Rating:  Summary: "Meet the Feebles" meets "Let's Slap this on DVD and Ship!" Review: Yes, I was familiar with this film when I bought the DVD. Yes I was familiar with Peter Jackson's work. What I wasn't familiar with is the poor quality output from Dead Alive Productions! This story, which revolves around a group of sick, twisted puppets (which, of course, I like) was so poorly transferred onto DVD that I felt the urge to write my first review in here. Not only are there no added features, not only is it NOT in Widescreen format, but worst of all is that it appears they took a very (and I mean very) poor quality print of the film and just slapped it onto a dvd. It is grainy and dark; so dark that I thought I needed cataract surgury. My tape of the movie off of TV is a much better print. And they have the nerve to leech off of Peter Jackson's success with "Lord of the Rings" by advertising this fact right on the front, in the middle of the clamshell case of Meet the Feebles; which I guess would be fine if this dvd were of a higher quality. But it just smacks of being a little bit on the smarmy side. So my advice?.....wait for a clearer, brighter WS version..... or just catch it on the Independent Film Channel; where you'll actually be able to see everything in the film.
Rating:  Summary: From the Director of the Lord Of the Rings!!!!!!!!! Review: Very hard to imagian, huh? This sick and twisted muppets on acid flick is made from the werid, at lest at one point, mind of Peter Jackson.....who, happens to be the director of all THREE Lord of the Rings movie.I know what your thinking, with this on his resume along with other early greats (Bad Taste, Dead Alive, The Frighteners, and the great Heavenly Creatures) it's hard to come to relize how he got to do all three big budget movies. But anyway back to the Feebles his 2nd movie. The Feebles are a bunch of talented puppets, think The Muppets Show but extreamly messed up, who must get ready for their big show called....Meet the Feebles. The Feeble cast is a large one: Robert - An idealistic hedgehog who just joined the Feebles. Lucille - She's some sort of pooch. Heidi - The hippo, talented star of the Feebles Variety Hour show. Bletch - Walrus manager of the Feebles, he uses and abuses others. Trevor - The dirty rat, literally. Sinister assistant to Bletch he's been dealing drugs to the other puppets and making pornos in the basement. Wynyard - Frog who came back from Vietnam hooked on pretty much everything, he even has flashbacks at times. Harry - Rabbit, a famous actor who believes he is dying of a STD for most of the film. Sebastion - Gay director of the Feebles Chorus. Barry - Bulldog enforcer for Bletch. Arthur - The worm. FW - The fly, a reporter for the local tabloid out to find dirt on the Feebles. Sidney, Sandy, and Baby - Sidney is the elephant, he trains these little furball things. Sandy (a chicken) is taking him to court for child support, he denies it's his. Samantha - Slut cat who has been having an affair with Bletch Dennis - A panty sniffing anteater Cedrick and Louie - Warthog and mangy dog, both are drug suppliers. Abi - Indian contortionist. As you can see, there are a ton of chearcter's in this movie each with his or her own background story and plotline....but they all end up looking the same when it's all over. :-D This movie isn't for kids nor is it for the people who can't conrole their upchunk reflects...there are many parts that are gross and vile (the Fly eatting for one....sick) and shouldn't be watched if you can hold your own. VERY FUN STUFF though. This DVD shows the Feebles in all their glorious faishon and they have never looked better it's just too bad the audio isn't great and there are no extras on the disc; still even with the lackings...this disc is a must have.
Rating:  Summary: "Feebles" is fervent Review: Imagine a movie that quotes liberally from some of the most nefarious moments in film history: The Russian Roulette scene from "The Deer Hunter"; the toilet scene and the abundant heroin use from "Trainspotting"; the hyper-emesis from "Stand By Me" (and/or "South Park"); the carnage of "Saving Private Ryan"; the multiple male orgasms of "Happiness"; and, most disturbingly, the coprophagy of "Pink Flamingos". Imagine a movie that constantly barrages its audience with these scenes, all cranked-up and amped-up to the point of submission. Imagine that this movie is, between its more nauseous moments, terribly funny, exceedingly satirical, scabrous, morbid, dark, and witty. Now, imagine this movie as performed by the cast of the Muppet Show. You need not go through the trouble of imagining this movie. If you have already, my apologies. But if you're still up to the challenge, all you need to do is see "Meet the Feebles". Peter Jackson (and who else is shocked that he had "The Fellowship of the Ring" in him after seeing "The Feebles"?) directs with abandon and glee, allowing his camera to swoop and swerve through the Feebles backstage dressing areas like a demented fly (that's not just an empty metaphor; this movie actually has a demented fly as one of its secondary characters!). It travels between the legs of a giant hippo (and up her skirt, too!), around corners, up to the ceilings, and back down to the floor. Around every corner it finds something remarkable to watch. Over here they're filming a porno movie featuring a cow endowed with an enormous udder. Over there is a giant walrus copulating with a pussycat. But Jackson is not concerned with bad taste just for bad taste's sake. He has things to say within all the inhumanity and depravity. There's a condemnation of promiscuous sex in the post-AIDS era. A scathing portrait of the public's appetite for tabloid journalism. A scene of adultery leads to one character's self-destruction. There's a near rape, a drug buy gone horribly bad, and even a paternity case served against a blue elephant by a chicken! And, most intriguing, a Vietnam flashback sequence, brought on by the heroin-induced paranoia of a wayward frog. It is more harrowing than anything you'll see in any other war movie. It's played for laughs at times, but it's also played very stark and very real. The Feebles being the cast of a variety show, the film also has some show-stopping musical numbers. I dare you to get "Garden of Love" out of your head after the movie is over (you'll also want to get the sight of the giant Heidi the Hippo crooning it out of your head too). And then there's the song performed by stage manager Sebastian the fox. If the lyrics (from the chorus: "You must think it very odd of me / that I enjoy the act of sodomy") don't have you scurrying for cover under your seat then the production number, the sets, and the dancing (!) surely will. It's hard to believe that a man can make a movie like "Meet the Feebles", and still have enough bad taste left in him to make a film called "Bad Taste". But Jackson has. It's a carefully crafted social satire, full of verbal (listen closely for the sublime "A Passage to India" punch line) and visual wit. I consider myself pretty tolerant of bad taste, but even I found myself watching this film through my fingers. But isn't it the role of the artist to find the line of good taste, and smash it to smithereens?
Rating:  Summary: A truely beautiful masterpiece..... Review: In my opinion, Peter Jackson's "Meet The Feebles" is an example of pure genious. This film is Dark comedy at its best. Just about pitch black! This masterpiece of film is about a puppet veriety show that seems pretty kosher on tape...but behind the scenes...woah...its insane. The "grainy" state the film is shown in doesnt take away from the picture in any sense. It simply adds to the pure vile beauty of this film. if you are into sick and wierd humor like I am...you have got to see this movie!!! Enjoy...
Rating:  Summary: Peter Peter Peter! Review: Im telling you Peter Jackson is the Director for the 21st century.He is a hero for all people who disire more then a vinnila type of movie Bad taste dead alive meet the feebles are all some of the best movies ever made simply for the fact that some one had the guts literly to make them and a shout out to peter for giving the rating board here in america a headache lol Well meet the feebles made my day when i first saw it i was looking at videos at the local movie store when i wondered into the adult section lol And to my surprise i seen it i had been a big fan of jacksons for quite some time but didnt have the internet back then to find out so i brought it home poped it in the vcr and laughed as hard as i ever had from start to finish this movie was really good from the bug and cow sesion lol to rat getting to know the kitty better to miss piggy having a emberssing moment lol i can not wait for this dvd to come out i know there will be alot of cut footage and for the simple fact before the dvd i only found one place that had it for sale on tape and they wanted 40 bucks!!! so i suggest this to any one who loves dark and twisted laughs you will cry your eyes out laughing just at the fact of how deprived meet the feebles really is
Rating:  Summary: Strange and odd...but interesting Review: A friend of mine asked me to watch Peter Jacksons Meet the Feebles one day and after seeing two of his other films (Heavenly Creatures,overratted....The Frightners...Very good) I thought third time was a charm so I watched it. Then I watched it agian becouse the first time I had no idea what to make of it. After watching it a second time I must admit that as much as I wanted to hate this movie I just couldn't. The plot is simple enough. Meet the Feebles is the name of of a tv show that has plans to go national (The same as the Muppets) however any comparison to the Muppets ends when the shows production manager, a rat named Trevor, calls the show's star a hippo named Hidi, a fat slag, from there the movie just gets stranger. The charactors ars as follows, Treveo the rat who in his spare time makes porn/snuff films in the theaters basement for Bletch the barins behind the Feebles,he's a drug dealing,womenizing walrus and the love of Hidi's life. There's a Vienam Vet knife thrower who is now a hedion addict,a love sick newcommer, a deadbeat dad of an elephant, and a fox who tries to save the show by singing his famous song Sodamy (I'm not kidding). For all it's strangness the is a real likability to the movie, the charators are well devloped and the music (all original) is at time's quite good. Although Jackson will be remembered for Lord Of The Rings Meet the Feebles is one hell of a ride worth taking. One word of warning do not think just becouse it's a "puppet" movie that children have any buissiness watching this film. It is this generations Friz the Cat...
Rating:  Summary: Marvelous humor - not for the faint of heart! Review: Often described as The Muppets on Crack, "Meet the Feebles" has scathingly brilliant humor that is not for the squeamish. Quite possibly Peter Jackson's best film, it follows the antics and mishaps of an all animal act variety show in their final hours before their biggest show - and biggest disaster. Not for the faint of heart, Feebles is far from sugar coated, but undeniably hysterical.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME!!! Review: This is one delightfully twisted movie. Imagine a cross between Sesame Street and Trainspotting, throw in a dash of your favorite pornography and a splash of a musical and you have Meet The Feebles. The word genius only begins to describe the lewdness and debauchery that is this movie. If you have a penchant for the strange, and a love of the wierd, then this movie will have you falling out of your chair laughing.
Rating:  Summary: More bad than good Review: Meet The Feebles is to the Muppet Show as Mickey the Rat is to cartoons. Another way to put it is the Muppet Show on Acid. There really are some funny bits in the movie, especially the flash back scene and the end sequence. For the casual movie watch this probably ain't your thing. For peopel interested in the work of Peter Jackson or can suffer through the bad for the good, pick it up.
Rating:  Summary: Not Sesame Street Review: Meet the Feebles is a hilarious masterpiece by Peter Jackson. It is not for the prudish, but not to be missed by the irreverent.