Rating:  Summary: Does this look like a well-maintained frontage?? Review: An amazingly hilarious gore-fest that definitely gives early insight into Peter Jackson's complete GENIOUS. I truly never have found a movie quite as revolting and funny at the same time. Oh wait, "Meet the Feebles" is twice as revolting, but not quite as funny. Both of these movies are must-sees for any film-buff or new Peter Jackson junkie. "Dead Alive" ("Braindead" in NZ origianlly) is the goriest, bloodiest movie of all time and it is pure hilarity. SEE IT!
Rating:  Summary: "I kick [rear] for the LORD" Review: the first time i watched this movie i was so disgusted i almost threw up. totally unprepared for what i was in for, i rented it on a friend's recomendation. the second time i rented it i new what i was in for and enjoyed it, but wouldn't have given it above three stars. then for my third viewing i laughed so hard i got stomach cramps. this movie is the cheesiest, goriest, out of wack zombie-comedie that i have ever seen, and it works on so many levels so i get a different feel from it each time i watch it. an absolutly brilliant B-Movie horror. its one of those rare flicks that gets better everytime i watch it. rent it first. if you have seen it, its definatly one for the collection.
Rating:  Summary: Deserves a huge amount of "Mother-love" Review: I would have to say that Peter Jackson is one of my favorite directors now, bar none. I first saw this about 8 years ago and my life hasn't been the same since. Never did I see such a gruesome display of gore, but also I never saw a movie that made me laugh so hard as well. I think one should be careful if all they've seen of him is "Lord of the Rings". But its obvious many of the hallmarks of his style can be seen in all his films : Jerky but focused camera angles used for comedic effect, dry humor that gets funnier the more you think of it, a very exploitative style of filmaking, and so on. I have never seen a film of Peter Jackson that I didn't like. Some of the funniest scenes I have ever seen are in this and his debut, "Bad Taste". He deserves all of his success and more.
Rating:  Summary: This is the greatest horror film ever Review: I finally found this dvd after years of looking for it. I first saw this movie when I was 15 years old and I thought it kicked butt then, but it really kicks butt now that I am older. Not only is this movie full of gore but it actually has a decent storyline and a lot of comic appeal. The pure gross out factor makes this movie an instant classic, with the tremendous amounts of mutilations and gushing blood, this film made waves for its director Peter Jackson who went on to direct all 3 LOTR movies. If you want the gorriest movie ever made, make sure and but this dvd because you will not be dissappointed I PROMISE!
Rating:  Summary: Time for some divine intervention Review: I rented this movie (the unrated edition) beacuse I had scene the Evil Dead movies and loved them. I also loved Peter jacksons other movie Meet the Feebles. I was in for a major treat. this movie blends horror and comedie so well. maybe it's just my sick and twisted mind but I laughed so hard at the diner scene with the zombies. another reason I liked this movie was the different dierection Peter Jackson took the old zombie movie. usually the characters are trying to warn people and keep the zombies out, here they try to keep it quiet and try to keep the zombies in. one word of warrning though, this movie is not for the squimish. I am very confident in saying this is the most gore filled movie ever. If you have a strong stomache and like weird dark humour this movie is deffenetly for you. and if you watched it and didn't like it at least you can boast about having watched the goreist movie of all time (I'm not jokeing, there's a lot of gore) P.S. watch the unrated edition, I P.P.S. watch for the ninja preacher, is that what they learn in those preacher schools?
Rating:  Summary: DEAD ALIVE Review: Ok this is one of the greatest movies of all time. Not only is it disgustingly bloody but it involves zombie sex, romance (eh) and LAWNMOWERS! The plot is about a guy(Lionel) with a controlling mother, aptly named mum. He and this latin girl, Paquita, are supposed to be "romantically entangled." They go out to the zoo, and his mum follows them. She gets bit by this rat monkey (who turns people into zombies) which is what the whole beginning scene is about. Basically she infects a nurse and this gang group, and hte only way lionely keeps her down is with tranquilizers from the a Vetrinarian. This makes for the best scene in the move, "THIS CALLS FOR DIVINE INTERVENTION!" The rest of the movie involves an uncle taking Lionel's house, having a party, then having all the zombies he keeps in hte basement infect everyone, which ends with the lawnmower scene. buy it. ENJOY
Rating:  Summary: Gore-fest with a lot of laughs Review: On first watching Dead Alive you're bowled over by the, and there's no other word for it, grossness of it all. Detailing the life of 25 year-old virgin Lionel as his forrays into love with the beautiful Paquita, who works at the local grocery store, turn into horror and nightmare, this is a gore-fest in the best sense of the word. As his mother's jealousy almost forces Lionel to break it off with Paquita, Mom is bitten by a Sumatran rat monkey which turns her into a hideous zombie that craves human flesh. As she begins turning the local population into an army of the undead, Lionel must contend with winning over Paquita and putting off his greedy uncle who, believing Lionel's mother to be dead, is intent on gaining the house as part of his inheritance.The funniest scenes are probably early on, as Lionel's mother (played by Elizabeth Moody, obviously a very good sport) transforms into a zombie, and among other things eats her own ear. This is the kind of outrageous humour that is the making of any cult classic, and true to form Dead Alive (aka Braindead) has quite a cult following. The scenes where Lionel desperately attempts to seat down 4 zombies for a regular meal is hilarious, as is the priceless sermon-spouting kung-fu-trained priest. The finale comes in a welcoming part Lionel's uncle throws, and if blood, guts and gore aren't your thing then you should really not be watching it because a floor slicked in blood and images such a zombie's head lit from the inside will have you crawling for the exits. For the rest of us though this is a fantastic genre piece of uncontrolled comic horror. Perhaps what's most remarkable though is that Dead Alive marks a radical difference from Peter Jackson's later movies, Heavenly Creatures and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. However, the relish that the director puts into his visuals is perfectly apparent here. For anyone who's seen Heavenly Creatures (surely one of the best films made in the 90's) there's also a bit of fun to be had in recognising Lionel's house as being an amalgamation of Juliet and Pauline's houses from the film, as well as John popping up as Void the zombie, and Elizabeth Moody's startling turn as Mom where she played a French teacher in Heavenly Creatures. Although this may not be as perfectly accomplised as Jackson's later movies, it's nonetheless a very good horror flick indeed that deserves every little bit of its cult status.
Rating:  Summary: This Review is for the Unrated Version Review: Before Peter Jackson struck fame in Hollywood with the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, he had this hilarious gore-fest. As a fan of horror films, (I've seen hundreds) I can still safely say this is the single goriest film of all time, to my knowledge. Fans of Evil Dead will definitely enjoy this movie, as its similar material, just a bit funnier and much more over-the-top. The gore is so excessive it is almost comic, especially towards the end, but still, steer clear unless you have a strong stomach. All in all, this is the funniest gore-film of all time. Worth purchasing, even with some lacking DVD extras. Oh, and if you enjoy this and haven't seen Evil Dead rent or buy it immediately.
Rating:  Summary: BRAINDEAD - THE BEST OF THE SPLATTER GENRE? Review: I have a copy of Braindead on Laser Disc and couldn't resist buying the DVD as well. For many years I have been telling folks this is the best horror/splatter movie ever made... Set in Wellington NZ in the 1960's, it is a real period piece and this adds to the film's character. It has enough comic book images to make it a great splatter movie and still watchable (& funny). Classic lines like: "your Mother ate my dog" and "I kick...for the Lord" rank right up there with: "groovy" and "bastards, those bastards" (zombie fans will know these). I first heard of Braindead at it's theatrical release in Oz and instantly became a fan of PJ. The camera angles, attention to detail, characterizations and above all tongue-in-cheek humour have made me tell all my friends about my favourite director and movie long before Heavenly Creatures, The Frighteners & LOTR were made. If you want to experience more of PJ's work try Bad Taste or the obscure "Forgotten Silver" - his version of Spinal Tap. BTW - can't wait for Return of the King
Rating:  Summary: One of the best horror and funny movie Review: When I first watched this movie in cinema 10 years ago, I immediately tried to remember the name of the director - Peter Jackson. I knew this must be a great guy who can direct great movie. Frighteners proves my point. I am hopeful that LOTR may even be an Oscar winner. This is not a nonsense movie, the story itself is very good - it is about a poor guy who is so controlled by his mother, who at the same time is engaged in a romance with a girl. Towards the ending, he is actually fighting with the biggest monster in his life - his own mother - very interesting. There are plenty of blood and gore, and amazing, the special effect are very good. Moreover, there are plenty of (black) humors that in another way, you can treat this as a comedy. I will say this is much better than Return of the Living Dead. I highly recommend this to everyone who loves good funny movie.