Rating:  Summary: Phantabulous!!! Review: This is one of my top 5 FAVE horror movies of all time. The spfx are excellent, and acting is very good for this type film. Jeffrey Combs and Bruce Abbott are great. One tip. Stay away from the "R" rated version! It's longer but has more scenes which are not relevant to the overall enjoyment of this film, and the really gross stuff is not in this version. The "unrated" version is the one to see. All of the added goodies will ony enhance the "Re-Animator" experience. Fans of this film would also need to check out "Bride of Re-Animator"...
Rating:  Summary: Ghoulishly Clever!!! Review: What can I say about re-animator? It's a clever yet terrifying film with frightening scenes and very disturbing images. It's H.P. Lovecraft at his best. Combines the Horror and creepiness of Night of the Living Dead with the gore and comedy of Evil Dead. Jeffery Combs(From Beyond, another Lovecraft masterpiece) plays a college student who invents a serum to revive the dead. he gets more than he bargains for when these corpses are revived. You'll have to see what I mean by checking out this one yourself. Any horror fan will be pleased with this film.
Rating:  Summary: Blood, Gore, Strange Sex What more could you ask for? Review: It has always been difficult to find anything original in film, especially in the horror genre. You can certainly call Re-Animator different with its river of blood, formerly dead bodies and one of the most unique sex scenes you will ever see in a movie featuring the lovely Barbara Crampton (also featured in another Gordon classic "From Beyond" with "Re-Animator" star Jeffrey Coombs). I really enjoyed it but is not for the faint of heart
Rating:  Summary: thrives off its own anarchistic world view Review: Ghoulish and morally defunct, this finely acted and directed wonder revels in its testing of taste limits. Lovingly scripted from a Lovecraft story, laced with a foul wit, it thrives off its own anarchistic world view. A brilliant college student develops a serum to revive the dead...look out for the nasty-talking severed head.
Rating:  Summary: Re-Animator-A Must have Review: This is probably one of the best horror films ever made. Jeffery Combs stakes his claim as a madman, and is likely to be typecast due to his natural finesse with this sort of role. If you are a horror enthusiast, this is in your collection. If you don't have it, you can't call yourself a real enthusiast. The Frankenstein theme goes one step further with ReAnimator. Soaked with blood and gore, with a spattering of humor for good taste (!?) this move is remarkable. Plot is typical, acting is par/above par for this genre, and the direction is well above par.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: Herbert West (Jeffery Combs) is a mad scientist with an extreme messiah complex focused on cheating the gods of death. He has discovered a serum which when injects in the brain of the recently deceased makes the dead stand up and walk. Unfortunately, these are no longer our friends, relatives or loved ones, but rather adrenaline-driven super killing zombies. Realizing Herbert's potential, his professor Dr. Hill (David Gile) has been keeping a close eye on his research. Hill is determined to do whatever it takes to get his hands on Herbert's discovery and steal credit for his work. While forcefully trying to convince Herbert to turnover his findings, Hill's head is viciously separated from his body. Herbert than decides that now is the time for the final test of his magical elixir and re-animates Hill's head and body. Dr. Hill is still able to speak, even without a voice box and lungs and continues to be psychically linked to his body, which he controls to wreak havoc and seek his revenge. There's a scene where Barbara Crampton is forced to have sex with Dr. Hill's head (only available in the unrated version). This all leads to a bizarre ending with plenty of zombies and gore galore. Followed up by the equally impressive sequel "Bride of the Re-Animator".
Rating:  Summary: This movie REALLY will Scare You!! Review: I think this is one of the scariest movies ever made. Just the idea of bringing dead things back to life gives most people the creeps. Jeffrey Combs does a great job of playing an obcessed college student who invents an injectable serum to "re-animate" dead tissue. It has a very surreal quality to it that will make you think you're "loosing it" from time to time. This is a "must see" for the horror movie lover!!
Rating:  Summary: Cleverly done! Review: Now here's one of those films I shouldn't have watched in 85 when I was 15, but I am glad I did. I recently bought the dvd after so many years of not having seen the film and was pleasantly suprised. First of all it is a horror with sick humor and nice gore thrown in for added taste. A slightly insane medical student creates a life giving re-animation juice that, when injected into the base of the brain, brings the dead back to life. Not fun for the previously dead nor is it fun for the student doctor. (The dead come back to life angry and seemingly in pain most of the time due to incorrect dosages of the green re-animation juice. Sort of like the dead come back in Pet Sematary by Stephen King). The crazy med student (Jeffrey Combs)shacks up with another medical student and begins to perform his studies in his rented room and basement. The medical professor at the college finds out about Herbert's (Jeffrey Combs) work and tries to steal the invention, but things get bad and then worse for this cast of characters thanks to this thieving attitude (it would have been bad anyway). The visuals are unsettling, but well done. Not a stupid, boring, or overdone film. It stands alone and is very original. Believe me, there are a lot of really crappy medical horror films out there, but this one does everything the way it should be done. I appreciate this film on the same level that I appreciate Phantasm. They are two totally different movies in reality, but for some reason, in my mind, I find them very similar as far as watchability. That is not to say that if you don't like Phantasm you will not like Re-Animator. I just find similarity between the two for some reason. Can't pinpoint the reason. I have to mention that the acting in this film is great for the intentions of the film. Make sure you aren't eating while watching and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Finest Horror films of the 80's. Review: This cult 1985 Sci-fi Horror comedy deals with a Mad Scientist named Herbert West ( Played by Star Trek's Jeffery Combs) who creates a Serum that brings back the Dead to life with Ghastly Results. Very Entertaining and Gory Horror film that would make a fine Addition to any Horror lover's Library. Other similar movies i would suggest: Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Day of the Dead, Frankenstein, Wolf ( 1994), The Toxic Avenger, Scanners, Phantasm, Bad Taste, Dead Alive and The Stuff ( 1985).
Rating:  Summary: Herbert West has a very good head on his shoulders... Review: I came upon this film in the horror section of my local video score. Of course, I knew I was in for a unique experience when I read the tag-line for the film. "Herbert West has a very good head on his shoulders... and another one on a dish on his desk!" The back cover offered critical praise (one source quoted it as one of the top ten films of the year) and a thrilling shot of a decapitated corpse carrying around it's head in a dish (!?!). Re-Animator is a classic horror comedy about a young medical student (Herbert West, played by the extraordinary Jeffrey Combs) who discovers a serum that, when injected into the recently deceased, causes them to spring violently to life. That's the basic premise, but director Stuart Gordon and producer Brian Yuzna inject so much energy into the film that it seems like a grisly rollercoaster ride of thrills and laughs. The film plays like a weird homage to Frankenstein, and it sure holds up as being one of the mad-scientist greats! Up until a certain point, we witness Herbert West's fanatical commentary on his theory of brain death and the re-animation of dead tissue. We also witness the re-animation of a dead cat (not a pretty sight), but up until about the midway point of the film, we have been presented with a leasurly pace, some great character development, and funny one-liners. Of course, all that changes when West enlists the assistance of a fellow student, Dan Cain (Bruce Abbot), to sneak into the morgue at night and try some hands-on research on some fresh specimins. Not soon after that, Herbert West's experiments begin to lose control, and very soon, the entire film zips along with a breakneck pace. Body parts, gallons of blood, and physical humor are intercut at a furious pace, and the whole thing is intellectually undercut with some talk of science and medicine. There is one scene where Stuart Gordon slows down the action long enough to strive for some exploitation (the infamous "head" scene), and after that... he lets all hell break loose. A thrilling climax at the morgue is both exciting, funny, gruesome, and awe inspiring. It's a magnificent set-piece the perfectly compliments this great film. Re-Animator is based on the creepy H.P. Lovecraft story (Herbert West--Re-Animator) and spawned a great sequel (Bride of Re-Animator). With great acting, a complex plot, hilarious humor, and the sight of a man walking around with his head in a dishpan, Re-Animator is the greatest film ever made! And if that isn't enough to pursuade you to see this film... maybe this quote will: "You'll never take credit for my discovery. Who's going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow!"