Rating:  Summary: 101% GARBAGE Review: Where do I begin?I have already wasted precious minutes of my life writing a review for "THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE" And you can quote me on that. First off, where does someone get an idea for making a movie like this? Are they mentally insane or just flat-out stupid? I can imagine the directors and producers talking to each other at a meeting saying things like "Hey, if we just borrow elements from "Aliens" and "Redneck Rampage" and splice it all together and then add some cardboard acting and a plot that could've been written by a 7 year old and then top it off with a soundtrack that is so horrible you couldn't force a deaf man to listen to it, we'll have a movie that is so stupid and cliched that our only target audience will be 8 year old kids who don't know any better and 40 year old men who should know better. Hopefully, enough morons go see it. If not, it's no big loss--it only cost 20 grand to make." I didn't know what a horrible movie was until "Tremors" came around. And today, whenever I hear that name, I cringe. By the grace of god, this movie will be forgotten about. Great movies like the "STAR WARS TRILOGY" are the best today and they will be in the future. TREMORS was NEVER ANYTHING except GARBAGE!
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie Ever! Review: I swear this is the best movie I have ever seen! It keeps you completely staying in your seat. The whole movie is just a masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: Tremors Review: If your looking for a piece of terror mixed in with some very funny black humor, this is the film for you. You will find this film funnier the more times you watch it. Fred Ward and Kevin Bacon are the best combination to make this film the best comedy horror of the 90's.
Rating:  Summary: Tremors-Probably the BEST film I have ever have ever viewed! Review: If you want to see a movie that is so creepy and fun then you must see this movie! If you actually put yourself in the characters shoes then you would see how scary it would be. I mean worms coming out of the ground without warning and eating you alive! That's scary. Then factor in the humor of Kevin Bacon and you have a formula that could make Sisckle & Ebert give it two thumbs up! Lets just say YOU must buy this movie, if you don't you'll want to see again and again anyway.
Rating:  Summary: You are kidding, Right? Review: This is possibly the worst movie I have ever had to sit through, and believe me, I have seen some really horrible movies. The acting is deplorable. The "special" effects aren't special. It was a dog. No, that is an insult to that majestic animal. My husband is an Ed Wood fan. Even those movies have a comical appeal to them, whereas this movie is nothing short of inane. If there is a God in heaven, this movie will fade into obscurity, never to be heard from again.
Rating:  Summary: Tremors: Val & Earl should get Oscars! Review: I know Val & Earl, the lead chracters in "Tremors". I played country music professionaly for 10 years and Val & Earl were at every show. I've ridden in their truck, I've shot their guns, I've watched them fight and make up and I'm proud to call them friends. As you can guess I don't really know Val & Earl but the characters brought to life by Fred Ward and Kevin Bacon are a tribute to the grasp of reality the scriptwriters have and the superb ability of these two actors. My brother and I have watched "Tremors" many times and each time can't get past the dead-on portrayal of these two guys. Mannerisms, body language, speech patterns, We watch it all and every time lose sight of the fact that Fred Ward and Kevin Bacon are playing roles. "Tremors" presents a vehicle of such reality in all the character portayals that the believability of the rest of the story line becomes a non-issue. It's as if these were your friends telling you a fantastic story about what happened to them. The superb writing and natural presentaions by all the players as well as the remote setting lend themselves the suspension of disbelief that is so necessary to any fantastic story. Also the fact that not every question is answered makes it seem much more life-like. Great applause is deserved by all involved for presenting a tale of terror that doesn't rely on gore as its core, a story with great humor that doesn't need to turn "blue" to reach you, and a fable of misadventure in modern life that doesn't leave you depressed and hopeless. Watch it... It's great fun! PS. When you see Val & Earl tell 'em Bob wants his Hank Jr. tape back.
Rating:  Summary: This is a Must-Have in any collection Review: This movie rocks. I look for DVD's that I know I can watch over and over again. This is one of those movies.
Rating:  Summary: Classic horror/camp. A fun movie. Review: If you are looking for a good scare, Tremors is not the movie for you. However, if your goal is to be entertained, this is a great choice. Tremors is the story of two handymen, the people of the town they live in, and their encounters with a bunch of giant, man eating worms that live in the ground around the town. Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward, who play the two handymen, won't win any academy awards for this one, but their performances as two offbeat handymen looking for something better make the movie. Micheal Gross and Reba McEntire add to the campy feel of this film as a survivalist couple with enough firepower to start (and probably end) world war three. The special effects are good and the plot, while simple, keeps you involved. Overall, this is a movie that is overjoyed to make fun of itself. As for comparisons I have seen between this movie and Dune (possibly the WORST adaptation of any book ever to hit the big screen - David Lynch should be ashamed at the way he treated this classic story) the only similarity is that both stories have giant worms in them. Don't let comparisons to Dune scare you off - this movie is in no way similar. Tremors tries hard to be just what it succeeds in being - a campy, funny, semi-horror film that has no other goal but to entertain. Enjoy the film!
Rating:  Summary: From one who knows everything about "Tremors" Review: Everyone has "their" movie. For some it's "Star Wars" or "The Matrix" or any of a billion others. For me, this movie is "Tremors." I do not exagerate when I say that I have easily watched the movie more times than any single person (and most likely EVERY person). With some preparation I can easily repeat, word-for-word, the entire movie (I'm working on adding the extra footage provided by the wonderful DVD edition) as well as inject the "edited for TV" voice overs. Why have I done this? Just read ALL of the reviews below mine. As for someone saying it rips off "Dune," they're wrong. What similarities it does have are an homage to that great movie and book. This is a movie of "the little things." As I continue to watch it, I keep finding new things that make me laugh. And I'll never stop laughing... "'Round here? Heh heh heh! No ma'am!"
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Review: All I can say is that Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward should be very proud. THIS IS A MUST HAVE MOVIE It has been my favourite movie for 3 years!