Rating:  Summary: Sorry -- I'm not buying it Review: Sorry -- I'm not buying it. I don't mean the video (although that's true, also) -- I mean all the apologists here who are defending the "misunderstood" film against myopic critics and uninformed ticketbuyers. I don't buy the arguments.Yes, of course, Billy Jack himself is no pacifist. Of course it's incorrect to say that he preached love and peace while practicing violence. But Billy Jack the character and "Billy Jack" the movie are two different things. "Billy Jack's" message, ultimately, is that peace is worth compromising for. But the trouble is, the movie does exactly that with all its violence. And not in the name of peace, but in the name of profit. Nobody I have ever talked with about this movie has commented on the force of its "message" or Delores Taylor's performance or even the stop-the-plot-dead-in-its-tracks antics of The Committee. People talk about the action sequences. "Billy Jack" is an action-adventure, and a very shrewd one, because between it and the earlier "Born Losers," Tom Laughlin evidently figured out that in an age of peace and love, a ...Western needs a bit of flower power to draw the masses. And that's what he added to the second movie. That's the big difference (and the reason for the difference in box office). If you think I'm wrong, take this simple test. Ask yourself which movie made more money: "Billy Jack," which contained violent action with a message of peace and love, or "The Trial of Billy Jack," the next sequel, which shifted its emphasis almost entirely to the message alone. Which was the absolute bomb? I wonder why.
Rating:  Summary: Billy Jack Review: This movie struck a chord with a massive following of young generation followers when released in 1971. Tom Laughlin wrote, directed and stars in this (sometimes slow) movie about an ex-GI (Green Beret with karate moves and feet of fire) who is a half-indian returning to live on his reservation. Various rednecks attempt wild mustang rustling on his property and get kicked around (severely) for attempting so. The plot thickens as revenge is sought out. To worsen matters, the early 70's racism and hippie haters were at an all-time-high. Tom's best friend is a free-lance woman teacher who runs a school for runaway teens. Attendance is 100% due to her unique teaching style and is also the bullseye for the local town officials who want it shut down (oh yes! They have long hair, you see. They gotta go). This movie displays the narrow-mindedness of Viet Nam era southerners and Tom's attempt to maintain his Indian civility under extremely tense pressure. At one point ((my best part)) Tom walks directly at a gun, takes a hit, DOES NOT FLINCH and takes out the man with one single karate chop to the throught, killing him instantly. We don't need Arnold, Sylvester, Bruce Willis or Claude Van Dam with this guy around. This is one character deserving of 10-stars, not 5. The end really choked me up and I'm not one to be sentimental. The DVD has extra scene-by-scene audio narration supplied by Tom and Dolores. EXCELLENT BUY and a must see ---JIM
Rating:  Summary: Finally: Billy Jack On DVD from Billy Jack! Review: Finally! The DVD from the man who made the movie!! Beware of imposters! The Warner distributed version pales in comparison to the version released by Billy Jack Enterprises. This DVD is worth picking up for the narration track alone........ simply activate the narration and Tom Laughlin and Deloris Taylor narrate the entire film and captivate you. The quality of all the October 2000 released Billy Jack DVD movies (all four of them) is phenomenal and each carry the narration track. The Laughlins, after 30 years, still care about the fans and the philosophy that made the films so adored. Thank you!
Rating:  Summary: Billy Jack DVD Collection: A Landmark Review: First, I will say that Billy Jack fans of all ages will love this collection...... and it's worth ever penny! They will also be elated over the quality and the special features. You can watch the movie, or you can activate the narration track. With the narration track, the entire movie is then narrated point-by-awesome-point by Tom Laughlin and Deloris Taylor. Every scene, every character, every piece of history is covered in detail. The viewer actually feels like the Laughlins are sitting in the living room talking to you..... it's that personal, it's that interesting, it's that good. The other aspect of the narrated track is just how much the Laughlins admire and care for each other. They are indeed a unique and special couple. Even the casual fan of Tom Laughlin's work will be mesmerized by the quality of the DVD and the personal narration. Hardcore fans will watch these over and over again........ after 30 years the stories, the experiences, and the theme are priceless and these DVD's feel like a gift from the Laughlins. They are a bargain at any price. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.... and God Bless Tom Laughlin and Deloris Taylor!
Rating:  Summary: Something for EVERYONE ! Review: Tom & Delores and their daughter Teresa (who is billed as Teresa Kelly) absolutly make this truly a movie for everyone to gain some wisdom. Native Americans(the ONLY TRUE Americans)finally have a spokesperson who speaks with authenticity, and he is Billy Jack !
Rating:  Summary: Billy Jack DVD Awesome! Review: I can't believe this DVD costs only $11.98.... I would have paid 10-times that amount for it! Seeing this on DVD is almost like watching it for the first time. Anyone who watched this movie in the 70's was effected by it for a lifetime. What is it about this movie? I love movies, but none has ever stuck with me like Billy Jack. I think most humans have a sense of justice inside of them that is stimulated by the beauty and impact of Tom Laughlin's masterpiece. As a high school principal, I can say without hesitation that the Billy Jack Spirit lives in me. When showing B.J. in Civics classes, it still amazes me how even this generation of kids cheer the same as I did almost 30 years ago. I hear of speculation about another Billy Jack movie. I predict that if such a project occurs, new generations of Americans will capture the spirit of Billy Jack. I hope it happens, but in the meantime, I'll take in the beauty of this DVD and my autographed Billy Jack video collection.
Rating:  Summary: GIVE BILLY JACK A CHANCE. Review: I know when this movie was first released in the early '70s, the critics lambasted it. But, please, give this great movie its long overdue credit. BILLY JACK is as relavent today, maybe even more so. Many people have misunderstood that BILLY JACK is not condoning violence. Rather, it is pointing out the fact that "You can't solve everything by violence, Billy", as Billy's love interest says. This movie is an excellent expose on the human condition and conscience. And Billy (and us) is constantly learning about his Shadow with each sequal that follows. Please, give this great and important movie its proper place.
Rating:  Summary: Tom Laughlin is Billy Jack Review: Some people just don't get it. Tom Laughlin wrote the script, directed, starred, and controlled distribution for Billy Jack because no major studio wanted to support a film that exposed bigotry and prejudice in Amercian society. Laughlin staged a one man stand against the commercial capitalists who controlled the movie industry and won. Laughlin's unprecendented move to control the film's distribution rights opened the door for future independent film making to reach mass audiences. Laughlin's struggle against studio powers mirrored Billy Jack's inner angst towards violence, peace, and civil libertites. Sure the film's message of a counterculture existing in a deeply rooted, cynical, white Southern/Western community seems overbearingly blatant, but the film still stands firm as a testimony of one man challenging the morals and values that define his world. Who cares if the Indian attire used in the spirtual dance did not comform to the actual Indian dress used in such a ceremony? There have been many big budget Hollywood extravaganzas that neglected to follow proper uniform codes. Check out Tora Tora Tora and many of the medals, stripes, and,insignias used on the military uniforms are incorrect. The fight scenecs in Billy Jack, which Laughlin also coreographed, are exceptional. No film has been able to capture the realistic grace, power, and balance of martial arts evident in Billy Jack. Until Billy Jack no Hollywood film dealt with the inconsistences and racism towards Native Amercian Indians that exists in our country. If Billy Jack's message was too strong and straightforward for the Amercian public to swallow, then these critics should stay home and watch the old cowboy and Indian movies that feature the All-American hero John Wayne. I'll take Billy Jack, I mean Tom Laughlin anyday.
Rating:  Summary: Laughlin's Message is Needed More Than Ever! Review: The message of Billy Jack is needed now more than ever. Many people, confused by the fact that there were spectacular fight scenes, thought the movie hypocritical when preaching peace. Not at all. Billy Jack never solved a single problem with violence. Was he on the right side? Yes. Did the violence work? No. He got beat up for his efforts, it didn't prevent rape, or violence from others, and it ultimately ended him up in handcuffs. Do we all feel like Billy Jack? Yes. Can we see through the surface and see the message that Laughlin is trying to teach us about the inability of violence to solve problems regardless of how well intentioned? We should be able to. The message is in every one of the Billy Jack movies, and it just gets more explicit as the saga of Billy Jack continues and he begins to see his own shadow, and tries to show us how to see our own.
Rating:  Summary: Billy Jack Review: Billy Jack rocks. Here's a several truths: 1)Humanity will not all be in a state of Grace at the same time, 2)There are slimeballs all over the world who abuse innocent people, 3)Slimeballs do not connect with reasonable conversation, and 4) Slimeballs will always modify their behavior when they are consistently getting their butts handed to them. Laughlin's Billy Jack understands that there are some you reason with and some you don't and a lot of handwringing is not necessary. This has always been and always will be. Laughlin understands this aspect of human behavior which some academes do not. Humans are basic organisms, we have evolved brainpower beyond our moral capacity to handle the responsibility that comes with our abilities. There are who are enlighted and try to do their best and then there are the others who deserve the full wrath and woeful scourgings that should be but rarely are administered. Too many individual rights, but no sense of community and consideration for others. Billy Jack has the universal specific. Until mankind evolves, like the basic animal, we will always respond to pain and the anticipation of more pain and modify our behavior accordingly. Laugh if you must, but McLaughlin knows what motivates us all. And how to make people do what they know is right, but are too weak to do it alone. Most criminals know how to dominate and manipulate, if you think that can be countered by flower power, have a nice day. If you missed the point in this movie, see it again.