Rating:  Summary: Intense and terrible Review: Having just recently seen this movie on DVD, I now see how far Wes Craven moved from his roots to the camp horror he is better known for. In many ways this is an amateurish effort with a lot of new and then unknown actors, but I think it is ultimately a better story than Nightmare on Elm Street or Scream. Last House on the Left is so scary because it's realistic, notwithstanding some of the contrived circumstances in the story (such as the torture and murder of the girls being carried out so close to the home of the concerned parents). It's realistic because the villains are not otherworldly, invulnerable beings. They are common thugs who have lost all sense of empathy or mercy. They remind one of the Manson family or the Nazis who performed horrific experiments on their victims or casually executed them. While watching this, there were times I was shouting out at the helplessness of the victims, the ineptitude of the police, or just for vengeance on the cruel and pestilent villains. There is some justice at least, in the end.
Rating:  Summary: The Original Nasty Review: With so much hype about this film you will be disappointed, but not because Craven does not deliver on all the things you have heard about, but because the budget was very low and the story is weak to say the least. However exploitation films are certainly not about story or plot and let's face reality here for a moment - you sure as hell are not buying this to see "Gone with the Wind" are ya?? Over 30 years later Craven still pretty much delivers on the shock value in aces for a film that was made in 1972!The plot is mostly illogical and is there only to string along a number of nasty and violent set pieces. ... All in all, Last House on the Left is everything that it has claimed to be. Certainly the shock value has not diminished by much - if anything at all, but the story, soundtrack and acting does suffer a little in the 21st century. There is also a meaningless subplot involving two backward officers of the law trying to find the missing girls which serves as nothing more than a time filler and some humour, which to be honest, does very little to make you smile - especially when it follows immediately after a vicious rape sequence. For what its worth the film does pose a moral dilema. Rapists kill for sexual pleasure while mom and dad kill for revenge. Murder is murder whatever way you look at it and certainly the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth philosophy gets all the workout it needs right here. If you are afraid that Last House on the Left will not live up to its reputation then you are sorely mistaken. Its all here folks - the original "film nasty" which is still, surprisingly enough, one that Craven himself has not topped in terms of shock value. And for that it is well worth its place next to Texas Chainsaw Massacre on your shelf.
Rating:  Summary: You have GOT to be kidding me! Review: People, this must be a joke! This was the LAMEST excuse for a horror film I have ever seen. Ace Ventura: Pet Dectective was more brutal than this, NO JOKE. If you want to get terrified, turn on your TV to old episodes of Full House and watch Bob Saget try to be funny. THAT, my friends, is 100 times more frightening than this landfill.
Rating:  Summary: OH MY GOD THIS IS BEYOND BAD...THIS IS CRAP!!!!! Review: Why oh why are people saying this film is "fantastic".... why are you saying this movie is "disturbing". Oh poor mislead people....Only one word can sum up this nasty little piece of work, and that word is "CRAP". My video player is still vomiting reels of brown turd colored tape, theres no way I'll subject my DVD player to anything as bad as this. And not bad in a thrilling "Im so scared" way, but bad in an "Oh my god, I cant believe this was ever recognised as a structured film" kind of way. I simply dont understand how anybody involved in even the most amatuer of film making could have edited this and said "oh yes, this is the final cut we will use". I have seen better films from year 9 High School media projects. You can watch this for a laugh at how bad it is, but, please people, I know everyones views are different, and everyone has their own opinion on what is "artistically" appealing to each and every person, but, this is not a horror movie, this is not art, this is just a bunch of unskilled idiots both behind and in front of the camera running around in someones over grown back yard making fools of themselves. Forget it and I want a refund.... complete trash, utter rubbish.... a pile of steaming flie blown offal....as another reviewer stated previously.... I wish I could have the 82 minutes back that I wasted watching this poo !!
Rating:  Summary: Truly Garbage!!!!! Review: hi, guys, give me a break! What are all these hypes for? This is one of the stupidest movie I have ever seen! The plot is too stupid to be believed. I will give it 0 star if I could. If you want to see anything disturbing, creepy, skip this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Gore porn nothing more. Review: I should study a film more before I go out and buy it. Hey, it was only $10 at the store so I figured what the hey. This is just a dumb movie with no intellectual writing behind it, poor quality and poor acting, a soft core porn no doubt. I don't see how this film can be innovative at all. First of it's kind? Inspiration for many movies ahead of it? I think not. Many people who are in favor of this film point out the sociological perspective of the plot and how it represents a breakdown between cultures, but anyone who really understands the film will agree that it was made to be perverse and exploit, not to teach or innovative.
Rating:  Summary: i've seen this movie sooo many times.... Review: This movie is was made to shock you and it does...very violent and sick...The movie is pretty dated which might turn some viewers off ...Not an easy recomendation ...This plays almost like a snuff film....In my eyes briliant they really took things to the limit making this film ...a cult classic not to mention a good dvd !!!
Rating:  Summary: G-A-R-B-A-G-E!!! Review: First of all, I am a huge fan of distubing, thriller type movies. Unfortunately, this movie (I use the term loosely) was a terrible waste of my time. The plot is pretty good (but very implausible), but the story jumps around to the point of being ridiculous. Scary, dramatic Absolutely not--this movie is pure garbage and what a disappointment. Luckily, Wes has gotten better over time.
Rating:  Summary: Freakishly scary...but not?? Review: This movie was incredibly scary and could/would/should have surpassed a lot of the movies out there, but did not and i understand why. What was with the music? It was too up beat and happy....this is a horror movie...not a happy-go-lucky everyting ends fine movie. But besides the horrible score, this movie is one of Cravens best. Mari and a friend are off to a concert when they stop to try and score some drugs and end up falling into the trap of a group of rapest psychos who take Mari and her friend hostage and make them miserable while raping them and torturing them and wonder into the woods where they kill both girls in a grisly way that makes Texas Chiansaw Massacre seem like a inferior movie ( when it is not ) and then we get to the 45 minute mark and it leaves us wondering 'what next' and it takes us up to the group staying at the house where Mari lived. Her mother and father welcome the group with open arms and that night the mother over hears things and snoops through thier sootcase and discovers what has happened and her and her husband set out to kill every last one if them in torturous manners. This moive is not for everyone. It's a mix between a pornographic movie gone bad and a thriller/horror. This is definately not for the younger audiences and maybe not for some of the older audiences. This is an extremely violent gory unsetteling moive that will have almost anyone naushious and wanting it to end. This definatly achieved what Craven set out to do...make a disgusting movie that scared the audience half to death.
Rating:  Summary: alright, but nothing to write home about.... Review: i rented this movie for 2 reasons...i like the title, and wes craven directed.... i found it to be a let down....it just was not that scary or suspenseful, although it does have parts that are quiet disturbing.... overall, i dont recommend this movie to anyone, but i dont tell anyone NOT to rent it either....its just blah..... maybe i need to rent and watch it again???