Rating:  Summary: "We're gonna make a couch potato outta you!" Review: Weird Al. The first things you usually think of when you hear his name are the song titles, "Eat it", "Fat", and "Pretty Fly for a Rabbi." However, if this isn't the first thing that pops in your head, like it does mine, then you are crazier than Raul. "He's really mad now!" So when this movie comes out, get it. Now if you excuse me, I have to go home now.(CREEPY SCI-FI SOUND EFFECTS)
Rating:  Summary: It's About Time!!! Review: I can't believe it took this long to bring this movie back into production. Up until now, Weird Al fans had to buy their copy on [internet store] as this movie was out of production. I'm so glad the fans teamed up to bombard the movie studio to re-release this timeless classic. You will never forget Michael Richards first movie that ultimatly brought him to Seinfeld fame. You'll also never forget the firehose, wheel of fish and spatula city zanities featured throughout this movie. If you are a Weird Al fan, you must buy this DVD. If you aren't a fan, why are you reading this review???
Rating:  Summary: Lesbian, nazi hookers, abducted by aliens... Review: ...and forced into weightloss programs, all this week on Towntalk.And that is just one of the many, many, many funny lines that also go along with all the funny gags in this jam-packed spoof fest that contends with the likes of Brooks and the ZAZ team. Weird Al scores big here as he does in his music videos, and goes for so many topics in the media, on telivision, still in the music and movies, and it works from the first arm ripped off in the Indiana Jones imitation to the final Gone with the Wind-like kiss from Victoria Jackson. Big props go to Michael Richards in his true breakthrough performance, and is also one of those comedies that can be quoted over a decade later. A CULT COMEDY CLASSIC-FOR ALL AGES TOO!
Rating:  Summary: yoU must buy tHis Funny dvd Review: This is my favorite DVD of all time. Once you see it, you will watch it over and over again!! This DVD is hilarious. If you have ever seen the movie before, you will want to see all of the extras on the DVD, but if you have never even heard of "Weird Al", you're in for a whole new experience. The movie features a large cast of now-famous characters that are a total riot. BUY THIS DVD!
Rating:  Summary: UHF is BOSS!!!!!!!! Review: I have the honor of living where this movie was filmed. I really like it regardless of that fact. Bad, campy humor that drives awful films has nothing on this. I haven't seen the DVD yet but I can't imagine it being any less entertaining than the movie. SUPLLIES!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: finally!!!!!!!! Review: i thought this day would never come that i would see one of the funniest movies of all time on dvd! this movie never got the recognition it deserved because it got lost in the blockbuster season of '89. at least someone had the common descency to put it out were it belongs. on dvd!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Review: This film in underappreciated. I really can't comment on the DVD as it is not out yet, but it looks good so far. I really just wanted to make one simple comment: the film did not bomb because it 'didn't work.' It bombed because it was released at a bad time(if I remember correctly, it went up again Batman and another box-office bestseller which I cannot recall just now). Another aspect is marketing. Just because a film does not do well does not mean it is a bad film; and a film that does great does not a great film make. Monetary success is not a measure of artistic success, and people keep forgetting that. Even critically-acclaimed films like "Mystery Science Theater 3000"(which even Siskel and Ebert liked) did poorly. Why? Because the company that released it spent no money on advertising whatsoever. The point is, there are many factor involved in whether a movie is a success or not, the least of which is whether it works as a movie. Its success is usually based on controversy(put a lot of sex and/or violence in and people will generally flock to it), lots of explosions and action or great special effects(if i had a penny for every time I've heard "The plot [stunk], but if you just want to see good special effects..."), a famous star("stop bashing that movie! It has Bill Cosby in it, so it must be great" which I have heard before, believe it or not) or just the media ramming it down your throat. I digress. View this movie and see for yourself. I can see how some people might not like it; it has little plot admittedly, and the jokes are downright silly. But if you like that kind of thing, this movie is for you. If you like the Airplane! films or anything with Leslie Neilson, if you like Mr. Bean or Monty Python, you'll probably like this movie. Otherwise, you might or might not want to give it a shot. Personally, I thought it was a great movie and can't wait for the DVD. In a comedy, to me, plot is secondary to whether or not it makes me laugh. For those of you who want plot in your comedy, check out "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles," it is really funny and has a decent plot.
Rating:  Summary: Dreadful Review: I'm surprised they're bothering to release this film on DVD. This movie is dreadful, and that's coming from a 'Weird Al' fan. The plot isn't worth describing, because the movie is a collage of sketches, most of them juvenile and stupid. Of course, juvenile is what you expect from 'Weird Al', so that's not really the problem. The problem is that 95% of the jokes don't work. That's not just my opinion, that was the general public consensus, as the film bombed and Weird Al's career took some time to recover. There are some attempts to be satirical, but most of them are too broad to have any bite. If your idea of funny is someone getting hacked apart by Conan for turning in a library book late, perhaps this film will appeal, but for me, there was exactly one amusing gag: Spatula City -- a giant warehouse emporium full of spatulas of all sizes and varieties. I still can't get that one out of my head.
Rating:  Summary: Best DVD presentation EVER!!!!!!!! Review: I was part of a select group of people who were able to see some of the DVD's features this past weekend. Whether you are a fan of the movie or not, anyone can appreciate the amount of thought and originality that went into making this particular DVD a must-buy! Without giving away too much of the DVD's best points, I will say that the "deleted scenes" presentation was the best deleted scenes presentation I've ever seen on a DVD. The bits of the commentary track I heard were hilarious. Even the menus are funny! I highly recommend this DVD to anyone with a sense of humor. Why are you still reading this? Order it now! You won't regret it!
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Zany Comedy of the 20th Century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This highly under appreciated film goes where no movie has gone before, breaking new ground for silliness and fun. Starring Weird Al (from ...his CD's), Michael Richards (from Seinfeld), Fran Drescher (from The Nanny) and many others. Guranteed laughs! Have seen it many times! Gotta love it! If you don't buy it, "You so stupid!!!!!!!!!". Can't wait for the DVD release!!!!!!!!!!! June 4 YES!!!!!!!! Thank you MGM & Weird Al!!!