Rating:  Summary: THE BEST WEREWOLF MOVIE !!! Review: I loved this movie when I first watched it in the theater. It has all the ingredients of a horror film but with a twist of dark humor thrown in. Michael Jackson hired John Landis and Rick Baker to do his Thriller video after seeing this film. And we all know the results of that video. It's a difficult movie to describe since it's both very graphic but also has that dark humorous edge to it. David Naughton's character is going through that typical evolving realization that he's really a werewolf. But of course he has to have a number of victims before it really sinks in. The creature itself is fantastic.
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Best Movies Ever Made Review: I saw this movie when i was 15 years old one of the best things that really shook me up was that the character's name and i share the same name .The violence was top notch and the story kept you on the edge of your seat The wolf transformation was so cool ,the way the hairs started growing and the changing was cutting age i recommend that everyone should see this movie
Rating:  Summary: mother of werewolf movies. Review: Two amercian kids attacked on the morse out side the slaughtered lamb in london.One dies one is cursed.The cursed one learns from his dead freind-he's a monster.And there goes the neighborhood.the fx is very good forthe time.the transfomation sequence has yet too be topped.not even the sequal in wwinparis comes close(general makeup should of stuck too this one too).As a kid this actually gave me chils(abit).As an adult well its still a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Horror Movie Ever. Review: This is the best Horror Movie ever made bar none. From the moment Jack and David get out of the truck and start walking you will be hooked. I originally saw this movie when I was 14, it scared me then and it scares me now. I only wish the long awaited sequel would have been done by Landis and the f/x done by Baker, the computer f/x in that film didn't come off very well in some scenes. I also wish they would re-release this masterpiece in theatres to celebrate it's 20th anniversary, it makes a great video but to see it on the big screen is incredible. This is hands down the King of all werewolf movies, the acting is superb, the f/x mind blowing (even after 20 yrs) and the plot is excellent. No werewolf conspiracy to take over the world, just a murderous beast that has to be stopped. Pure and Simple. Landis knew exactly what he was doing and with this film he did it very well. If it's genuine thrills and chills you want with a dose of humor thrown in to lighten the tension, get this movie. It stands the test of time better than any horror movie made. Period.
Rating:  Summary: One of, if not, the best! Review: I am waiting for this DVD to come out right now. I have owned the VHS tape for a long time and I seriously haven't watched it that much. The reason: it disturbs me too much. This is probably the best Werewolf movie that I've seen with the possible exception of the much more artsy "A Company of Wolves". This movie has the best transformation scene that I know of, and possibly the most realistic. For those days, that was far harder to do than it might be today. Although, I have to say that I don't think that CGI is ready yet to make one better than this. CGI just doesn't have that "Suspend the disbelief" look that it will need for something that can involve this much blood and hair. At least not yet. The transformation is not the most disturbing thing to me though. The thing that keeps me up at night (and I hate to mention it here or even think about it) is the strange and bizarre attack of the Nazi werewolves in a "I didn't know that it was a dream" dream sequence. What they were or what their real point was, I'm still not sure of. All that I do know is that they scared the living fecal matter out of me! Still do today. Maybe I'm just strange, but scarey movies usually don't scare me very much. I'd strongly suggest this spooky movie for anyone who wants to see a good werewolf film. I know that I'm really looking forward to this re-release!
Rating:  Summary: The movie that redefined the horror comedy Review: When I was a kid, my older brother and his friends used to talk about this movie all the time. Being too young to see it I was still facinated by their enthusiastic descriptions of some of the scenes. When I eventally did watch it, while I as still a wee lad, I think it was a turning point for both me and the horror genre altogether. For if it weren't for this movie, I wouldn't be making horror movies myself. This film, without a doubt, is the only movie in my book to successfully blend comedy with horror. The makeup fx, while now slightly dated and not on par with Rob Bottin's fx in The Thing, are without a doubt amazing and I'm so happy that this movie has got a re-release with a behind the scenes making of featurette so now all can see how they brought the best werewolf in cinema history to the silver screen. If you haven't seen it, buy it - it's howl from beginning to end!
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best movies ever! Review: This is not only one of the best werewolf movies ever, it's also one of the best movies ever, period. Basically it's an early 80's retelling of the old Lon Chaney, Jr. Wolfman. I mean, that's how I see it. A good-hearted young American goes to England, gets attacked by a werewolf, falls in love with a local girl, and for the rest of the film is in conflict with the wolf within, and terribly concerned for his new love's life, and eventually of course, he meets a tragic end. It has all those things in common with the Lon Chaney Jr. classic, but beyond those points, everything else is severely modernized, making it one of the scariest horror/comedies of its time! The effects in this movie will probably always be superior to CGI animated effects! The werewolf in this film is possibly the best interpretation of a werewolf I've ever seen visually! Truly frightening moments too! I'm so glad this is coming out again on DVD in a much better edition! I have the first edition and while it's much better than the VHS it's still not that great and the only extra I can remember that it has is the movie trailer. It's a heck of a terrifying trailer though, albeit extremely subtle. As for the sequel (well, not really a sequel so much as another man's story in the same universe and subject matter), American Werewolf In Paris is not as bad as everyone says. The werewolves are too obviously computer generated, but then, almost everything that is computer generated is too obvious. I mean, ever seen Mummy Returns? No offense though, Mummy Returns was still good and I LOVE the first, but when are they going to improve on that CGI stuff? Do they really think it's perfect already? I can still pick it out easy! Though I have to admit, Star Wars Episode 1 is probably the best I've seen so far. Anyway, as I was saying, the other American Werewolf movie isn't really as bad as they say. It's funny and very '90's, but I think most people couldn't get past the CGI werewolves that looked too monkey-like facially. But this is another review altogether. As for American Werewolf in London, this is your best werewolf buy, but don't overlook The Howling, for another really good and scary one, and don't believe what people say about Wolf, the Jack Nicholson werewolf movie. It was great! It was a more realistic view of a werewolf in my opinion. I mean, why would a werewolf be a murdering beast for no reason anyway? It's just that it's a romance, not a horror film. But back to American Werewolf In London, when this comes out again on DVD in September, snag it! It's going to be great!
Rating:  Summary: A Real Masterpiece Review: The best movie of it's kind ever made.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, the treatment it deserves!! Review: Finally, American Werewolf in London is being re-released in a new special edition. The DVD will include: A new 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer, a remixed English 5.1 Dolby Digital track, An audio commentary with actors David Naughton and Griffin Dunne, additional interviews with director John Landis and Rick Baker, the original promo featurette, never-before-seen storyboards, cast filmographies, production notes and trailers This is great news for fans of the film, since the las release of the movie (I think it was from Live) was very poor both in quality and in extras. Can't wait for this one!!
Rating:  Summary: werewolf from america.com Review: "AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON" is by for one of the best werewolf movies ever made when I went to see the movie with some friends when it was in theaters I was really impressed and still am the special effects are great this and "THE HOWLING" have got to be without a doubt the best werewolf movies to hit the seen. One more thing about the special effects in this movie they make todays effects on werewolves like an american werewolf in paris look bad. So I highly recommend this movie!!!!1