Rating:  Summary: The most sick craze movie ever in Tromas 26 year history Review: I first heard of Terror Firmer on a preview for Cannibal! The Musical and I thought it was preety tame boy was I wrong.I looked for it at HMV and they said that they didn't have it in yet but Lloyd Kaufman was coming in to promote his film.I had to wate for a week till he came.I got a copy of it on DVD and he signed it for me.I was so shocked when I saw this it was perverted sick twisted so in other words I loved it.This DVD is packed with extras,it has four previews, three music videos (my favorite was freak of the week),Audio Commentary deleted scenes alternate footage Terror Firmer video Game and more.This movie has so much gross scenes it has guy nudy for christ sakes belive me it isn't for thr fant of heart.
Rating:  Summary: Lloyd's best movie Review: I like some of Lloyd Kaufman's movies and despise others. This is, by far, my favorite. Unlike Troma's War or Class of Nuk'em High, this movie is actually funny. The writing is excellent, the story is absurd, the acting ranges from inspired to perfectly adequate, the effects are silly, the characters are engaging (I absolutely dug the Toddster and his death by bong scene is fantastic. "Brain go Bye Bye,") and there are a lot of fun cameos to look out for.
I have a feeling that Douglas Buck had a lot to do with the success of Terror Firmer. I only say this because I have seen his short film, Cutting Moments, and it is absolutely amazing. So I suspect that he might have elevated this effort from the level of the usual Troma production. Just a guess.
It's not perfect; some of the stuff with Ron Jeremy towards the end gets a little hokey for me. But hey, what the hell, this is a seriously fun movie.
The short at the end with Trey Parker and Matt Stone is hilarious.
Rating:  Summary: Best Troma film ever!!!!!! Review: I love this movie!!! It is sick,funny and impossible to turn away from!!! But, if you are not a Troma fan, this may not be for you. If you are a Troma fan and love the art they have produced, get ready, this is their masterpiece!!! But, like I said, you must be a Troma fan or have a f**ked up sense of humor, like me. If you are a fan or love sick humor, check this out!!! If you love DVD, you get your moneys worth on this disc!!!
Rating:  Summary: Why would anyone like this piece of garbage? Review: I'll tell you why.Troma, the undisputed champs of Gonzo Exploitation Trash, have come up with a doozy. Packed to the gills with Tromatic mayhem, "Terror Firmer" is something of a celebration. It treats its core audience to massive amounts of violence, nudity, vomit, and vaguely rubbery gore. In fact, Director Lloyd Kaufman takes things to such an extreme that "TF" actually becomes something of a self-parody (a point made abundantly clear during the open credits, in which the killer treats a pregnant woman to an unsolicited abortion. The book the hapless victim is reading? Kaufman's "All I Need to Know About Filmmaking I Learned From the Toxic Avenger"). Plus it has uniformly good, spirited performances from a cast that really looks into it, and the DVD is loaded with extras, including a somewhat disturbing making-of documentary (more on that later). So why 4 stars instead of 5? Maybe because "TF" comes on the heels of the majestic "Tromeo & Juliet," a modern classic that has such a great script that it brings a certain innocence to the work. "TF" has no such innocence. It is corrupt to the core (check out the reappearance of Ron Jeremy after we discover the killer's identity). And that's fine - Troma has certainly earned the right to be corrupt - but the best Troma flicks, like "The Toxic Avenger" and "Tromeo," have a heart of sweetness buried within the dismemberments and goo. And there's an awful lot of self-congratulation going on, which gets pretty damn irritating at times ("What's that web address again? [...]?"). The Troma fan knows what makes Troma so great, and they don't need to be reminded of it in such a smug fashion. But on the whole, "TF" is a rollicking good time for those who can stomach it. Be sure to check out the DVD extras, including the feature-length documentary that reveals the seemingly cuddly Lloyd Kaufman as a true tyrant (but it's to his credit that he allows himself to be seen this way). There's some Tromatic music videos as well, and some satisfyingly disturbing trailers for other Troma releases. All in all, it's quite a package, even if it makes you recall a classic line from the film: "I've just been pissed on by a blind independent film director!"
Rating:  Summary: Troma Out Does Itself Review: I'm a fifteen-year-old Troma fan, and Lloyd Kaufman is a hero of mine. He was coming to Cleveland to show Terror Firmer at the Cinematheque and have a short discussion beforehand. I was extremely disappointed that the theatre said that under absolutely no circumstances will anyone under 18 will anyone be admitted into this movie. Disappointed, I wrote a letter to Lloyd and attatched a copy of an essay I wrote about how he was my hero. To my surprise, someone from Troma's offices called and arranged for me to meet Lloyd one-on-one at the Rock'N'Roll Hall of Fame. To make a long story short, Lloyd spent the afternoon with me, and he was by far THE nicest, kindest person I've ever met, and he encouraged me to persue my passion for film. He gave me one strong word of advice: Don't see Terror Firmer. Now that I own it on dvd (*hah*) I know exactally what me meant. I cannot believe that the same gentelman made this movie, and was the one cursing througout the documentary. The whole point of this story is: This movie has no stops. It's even sicker than the conversations that highschoolers have at lunch. I love it. And if you're interested in filmmaking, the commentary tracks and documentary are an absolute must, as they've given me more insight to the filmmaking process than any other dvd or book. It's a must-have.
Rating:  Summary: REAL INDEPENDENT CINEMA and a very good one Review: If you want to see a real independet movie, watch Terror Firmer, is a very entertaining movie. The movie is not that disgusting, sure it have things like the defetus scene, but they were made in a comic context. It has everything a movie needs, Action, Comedy, a good Story and T&A, so why wait?, put it in you Cart now, you wont be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Sick and twisted baaaaby!! Review: If your looking at buying this movie then you really don't need to read this review. You know exactly who Troma are and exactly what they do. Troma delight in making the sickest, most twisted, perverted flicks that can be put on film. Terror Firmer is Troma's swansong (though im sure another will rear its ugly mutant head sometime) and easily sits beside "classics" such as, Tromeo and Juliet, Surf Nazis must Die, Cannibal:The Musical and Toxic Avenger. Definately one of thier best. Its gross, its disgusting, its hilarious and I love it!! This is an excellent 2 disc set that is an easy buy for any fan of gonzo/horror/sexploitation/weirdo movies. ...
Rating:  Summary: Possibly The Greatest DVD Ever Made Review: Now, obviously It's a Troma movie, so I'm more than likely going to give it a high review. Especially since this is probably the best Troma Movie I've ever seen..and the special features are awesome. Music Videos, Making Of.., Easter Eggs, 3...that's right 3 commentary Tracks, etc. etc. If you don't already have this DVD shame on you. Buy it because it's a great Movie. Buy it because it also has great features. For whatever reason you pick...just BUY IT!
Rating:  Summary: DOES ANYBODY WANT A PICKLED EGG?! Review: Something's rotten in the city of Tromaville, and Lloyd Kaufman's "Terror Firmer" stinks like an unwashed toilet seat. Yesterday, I was unfortunate enough to sit through this 1999 amalgamation of putrid porn, rancid raunch, flammable flatulence and vomit (among other things.) Sickened to my stomach and offended beyond words, I know now that "Terror Firmer" is the most disgusting piece of trash ever to be captured on film. With jiggling breasts, awful acting, and plenty of bodily fluids to go around, this movie stops at nothing to make brain-dead viewers regurgitate. Not even the surprise cameos of the Lunachicks, the Toxic Avenger, and Sergeant Kabuki Man can save "Terror Firmer" from sinking into its own filth. I will take the time to unveil the synopsis (if you could call it that): "Terror Firmer" concerns a zero budget film crew led by a blind, idiotic director named Larry Benjamin (Lloyd Kaufman himself!). Some of the members include Christine, a blond bimbo actress (Debbie Rochon), the Toddstar, an obnoxious sound man (Gary Hrbex), Popo, a potty-mouth ventriloquist (himself), and Jerry, an effects specialist who thinks that blood and guts are the only two elements needed in a good film. In the center of all this tasteless insanity, romance blossoms between a seemingly wholesome Jennifer (Alyce Latourelle) and a weightlifting boom mike handler named Casey (Will Keenan). I don't want to get too explicit in my writing, but let's just say that their love centers around a jar of pickles. Meanwhile, a mysterious redhead in a slinky black dress (Sheri Wenden) is killing off the crew members one by one. Fans of cinematic gore will drool at the movie's numerous death scenes. At one point, the woman murders Jacob Gelman, Larry's grossly obese investor (Joe Fleishaker), by crushing his bulging carcass under an escalator floor, causing his intestines to spew out of his mouth! In another scene, Jacob's son (a spoiled punk with spiky blue hair) gets his legs lopped off after he's smashed in-between two oncoming trucks! At first, audiences might think that this murdering mascara monster is a feminist seeking revenge. However, in what may be the stupidest ending ever written, she turns out to be none other than Casey himself (or should I say herself?)! As a horrified Jennifer discovers, poor Casey is a psychotic hemaphrodite who collects body parts pickled in jars. I'm won't even bother revealing the split-screen finale, for I am struggling to block its inane vileness out of my mind. Anyway, I give one star to "Terror Firmer's" impressive and grisly effects. That's pretty much all this movie has to offer. But if you seek a horror movie that contains a decent storyline and spine-tingling terror, I beg you to avoid Tromaville AT ALL COSTS! I dare to say that this movie is an embarrassment to all of independent cinema. PLEASE DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS GARBAGE!
Rating:  Summary: Funny film, great extras! BUY IT! Review: Terror Firma is an independant film made by Troma, one of the last (if not THE last) small time movie companies left in the United States. You should purchase this movie if for no other reason than to support independant film. But once you do buy it, what will you get? An incredibaly funny, very violent, and fairly titilating movie. I was talked into watching this movie by an aquantance. Never having seen a Troma film, I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought it would be a low budget slasher flick with lots of fake blood. I was mostly wrong. It turned out to be a very funny and interesting satire on the movie industry, movie making, and society in general. (While also being a slasher flick with lots of fake blood.) I haven't laughed as much at a movie in years. As for the acting, while most of the actors will never utter the words "I'd like to thank the Academy," the female lead, Alyce LaTourelle, was simply excellent. I was surprised to see someone with as much talent in a low budget picture like this one. She is destined for bigger pictures, but not nessisarily better ones. The Extras: The DVD is a two disc set that as some of the best extras of ANY DVD I've seen (an I have hundreds.) Most "making of featurettes" are nothing but the actors talking on the set about how excited they are to be making the movie, with clips from the movie thrown in. This DVD has a 90+ minute movie showing the whole process from the first day of shooting to the premier. I would have paid ... for this alone. They also have many deleted scenes, alternative scenes, and bloopers. There's footage of the actors auditioning for the movie (when's the last time you saw that on a DVD?) But wait, there's more! Three music videos (that are quite good,) interviews with two of the actors, and theatrical trailers. Not to mention three, count 'em, three audio comentaries. Oh yea, and plenty of easter eggs! All together, one of the most feature packed discs out there. One word about the screen format. This movie, as with most, if not all of Tromas movies, was filmed in 4:3, so this IS in it's original format. This disc is NOT pan and scan. If you've read this far, you are probably considering purchasing this movie. Go for it, I'm happy I did.