Rating:  Summary: What a joke Review: Wes Wes Wes!!!! I know there were a lot of hallucinagens in the 70s but what the hell kind of trips were you on when you made this movie?! Lets just get straight to the point.. the point being that this movie sucks, in fact it sucks so bad that Im afraid to say that it sucks because I feel like Im picking on a handycapped child. The story...(yawn sip of coffee) slow and boring. Not scary a little psychoish. The soundtrack...well folks its like mixing the theme from the partridge family with Michael Myers in Halloween. It doesnt work. No suspense no buildup in the movie no scares. Save your money dont rent it either if someone offers to give you this movie for free just laugh in their face for owning it take it home throw it in your dvd player for 10 minutes try not to fall asleep press eject when youve had enough take the disc out and use it as a clay pidgen for your shotgun. I forgive you Wes.
Rating:  Summary: 1.5 stars Review: Last house on the left sucked. Story was about 2 girls who get kidnapped and then try to get away from these psycho druggys and end up dead, then the family of the girls seek revenge. I saw this film once, i could not beleive wes craven did this. This film is horrible, and not cause its low budget either, texas chainsaw massacre was low budget and was an excellent film. I dont know how anyone can find this movie scary, the end of the film isnt shocking at all its just some father coming after them with a chainsaw and then it ends. The characters in texas chainsaw massacre were scary and disturbing and in some parts funny but these characters had no charm or scaryness about them and they certainly are not memorable, just a group of drugged up whackos. I cant see how this is groundbreaking , maybe for the genre it was but this film is very bad. Not recomended at all.
Rating:  Summary: Influential yet largely ho-hum Review: Many horror fans consider "The Last House on the Left" a major cult classic, a movie that changed forever the very conceptions of the genre. Made in the early 1970s on a shoestring budget, the movie boasts several memorable performances, gritty urban set pieces contrasted with scenes shot in peaceful woods, gruesome violence, and teeth gritting psychological torture. If praise for "The Last House on the Left" rested solely upon these merits, the movie would differ very little from other cult classic shock-o-ramas like "I Spit on Your Grave," or "The Hills Have Eyes." What makes the film a cut above the rest, if you can say that without groaning, are the filmmakers involved in the project. None other than Wes Craven and Sean Cunningham wrote and lensed this motion picture. Craven, as even non-horror fans know, went on to worldwide success with the "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Scream" franchises. Cunningham, less known outside the world of slasher cinema, was the guiding light behind the first (and best) "Friday the 13th" film. "The Last House on the Left" was the first real project for both men. The movie made a killing at the box office in the days when filmmakers could still distribute films to small theater chains.The plot is ghastly in its simplicity. Two attractive young girls, Mari and Phyllis, plan on heading into the city to have some fun. Once there, they unfortunately approach an escaped convict in order to procure some drugs. The guy, some wild haired loony heroin addict referred to as Junior, sweet talks the girls up to an apartment where his compatriots are hiding. These escapees are desperate people--there's the leader of the gang, the sadistic thug Krug Stillo (David Hess), the razor thin psycho Fred "The Weasel" Podowski, and Sadie, the gang's moll. All four of these outcasts are fugitives from the law, but cannot help planning further egregious crimes when they catch sight of the two girls. They end up driving the hapless gals out into the woods where the gang proceeds to mentally and physically torture them. It's not necessary to go into specifics about the horrible deeds perpetrated on these two nice looking young ladies except to say it's pretty horrible. Craven and Cunningham even show some of the more objectionable scenes up close in vivid color (and outtakes on the disc provide an even closer view of the general nastiness). What is of interest takes place after the gang disposes of their victims. You see, Mari's parents just happen to live on the edge of these very woods, and a very interesting exchange occurs when the gang happens to turn up on their victim's doorstep looking for shelter. Mari's parents have been worried sick about their missing daughter. Since they are decent, upright citizens, they call in the local police (one of the cops played by Martin Kove, by the way) and file a missing persons report. Still, no Mari. When their daughter's killers show up posing as traveling salesmen, these decent folks invite them right in. They even feed the quartet of goons and offer to put them up for the night. Well, one thing leads to another, and it isn't too long before Mari's parents figure out these people bear the responsibility for their daughter's disappearance. Since they can't reach the bumbling cops, Mom and Dad decide to take matters into their own hands. The two sneak about the house setting up elaborate traps to ensnare the unwary murderers, things like setting up trip wires and slicking up the hallway floor with shaving cream. Mom takes an extra step I would rather not talk about on a public forum, but you get the general idea. The trap springs, chaos ensues, and several brutal murders take place as Mari's parents make the killers reap the whirlwind. And that, my friends, is a brief, highly censored summary of "The Last House on the Left." Does the film deserve its cult status? Are Craven and Cunningham worthy of the accolades heaped on this movie? Yes and no. Yes, the film does work well in achieving a sort of sleazy atmosphere through extreme violence and an over the top, menacing performance from Hess. However, I think the negatives outweigh the positives. First, the background music is wildly inappropriate for the film, with its twangy guitar and saccharine sweet lyrics. Second, the pacing drags horribly in spots, especially during the extended chase scenes between the gang and the two teenagers in the forest. Third, the entire subplot concerning the blundering cops feels wrong. The movie constantly cuts away from the unfolding nightmare to show the sheriff and his deputy running out of gas on the highway or trying to hitch a ride on a truck loaded with chickens. The movie plays these scenes for humor and it just doesn't fit; it's like putting Three Stooges' footage in a documentary about ethnic cleansing. The DVD comes with a ton of extras, including a commentary from Craven and Cunningham, interviews with cast and crew, trailers, stills, outtakes, a widescreen picture transfer, and some other stuff. After watching these extras, it becomes apparent quite quickly that the movie succeeded primarily due to slick marketing rather than content. Still, I guess the film does make a statement about violence in America, and it did help Craven and Cunningham find other opportunities for their twisted imaginations. Where would we be, after all, without Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees (don't answer; it's a rhetorical question!)? Give it a go if you want to see an early influence on the genre, but I recommend you dive into H.G. Lewis if you want to see early films that made a bigger splash in the horror field.
Rating:  Summary: The One Your Momma Warned You About Review: Wes Craven's debut is the perfect example of the kind of horror film that comes under fire for violence. It's a million miles away from Craven's Music Of The Heart or Scream, and probably won't appeal to the Craven "fans" who like those films. What you've heard is true: This is a brutal and relentless film. It was made in that glorious age of cinema where you could get away with making a film like this. Sure, it had it censors, but nothing like the strict rules that govern the film industry today. This was the only horror film my mother forbade me to watch as a kid. Naturally this aroused my interest even more, and I finally got around to it as a teenager. It's extremely basic: Two teenage girls are kidnapped by a gang of loons, tortured, beaten, humiliated, raped and killed. This is the first 50 minutes of the film! The last act has the parents of one victim getting their bloody revenge, and you'll be cheering them on every second of the way. The leader of the gang is none other than the creepiest sleazeball in cinematic history, David Hess(no offense, David, I love you). If you want to make a film with a menacing, evil looking brute who beats women, there is absolutely no one better than David Hess. He's the kind of actor you might just not want to meet in reality. Hard to believe this guy wrote two hit singles for Elvis Presley!!! Like I said, the film is crude, violent, depressing, and has some odd attempts at humor and a bizarre choice of songs for certain scenes(courtesy of, you guessed it, David Hess!). It's totally uncalled for and there's really no way to defend it. Just like the commercial: "Why do you like them? They don't taste like apples." "We just do." If there is any message to be found in this film at all it's this: It may actually open your eyes-if you live a sheltered life-to the fact that these atrocious, vile things are real. The film's not a true story in the literal sense, but all too true if you know what I mean.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest film ever made by humans Review: This is basically a film about kidnapping, murder, and revenge. Two teenage girls are on their way to a concert, but they try to buy some dope and end up getting kidnapped by some escaped convicts. The two girls are eventually murdered. Now here's the coincidence, they wind up at the home of one of the girls. The parents discover who they are and take the law into their hands. There are many things that make this movie so much fun that you can't help but to watch over and over again. First we have two bumbling idiot cops. They can't even commandeer a chicken truck from a toothless old black woman. They spend the entire movie walking or running, trying to catch the convicts. They only arrive in time as daddy chops up the gang leader with a chainsaw. Second is the gang-leader's girlfriend. She is a HOTTIE! Oh man for her I would do time, cause she so fine. She's kind of looks like a slutty Pat Benatar with a lot of make-up. Believe me if you like trailer park, alcoholic skanks, she's your idea of heaven. The heroin addict son. This kid's dad is the gang leader. He's the typical loser. You'd swear he didn't even know there was a movie being made. He's so cohereant throughout the entire film. It is awesome when his father finally convinces him to blow his brains out with a gun. And he does it! Wonderful. Every family has a 'weird' uncle. This movie portrays him as yet another gang member. He wears bad suits, has bad hair, and looks like a pedophile. He plays the part well, too well. I think the guy was like this in real life. You can tell the two girls in the woods are having a good time at the mercy of their future killers. One girl is told to pee her pants and she does. Then they are forced to get it on with each other. Anyway one tries to make a break for it and is stabbed repeatedly. The other girl is shot. No loss really, they weren't that attractive. The final revenge scenes are awesome. I really want to try the wet carpet plugged into the wall trick. That looked neat. Now when the mom dishes out her revenge on Uncle Charlie, it will make every guy wince and turn away. Look at her face, she's an animal! I highly recommend this film not only as highly acclaimed entertainment, but it would make a great book report.
Rating:  Summary: SUCKED, SUCKED, SUCKED, SUCKED! Review: I was watching something on tv one night & they were talking about this movie saying it was the best scary movie ever. What a JOKE that turned out to be! This movie sucked! The special effects were terrible,& the acting was at best,awful! You shouldn't even waste your money spending 2 bucks to rent it!
Rating:  Summary: Had to throw it away! Review: I was looking through movies at the store and I seen that it was a horror and directed by Wes Craven, even though it was an older movie I bought it before previewing it. It was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I watched it and then a couple days later against my advice my husband stuck it in the DVD player to watch it, he couldn't even finish watching it. So it got stuck next to all of our other DVD's until one day I seen my son stuck it in, so it got turned right off and thrown in the trash where it belongs. Drugs, rape, kidnapping & murder, no more to this movie than that. A truely horrible and distastefully done movie! I had to give it one star because the option to choose none was not available!
Rating:  Summary: Mari, 17, is dying. Even for her the worst is yet to come... Review: I got this movie as an early Christmas present, but the first time i watched it was today. I've been really looking foward to seeing it, because it has been the only horror movie in my collection that i had not seen yet. So me and my twin brother picked the movie up when we came home from school and finally saw it for the first time. And come to think of it, it was actually much better than i thought it would be. This movie is defenitly Wes Craven's best in my opinion and he should plan on writing and directing more movies like this one. "The Last House On The Left" is a different kind of horror movie, it's just different. Craven shows the audience what real life terror is like. He takes you into the world of mad and macabre. As I was watching the film, i wasn't really scared at all, although there was one good jump scene. It wasn't that disturbing to me as much as it is to others because i'm into horror movies and they just don't disturb me. I actually got a few good laughs here and there at some points also. One thing that did catch my attention a lot was what the murderers made their victims do. They humiliated them in bizarre ways and sometimes i would laugh but feel bad for the victims at the same time. One thing that kind of dissapointed me was the end. I just didn't like how all the murderers were killed. It takes all the fun away for me and doesn't make it scary. Movies are much scarier when the good guys die and bad guys live. But, other than that, this was one of the most excellent horror films i have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: Not that Good,But Effective Review: This film wasn't exactly what I thought it would be,however it was a deeply scary story,but do to the low budget and a couple bad actors the movie doesn't really hit the mark.The film is about two girls who ask a guy if he has any weed and he takes them up to his apartment where him and his friends take them hostage and very brutally although most of it is unseen they rape,torture,and kill them,accidentaly almost right outside one of the girls houses,where they shack up and the girls parents discover what they had done.The film which has the crappiest quality is actually pretty effective at scaring you because unlike such films as "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Friday the 13th" you know that this stuff can actually happen and is not completly fictionalized.You also see how sadistic the kidnappers are and you see that they are some weird people who feel little or no remorse about what they've done.The film although pretty bad is almost good in a way cause it manages to freak you out but you still hate it.
Rating:  Summary: Wes Craven's attempt at a realistic horror film Review: "The Last House on the Left"(1972) is Wes Craven's debut film, that is not a horror film in the sense that "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is but deals with a realistic story of kidnappers and the evil and and horror they can unleash on humans. The film vaguely has an overall sense of the shift from the summer of love to the reality of the end of it with such events as Charles Manson and The Rolling Stone's tragic Altamont concert. There are times in the film where the subject is serious and horrifying (To warn viewers, there are a few scenes that are very brutal that even I had trouble watching) but the film is so low budget and has poor acting and cheesy lines, that you can't help laughing at most of it. For instance, The Bob Dylan look-alike killer who is addicted to Methadone and used by the other killers and the ending (which is obviously where the creators of "Home Alone" got their idea from) where the father and mother wage vengeance on the killers who killed their daughters. You'll get a great laugh at the dad smearing shaving cream on the floor so one of the killers will slip and fall and the way Mom gets revenge on one of the killers is a scene you'll never forget (I don't think this review would get published if I told you.) Oh and you can't forget the inept hillbilly cops and the southern African-American lady with missing teeth. All and all, "The Last House on the Left" tries to be serious and horrifying but with all that I have described above just ends up by being a good laugh.