Rating:  Summary: Philippe Martine: Spicoli!!!!What a mervallous man !!! Review: Wowe!!! What a movie!The idea of a drugged in the movie was mervallous, but the idea of the life of little mongols in a city don't make me happy. Spicoli, a sozi of me .(If we talk about drug)...His mervallous stock of pipe water, pipe, paper... What a beautiful man! He's everytime buzzed at the school and he said to his teacher "Hey Dude".His teacher was a little nurds who think that everybody was buzzed. I think that the movie is like today. Sex, drugs, a beautiful world. In conclusion, this movie requered a best scenario but SPICOLI up my rate of stars.
Rating:  Summary: Boring but sometimes funny. Review: I saw this movie with my english teacher. I think that this movie is very boring but some characters of the movie make it funny. The rating that I give is medium because the story is so fast that sometimes it's hard to fallow the story. My favorite character is Jeff Spicoli (Sean Penn) because his stupidity makes his very funny. I think that the society in our times is more violent.The school in Fast Times seens less dangerous than today's school. Its a funny and divertising film. I recommend it for persons who loves comedy movies.
Rating:  Summary: A very good movie Review: I really liked this movie. I like the movie "Fast times at Ridgemont High because it's a movie who very make me laugh. My favorite character is Jeff Spicoli, because he is very funny especially when he tap his head with the Vans shoes and when he go down of the tuck and he is stone. The life in the movie is not the samething that today, because they don't worried of some sexual illness like the AIDS or some other VD. Finaly, I think that the movie "Fast time at Ridgemont High" is a very good movie and I advise this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A very good film for all kinds of people. Review: I saw the "FAST TIMES AT REDGEMONT HIGH" and i can tell you that it was prity COOL! My favorit character was JEFF SPICOLI becose he is the type of guy hou always have fun no mather wath.He is always smiling and anjoy hes life of student.The life of the 80TH (FAST TIMES..) Is not so diferent with the life of today's. The technology is bether but the people iside is the same . We (adolesent's) want to do ouer on desitions and want to have fun befor we groun up and decame ADULT'S.The emotions of adolesents from years to years are to be confronted to the problems of life and thats wath the movie is abouth. You have to see tis movie it well alwais be a very good movie TANK YOU.
Rating:  Summary: *****A tennagers spirit movie!!! Very cool dude!!!***** Review: *****Hey Dude this is a very buzzed movie! I really love it! I think I will buy it!I see it at my school.My favorites caracters are Stacy Hamilton because is a very beautiful girl with a lot of finess!! And this movie reflect today's life but not completely because they not talk about the sexual protection and today the is condom all tenagers have sexual relations wear the condom!In Fast Times they don't talk about AIDS or other Venerials Diseases and this subject is really present in teen's life.Well is a SUCCESS MOVIE !! If you have not see Fast Times at Ridgemont High go to the video club and rent it you will don't regret!!!*****
Rating:  Summary: Funny and boring Review: I see this movie in my english class.I think it's funny but sometimes it's very boring.My favourite character is Jeff Spicoli(Sean Penn).He is always late at school and is US history teacher Mr.Hand love to say bad things to him.He is funny,stupid and he go to school when he is stone.This movie is kind of old.Today,it's very different.They have lot of students who go to school with guns and knives.They steel clothes or money of the younger with their weapons.They have lot of dealer who sell drugs.In the time of the movie,he had some dealers and scalpers but it's less dangerous that today.In conclusion,this movie is funny but I never rent him at the video store to see him again.It's a movie for the person who like old comedy with sex.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic movie in general Review: This movie is the greatest I ever before last week! The things that happen in this movie seems to ring very true for this year (1982). In this fantastic movie , my favority character is surely Jeff Spicoli (Sean Penn) because he made me laugh verymuch when I saw this movie for the first time.My second best character is Stacy Hamilton, because she's beatiful! I think the movie talks a little bit about the "student life";and I think that was more funny than today's life in general.Finally, I suggest you to watch this movie when you will can.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie Review: This movie is very good.It's illharous and very funny to watch.My favorite character is Jeff Spicolli and his cool sentence:What i need in my life is tasty waves and a cool buzz.Today life it's not the same like in Fast Time but the life school is like today.The sports are not the same like today because the student don't come in big number like in this movie.In conclusion,this movie is very good and if don't see it,whatch it and you will say:It's not a waste of time to watch this movie.
Rating:  Summary: not so good !!! Review: My english teacher showed us the movie. Personnaly I didn't like it not be cause my teacher has no taste . I don't know it's just not my kind of movie. My favorit chracter is Jeff Spicoli played by Sean Penn he remind me of one of my friend. The movie is realistic be cause today tenns are almost like that but it 's a little bit exagerated, like Spicoli who always take his shirt off and takes his vans with him where ever he goes !!!! Finaly my conclusion is : this is for old people who want to be in high school again ... By the way my teacher is one of the best teacher that the world never has.
Rating:  Summary: A Unique movie Review: I love that kind of movie because it really makes me laugh.My favorite character is Jeff Spicoli because he's funny.The others characters are really doll.But today's school is very different then in the movie.In the movie the school looks very cool but in fact it's very boredom.That's a really good movie that i will never forget.