Rating:  Summary: Near Dark - Near Perfect Review: ...Near Dark has almost become an anti-hero classic of types representing the primal beast in the vampire that is not evil but more instinctual. These are not demons or monsters. They don't morph into different shapes or have super human or in-human powers, in fact they're weak and vulnerable. Delicate almost. And although there's blood a plenty, there's not one scene displaying a pair of fangs - nothing so vulgar in this film. As far as aesthetics go, the film sets the scene from the very start with Kalebs almost surreal drive into 'town'. From then on almost every set is dazzlingly lit to look subtle. Tell me this method is not cool! The soundtrack is by Tangerine Dream and compliments the film beautifully backing up the atmosphere and characters splendidly and is one of those rare soundtracks that can be listened to independently of the movie.I can only say quite simply that I love this film. I could tell you about all the merchandise (which isn't all that much) I have but like the film I don't want to be vulgar either. Maybe if I was reviewing Lost Boys or Blade I'd spout on.... ...BR>Suffice to say, Near Dark should and will have it's day in the sun again (is that a contradiction in terms)... a suitable home at last for a film for and about something eternal and infinately entertaining. Thanks Kathryn for such a poetic and dare I say it, intelligent if bloody truly vampiric movie. Keth ... Ireland.
Rating:  Summary: Henriksen, Paxton dynamic duo for "Dark" Review: Whoa! This movie is a powerhouse! Any way you slice it, vampire movie, action film or a walk-on-the-wild-side budget, this movie delivers. Actors Lance Henriksen and Bill Paxton (Aliens) give their characters in "Near Dark" their noted-for extremism in portrayals, pulling out all the stops in this blood-lust flick. Gist - cowboy Caleb (Adrian Pasdar) goes home with trailer-trash vampire Mae (Jenny Wright) to meet the family. It's a bat out of hell from there. With this cast, there was no way this film could lose. And the attention to detail alone will make vampirism seem credible. The barroom scene is on-the-edge-of-your-seat and in-your-face viewing. Trust me here, being Texan, I've seen my share of barroom brawls. And that's why this movie is so engrossing, its realism. Save your rental money and buy this movie. You'll want to see it again and again
Rating:  Summary: A TREAT FOR VAMPIRE FANS. Review: Like TRULY rollicking comedies, REALLY good horror films are true rarities; so many are either done on a ludicrously low-budget, are eneptly acted or are all violence and gore. This gem is an exception to the genre. Refreshingly presented, it features a novel approach in its storyline combined with some decently inspired performances. The scenes with Pasdar and the blonde girl he meets and flirts with are done quite convincingly - boy, if he only knew what he's getting himself into!! The scenes in the tavern are terrificly executed and genuinely thrilling. A most enjoyable (though not perfect) excursion into the lives of certain creatures who thrive after the sun sets! It's a relief to know that prints of this classic horror flick haven't been lost as previously feared; I've yet to find the DVD version!
Rating:  Summary: Delicious Slice of Southern Gothic Review: Kathryn Bigelow creates strange, note-worthy movies such as 'Strange Days' (1995), and 'Near Dark', a delicious slice of Southern Gothic... with a vampiric twist. 'Near Dark' is one of the better examples of 1980's postmodernism - it knowingly plays with allusions to popular culture and genre conventions in the same way 'The Lost Boys' or 'Vamp' does, though in a decidedly darker vein. Bigelow has used tantalising slices of different genres to create a dazzling montage of traditional horror, spaghetti westerns and biker movies. Unlike other tongue-in-cheek vampire films of the era, 'Near Dark' is an intense cinematic experience that raises genuine emotions - the audience feels for the plight of farm boy Caleb (Adrian Pasdar), or for the victims the vampires taunt before killing. Set in Southern farm country, almost entirely populated by rednecks wearing sweaty Stetsons and varying colours of check shirt, it tells the story of Caleb. On the surface, it is a 'boy-meets'-girl' narrative - he sees the sweetly gamine Mae (Jenny Wright) standing in front of a sweet shop, eating an ice cream, and things quickly progress. When Mae gives him a love bite that smarts, the rising sun burns, and he is snatched into a Winnebago with blacked-out windows, his nightmare is only just beginning. Led by Jesse (Lance Henrickson), who is quietly spoken and charismatic, the brood travels across the USA, leaving carnage in their wake. Like a bloodthirsty, dysfunctional, poor white trash family, they bicker, get sentimental over past times and slaughter without compunction. Bill Paxton is especially good as Severen, who is more than slightly crazy, as is Homer, the vampire child who is in fact the eldest. The film is punctuated throughout with graphic violence, and does not shy away from portraying the vampire as a monster. There are no Anne Rice Brat Princes here. The vampires do not have fangs and few apparent supernatural powers - they kill with guns and knives. The feeding frenzy designed to initiate Caleb and wean him off his reliance on Mae's blood is a masterful exercise in tension and brutality. When cornered in a Mexican style stand-off with the local sheriffs, gunfire punching holes through walls that allow in deadly sunlight, the vampires respond in typical fashion. The imagery here is excellent, contrasting dank, fetid shadows with shafts of pure, hard sunlight. Throughout the film, the relationship between Mae and Caleb is touching, although Pasadar plays him a little too generic corn-fed farm boy for credibility. Their story is about teenage love that lasts for forever - they will never age or die, but their love is destructive, almost incestuous in its need. Caleb almost kills Mae by feeding only on her. The climax of the tale is spectacular, satisfying the audience's need to see the evil punished and the good redeemed. Although accomplished in cinematographic terms, the film has not stood the test of time and will seem a bit cheesy to a contemporary audience. It is worth watching for the 'cure' for vampirism and the wonderfully deranged characters in Jesse's 'family'. So next time you see a strange, cute blonde girl eating ice cream in the dark... leave her be! Copyright (c) 2001 Helen Murphy All Rights Reserved
Rating:  Summary: It will be on DVD in 2002 Review: Forget all that "the film is lost, we'll never see it again" mumbo jumbo. It was all a RUMOR.Anchor Bay Entertainent owns the title and will be releasing it on DVD in 2002. Their own web site has a banner ad for it's release!Just be patient, we'll get to see the vamps on DVD soon enough.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunately... Review: ...while I love Near Dark too, and I wish it would come out on DVD, that will probably never happen. Like many great movies that weren't huge successes at the box office, Near Dark was poorly preserved and the negative is now unusable. The film is officially "lost". It will probably never be reissued on VHS, and it CANNOT be issued on DVD because there is no known print in existence to use for the digital transfer. So, unless somebody stumbles across a high-quality print in a vault somewhere, you'll never see this movie again except on one of the old VHS tapes that are already out there. A real shame; this is one of my favorite horror movies of all time.
Rating:  Summary: tasty Review: The bar room scene alone is worth the price of admission. Great acting, directing, and fun, fun, fun. How about an overlooked gem like this?
Rating:  Summary: A Diamond in the Rough Review: WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO RELEASE THIS MOVIE ON DVD? With all of the other far less worthy movies that get put on DVD, why not thisinnovative, critically appraised, vampire movie. It is unique and unto itself in its tale of a young cowboy who falls into a femme fatale's vampire clan. Fascinating in its approach to the vampire lore and also in its disturbing atmosphere. Many other vampire flicks tried to copy its feel but with far less success. The direction in this film is first rate by Kathryn Bigelow- she of " Point Break " fame. As a footnote for the beginning of her illustrious career alone- this film is worth releasing on DVD. The acting is down to earth and wonderful by all cast members. This movie works its way into your subconsciousness and into your inner fears. It suspends your disbelief of its premise by totally involving you with its hero. How many horror movies can you say that about? This film is a classic of its kind.
Rating:  Summary: Alien's cast become vampires!!! Review: This was a very sweet surprise. Half the cast of James Cameron's blockbuster 'Aliens' star in this flick by one of his producers. It's a hip, slick and cool blood sucker flick with some heart. Not to metion a view over the top performaces. ...Jenny Wright shows up one night and Andrian Pasdar is smitten then bitten. A great twist and a cult fav ~
Rating:  Summary: Very gruesome and ..... Review: This video is possinly the most horrifying and frightening story about Vampire-types with a twist, they don't really know what they are! They muse about this frequently using terms like "he's been bit but he ain't turned." In one scene they kill everyone (almost) in a cowboy bar. A Kathryn Bigelow in-your-face movie. I wish they would re-print it. Oh yeah, I liked it when yhe little kid exploded. Get this one if you can.