Rating:  Summary: Hmmm... Review: In a mood to catch up on a few flicks I've heard about but haven't yet bothered to watch, I decided to grab Cheech & Chong's first cinematic exploit, the infamous Up in Smoke ©, gave it couple good looks. I must admit it's pretty enjoyable for a start. The first half, featuring our heroes hookin' up and getting to know each other (as well as each others' suppliers), includes some of the greatest moments of non-standup substance-abuse comedy I've ever experienced! I especially enjoy Cheech & Chong's first hook-up, as Chong has his newfound partner in crime try out various-- um, substances, with hilarious results. A true watermark of stoner comedy, lemme tells ya...As for the second half, with alla' the cannabis-van shenanigans, the inept cops, and a silly battle of the bands competition-- I didn't really find it all that funny. Maybe I gotta be stoned to truly appreciate it or somethin', I don't know. What I do know is, it didn't quite grab the laughs from me like the first half of the flick did. Though I gotta admit I do get a chuckle over the irony of former nose-candy-smuggler Stacey Keach playin' the vehemently anti-cannabis, straight-arrow leader of a quartet of L.A.'s less-than-finest. Now, THAT'S a hoot! 'Late
Rating:  Summary: No Longer Cool Review: When UP IN SMOKE was first released it seemed to be a very funny movie for its type. Since then times have changed and it now has taken on a dated appearance and its slapstick humor has begun to look quite sick.
Rating:  Summary: Cheech & Chong in their prime! Review: This is Richard "Cheech" Marin and Tommy Chong in their first starring role together. This film is Cheech & Chong in their prime. There is so much to laugh at here, your tummy will hurt like a lizard's. The DVD version includes "Roach Clips" which are outtakes from the film. This has an optional commentary you can click on. After you have seen the film, watch it again with the Audio Commentary by Director Lou Adler and Cheech Marin. You'll find out alot of interesting tidbits. After this film Cheech & Chong were destined to become a success. Many of us began buying all the albums they could make. This film included has a vinyl album soundtrack released Cheech & Chong Up In Smoke. This album included much of the music soundtrack used in the film, like "Low Rider". Some of the highlight scenes in the film are also recoreded on the album too like the memorable Strothers Martin scene and the Ajax Lady scene. The next film is CHEECH & CHONG'S NEXT MOVIE (1980).
Rating:  Summary: a classic Review: watched it over and over again eventually picking out the details and seeing what was going on in the background. when? when, boy, are you going to get your act together?
Rating:  Summary: Not as funny straight! Review: This movie was a whole lot funnier when I was a stoner...if your still a stoner, then by all means buy this movie, you won't be dissapointed....the funniest part is right in the beginning of the flick when they are cruising in a car smoking the biggest fatty I have ever seen....a classic stoner scene, not to be missed.....don't even bother buying any other Cheech & Chong movie, because this one is the best, which ain't saying much!
Rating:  Summary: Admiration from ex-stoner Review: This is their funniest movie. It is so raw, and imaginative, and inspired. When I first saw Up In Smoke, I was quite a smoker myself. Now, when I watch this movie, I'm stone cold sober. And laughing just as hard. If that's not high praise, I don't know what is.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome, Hilarious, and very Seventies Review: This was life in the seventie's -- Do drugs, get in a rock n roll band, and Vietnam post war, "Don't look at the birthmark man." As for the guy from August 27th, FLOYD, Got a question for you. "How long did it take you to build that world you live in?" Your suppose to Critique the Movie, Floyd, Not your drug trip while you were trying to watch it.
Rating:  Summary: This film is extremely funny... Review: ...and very silly. As for the reviewer from august 27th, 2002...get a grip, a dictionary and some spelling lessons.
Rating:  Summary: The rallying cry of the minority!!! Review: Cheech & Chong's 'Up in Smoke' is NOT a comedy and never meant to be. It is a cry for the people, a small group of people, a minority that believes in one just and noble cause: Marijuana and Rock n Roll are the only two things in this world you can believe in. The comic portrayls of C&C and various other characters are symbolic of the world's injustices. Take for example the Mexican Van built entirely of weed. Our Heros are looking for weed, but are ironicly surrounded by thousands of pounds of so-called 'cyber-weed'. Case in point, see the trees in the forest and you may just find what you're looking for. Cheech's last minute writing of their contest winning song? They were not punk rockers, but they won. How you ask? They took punk and gave it a new approach (a brass section of all things). It worked not because they gave in and surrendered their true artistic goals, but rather accepted, turned the tables, and left everyone floored. That is the message. Conform, but in your own way. Chong hitch-hiking on the side of the road posing as a woman has deep Freudian issues that he was trying to bring to the audience. Remember his parents in the beginning scene before the credits? Bend and Stoop, Bend and Stoop boy. I have a friend with United Fruit. Chong's open rebellion didn't come from his father wanting him to be like the Finkelstein kid, it came from his mother. Chong loved his mother as he showed when he flipped her off on his way out the door. Judge Dykes (the raving, vodka swigging, authority figure) is inded THE MAN. But as a woman, THE MAN takes on a whole and frightening new side. This film was made years before Hillary Clinton's rise to power, but this movie prophisizes her coming. Sgt. 'don't know who dis is' Stadinko is the representation of commercialism taken to the extreme. Like the BackStreet Boys, and N'Sync, Sgt. Stadinko's time is short lived, but accepted by the mass public. Ten years from now who'll never know any of them ever existed at all. The bumbling, misguided record companies who force feed us 'fast food' music is expressed in the heart rendering line...."I got the munchies and you tell me to go with it?...I'LL GO WITH IT!!" Sad such a state society has become. The 'frisking of the nuns' is Cheech's way of snubbing the Catholic Church. I interpret it in this way as the student viewer. Cheech believes the Catholic Church with 2000 years of oppresion, terror, and brain-washing, Cheech believes even it, the institution itself, can be brought down by the common man,. When enough people call for a change, the change will come. Watch this scene closely. Chong's symbollic 'tossing of the joint' into the nun-wagon is the 'lighting of the fuse' so to speak. The fuse of course burns to the 'Times to Come' as reflected upon by St. John in the Book of Revelation. Cheech and Chong's religious fury burns alive after the viewer understands the symbolism. The 'lude girl' who proclaims Chong's name as 'Alex' from that point on is the Earth, Mother Earth. Dressed as a hippie and having a supply of amphetimeans, she roams the world looking for unspoiled environments in which to take root. Nature is her theme, and her blonde friend, we'll call her 'Sunshine', represents the light that Earth so desperately needs for survival. Curtis, Oh Curtis, Oh simple, elegant Curtis. His time is coming. The uniforms must all be different and he'll make it so. Those are for real diamonds, and he makes the choice cut. Watch his actions and mannerisms. It is easy who he is symbollic of. To the layman I will tell you the answer. Curtis is non other than Winston Churchill. Behold the windshield cutting scene. He draws the line, much like Churchill did against the Russian occupation of a defeated Germany. Either that or it's just a great movie to remind you of the good old days when a 'joint' and a 'hit' had nothing to do with anatomy or physical violence.
Rating:  Summary: Stoner classic (duhhhh...... man!!!!!!!!!!!!) Review: This movie is a hilarious potmovie. When you watch it, you will hear lines like, "I HOPE YER NOT DOIN' ANYTHING FOR A MONTH, MAN" this of course being a reference to taking a lot of drugs. If y