Rating:  Summary: Don't Be Shy--Buy! Review: I first saw this movie in 1971 when I was in high school. I bought it as soon as VHS was available. I've gone through several copies between viewing it myself and loaning it out to countless people. Black comedy? Sure, but also the most uplifting, nonreligious, feelgood movie I've ever come across. The passage of thirty years' changes in cars, clothes, etc., only makes it seem more camp. I really hope no one tries to remake this, can't be done. For its type, it is as close to perfect as it gets.
Rating:  Summary: harold and maude is No.1(+Soundtrack tips) Review: I can find no second place to this movie,the casting,acting,script,story,soundtrack,cinematography and that car combine to please me like no other film. Even the film stock used in that early 70's period combinded with the video reproduction give you the feeling your watching something special.Highlights include a shot of Harold and Maude visiting a grave,the camera pans back until progressivly the entire shot (encompassing miles of rolling hills)contains nothing but endless rows of identical white tombstones,also the moments when Harolds(Bud Cort) eyes meet the camera are absolutely heartstopping. To more objective matters,the car is actually a hearse cross E-Type Jaguar, And to help some other queries the otherwise unavailable songs"If you want to sing out'sing out" and "Dont be shy" are included on Cat Stevens Greatest Hits Vol.3
Rating:  Summary: No film more sublime in the world!!! Review: This has been a favourite of mine for many years. I had to buy it. It is about the imortality of youth, the mortality/morality of humanity, the frailty of relationships and life, the universe & everything!!! It is the only film I know of that I can watch in any occasion and feel something different towards every single time I view it. Never sentimental, it treats its viewer intellegently.Ruth Gordon turns in one of the most moving performances I have ever witnessed in the cinema, but it is the young Bud Cort that steals this film as the morose, palid, mousey Harold. He is an extremely gifted actor, even early in his career... it seems a shame that he is seemingly wasting himself on lesser films lately (Bud, if your reading this, the only good film I've seen you do recently was DOGMA... no offence...) Now that it is on DVD it can be introduced to a whole new generation; wether they cotton on to its "cosmic dance" is another question!!! That said, I think it would be nice to do a special edition version with interviews with the surviving cast members, especially Bud Cort.
Rating:  Summary: Dated, but still Brilliant! Review: I first saw this film in college in 1973 after a bad breakup. A friend dragged me to see it because I was so depressed. The opening scene almost caused me to leave the theater because of all the "sickos" laughing in the audience. Of course, once I got the punch line, I was laughing along with everyone else. I came away from this film completely uplifted and hopeful again, the glorious songs of Cat Stevens playing in my head. Although the clothing and hair look pretty silly today, the message has more than stood the test of time. I am a high school English teacher, and I have shown this film to my American Lit classes on several occasions. It generates some really interesting discussions about issues like the Vietnam War, age, death, love, and youthful rebellion. So many kids worry about being accepted and meeting exactly the often cruel standards of their peers. This film shows them that it's okay to be unique, to march to their own drummers, and to love people who may not meet the typical definition of "normal." It's a very joyous, hysterically funny, happy, sad film and will be one of my favorites forever. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Rating:  Summary: One of my TOP 3 Favorites! Review: Harold and Maude is just a delight to see. Somehow, the wonderful acting of Ruth Gordon and Bud Cort seem to get away with their relationship (which at the time, was QUITE a scandal!) What is so great about this show is that it was written so beautifully and sensitively. I don't know of any other movie that talks about life and death in such a sensitive, but yet lighthearted manner. My favorite scene is when Harold and Maude are in a daisy field and Maude says: "You know Harold, I'd like to come back as a sunflower most of all. They're so big and hearty. What would you like to come back as?" Harold responds by saying "One of these" (meaning one of the daisies). Maude says "How come" and he replies, "Because they're all alike." Then comes the Kleenex box when she replies "Oh no, Harold, They're not all alike! You see, some grow to the left, some to the right, some have even lost petals, all SORTS of observer able differences . . . You see, Harold, I feel that much of the world's sadness comes from someone who is this" (she picks a daisy from the field) -- "but yet ALLOWS themselves to be treated as that" (gesturing to the entire field of daisies). You can't beat this show for its marvelous acting by Ruth Gordon, especially. You will also never find another movie that can portray all of these intense subjects in such a carefree way that they seem commonplace. Get this movie and watch it several times to really enjoy it. I've seen it at least 30 times, myself and have enjoyed it more and more each time.
Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest black comedies ever made! Review: This is one of my all time favorite films and one that I watch often. I was pleased to hear that it was being released on DVD and it looks great. This movie will certainly not be for every taste but I have always found it hilarious. Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon are excellent, of course, but my favorite in the film is Vivian Pickles as Harold's mother. For fans of high camp, her performance is a treat. The dvd offers no special features, except for trailers, which is a shame. Still, this one is a must have!
Rating:  Summary: finally on DVD Review: Being a member of the unofficial Harold & Maude cult classic fan club, I was so excited when I read that the film was released on DVD. I've had the laser disc for years and was disappointed from day 1 because the quality of the recording was terrible. The full film credits were not even included, and apparently must have been lost since they don't appear on the DVD either. But that is not an issue on the DVD, since the video quality is noticeably better and with the crystal clear 5.1 audio track, it's like listening to a new Cat Stevens CD. The story is timeless, the acting magnificent, and the uplifting effect it gives me every couple of years when I revisit it never faulters. Truly one of the best movies of our time.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best. Period. Review: From the opening scene where Harold hangs himself, to one of the best endings I seen, "Harold and Maude" is wonderful. The story is about a young man who, in an attempt to get his aristocratic mother's attention, commits phony suicides. When he's not doing that, he's attending funerals, and one day he meets an elderly woman named Maude. Maude is the exact opposite of Harold, joyous, energetic, lover of life. The two become friends and form a close bond between each other. Meanwhile, Harold's mother, who is completely oblivious to who Harold is as a person, starts to find women for Harold to marry, but he scares them all away, because the person he really loves is Maude. If this plot sounds pretty off beat, it is. I would recommend this movie for fans of "The Graduate", "Rushmore" and "Bottle Rocket". This a fantastic film that everyone needs to see.
Rating:  Summary: TOP Who-Am-I film Review: Harold is a young man looking for identity despite the pitfalls of his wacky privelaged family. He finds intrigue and enlightenment in one of Life's Cheerleaders, a seasoned crusader named Maude. Through mutual interests and growing attractions, Harold and Maude become allies, lovers, but more than anything friends. Who am I? Cat Steven's music. How to snatch a philosophy that captures the happiness in life. All these things are crammed into this classic cult comedy. Treat yourself. Treat a friend.
Rating:  Summary: superb DVD production Review: A lot of great movies have been poorly digitized or otherwise transfered to DVD without sufficient care and attention, but I was pleasantl surprised by the quality of this one. They found (or restored) a very clean and clear original print of the film and then digitally captured it beautifully. The soundtrack has also been enhanced with a remix of the Cat Stevens songs to take advantage of the stereo front speakers and the subwoofer. A wonderful movie, well presented.