Rating:  Summary: An excellent view of the 80's and serial killing Review: An amazing look at materialism, greed, and mental disorders, American Psycho provides great entertainment, for those more open to a kind of film strange in this time. American Psycho, based on the extremely controversial and very fun novel by Bret Easton Ellis, focuses on an overly-pampered, handsome, well-dressed, well-built 26-year-old Wall Street yuppie in New York in the 1980's. Sure, he may sound like a lot to us, but not around his peers. They all have the same things, look as good, dress as good, make the same amount of money and so on; in fact, they're so much the same that the only variation and fun they get out of their lives is competing in who has the better business card. Patrick Bateman, our "hero," cannot stand this. While he may have everything, he simply does not feel alive. His mask of sanity is about to slip. He spends his nights "living" by brutally slaugtering and torturing his co-workers, dates, and even prostitutes back at his basement. As the body count rises and the cops begin to knock on Bateman's door, Patrick slowly begins to collapse over time, until the heart-pumping final scenes and the hallucinatory ending. This is not an exit. Directed by Mary Harron (I Shot Andy Warhol), American Psycho lives up to the book while taking a MUCH funnier tone. With an excellent script also by Harron with Guinevere Turner, amazing and beautiful cinematography by Andrej Sekula (Romeo Must Die), an exceptional cast, and Bateman's extravagant, Oscar-worthy performance, American Psycho is a tour de force and a great deconstruction of the Reagan era and serial murder.
Rating:  Summary: American Psycho - psychotically funny! Hee haw. Review: This movie is a great black comedy. I reccomend to anybody. It's a little disgusting in some parts, and hilarious in others. I really liked this movie , and overall I gave it 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: American Psycho - An American Classic Review: A brilliant portrayal of Vanity in the 1980's this film takesplace in the life of Patrick bateman. a man who is living his ownamerican dream. his life includes homocide, Tanning, Going for facials, and more homocide. this is the yuppy from hell. this films is undoubtedly the best film of the year 2000. it is as sharp as an axe in every way. This film mixes Horror, Drama , An Comedy in a way no movie has successfully done before!
Rating:  Summary: Will be a classic!!! Review: This movie was so good. I saw it the day it came out and didn't get it untill about five minutes after i walked out of the theater. Even when the whole damn movie made no sence to me i still loved it because of the great directing, cinimatography, and wonderfully placed 80s pop music. It is about a young executive that basicly just sits around his office doing nothing, and getting paid millions. Now, being a young man, with all this free time, and tons of money what is a young man to do? Some might say, "get laid," "do lots of drugs," "and enjoy all the finer things in life." But Pat Baitman has done all that and is still not pleased, so he trys some more savage and less normal ways of having a good time and filling something in him witch has been burning for a very long time. You have to see this confetion of a movie that will blow your hair back and knock your socks off.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: This is a very well made film. The acting is almost flawless (Christian Bale is especially good as Patrick Bateman), the cinematography is excellent, and the art direction is amazing. The costumes portray characters from the 80's just as they are meant to. My only complaint is that the film at times realied too heavily on comedy, which brought the story away from it's main theme.
Rating:  Summary: The Book Fails Miserably In Comparison To This Masterpiece Review: The movie is a masterpiece. The book is a disturbingly sick and unrelenting piece of work. The book does, however, make a wonderful Starter Log. That's right, I set the book on fire because I hated it that much. The movie, though, was spectacular! It was very winning and original. It was very darkly funny and entertaining. That's why I didn't like the book at all. I read about half of the book and I was apalled and disgusted. It was just so different from the movie. It was sick, but not quite as much in a funny way as the movie. I saw the film first and expected the book to be as witty and funny, but it was just darkly disgusting instead of being darkly funny like the film. The film is a major accomplishment. It vastly improved on the book. This is all thanks to Mary Harron's direction, her writing along with Guinevere Turner, and the spectacular performance from the wonderful Christian Bale. I have not seen any of his other performances, but I plan on doing so now. This is a great film, that's not to be missed. So, in closing I will state this: Burn the book! Buy the movie!
Rating:  Summary: A very fun movie Review: I'm not sure if it was good that I connected to Christian Bale's character as much as I did, but well, there have been some people I would have enjoyed taking a chain saw to in my time. Loved this movie, it is a wonderfully goofy and cheesy film to watch on a rainy day with your brother, which is what I did. If you are easily offended stay away, if you like corporate 80's humor about bussiness cards and who lives in the most slammin' house, maybe you should see this movie. Just don't look for anything Oscar worthy here. But trust me on the chain saw scene, it is priceless.
Rating:  Summary: BRILLIANT AND HILARIOUS Review: As morbid as death is, and as harsh as it seems to poke fun - this movie is brilliant. It gets away with it, where I don't feel guilty laughing. The entire scene with "huey lewis and the news" as the music - cracks me up. Christian Bale is perfectly cast (so glad Leonardo did not get this role). This movie was entertaining, artistic, sarcastic, and satire. All well done.
Rating:  Summary: Step Aside Norman Bates Review: American Psycho, the controversial book by Bret Easton Ellis (Less Than Zero) has finally made it to the big screen after ten years of playing havoc with the heads of readers and feminists. As one who has read the macabre book on more than one occasion, I was curious to see how the material would be interpreted onto celluloid. Oddly enough, the book which was blasted as a pinnacle of misogynist literature, has been brought to life on screen by none other than feminist director Mary Harron, whose film credits also include I Shot Andy Warhol. The life and times of Patrick Bateman are filled with platinum credit cards, Armani suits, the latest and greatest of all material gains and a pretense so blatant, it serves as the humorous essence of this black comedy. Set against the backdrop of New Wave music, high stakes finance and lots and lots of cocaine, American Psycho captures relentlessly the hedonistic boom of the 1980's Patrick is a loathsome character of sharp wit, undermining sarcasm, great looks and most of all, a very sadistic form of expression. As he does not see himself as a human being, but merely the embodiment of two emotions, "greed and disgust", he is able to separate himself from mankind. It is perhaps for this reason, he is able to justify the murderous amusement in which he so fancifully partakes. But to be sure, the "creative" ways in which he murders women and sometimes men (if they have reservations at a swankier restaurant than him), also lends itself to becoming an avenue into the mind of a man who is desperately in need of fitting in and is sent into a flying rage when he cannot be at the top of the ladder of the materialism in which he lives. Christian Bale is perfectly cast in the title role of Bateman, and let me assure you that his performance possesses all the sinister charm and delivery of wit needed in the dialogue. With occasional breaks in the overall hilarity of his life comes the sullen and muted narration by Patrick about his innermost thoughts. His conversations with himself are the only indicators that represent what he is really thinking. The rest of the time, he engages in mindless conversation with mindless individuals whom are only interested in which restaurant to eat at that evening and who has the most toys or the best looking business card. It is by all accounts, a grim picture of grown up children playing dress up. The girls are all Barbies and the boys all want to be Lord of the Flies in a world of savagery called Park Avenue. In a world of blank faces and dull minds, where nobody knows anybody in the true sense, and nobody listens to a word anybody says, we come to understand the analogy of Bateman's need to rebel against society by taking a nailgun or a sharpened coat hanger to a woman's head. The most disturbing point of all in this film is not so much the actions of Patrick Bateman, but the fact that he remains at large in the end. There is a sharp reference to how inept our criminal justice system is when dealing with the rich and powerful. Willem Dafoe is Det. Kimball, a seemingly thorough cop who we soon realize is equally pliable when it comes to Bateman's duplicity and high society's "untouchability." When a woman at a club asks Patrick what he does for a living, he answers "murders and executions." However, the woman hears "mergers and acquisitions", and it makes this scene undoubtedly one of the best examples of how little anyone cares. Even Patrick's girlfriend Evelyn (Reese Witherspoon) is a representation of why people are together for convenience, next only to Bateman's atrocities committed behind the protective veneer of wealth. American Psycho is a fast-paced examination of our society and its need to compete for the ultimate dream. It is also a character study of a madman who is content to be disembodied to the extent of feeling only certain degrees of rage and jealousy. The other women in Bateman's world are portrayed by Samantha Mathis as Courtney, Patrick's stupefied drugfiend of a concubine and Chloe Sevigny (Boys Don't Cry/Kids) as Jean, Mr. Psycho's homely and unaware secretary, perhaps the only person in the film who's character isn't oversexed, overdrugged or blissfully detached from the rest of humankind. Patrick Bateman is vain, self-absorbed and absolutely in contempt of the entire world and its concepts. Things which are known to most people as evil and barbarous, are commonplace in the mind this man who admires his biceps in the mirror while about to mutilate two prostitutes. While he is a human being, he transcends all comprehension of abhorrence, for he comes in such an unlikely package, and his methods are unlike that of any other. Lastly, stop to consider and look for the signs that maybe all this is merely in Patrick's head. Something the book was not to indicative of.
Rating:  Summary: Watch the film. Read the book. Review: This film came close to being an all time classic but perhaps missed it by a whisker. The film did have a strong story and was necessarily violent to put over the depth of the movie. I find myself chuckling quietly in my seat as characters were being butchered. Im not sure that the film had any kind of message, which maybe let the film down. Anyone with any sense of morale should think twice about viewing, due to its very violent nature. There is really to many good parts in the film to mention, so i wont. The end of the film however was very confusing , if anyone knows what happened please email me.