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Big Momma's House

Big Momma's House

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $13.48
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny, Funny, Funny!
Review: While some may accuse Martin Lawrence of copy-catting Eddie Murphy, they miss the point. Mr. Murphy makes it a point to tell a story about a family. Mr. Lawrence makes it a point to tell a story about an investigator. I was amazed at how well they could create a pseudo-Momma which resembled the real Momma (in the physical sense). We all know that this couldn't have happened in real life, but it can in Hollywood. This movie had a nice mix of comedy, drama and romance. Better yet, the outtakes within the Bonus Materials section really make this DVD worth buying.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The laughs do not come BIG!
Review: The problem with this so called "comedy" is that we have seen it all before. I mean it's a cross between 'Mrs. Doubtfire' and 'The Nutty Proffesor'. This is such a dull 'comedy' that only raises a few titters. The film is all too clich`e...Cop goes undercover..cop falls for pretty girl...sentimental messages sent etc...YAWN! Martin Lawrence also tries too hard to be the Eddie Murphy character and he tries so hard but it all falls flat in what I could say was the "WORST COMEDY OF 2000". The concept has been done before and done much, much better.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: "Big Momma's House" has got to be one of the funniest movies of the year. Even though the critics gave it 1 1/2 stars or something, the critics only like Julia Roberts and Gwyenth Paltrow movies! Martin Lawrence is excellent as Big Momma! Nia Long is great in this movie. I reccomend it to someone who understands "black humor". Great, great movie!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A waste of time and plastic
Review: Not only is this movie a waste of time but I would go as far as to say the plastic used to make the DVD case could have been put to better use. I laughed only once. The coffee filter breathing mask was the only real laugh I had during the whole movie. What a total waste of time. Martin Lawrence was just not funny. Maybe I missed something but it appears to me that the whole movie was made based on Martin's name and comedic potential. He totally missed the mark.

I would reccomend that you rent this movie first but I can't even do that. This is one of those movies that should be totally ignored. Even if you are a Martin Lawrence fan I think you should wait and get this one from the reduced or clearence bin.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Read Me
Review: The movie was okay. If you like The Nutty Professor and Martin you'll like this movie. When this chick's ex exscapes from prison, she moves right away to Big Momma's house, little does she know Big Momma is out of town and has been replaced with an undercover trying to get the scoop on her. The DVD contains special features such as making of the movie, deleted scenes, bloopers, and music videos.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Another Tootsie Rip-Off is OK
Review: Here we have yet another rip-off of Tootsie, this one comes in OK. This time we have Martin Lawrence as an FBI Agent posing as an overweight lady trying to solve the mystery of a young girl's involvement with a crime. Some good laughs, but doesn't come close to Mrs. Doubtfire or Tootsie. I was expecting the DVD to only have a trailer or something, but to my surprise the DVD has some good features. They include: deleted scenes with commentary, outtakes and bloopers, a documentary, feature-length director/producer commentary, 2 music videos, a makeup test, and some trailers and TV spots. If you like the Tootsie rip-offs, then you should like this movie, but if you don't dig it, stick with Mrs. Doubtfire.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Big Momma
Review: Malcolm Turner is an FBI agent who is a master of disguise. In his valiant battle against crime, he assumes a new identity-- an elderly grandmother known to all as "Big Momma".

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Worth seeing, but not a must see
Review: This movie was highly entertaining, but I would not call it hilarious.

The plot is rather simple and lacks originality. Martin Lawrence, who is an agent in the FBI, impersonates an obese grandmother in attempts to capture a robbery suspect. There isn't anything more to say about the plot.

Parts of the movie I did find hilarious. Three scenes I enjoyed was him delivering a baby while posing as the grandma, the grandma and her grandson teaming up to play a little two on two basketball with some kids, and the grandma in self defense class.

This movie reminded me a lot of Mrs. Doubtfire (if you liked that movie, you will also like this one). I definitely found the movie entertaining and is worth seeing. However, if you don't see this one, it is not the end of the world.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My gosh. this movie is SOO FUNNY!
Review: Man, Martin Lawrence is a Comical genius. I thoroughly enjoyed Blue Streak and Life, but i laughed harder in this movie than i think i ever have! The way he portrays an obese southern african american lady is so funny. The cooking is hysterical, and the romance between him and the girl is interesting. I reccomend this to anyone who could understand all of the great humor in it, even though sometimes it is crude.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Come on People, this is not funny!
Review: The summer of 2000 will be remembered for being the summer of movies that did not make us laugh. Sure there were some exceptions, but there also were two films that made us realize that unfunny comedians get paid way too much in this country. The first black eye to comedies was that of nutty professor II. a painfully unfunny film that featured an ego maniac (eddie murphy) in 6 different roles, many of them in "fat suits". come on eddie, you need a "fat suit" to get laughs. then comes Martin Lawrence. another comedian with a complex, this one not so much with his ego, but the thought that everything he does is funny to everyone. well, truth be told, you are only funny to yourself Martin. does anyone realize that someone does not need to have a funny costume on to get laughs. real comedy is made with situations and clever dialogue. comedy needs to come from those that are truly funny, not those that get paid way to much to annoy us with the same formulaic jokes that we have seen over and over again. I think i speak for many of Americans when i say that Martin and Eddie owe some of us some money for having to watch these painfully unfunny films

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