy film ever produced. Filled with all the makings of a popular feature...blood, guts, sex, corpse chases, dead cats, it's no wonder that this film has become a cult classic. It is phenomenally written, being cleverly "in your face" and "behind your back" at the same time. If you're even considering buying this, you most likely know the plot and general happenings, so why should I waste your time bending your ear over it? Suffice it to say, this movie has something for everyone, from the die-hard horror fan, to the connoisseur of fine satire. The DVD is an absolutely fantastic package, and well worth whatever you pay for it. Disc 1 contains the feature, remastered from the original, with a new and greatly improved soundtrack, resulting in a far superior presentation to the previously released VHS version (and to tell you the truth, better than a Laser-disc edition that I saw many years ago as well!). Disc 2 is filled (yes, the entire disc) with interviews, outtakes, extra scenes, and special features far too numerous to be listed here. We can only hope that when "Bride of Re-animator" is re-released later this year, that it receives the same consideration that the original did. Being on so many "must have" lists must mean something, and I can personally tell you that you can't go wrong by adding this classic to your collection. Probably not a good idea to let your kids watch this one, but if you really want to scare your cat...
Rating:  Summary: "Dear Dan, cats dead,details later..." Review: What an amazing movie!If you havent already seen this movie I can think of numorous things to do for punishment,but first, rent it and watch.Its based on a collection of 6 stories from H.P. Lovecraft intitled "Herbert West, Reanimator".The movie dosen't follow the stories EXACTLY but its a very good remake considering the budget this movie was made on.This is proberby my all time favorite horror movie and is MANDATORY viewing for any horror fan/trying to be horror fan.This horror/dark comedy (yes this is a dark comedy) is perfect because its not a long movie at all and has been remade on a great dvd.The dvd its self is 2 discs with plenty of features to keep you busy for a while.Not for the weak and feeble but if you love horror,gore, and dark comedy this movie is the prefect night out. ENJOY!
Rating:  Summary: Cat Dead: Details Later Review: Stuart Gordon took the classic H.P. Lovecraft story and ran with it bringing to horror fans not only a great film but a genre icon in the form of Jeffrey Combs as Herbert West. The title pretty much explains the film, it revolves around the idea of raising the dead. With buckets full of gore and a humorous approach to dismemberment, murder, and insanity there really isn't anything not to like in this film. Unless you have a weak stomach and in that case ha ha! Going into detail here would ruin it for first time viewers so I'll just leave with some quotes and a hearty recommendation that anyone who hasn't seen Re-Animator yet do so as soon as possible. A true celebration of horror, gore, and Lovecraft. Very, very close to perfection. "What were you researching?" "Death." "You make the incision at the base of the skull." "Very much like peeling a large orange." "Once the skull is clearly visible you take the bonesaw." "Don't expect it to tango, it has a broken back."
Rating:  Summary: Horror at it's finest! Review: Rarely do great 80's horror movies get the DVD treatment they deserve. Sice the assumption that the market is limited, you can often only find mediocre transfers with little to no extras. But with "Re-Animator", that paradigm is broken and we get a top quality and thoroughly entertaining version of the cult classic. Stuart Gordon's gore-fest concerns a medical student named Herbert West, who's experiments with bringing the dead back to life are successful, but with grave consequences. Jeffrey Combs is first rate as the whacked out West, and he plays it both for shock and comedy value. It is criminal that he isn't more widely recognized outside of the horror and cult circles. The rest of the cast is exceptional, especially Robert Sampson as the re-animated headmaster. The special effects can best be described as gruesome, with plenty of decapitations, body parts flying, and other nasties. But what sets "Re-Animator" apart from other 80's horror flicks is the story, the good acting, and the good production. This is a great movie that satisfies both the need for quality filmmaking and the need for gore. The Millenium Edition DVD is packed with extras, all of them worthwhile. What initially pleased me most was the quality of the transfer, which makes the horrible VHS transfers seem like a different movie. The commentary, especially by the producer and the cast, is more like a high school reunion with everyone having a good time. The interviews also give valueable insight, and the deleted scenes are also nice goodies for fans. This is the definative version of "Re-Animator", and great value for anyone who loved the movie. The extras are quality, and the transfer is superb. In short, a DVD you must own (assuming you can stomach it).
Rating:  Summary: Good but hilarious at times Review: This film is not for the faint of heart but really nothing really makes my stomach turn anymore especially watching zombie flick after another. I was expecting this one to be another zombie flick (which isnt bad but none really have an awesome storyline going, but who watches these films for story). Anyways the special effects were actually superbly done. The movie overall was really messed up but in general the movie's ideas are not totally new....a mad scientist who is a doctor wants to bring the dead back to life and then a touch of irony at the end makes it a good film but not original. Oh well, who cares the film was original to where it gave personality to the characters instead of cardboard zombie food which is fun but you dont feel sorry for them. This movie completely goes away from the cliched zombies that are brain munchers and mutilators that trap a few poor souls that end up being snack meat. No, this film takes it a up a notch and says hey how can we give these people a personality and do something with it. I have not liked Lovecraft's works mainly because I have watched his stuff on film and in great honesty few directors give glory to books because its so hard to adapt every detail that a book gives to screenplay. THe directors however do a good job and maybe I'll look into Lovecraft's works after all since his other movies have failed miserably on screen. Some of the humor is indirect like where the guy walks around with a head in his hands and tries to have sex by holding his head is just outright dumb looking but funny.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best splatter films ever! Review: This movie has every element a good splatter movie should have. I originally thought it was about a guy who's best friend was a head. Boy was I wrong! I never read the plot, but I like it better than I ever though I would. It's the story of Herbert West and another dude named Daniel Cane (I think). Herbert (played by Jeffrey Combs) has found a way to bring the dead back to life using a flourescent green solution. However, when they come back to life, they're not happy. To begin with, Daniel and Herbert are both students studying to be brain surgeons. They work in a hospital/morgue. The first person they reanimate is a dead person from the morgue. He comes to life and kills the guy who runs the University they go to. Then, they reanimate him. He comes to life and gets put into a mental institution where he gets lobotimized. They also bring back a head and the rest of it's body, however not together. The climax is awesome and it's got so much gore that your mind might explode. I'll definitly be buying this one in the near future.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best DVD editions out there today! Review: A five star cult classic with THX spesifications and extras up the toot? How could a rabid fan of gore go wrong with this?! THE BEST EDITION OF "RE-ANIMATOR" EVER RELEASED!
Rating:  Summary: If youre a fan or Re-Animator, this is the way to see it Review: Re-Animator is a classic gore film, with great effects and an original story. This Millenium Edition DVD makes the movie even more enjoyable. A second disc is loaded with great extras and the first disc gives you Re-Animator in spectacular quality, in its uncut glory. If you're a gorehound who still hasnt seen this, I highly reccomend it. Its not your stereotypical zombie flick, but its one with a twist that you'll enjoy nonetheless.
Rating:  Summary: The extras Re-Animate the Movie Review: Re-Animator is excellent. There's so much that I love about this film. Stuart Gordon and Brian Yuzna did a fantasic job. Barbara Crampton and Bruce Abbot are perfect as Meg and Dan. The love story blends beautifully with the gore and horror that is going on. This DVD is packed with extras, a definite must for all the fans out there.
Rating:  Summary: Re-Animator mania Review: This movie was quite a shocker back in 1985 when it was originally released. It's a great film with a talented cast. Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott(Bad Dreams 1988),and Barbara Crampton work well together and make the bizarre events going on around them believable. The Milleniumn edition DVD is packed with extra features including interviews with the director, the screenwriter and the music composer. I highly recommend it, if you love horror films you simply must add Re-Animator to your video collection.It's a splatterfest filled with humor.